I Bought 8 Storage Units for $2350! - Storage Auction Video (Part 1)

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what's going on everybody resale rabbit here today well I should say tomorrow we're going to the storage auction it's gonna be this video but for me as I'm filming it's tomorrow so there are 20 units for sale this storage facility has not done an auction in a long time I think February was their last one is now end of August so I'm going friend of mine who also buy storage units he is going and weren't taunting each other back and forth I just pulled $4,000 out I'm ready to spend some money I told me better pony up if he wants any units it's funny I haven't been buying many storage units lately so everyone always says the price when it got cheaper when I left because I usually buy most of them so this should be interesting I'm curious to see what the quality looks like there's also another I want to say 12 the next day same company but a managed walk which is 45 minutes to an hour away I don't know if I'm going to that one it all just kind of depends and how much I buy tomorrow in this video so we will find out but without any further ado let's jump to tomorrow and you can see what we get so I'm at Menards I'm here to save big money looking for locks you're not from the Midwest Menards is a hardware store very similar to Lowe's or the Home Depot I would say it's closer to Lowe's they've got all kinds of stuff look at this right here right here this is why Menards is the best they have fruit roll-ups so very limited selection I was hoping to get this type of lock I was hoping that was like a five pack for 50 bucks or something there's a two pack for 22 that's I'm spending a lot of money here I'm thinking maybe something like this get three of these so I went with these the only three packs so six locks which will give me a 14 total I'm gonna try and use mine first and return these if I don't use them because it's not quite what I wanted I was hoping something a little better than this and I was hoping I'd have all on one key so total cost was 77 and some change they are running the 11 percent rebate which means everything in the store need a mail-in rebate for 11 percent off they do that periodically so that will be while I gave bucks hopefully well I shouldn't say hopefully I don't use them because that means I don't buy a lot of units so hopefully I do use them but I probably won't be using them for long because I'd rather have set on one or two keys all right now we got a race over there it's 1143 first unit gets sold at noon it feels so weird walking around $4,000 in my pocket plus I probably have another like 34 oh no I just got some money I'm gonna be like 200 in my wallet so I'm walking around like $4,200 the 200 needs to go to the bank I should approach it than that yesterday yeah I don't like it I am paranoid definitely didn't want to leave it in the car while I was in the store so it's in my pocket I'm not paranoid so much about getting robbed more so about it falling out of my pocket big tip when buying these buy the very first unit if can people always have the mentality in the first couple of units of oh there will be more I'll just I'll just let this one go and buy the next one once you get towards the end people are there and waste of their time and I haven't bought anything yet they will overpay the most expensive units are always gonna be the last unit so if you can buy the first one now sometimes the first one goes high sometimes the first one just is no good but if possible buy the first one there's my biggest competition it worries me a little bit he brought his trailer this time so I got this one for 35 bucks this is the one the lady had out a ton of money to the sports medicine place vintage fisher-price airplane here this will pay for the unit brand-new pair of Clark's shoes they'll give my 35 bucks back and everything else is profit that table there and as long as it's not broken it's caved in in the middle but that should go for a few bucks there might be some vintage items once you close racks a mannequin a head mannequin I might actually keep that though and some hat boxes other odds and ends generally I follow they call ringing hockey watching some other jewelry in a garbage bag on the trailer to you so that was 18 units that sold to end up being paid off I bought eight of those 18 and I'm gonna have to add the numbers but I probably spent two or three thousand dollars I think I'm gonna do really well I already found some good stuff so we will dive into them next I'm not gonna be able to show you every single item because there's so much volume here but I can give you an idea and show you some of the highlights so I spent two hundred and fifty dollars on this unit we've got a Honda generator we've got an old Honda Hilux moped this is college picker style Wow looks like a dirt bike huh is that like kids dirt but you know that's a pedal bike made to look like a dirt bike what else this is a couple bucks on eBay my girlfriend pulled this out this was an excellent find this on Amazon make sure it's the right lens I looked it up after the fact the body only get 85 bucks okay this is not the