First Wash in 15 Years Porsche 928. Most Disgusting Moldy Abandoned Porsche Ever!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] he's on the end he's about to shoot the shark and hooper's trying to tie the thing up i was waiting for him so i call him hooper i'm always waiting for hooper [Applause] [Music] the porsche 928 is considered a luxury grand tour made from 1978 to 1995 and has the distinction of being porsche's first front-mounted water-cooled v8 powered model this one here is a 1988-928s4 which has a 5-liter four-valve single overhead cam producing 316 horsepower and a to 50 front to rear weight distribution despite weighing roughly 3 500 pounds it's still quite agile plus it's also a manual making it highly desirable by the time we convinced the owner to let it go it was springtime and the snow had melted i met up with the boys from north american motor car to load up the 928 after signing some paperwork as namc would be the new owners of the car after i get it all cleaned up thank you so much appreciate it [Music] [Music] once inside and under the studio lights you can see that this thing is a total mess i mean it's covered in mold moss leaves dirt and lots of black stuff covering pretty much every seam and crevice on the car the first thing i needed to do because of the level of dirt was to raise the temperature of my pressure washer water to 120 degrees i checked the inline meter to be a hundred percent sure and then i went to town so for step number one enjoy the most soothing power washing session i've ever done the before and after is shocking [Music] next i opened the hood and blew out the acorns and mice nets out of every pocket before ted starts the repair in a few weeks you guys remember ted he can fix anything including a 91 year old doodlebug that was sitting in the woods for years before it started up and i drove it out now click the link above if you haven't seen the video absolutely amazing transformation anyhow you can see that the mice were living on top of the manifold so we had a little bit of work to do down below now check this out now i found one of the many homes in this car i'm sure to find but this one's pretty interesting if you look here clearly they've been living right here you see the brownness that's you know pee poo that kind of thing but at the same time it's sort of like they're having a snack while they're in bed if you look up here when the hood comes down obviously those two areas cover here so they're probably hanging out here looking up munching on a little bit of the cushion i think that's pretty interesting i am sure to find more homes next up i wanted to see what the undercarriage looked like if the top of the engine looked pretty bad i can only imagine what underneath looked like but first i unlocked the lug nuts with the porsche key so that i could loosen the bolts for later wheel removal then i mixed boost brute and titan in the foamer to help release as much as i could during the 20 minute dwell time obviously the goal here is just to let the cleaner do its work while i finish removing the wheels and then of course lifting the car to its full height to clean and inspect the underside [Music] all right so i just lifted up the car and i'm whipping down some food taking a little snack break here and i have a big light back there you can see so we can see underneath the you know underneath here if you can see right over here i'm gonna turn the camera around so you can see it there is let's see if i can zoom in here there is a ton of yellow spots do you see them right there that is urine the urine is dripping down because i can smell it but that's not grease that is urine from the top so that means i have to take this whole piece off here and bring it down and we are going to find some interesting things but anyways whiffing down some food i was like uh i smell urine what is that and then sure enough came over here urine drips this is absolutely disgusting in this process to get a little bit more access to the underside of the engine i removed the front plastics revealing a bunch more leaves a few critter homes and a renewed smell of urine it's all urine my first step here is just to douse it with titan degreaser then let it soak in for a few minutes and then afterwards hit it with brute wheel soap out of the foamer my goal is obviously just to make it a little bit safer a little bit cleaner and i guess less annoying to work on if you were a mechanic like ted [Music] that is officially disgusting after my big scrub down i rinsed once again and covered my floors in years of trapped dirt grease leaves and whatever this is i think a squirrel probably carried it up into the suspension but it was pretty wild to see this stuck there [Music] after a quick blowout with the compressor the undercarriage wasn't pebble beach ready but at the same time you wouldn't be covered in urine either so i considered it a win with the car now down i repeated the same steps on the top side and the engine lots of foam lots of agitation with the microfiber towels straight edge seam brushes and round emblem brushes just to lift the years of mold and dirt [Music] afterwards i cleaned the oily under tray with degreaser than the wheels on the wheel stand now take a closer look at the wheels themselves they're completely shot and in need of a refinish but i gave them a quick clean and they came back better than i expected once everything was washed rinsed and dried there was a bunch of stubborn mold areas sort of embedded in the surface of the paint that couldn't be removed with basic agitation all right now check this out this is a concept called pinching what happens is the paint heats up and contracts heats up and contracts a thousand times over its lifetime this one in particular has been sitting outside for 10 years and if it's outside it's really going to be really hot really cold really hot really cold what does that mean what happens is you can see here i can't get the rest of this mold off i've washed it i've scrubbed it i've hit it with degree i've done everything