I Bought a $1500 Clean Title V12 Mercedes at Auction SIGHT UNSEEN!

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first start in the $1500 v12 Mercedes three-two-one [Music] what's going on Jer garage welcome back to the channel and welcome back to freezing cold Portland Oregon Christian what the heck are we doing here so we caught the first flight out of the Phoenix bright and early to make it up here to pick up an awesome car that we think you're really going to love our next project vehicle now let's give you guys a quick background before we pick it up it is literally on the other side of those fences over there it's about to be brought out to us so as you guys know we love our Copart project vehicles especially rs600 we had so much fun are you building that and let's just say we got a thing for cheap v12 I have a daily Copart search for v12 cars and I just refresh it every day and a week ago I saw this beautiful pristine cl600 with a clean title it looks like nothing wrong with it so I'm like oh this is gonna go for way too much money I just looked past it and said forget it but get this a week later when the sale day came up the title was assigned and everything like that it went up for a buy it now of get this $1500 that's right a clean title flagship v12 for fifteen hundred dollars zero car might be good to go we're gonna have to see it's got to be here for some reason right what could be wrong with this car and we better figure it out because we flew in one way ticket to Portland here and we are getting it back to Phoenix Arizona somehow is this probably a bad idea like what could go wrong everything so we'll explain it all when we see the car give you guys a walk around but it's got a crazy history this thing has some of the best maintenance records I have ever seen I would guess in the last 10,000 miles there's been over 10,000 dollars worth of maintenance put into this ABC power steering pump coil packs rotors adds all sorts of suspension components control arms it's unbelievable the amount of money they spent on it and now winds up here at auction for 1,500 bucks based on the service history and the few owners it seems like this car should have been sold at a showroom rather than here for a lot more money so something's up we're not sure what it is we're about to find out we're about to be united with it for the first time so right now be sure to subscribe to the channel so you can see the future updates of this car cuz I can imagine this being an awesome series and please leave a like on this video if you're excited to see what we're in for all right let's go sign the paperwork and they said they'll drive it right out so here we go all right guys just got the paperwork done they said they pulled it out somewhere over here so we are about to see it for the first time Christian what are we in for is ours it's too good to be true something's gonna be wrong we can't hit this much of a home run we've hit like four home runs in a row on Copart cars oh my gosh introducing our new 2002 Mercedes cl600 [Music] [Music] boys that love at first sight or what Chris and I are loving it so far but hey we haven't even started yet the guy who pulled it out said it runs good but he did say a check engine light was on so we're apt to see what that's all about look at this thing I'd say it's in pretty good shape this beautiful car you can tell absolutely this thing I'll shine it up oh yeah Singh is in fantastic condition so let's do a quick little walk around you'll notice these amazing AMG wheels in perfect condition they must have been recently refinished because they're too good to be true I think this face was originally silver too and their powder coat it's like titanium metallic gray so these are probably either brand-new or recently refinished the tires are near-perfect condition all the way around the brake pads and rotors are new like I said in the intro great maintenance on this I mean I'm anticipating something to go wrong because of the price and how good of a deal we got okay there should be a v12 in here hey there we go very familiar sight this is basically the coupe version of our s 600 if that makes sense it's a little bit newer it's got some different things so mechanically why it's got the same v12 same transmission we know how to do some work on this car if we need to christen how the fluids look because this car this car one weird thing we looked on the CARFAX and we did find those impeccable maintenance records but what's weird is after about two and a half years ago everything went dry there wasn't another single entry nothing the mileage II didn't even change over the past like two and a half years this thing is just been sitting so our theory is just maybe they got our replacement car and they just let it sit in the garage and just I don't know or maybe maybe again like the Corvette maybe it's like a widows car maybe the husband died who owned the car and she just didn't know what to do with it and just sent it to auction we don't know comment down below if you have any ideas that's why this clean title beauty would be here it's just looking good for 59 bucks so