right lens and it had the kit lens it would be like three hundred and fifty but this lens is probably still about a $50 lens body 85 after fees I'm sure that's halfway decent what we have here off-brand camcorder probably not worth much then some random accessories this might be worth some money here when fraud oh I bet this is probably about 50 or 100 bucks i I didn't look it up yet so don't quote me on that we'll get the charges and everything in a nice hard case Bud Light mirror Austin Powers there's gonna be some decent stuff in here I think 250 bucks this probably doesn't run you can see there's some damage on it it comes with no title as is however I'm gonna have someone look at it there is a way to go through the paperwork with the storage facility to actually be able to title it it really just depends if it's fixable I'm gonna have someone look at it worst case I'm sure I can get 50 or 100 bucks for parts out of it or maybe you know these old Honda helixes some of these parts might actually be worth some money on eBay so we'll give that a shot and I haven't even gone back there yet so this mount is between 50 and 80 on eBay I looked up Manfrotto and that model number it's an easy 360 according to my photographer girlfriend you mount it on your tripod and you can easily adjust your camera we've also got some photography or a photography umbrella what looks like maybe a couple of lights in there this bike is actually kind of cool looks pretty well-made it's tough to save us were there but this Hilux really isn't in terrible shape the elite deluxe so maybe it's not a Hilux so we've got the engine here looks like it's missing the battery so I'll need a battery hopefully we can find the keys somewhere it looks like just some body damage here which I mean that looks like just the light so the taillight maybe readjust some of those body panels all the wheels look well that's tough to say definitely needs a little air it doesn't look terrible missing that piece it's really tough to say well I'm really hoping we find the key because there is not one in the ignition I can't get that open I might be able to Jimmy that looks like just an access panel no key in there so hopefully we find the key for it and we'll decide cigarette butts on there well we'll make a decision if it's worth fixing to sell obviously without a key wise I have to have one made or a new ignition put in if it's not maybe you'll sell it for parts or just pull parts off of it and sell those you know seat seat back we've got one mirror the other one's missing we've got the gauge cluster and everything well - I'll do some research on that's got a little damage it's really not in terrible shape this thing is probably from the 80s this could be interesting here we've got a few comic books in here but a whole bunch of boards form so maybe that means there's a comic book collection here I don't know I do see a boat anchor over there what in the world is this thing is a cabinet a wooden cabinet of some sort and a light eagle group some sort of light maybe a warmer for food service Oh see it doesn't look like there's anything else too exciting in here the big money is going to be the camera and maybe the moped that looks like an old football it is an old football but nothing special about it just kind of looking around here I don't particularly see anything too special what are these little empty boxes a VHS copy of 61 Oh hold on I see a camera bag here it had that which probably isn't worth much there's some NASCAR stuff the charger might be worth a couple bucks what's in here some CDs you know it's not dark outside boy sure gets dark when you get inside these units looks like a bunch of junk there a couple more things we've got a pump for something made for an RV or a pool might be worth something so a whole bunch of manuals in here for audio equipment recording equipment and whatnot so maybe some of that's gonna be in here somewhere I'm curious what's in there also there's a pedal for a Casio keyboard don't know if that's worth anything found a telemarketer airhorn probably should have warned you about that loud noise warning loud noise ahead this would be a good way to get rid of telemarketers keep that Alright phone two more camera bags here there we go here's a hunter bucks if it works Samsung not as good Sony but should still get about a hundred bucks what about this one here Sony so probably about two hundred bucks here between the two now before you go to the comments and say they're not worth that look them up then then then you can go to the comments all right now it's getting dark so this one I paid five hundred maybe that's five so I think this one's five hundred we've got a TV here so is the plastic on it but I have a feeling it's not anywhere near new but it is a Samsung Smart TV 50-inch so that should go for some decent money we got snow blower snow is coming pretty quick junkie microwave don't know what's in here a tent maybe this is definitely worth looking up if it's under recall a lot of humidifiers are recalled and if it's under recall you can get some decent money from it by essentially disposing it that could be some decent money aerosol delivery system