52 hrs on Amtrak Sleeper Train - Chicago to San Francisco

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today i'm riding this sleeper train for 52 hours across america i'm gonna show you exactly what it's like to live on this train from economy to first class to how you shower what food you get and what it's like to sleep on board there's even a separate viewing car to enjoy one of the world's most epic railway journeys from cities to mountains to deserts let's pick up my story at the beginning of this mammoth trip in chicago illinois we're going to be trying out a really really long train today i'm running very late it's only half an hour until it leaves typical me let's head over there now oh and before we begin i just want to thank squarespace for sponsoring this week's video right let's go catch a train this is union station amtrak's midwest hub this iconic building opened in 1925. i feel it's a fitting start to our two and a half thousand mile journey unfortunately the amtrak ticketing office is in a far less romantic part of the station this 1990s refit you can also check a bag here just like at an airport but for me as usual i only have carry-on i've also got lounge access something which you probably didn't realize happens when it comes to trains i didn't realize so what exactly do you get in a premium train lounge [Music] well it's no delta sky club but it's enough to quench your thirst prior to getting on board talking of which i make it boarding time for our train today the aptly named california zephyr i appear to have joined the very end of the california zephyr conga we're escorted as a group to our corresponding platform it really does feel like the beginning of a huge adventure the fact i'm going to be continuously moving across the country for the next three days all the way over to sunny california meanwhile however about minus 10 here at the minute i tell you what though the sheer scale of these trains really blows my mind double decker carriages continuing as far as i can see what have i let myself in for i think we've found the one that i'm in it's five three two after having my tickets checked i'm ushered on board welcome to my new home for the next three days this superliner carriage is over two levels i'm heading up to roomet9 but for clarity here's a seat map of my carriage there are seven bedrooms and 14 rounds and yes before you ask we'll be looking at them all in detail in just a second oh well here we go number nine right let me get settled in and i'm going to show you all around we've got plenty of time to do that remember because this is my home now for 52 hours it's not long before we slowly trundle out of union station and within a few minutes we emerge from our underground world revealing a beautiful brisk chicago afternoon now is the perfect time to share with you the first leg of this epic voyage it's 2 30 now and we'll travel relentlessly for the next 1 000 miles across three states reaching our first refuelling stop tomorrow morning in denver colorado right so we're now properly on our way and i think what's so exciting is that already we are in the suburbs of chicago within literally a few minutes now i know that sounds very obvious of course but i just i haven't really comprehended the scale of this trip today as we glide through the snowy countryside let's take a look around my cabin otherwise known as a roomette this is a room designed for two people however i've got to be honest i would say it's much more comfortable for one person and you'd probably be better off getting one of the individual rooms which i'll show you shortly if you're traveling as a couple but more on that in a minute first of all what is this actually like you've got here your tray table and that folds out as so you can see very lightly that there is like a checkers board um i've just used it to work on of course you've got the the pillows provided your bedding is all up in the upper bunk which we'll take a proper look at a bit later and uh yes i will be embarrassing myself getting in the top bunk i'll be sleeping on the bottom seat and this just folds out really into into a bed in terms of other things that we've got going on here you've got your controls so there is a power point which is really useful there is only one unfortunately so it might be worth bringing a multi adapter also you can adjust the cooling of your cabin here moving over um on the other side is actually a little bit different you've got a cool bell for your attendant and then a light here now this here goes to your uh that turns it into a blue light which is your night light and then this here turns it all the main lights on you've obviously got curtains that go across blackout curtains and you've also got a little closet i wasn't too sure on the cleanliness of this in here so i didn't put anything in here you got some hand towels but the other towels are actually downstairs in the shower the only other thing that i would wanted to mention as well you've got privacy curtains they go across and they velcro in they completely black out which is nice [Music] we've been going around 45 minutes now and i've just heard the announcement on the tannoy and basically so this is the menu um that i can choose from which is phenomenal by the way obviously i haven't tasted the food yet so it might be terrible but basically someone's gonna come along take my order and also um have me booked in for a sitting so basically what happens is you choose two times one is 5 30. the other is 6 45 i believe now it's communal dining as well so i'm gonna have to try and make some friends it's worth noting at this point all meals are included on board along with one alcoholic drink with your dinner and unlimited soft drinks there is also a cafe on board should you be hungry in between meals i'll show you this a little bit later on right so it is now time to get off what they call a smoke breaker so welcome to galesburg it's nice to get some fresh air this is the thing about this trip is i am continuously on this train for the next well now it will be 50 hours they've given us specific instructions