far let me give it a startup so you can listen to everything and how are our fluids like we're about to drive a car that hasn't been driven in nearly three years I was like this car is also equipped with the ABC suspension love it or hate it looks to be at the proper ride height so that's good okay plenty of fluid that she looks pretty good I mean they did just do the ABC pump I think that's like a $4,000 job and that was done recently so that's a huge plus well let me give us let's listen to it here we go that was beautiful oh boy a service exceeded by 730 days yeah I told you this cars been sitting for nearly three years okay so we do have a check engine light but no other warning lights and that's very promising no ABC it's idling great it started up great so that's good let's get some heat going let's get my heated seat going we got heated and cooled not cooled seats heck no okay heated seats it's got all the luxuries of the top-line Mercedes get this guys this sticker price on this car was over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars our AMG package which got you these wheels I think the front bumper is more aggressive that was like 5,500 bucks it's got the adaptive cruise control that was 3,000 something dollars whatever they call it Distronic right here so this is a big like radar that guides the cruise control so this had Tesla autopilot before Tesla was the thing the sunroof anyway it pushed the sticker price to over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars and now we got it for fifteen hundred bucks Christian do the math that's nearly one percent that's like one point something percent of the original MSRP for only seventy-nine thousand miles of driving and a clean title what planet are we living on the first stop we're gonna go to is a gas station to get fresh 93 gas because what if it's three year old gas that's causing it to run a little funky maybe that's it let's go get gas I'm freezing cold the doors we got show them the doors that's the cool thing you guys remember that from Doug demure OHS review video look at the doors how they hinge they go out you see that so check that out that's so weird to go out like six inches from the actual like sweep it says cool it visit workshop oh don't normally do this when your car is running or hot at all it's in there it's in there looks good maybe it wants a coolant change to the gas station that's our first stop and then to figure out what the check engine lights on for but stupid us didn't bring a code readers so that's lovely okay we got it is a turn if it's in like lit mode or not I mean hey hold on just a little bit lower my seat a little bit while I'm getting a nice massage don't mind me okay brakes work yeah that's good it's working it's shifting transmissions good that could have been obviously a reason for it to go to auction I felt like it mess up hands that's good this is smooth as butter you would think there would be so many flat spots on the tires after three years of sitting unless they just put those tires on I love how little pressure you have to put in this you know this is so weird I guess it's like New Jersey and they pump the gas for you Costco good detergents 92 octane premium did we guess write it on the right side awesome giant tank in the CL 600 okay thank you very much oh so quiet geez I thought it didn't even start directions in Sacramento California eight hours 56 minutes yeehaw well once we leave the city of Portland there's not many big cities along the way if something goes wrong so once again don't try this at home and also don't go to Copart calm thinking you can just like buy a car flying and drive it home like normally that's not a good idea and normally it's not even legal to do that because salvage cars can't be on the road in this case it's a clean title car we have a trip permit just be careful that like don't do this we just have cameras and can make YouTube content some goes wrong and at our expense yes yes our stupidity if something went wrong kind of a decent chance that there could be we figured we could make YouTube video out of it whereas for most people that would you know ruin their day it'll ruin our day too but it'll make for a good content thanks very good ah ha ha all right so we had a great idea before we leave civilization there's an advanced autoparts that we're passing by and should be a great idea I think they'll just read our code for free for what this check engine light is on for and maybe we can get a quart of oil while we're there and some windshield wiper fluid is low it says so is that light on line because we are planning get this to go oh you know why take the normal busy highway route when we can take the scenic route over Mount Hood giant mountainous terrain with a $1,500 car that we just bought what could go wrong right okay what is it Chris Weinke zero one three five oxygen sensor heater Bank one what so it's an o2 sensor but hopefully not even really an issue if it's just the heater wire that's most like preheat them it's for emissions oh heck yeah we could get out though so it's not even showing a coil Packer misfire oh I think there's