what is this I don't know what a pan light pan liner for something something over here we've got to display cases they both have lights this is the back of it so there's no glass but you can see there is glass there and that one as well all this this one the top is kind of screwed they replaced with plexi you're probably getting 50 to 100 each for those what else do we have just random odds and ends with that looks like garbage a broken lamp just doesn't look like too much that looks like could be a halfway decent table well the cross gear Conair something I smell something over here I think there's food in here I can smell it we've got a lawnmower those must be the chairs for the table look we got a leather coat here pal pallie I think I've sold this brand before so I have tags on it no no that's part of a cigarette box random there's some food random odds and ends so this looks like a canopy was overhead canopies so should get maybe 50 bucks for that 50 bucks for the lawnmower hundred bucks for both display cases and he's talking 200 the kitchen table says decent maybe 100 bucks for that so yeah 300 hundred bucks for the snowblower so you 400 let's see the TV maybe 200 so you're 5 or 6 I really look through this stuff this is why I bought it look at that a DJI phantom drone now you couldn't see what it was it was actually sitting on top of the microwave so all I could see was this view and there was a total gamble I looked this particular model up this is the Phantom 2 right there I did not look visionplus though maybe that's worth more I looked up just phantom 2 and they were going for about 150 to 200 bucks in working condition but I mean it's got the remote and everything this could be some good money let's take we're getting some of these other boxes so this looks like it might be up aquarium pump or filter or something I don't know might have some value these people I think were campers there's a ton of these boxes of water there's the tent that box looks like it's full of camping gear not a whole lot else that I can get right - yeah that's that's gross what do we got behind these speakers mmm just looks like handcuffs there's handcuffs back there so in this box we've got some TV shows a blu-ray some video games there's also a power brick for an Xbox so that could be a good sign there's video games in here it is a couple days later you last saw me on Saturday evening it is now Monday morning so a couple of things that drone works perfectly fine I tested it in my living room and camera works well the flash I looked it up is about 25 bucks online the digital video camera in there I didn't think it was worth anything it's not I'll probably sent to a local auction world price offer 5 to 15 and that's basically where we're at now no new info I have not tested the video cameras they're actually still in my trunk what else did I find that's all I brought with me anything give the video cameras the Nikon camera and the drone so that's alright now I'm going to go empty some units first one I paid 90 bucks for let's go take a look alright get the truck and trailer here let's go take a look at the unit I have yet to even touch anything in here this is what it looks like so I paid $90 for this unit this is the one that I think I might have overpaid for I came in on this session with a little bit different of a mentality d'arnot broom and dustpan I knew I was forgetting something anyways I came in with a different mentality usually I decide how much I'm gonna bid where my max will be before we even start and that's where I stopped or a couple bids after that is where I stopped in this session I decided to go a little bit more because what always happens is once I bow out someone else wins the unit I instantly regret it so I paid more than I normally would for these units this one I saw those chairs and figured that would be decent money they're not in as good a shape as I thought they would be though they're a little worn out well he's like vinyl then they're even more worn out this is a vinyl with all these little holes in them so I don't think I'm gonna get much for that but this pub pub height table is actually in pretty nice shape I'm gonna shoot for a hundred bucks on this table maybe I get it maybe I don't over here these bar stools I think I don't see the reason why I can't get 20 bucks for those would be 10 bucks for these chairs maybe I get another 10 for both of these and if I get 50 for that there's my 90 and everything else is free now this isn't gonna be a huge money-making unit as a carpet shampooer you can usually get about 25 bucks for those it's not gonna be a huge moneymaker but it's gonna be very quick and easy to clean out these boots might be worth something off to look them up there's a match there it's funny they call this an electric drum set in the ad and my first thought is I wonder if it's actually an electric drum set or a rock band set it might be another shampoo or in there so I think I'll do all right I'll probably make one or two hundred bucks depending what's in the boxes it looks like it's mostly like kitchen stuff in them but you never know the big deal here is the fact that I can get this unit cleaned out