not to uh wander too far away from the train because of course it will go without us which i definitely don't want to do because all my stuff's on board basically they have these intermittently throughout the trip these smoke stops it's just nice to go out a bit fresh air because being cooped up on a train for the amount of time that we're going to be is uh it's just going to be quite hard to get used to i think it's cool really wide angle as well so you get everything [Music] they're not wrong when they say that is a short stop can you imagine being over there and realizing crap i could get on the train and it's going to work [Music] that is the last stop in illinois next state and a new state for me iowa we're gonna cross the mississippi in a minute as well that's the state uh state line that's gonna be pretty cool hoping it stays light just enough to go through there and then it's gonna get uh it's gonna get dark cause obviously it's the middle of winter now so well you can obviously guess that because of the snow as we sail through the snowy countryside let's go and explore the other sleeping quarters namely the bedroom significantly wider and more spacious than the roumette there's a sink and vanity mirror as you enter once inside you'll note a comfy armchair and sofa the sofa actually converts to a bed and you'll be able to fold down your other bed from above the real benefit of this room is it's ensuite unlike my roulette and it's complete with a proper shower yeah pretty cool i mean they are significantly more expensive than what i have paid for mine if you're traveling as a solo traveler it's probably best to go for what i've gone for the roommate if you're the couple it's definitely a better option i feel so we're about to cross the mississippi and into iowa which is a completely new state for me [Music] right then just before we head to the dining car for dinner here's a quick word from today's video sponsor squarespace squarespace make it super easy for you to set up and host a website and no you don't have to know complicated coding squarespace really have this down handling it all from your domain name through to the design hosting social media linking and even your search engine optimization the best bit is squarespace offering you a free trial and 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain just head over to squarespace.com forward slash track trendy and use the coupon code track trendy thanks again squarespace for making this video possible well i'm not sure about you but i'm starved let's go try amtrak dining together the dining cart is located adjacent to the last sleeper car on the upper level i'm disappointed to find i'm not seated next to a new friend apparently due to how quiet the train is solo dining is encouraged due to um covered let's get stuck into this menu then bear in mind i'd already ordered my starter just as we left chicago and this promptly arrives at my table the green chili cheese tamale now me being a total muppet i tried to bite into the corn massa oops one cheapish adjustment later to a knife and fork and it's back to our regular program it was spicy and um cheesy but enjoyable next up i opt for the tortellini with pesto cream cooked al dente this tastes wonderful and a far cry from the food i saw amtrak rolling out during the height of the pandemic now for my highlight the chocolate taut this was incredible chocolaty and gooey certainly satisfying my sweet tooth dinner out the way it's time to get my head down though firstly we'll take a quick pit stop for a lu review on my way to my room at so in true trendy fashion we have to do a lu review so this is one of the roomette loo's now they're not on suite but this is basically what you get um it's very similar to a airline bathroom there are some toilet seat covers that's a good touch i'm quite sure about that but yeah as far as lose go on trains [Music] we actually get an extra hour in bed as well because of the time difference going over into uh colorado but i have to say it's been a pretty tiring long day today and i think getting a super early night is probably a good show thanks for joining so far looking forward to tomorrow where the real excitement begins where we're going to be going through the rocky mountains but anyway well i said goodnight guys and i'll catch you in the morning the next day [Music] morning all it's time for a shower and this is definitely not as straightforward as you may think whilst on board a train that's absolutely typical so i've come down here because the train's not moving and the trains just start moving as soon as i get in here this is going to be interesting right then i haven't really done any shower review what do we have going on here nice big mirror obviously got my lufthansa first class amenity kit because that's what everyone has on amtrak obviously um and they've got some soap and there's a relative amount of room in here to be fair because you've got towels and then through here we have the shower itself so it's going to be interesting because obviously on a moving train um but yeah that's really this is what we call [Music] i will not be using all of those [Music] well there we have it um very impressed actually um i think i chose my time right whilst the train did start moving a little thankfully we've stopped again so it meant that i actually had a pretty normal shower back to my room and it's time to get ready for our arrival into denver let's get those tim's back on and wrap up warmly denver is also known as the mile high city and it's cold denver is also quite a unique stopping point as the train has to reverse into the station though as it's for refuelling this will mark our longest stop of the trip so certainly time to get out and explore a little crikey it is chilly i actually have now one hour basically i am not going to be spending too long at the station because i don't want to risk leaving all of my stuff on board and in the train leaving without me denver union station originally opened in 1881 but after being destroyed and rebuilt several times over the years its most recent refurbishment in 2014 