eight eight codes wait a min oh wait camshaft position sensor uh-oh oh heck no oh I thought we'd just get off with no two sensor camshaft position sensor that's not a good one that will cause your engine to run rough oxygen sensor circuit okay Oh tear circuit bank 1 sensor 1 this was meant for peace of mind of like anticipating a little code here we get a whole page worth we cleared them hopefully not all of them come back a little concerning with those codes but it seems to be running okay so we'll just keep on truckin going over caution nice sea conditions ahead chained up and or gets so tired no zone we have neither winter tires or chains rear wheel driving back probably worse yet the front-wheel drive yes okay there is no shoulder now okay great great mom all right there's our Bowl out there's our last one oh boy hey roads one bound put beautiful [Music] all right so we made it to our first pit stop here in government Camp Oregon kind of at the base of Mount Hood and a ton of awesome skiing on here and picture to make sense with all this beautiful snow and so we're looking for maybe a thumbnail some Instagram photos [Music] stand my ground [Music] [Music] all right made it through the Scenic Byway coming up on Bend Oregon but what a beautiful view of Mount Hood wow that was definitely cool I don't think we've never been to Oregon before so it impressed so like we mentioned in the intro we're headed to Sacramento California and if you guys watching the channel you would know that is where our second black our second Ferrari 458 is the black one it's with our buddy Sergey and the crew there at vision exotics real-life exotics on YouTube and they've made great progress tomorrow we get to film all day big updates on the Ferrari four or five eight so that's probably the next video ups and stay tuned for it subscribe if you're new yay tail little update now we are kind of approaching Sacramento we're like four hours out stone it's gonna get dark in about 45 minutes one fun back we are passing by Crater Lake right now I wish we could stop we don't have enough time but Christian Christian explained to me how it's the deepest lake in the United States which is crazy so hopefully we'll stop there again in the future but Christian waiting about our amazing $1500 v12 Mercedes I am so happy with it I don't mind this longer leg at all because we're just taking back massage Tina's are good though he's on cruise control adaptive cruise control he hasn't touched the gas in like an hour Distronic works amazingly well I felt like I was driving a Tesla it is insane I can be looking off to the left if somebody breaks in front of me this thing will break just like a Tesla will impressive ride no wonder was the flagship of Mercedes in the early 2000s this car had it all and that's what you got for a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in 2002 money which I'm sure today is like hundred 360 hundred 70 grand I don't know Doug de Muro where's your magical calculator you use I'll throw it up on the screen but it was a lot of money back then and it's not a lot of money today anybody who saw this car would have snatched it up Oh we're not so glad that we saw it first the wheels I swear are worth almost $1,500 alone the only issues we have to address of course the check engine light when we get back Kristin's gonna try to pinpoint if that's that cam position sensor or if it's a Oh to sensor you know it seems like it could be both but overall turning pretty smooth it's about to go down so subscribe for news stay tuned for next video like we said 458 content it's going down you're not going to miss that and then subscribe for the video after that driving this home the last leg of nearly a thousand the mile and miles and a car that's 1,500 bucks silent Cena hasn't run in three years so far so good we're passing through some awesome town still to come it's been a beautiful drive so far we're definitely uh we're definitely gonna miss Oregon what a great experience it was I was not expecting this beautiful of a state and scenery this morning coming through it but super glad we drove the car instead of shipping it so definitely worked out well so far don't know the guys know our famous famous last words hopefully we make it back like the video if you are happy with our purchase and comment down below would you pick this car for $1,500 if you were in our position I know last time when we bought the s600 a lot of people are like you're stupid I wouldn't pay a dollar for that thing the maintenance is gonna kill you but that did not what do you guys think comment down below it's a to see what you think and that we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: JR Garage
Views: 771,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $1500 v12, mercedes cl600, crashed mercedes, budget v12, cheap v12, mercedes v12, 2002 mercedes cl600, v12 cl600, straight piped s600, s600 f1 exhaust, pagani s600, cl600, salvage auction, buying a salvage, s600 effspot, jr garage, clean title v12 mercedes
Id: 759kbMqhLSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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