very quickly oh my just some decorations that I might be able to drop off at a consignment shop it's a neat little things in here you never know so I'm gonna start loading the trailer I should be I'll get this all on one trip pretty quickly and I will keep you updated I find decent stuff there's a nice little plastic folding chairs they need to be a bit of a clean but they should go for decent money and we flip it around so better lighting I swear this stuff looks like they cleared out a college campus or something these chairs that pub table in there looks like something that came out of an office or a college campus this table by the way this is a folding shelving unit which is all busted up actually I think there's two of them I was anticipating to be garbage but I think this is a second one so that should be sellable this looks like a fancy receiver I look that up I've never heard of the brand Jamo hooked up someone's got one listed for like a hundred bucks plus a lot of shipping but I can't get in there with one hand I know sold so it could go decent money this instead of basic Kenwood speakers with it they must have covered these themselves as a roll of that same vinyl hair phone a box full college textbooks these two are the only ones worth anything I get 27 and 25 after fees on Amazon which isn't bad I mean that's what fifty five bucks or so pays for over half of the unit the rest of these they were a bunch of mini I buried some down they're not worth anything never seen this before it's about four feet by four feet to blanket made to look like a Monopoly board nothing on the back I feel like this should sell decent so we're almost done here I found this in a box I took the lid off but I haven't pulled this up yet let's see what it is that could be a bad sign open this with one hand oh there we go something in here but I'm thinking nothing special yeah these aren't real knees they're gonna be junk and just like that we're all emptied out usually I like to sweep these out but forget the broom and dustpan and we're all the way across town so I'm not coming back for this but we are able to get it all one trip and plenty of space to spare it looks pretty full but once you get past these chairs stacked up it drops quite a bit we could have put a lot more in here if we need it too oh that nothing too interesting but there are a few boxes that looks like mostly kitchen stuff that I didn't dig through you never know what you're finding those dumpsters full up this is mostly from the other day but these boots end up being kind of gross inside so I just threw them out I'm gonna go to the next unit so here's everything from the end I still haven't really gone through one of the boxes I just brought him in it's gonna rain tomorrow so I can go through that stuff tomorrow this table is actually in pretty nice condition a couple of spots on it but it looks like it'll probably clean off I just wiped it down it looks to be actually be in really nice condition so I listed this for a hundred and then the barstools I listed 450 and those green chairs there just to the vinyls way too scratched up I don't want to mess around with it I left him outside the door I post on Facebook marketplace free come get them and if they're not picked up by Tom Dontae I'll just pull them back inside and try again tomorrow maybe I don't know so technically get nine units this one was free so I didn't count it but no one wanted it I really didn't want to deal with it but for free I might as well we've got a nice retail display here let's open these be on wheels and then we've got this one here these were used for the Ralph Lauren displays at Yonkers when they closed and then we get a big dry erase board here well that wasn't too bad this one's actually on wheels so I was able to roll it right up this round one is not but this is probably the lighter of the two and here's how you move heavy stuff when you're a one-man show you just put furniture dollies under it we had a third one all loaded up now the reason I didn't want it was because we had enough of retail fixtures lately and that's one that can be kind of a tough sell however the reason I took it is to solve a problem for the storage in a company I've got a lot of units so they're being nice by letting me take longer like a month to get them cleared out if I do little things like this it'd only take me a couple minutes I took me like five minutes to load up then they're more likely to work with man things it's all about providing value to people you work with so I'm already at this property I've got three units here one of them I'm not gonna bother with today you saw it earlier in the video where everything was falling out and they had to load it back up and then you saw the other two units already earlier in this video the moped you don't in the drone yet so you probably fit there's some bikes in there maybe I can get the moped in there Wow I just went around this building and all this shifted over this thing shifted over on top of my boards that was over there so it tells me we're gonna have to pack this tightly uh this is not the moped yeah I keep beating these two units mixed up but you do remember this one