transformed the building into a hotel multiple restaurants train hall and what we're after the coffee shop anyway coffee and blueberry muffin secured now i'm going to head straight back home train [Music] there we have it we are now leaving denver been nice to get out and stretch my legs but i'm also very excited because now we're heading into the rocky mountains and it's a chance for me to see somewhere i've never been i mean again i've actually never been to colorado before so it's a completely new state in itself as we're coming out you can see literally a ton of freight trains and that's something to note as well that one of the reasons why amtrak is notoriously always so delayed is because on the tracks the priority is given to freight because right the freight companies own the railways in the us that's basically how it works the day two of our journey after heading through the rocky mountains will follow the colorado river into utah across the salt flats and ending up in reno nevada tomorrow morning [Music] now that we're on the trail to the rocky mountains i think it's a perfect time to go and explore the observation car without me falling over because it is incredibly challenging to walk when you're going around corners the observation car is located past the dining car towards the rear of the train both coach and sleeper service passengers can access this so it does get pretty crowded especially when going through the rockies [Music] this section of the journey is like a dream every corner you round every tunnel and there are many that you go through it's the gift that just keeps on giving i really encourage you to experience this amazing journey for yourself we're about to pass through one of the most significant engineering marvels of this railroad the mother tunnel it was opened in 1928 providing finally a western link through the continental divide taking five years to complete it shortens the distance between denver and the pacific coast by almost 300 kilometers all right folks we are about to enter the mapping tunnel at this time please remain in the car you are currently in as this is a mandatory safety announcement strictly enforced by all crew members it will take 10 minutes to get through the tunnel 6.2 miles long [Music] a few minutes later all right folks we are now excavating the muppet [Music] front of the train [Music] back inside crikey that was very very cold but very very beautiful did you know that fraser winter park station is america's highest at a staggering eight and a half thousand feet above sea level well i'm not sure about you but all this travel is making me hungry what's lunch like on amtrak as with my other meals there are several sittings but this is unreserved so it's first come first serve unfortunately i'm still not able to partake in communal dining which is no hardship given the views offer some of the best i've ever had with my lunch every time i glance up and out the window there's new sights and promise of the moose on the loose amtrak's words not mine my mane is here the angus burger served with a side of terror chips or crisps to my british folk the burger was succulent and full of flavour a far cry from the infamous meatballs jeb brooke spoke of last year after the most scenic burger of my life i'm delighted to find dessert is offered the philadelphia cheesecake jumped out at me from the menu and my what a decision up there of one of the best i've ever had top work amtrak feeling full it's time to head back to my room at i continue to be in awe of the scenery as we pass through glenwood canyon it's not long before we're closing in on our next stop where legend states the teddy bear originated glenwood springs all right let's go take a look this is the next smoke stop all right and don't forget this is what i still can't get my head around is the amount of different places that you see on this journey you know considering that this morning i woke up in denver and then of course now i am basically well the other side of the state um in the mountains now i stopped here for six minutes so i don't know why i'm walking so far away from the train because uh if i continue this way i'm gonna get left here which isn't gonna be particularly great i'm also trying to upload a youtube video fingers crossed what [Music] you know what there is something to be said about traveling by rail i know that i'm an aviation guy and i always will be but to experience this has been so special and it's been silly things like being disconnected and things going being a bit more of a slower pace and i have to say i definitely do it again [Music] in what seems like no time at all we make it over to our second longest smoke stop of the trip and our last alignment in colorado it's grand junction [Music] i just wanted to this is probably massively risky they do warn you try to have a quick look out here it's so surreal just getting off and walking into a random town not wanting to push my luck too much let's check out the station shop presumably set up for the daily california zephyr stops it's a great opportunity to buy things you can't get on the train and for that reason it's very popular [Music] right let's get back on board given that we're heading into utah and ruby canyon will drop over to the observation car for golden hour through yet more spectacular scenery as we're here i'll show you downstairs of this carriage where the cafe is located this is where coach passengers can get their food as it's not inclusive or where you can pick up snacks in between meals back upstairs it's got busier as we cross the state line into utah with the sun going down you can already note yet another change in scenery an almost martian landscape and just like that it's dinner time my reservation tonight is for the same 6 45 sitting so what have i chosen i'll start with the mixed green salad with baby brie it wasn't anything special if i'm honest but that's fine as it's what's next i care about of course it's the famous amtrak signature steak i've saved this for my last dinner on board so how does it taste it tasted fab and what's more it's cooked to your