i possibly can it's not releasing it so then i called kevin and we talked about this concept called pinching when it heats up and the dirt is on it it falls down and then of course as it cools down and it does this process a hundred times the dirt sort of falls deeper and deeper into the paint metaphorically speaking so what we need to do in this case is to heat it up to be able to open up those pores where the dirt's underneath you open up those pores then i can go in there with a towel and kind of easily clean it so i said okay let's let's test this process in this case i'm taking the steamer right steam it up you hit a little spot now i've just look at that it's a thousand times easier to clean why because i just opened up those pores just like on your skin as soon as you open them up boom you can clean it with a microfiber towel pulls it right off easy breezy i want to do this now so that when i'm compounding later all that residue doesn't get stuck on the pad so keep that in mind [Music] with most of the exterior mold gone now i focused on the interior mold step one is to remove everything from the inside and do a little bit of investigation while i do my initial vacuum although it's dirty and definitely moldy it's actually not in horrible shape meaning physically it feels good which is really great news for the new home [Music] that's where i lost my teeth my specific technique on this interior was to first quickly heat up the seat with steam spray lather then agitate with my interior dual density small brush and then simply scoop it up with a microfiber towel as you can see i didn't use the steam and the lather together because the seats were just not as bad as the oily gmc truck that required more strength to clean it my point is this use only what is needed and no more less is more during a preservation detail when i was done i followed up with compressed air to speed up the drying process and to remove any last remaining bits that i may have dislodged during the cleaning the passenger side rear cushion was worse than all the others so i removed it and put it on the workbench so i could clean it a little bit better i repeated the same steps on the rest of the interior the doors and the door jams which were a complete mess [Music] [Music] now check this out the 928 door sill sign had a bunch of brown junk stuck in all the edges so i lifted it gently by hand and used the pressure from the steamer to flush out all the debris you can also see that the plastic clearly broke years ago but at least it looks a thousand times cleaner than it did before i repeated the same steps on the door and the passenger side seat as well [Music] woof [Applause] now the trunk was a different story altogether i couldn't just blast it with a power washer so i had to use the aerator and frothy anti-salt to sort of spray it on there and then scoop up the dirt and mold without soaking all the sensitive parts with water in the trunk [Music] afterwards just to kill a little bit of time i re-scrub the calipers and suspension and need a little bit more work until my latest version of the steam vac arrived in the mail to steam clean the carpets and of course the floor mats that i'd previously removed from the car [Music] with the car now cleaned but not polished i reinstalled the wheels because outside i finally received my dr goop floor product in the mail so me and the team from dr goop pushed the car outside to redo the floor for the fourth time yes you heard that correctly if you haven't been keeping up with my floor debacle it's been a soap opera to say the very least but the failures that have happened over the past couple of weeks have been absolutely astonishing so to make a very long story short the builders failed to put rebar in the concrete the original time they ported so when i drove on the floor it went up and down like a waterbed as you can see in these pictures the chunks of concrete that they cut up afterwards had no rebar through it so it's sort of like pouring concrete on dirt in an open field it has nothing to secure itself to i cannot make this up so this time they installed reedbar they poured concrete and afterwards i called dr goop himself to make sure my floor covering would be perfect this one last time i'll have a full video coming soon on the studio channel if you want to see the step-by-step process for your garage floor but here is a week or so of work in 30 seconds first we taped off my cabinets and installed thick cardboard to protect the finish as round two of the previous floors installation dinged indented my cabinets in the process which was not good as i mentioned this is actually a diy product but because my floors are such a disaster with so many different layers that needed to be scraped up i just called in the professionals to show me the step-by-step process first i scraped up the little bits of clear bra that were stuck to the ground over the past few weeks of doing jobs then i pulled up the old coating which is a lot more annoying than it looks before sanding all the cracks with a polisher scraping the floor again chasing the cracks with yet another saw making stress relief cuts on each lift opening with my trusty broom handle then vacuuming and sweeping like there's no tomorrow oh yeah then we scraped again and vacuumed again before mixing dr goop's special juice filling the cracks by hand rolling the moisture tolerant primer across the entire garage then mixed up the metallic gray with the drill and rolled it on the floor as the base color then the top coat is added for slip resistance and an amazing design with the squeegee when done my floors look like a mural and they're incredibly strong i'll have a lot more information on the studio channel and my specific colors and info are in the description below a week or so later i pulled the 928 back inside and started the paint polishing process with a mcguire's red foam pad the before and after is absolutely huge on both the paint and the pad [Music] foreign [Music] run [Music] so [Music] okay when you apply compound to your