from yesterday has a bunch of camping stuff has the display cases the TV I did figure out that's a Toshiba TV so that is not the one for this box but it's still a decent sized TV I should do all right with it but we should have some decent finds in here I'm excited to dig through this is interesting this Halfmoon mat here I think are primarily used in salons it's a a padded mat for anti fatigue so we'll take this out I'm going to try and sell these to display cases right out of the unit here without moving them of course I need to move them a little bit so I can take some good pictures I also figured out there's a bunch of corn chips in those two boxes there's some food in there and it stinks and I figured out the reason there's food and probably why they had display cases right here that's a menu so they had some sort of concession stand oh look flooring it's not like I have a whole bunch of this and the warehouse from those Lowe's pallets no I'm gonna do is just maybe someone buy it so that's the plan here I'm going to get what I can fit in here and then I should be able get the rest of this in one trip should be pretty easy so I'll get what I can fit in the trailer I'm gonna head back to the warehouse it's not gonna be much because we've got those display fixtures but we can get something out I think I got the smell out it just reeks of garbage in the back corner there I got I pulled everything that looked like trash out of here so those obvious trash I think I got all the food I got the hot dog sauce that was right here the chips from back there I also found bags of some sort of sauce ie was packaged in bags I don't know what it was every single item I brought out here I gave it the sniff test once I got outside and nothing really smelled bad but I can't smell it in there anymore and the trailer kind of stinks so I'm not entirely sure so I got trash out broken lamp and stuff I also got some good stuff out might be we'll sell that vacuum the the thing the snowblowers out it's a shame that's such a nice tote that's got the all like four cases of soda that exploded in the winter it's all moldy I'm just throwing the whole thing in the trash there's also a cooler in there with some hard lemonade's Mike's Hard Lemonade in there that also exploded and I always get nervous looking through coolers just have blue one there but got trash out I'm just gonna throw these away because they're not really worth much and summers can its way out I also got the TV up there what I did is I went a bunch of boxes around the TV so that's not gonna slide into it we're wedged in pretty well so I got the first trip out of here I don't see any reason why I can't get the rest of this in another trip in fact I'll yeah I said I'm gonna keep these display cases in here so I'll probably get everything in here and be able to grab some stuff over the other unit on this property that's just getting disposed of tires to tires cost like two or three bucks apiece to get rid of if you don't know how to get rid of them look for your local dump so they'll charge a little otherwise tire shops will often take them for a fee this is a massive table it's it's probably about five feet off the ground is probably about five feet wide just looking at it we've got so if I only see four chairs is those two that's two over there but it is a huge kitchen table it looks like a pretty nice one now what it looks like once we you know flip it over and look at the other side I'm not sure condition wise but if it's in good shape it's gonna be a really nice table could probably get two or three hundred for it they had a lot of cases of those gallons of water two of which we're sitting up here they all exploded and leaked out over the winter all of them every single one was still sealed the boxes but they were all drained so there were a couple over here you can't really see any stains from it but you definitely see on the dresser I think I'm probably just gonna take that to the dump don't want to even mess with that it's so so crappy but I don't have room for it now and the dump is closed today so all right let's get this set to the warehouse and we'll come back for another trip I'm leaving my stuff here for now and I'll just grab it on the next trip one more thing this dehumidifier if you live in the desert you probably don't know what this is it takes the moisture out of the air I'm being sarcastic you probably do know what it is you just don't have one anyways a lot of these are under recall and can start fires so you always want to look it up not just because you don't want to sell something that can start someone's house on fire but also because if it is under recall the manufacturer will give you the full original retail value for it I just turned in one I got 85 bucks you don't even need to ship it you just take pictures you have to write some stuff on the back take pictures of the serial number or take pictures of the cord being cut stuff like that and then just throw it out dispose of it accordingly well I got to 85 bucks for one I know some 100 150 is basically the original retail value they'll give you for it this one is not on the retail recall this in fact so the Maytag it