preference mine being medium rare now i had to choose the tour to gain for dessert it's certainly a crowd pleaser as everyone seems to be ordering the same this evening with that i think we'll call it a night i'll head by the bathroom to brush my teeth before settling into my room at right i think it's that time i say that time it's uh you're gonna laugh at this 8pm so with that i bowed you good night and i'll see you nice and early in the morning i think we'll be in nevada in the morning yeah i think we'll be in nevada going through the desert god this train life is bizarre isn't it [Music] the next day well good morning it is 5 30 in the morning very early after a quick morning shower and change of clothes let's head to the observation car for a spot of work i do need my caffeine hit beforehand though so it's worth mentioning that coffee is provided throughout the day in each sleeper car it's really needed this morning as i had quite a broken sleep due to a late night stop in salt lake city after an hour or so of catching up on work it's time for the sunrise and what better vantage point to have from a moving train across the nevadan desert this reminds me welcome to the beautiful state of nevada and with it our last day on the rails that said we still have quite the way to go today including one of the route highlights across the sierra nevada's as i grabbed a coffee in denver yesterday i missed out on brekkie don't worry i'm not missing it today as that turned out to be quite the regret due to the delicious offering this morning what have i chosen well i've gone for the french toast of course along with berries and maple syrup certainly not the healthiest but wow what a treat after wishing i'd worn trackies to breakfast let's bring my coffee back to my roumette we're not far from our first stop this morning mini las vegas aka reno [Music] which marks almost the last state we're going to be going into california next little smoke stop but as with all these stops they're very very brief enough chance to go and stretch your legs so far the front of the train is so far from where we are there's two engines the baggage cartridges to it and then another sleeping car before you get to me but i do not want to be missing this probably best not to push it that fire next time so the drama is over let's get settled in for our ride through the sierra nevada's it's about to get a whole lot more scenic once again as we continue our journey up the truckee river we enter our last date of the trip california and with it one of the most idyllic and cute cities of the trip truckee [Music] as we proceed further into the sierra nevada's we continue up what's called the donna pass and this is named after the ill-fated donna party of 1846 who were trapped on the east side of the mountains for the entire winter unfortunately only 45 of the original 81 actually made it safely across the pass it's quite the grim tale but shows just how treacherous these pioneer routes really were reading this while sat in a cozy room drinking a coffee and listening to drake it's certainly very hard to appreciate what it's actually like outside the train as we continue through the sierra nevada's i fancy a different perspective so let's drop over to the observation car it's far less busy than back in the rockies so getting a seat is easy there's something really surreal to me passing a ski resort at 7 000 feet above sea level on a train now i promised earlier we take a look at coach class so let's head there now located behind the observation car it's laid out in a 2-2 configuration similar to airline regional business class whilst certainly comfortable for a few hours i'm definitely not hardcore enough to endure 52 hours in one of these bear in mind you don't get access to the dining car or indeed the showers at any point throughout the trip we emerge from the mountains nearing sacramento which will be our final smoke stop of the journey best go stretch those legs well there we go welcome to sacramento last stop last smoke break before getting over to san francisco i tell you what's most surreal is the contrast in temperatures throughout this trip now i'm actually too hot in this jumper now it's probably about 18 degrees given that we've started in chicago and have gone through places where it's been well into the minuses anyway that said let's head back on board one last bit to complete this 52-hour mammoth journey across the usa [Music] as we near our final miles of the journey i joked earlier about me attempting to get in the top bunk well here it is in all its glory now i'm fully aware this isn't going to be the most flattering thing in the world so the question is could i sleep up here it's certainly firmer than the mattress down there there is a netting i don't know where the netting is but there's meant to be a netting that goes just along here to prevent you from falling out um could i sleep up here yes i could it's a narrower bed but i could do it [Music] so it is welcome to san francisco what an epic ride that has been across almost the entirety of the united states what i've seen what i've experienced and i'm so glad i was able to take you guys virtually along with me do let me know what you thought down in the comments below with that said i'm going to get some rest on a bed that isn't moving at 70 miles an hour thanks very much guys and i'll catch you all again very soon [Music] thanks once again to squarespace for sponsoring today's video head to squarespace.com for free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com forward slash track trendy to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain you
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 14,076,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak sleeper, california zephyr, california zephyr amtrak train, 52 hours on a train, amtrak superliner, california zephyr bedroom, california zephyr roomette, sierra nevada, california zephyr chicago to san francisco, train travel, amtrak sleeper train
Id: kAjPp4RXXqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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