pad this is an exorbitant amount there's way too much right for normal polishing but in this case because there's so much residue coming off it has to be filled somewhere obviously the combination of the pad and the liquid in this case compound there has to be enough of that to hold on to it sort of like if you're plowing your driveway the plow can only push so much so what you need to do is either take smaller bites of the driveway or get a bigger plow in this case i put more liquids so i'm making it a bigger plow so that i can push more residue hopefully that makes sense but we're going along here this takes forever but it's just sort of i mean look at me i'm covered in this stuff but it's looking a thousand i mean that looks like brand new paint bag there so uh pretty excited [Music] on the roof the steam could only lift so much of the mold and dirt so i needed to add even more heat plus mechanical agitation with the red pad now the downside is that your pad is going to fill up with residue faster and likely be required to be replaced faster so keep that in mind if you use this technique now here's where it gets super interesting after the mold or tree sap is removed you can see the pinching i mentioned earlier under magnification look at the divots that were created over time now we just cleaned out those divots with the red pad but to remove those divots or the valleys we call them you're gonna have to level or sand the paint now because the paint is old and because it's very thin i'm not going to do that here afterwards because of the amount of residue and dirt from the compounding process i had to quickly rewash the car to clean the gobs of dead paint residue off the surface [Music] once everything was dry i touched up the paint with my needle and syringe and made an easily avoidable mistake okay i'm behind the camera i've been touching up a little bit of the areas here not a big deal but using the syringe and the needle and what i did was i forgot to smack it you know click it with like this and then squirt out a little bit to get the air out and when you do that or let me say you don't do that you make a silly mistake like this you can see those little tiny air bubbles in there easy enough where i can just go in and wipe this off and start over but it was a little bit of a dumb mistake i should have slowed down a little bit and tapped it squirted a little bit out release the air and you're good to go so make sure you keep that in mind [Music] finally i did one last vacuum and installed the carpets matt's rear seat that needed a little bit more love owner's manual and other valuables before adding mousse moisturizer to the seats and trim all right buddy then you can stop we're done we're done princess all done princess all done to be super clear this is not to add shine although it will have gloss during the application process this is to add moisture and protection to a dry or weathered surface now after a few minutes remove the excess material and the surface will return to a matte finish on the paint i added reflex pro to protect the surface now that i've removed the dead layer of skin which actually looked pretty terrible but at the same time it did protect the good paint underneath it sort of like a windbreaker so adding protection once you remove this old windbreaker is an important step to minimizing future oxidation with the pickup day coming tomorrow i added mud dressing to the trim and tires and cleaned the glass with obey and a squeegee before the flatbed arrived well guys we're done with the 928 and the thing looks absolutely amazing believe it or not it's actually white underneath all the green mold and the black the sap i don't even know what was on the card but once you got underneath all of that it actually looks spectacular and the paint is really high quality so i love these single stage paints i do believe 928's are going to be coming back popular because i mean look at this thing it's absolutely amazing again the wheels are roached out as you can see and back here just take a look at that i brought in the 964 d90s design 90s and i wanted to try it on it didn't look all that great but i'm sort of kind of falling in love with this car and tweaking it like man what would the tins look like let's change the wheels around that's that's the exciting part about finding these cars and sort of bringing them back somebody texted me on instagram and said it's the larry look back meeting because i'm constantly looking back at the car when you walk away so i thought that was kind of clever on that note because i do think these are coming back strong this car is owned by north american motor car i'll put the link down below it is for sale um but i'm sure people are like freaking out already and texting me so a huge privilege of mine to be able to do a car like this find it and bring it back to life and hopefully put it back on the road with the new owner that's a big deal for me so very exciting episode as always guys thanks for watching and i'll talk to you very soon oh hell yeah oh my god amazing hey guys i want to give you a quick update on the car detailing simulator it looks absolutely spectacular especially with the all new ammo studio and supercar downloadable content that will be available by april 2022 on steam make sure you click the link in the description to start playing you
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 2,361,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car detailing, Detailing, AMMO NYC, car cleaning, cleaning, detail, polishing, how to polish, how to clean, complete disaster, first wash in 44 years, first wash in 20 years, first wash, first wash in years, dirtiest car detail, first wash in, dirtiest car ever, interior car cleaning, Larry Kosilla, First Wash in 15 years, porsche 928 s4, porsche 928 exhaust, barn find, deep cleaning, barn find restoration, deep cleaning car, steam clean car seats, most disgusting car detail
Id: -fXPx9Zuu4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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