doesn't seem like there are any maytag's on the recall list so that means I'll probably get about 30 to 50 bucks for it they do sell pretty well with the great lakes around us it does get a little humid so people do use them especially in their basement I usually get about 30 50 bucks for them then when they're like that the really old nasty like brown ones at the wood panel trim those not so much these won't well don't leave your phone sitting here because that happens probably should I'm gonna pull them from the AC for a minute not good so we're getting unloaded here and unfortunately you can see the TV's broken when the light shining on it like this so this is I mean I'm gonna power it on just to make sure but probably gonna go in the trash but there's no fun cuz those cost like 20 bucks to dispose of this table will definitely make up for the broken TV the chairs are in pristine condition the table it's just dirt that'll clean right off it's in really nice shape it's got some bruises on the outside here overall it's in a really nice shape though I can probably still get 200 bucks for it which is what I would have sold the TV for the units emptying out pretty well this is all my trash pile all this I'm just gonna leave it in here until the dump opens tomorrow I'm gonna do a big trip to the dump rather fill my dumpsters up anymore this is the drop dress that had that water on I'm just taking that to the dump display cases are starting to show up they don't have the back doors you know what I wonder if those are supposed to be the doors for one of these nonetheless all the glass shelves are there oh that's the legs for the table got a bunch of glass shelves or some more in that drawer this one does have a track so if you got a couple of pieces of glass you could make backdoors for this and then it's got the shelves and whatnot so you would have shorter pieces of glass in there and they are lit so I think I could probably do all right with them I have no idea how heavy they are usually they're pretty heavy this one looks to be in pretty nice shape it's a little dated with this old-style wood tone but it's in Nice shape cosmetically this one not so much that's glass wow these are both actually glass not plexi but it doesn't look like it's cracked it's just get duct tape still usable and you could dress that up a little bit I'm not going to but if I had a store and got this cheap I probably take this duct tape off and dress that up a little bit the duct tapes obviously there for a reason but you can get something that looks a little nicer to put there I'm gonna hopefully be able to sell them out of here that way I don't need to move on because these are combining I take out most of the trailer but we're just about done here I'm pulling all this stuff off the floor just the one in the trash it's I think it's supposed to go under shingles I think this was designed for I might hold off on throwing them away in case they go or the display case maybe the next person will want them well we're just about done in here find some decent stuff I've got remember there's this snow blower the lawn mower and then just all the random odds and the drone was in this unit I think I'm gonna do pretty well on it if I remember it is 500 or 520 one of those two couple we got some new stuff in here too these are new I'm trying to limit touching things because I'm not wearing my gloves the candy will get thrown away but there's something underneath here yeah just some random nail arts and crafts stuff you know little odds and ends that will do all right here and there and this one is done all this left is trash and display cases I'm gonna post these on Facebook marketplace now hopefully someone will come pick them up then all I need to do is take care of trash lists of them for 50 bucks each just try and get rid of them the price may go up if I have to haul them to the warehouse so that's it for this one but there's still a little bit of space in here especially if I move my equipment and another unit the moped unit is right over there so let's see what we can grab at least a couple of things out of it got some of this emptied out that's gonna be trash this vacuums trash so I didn't want gonna shove these back in but now we can at least walk in here I got that Honda generator this table and the two chairs that don't match as well as over here coffee table and table and then the three chairs that actually go with that table so now I think I can get the rest of this in one trip in the moped interesting this has to be the cheapest feeling Locke ever I guess I can't pull it off with my bare hands but the rest of us should come out a lot of these boxes are empty which is nice although these are empty inside of it which is nice because I've got something for all this crap and there's a tube TV that'll be fun but should easily get the rest of this in one load I think I could probably get that done tonight it's still daylight
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 94,364
Rating: 4.8522725 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: Cafbk1PtrZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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