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in this video I become a giant but you start off as a little guy El keeps teasing me because I'm small but with every block I collect I get bigger I'm going to become a giant to get back at him ouch oh I think I stepped on an ant oh he keeps making fun of me but he'll see I'm going to break these blocks and get much bigger break break break I got bigger already look at the little guy little guy oh darn it I'm still too small I need to collect more blocks to get bigger I'm going to grab a sword to hit you hold on is he going to get a sword oh I need to protect myself wait I know I'll collect him build a mini house to stay inside I don't think the dirt block is very sturdy for making a house hold on that block over there is sturdy El's house block I know I'll grab and steal blocks from his house to build my own G where is my sword I can't find it anywhere I really want to find the sword to hit that little guy oh I need to break it quickly ELD will be back soon what's happening oh I got a little bigger and I also gained another power now I can break several little blocks at once I think with this I can build my house to make it the first thing I'll add is the Cobblestone wall and since since I got a little bigger I can't make it too small I need to make the walls taller now up front I'll build this wooden pillar the blocks I also stole from elves it's not on the second floor where is the sword look it's up there found it I'll grab it and cadres will see I just need to add a few more of these little blocks here on the side and my house will be ready oh but I think it's better to make a bigger door right I won't be able to fit through that small doorway there now I can get in here cadres where are you I'll go ahead and close my door so there's no chance of him hitting me through this Gap where 's that little guy I don't see him wait what's this here hold on this here hi cadres I see you there oh no he's here in front but you won't be able to hit me from inside can't hit him ouch there he can hit me you know what I'm going to the corner oh here I can't see him get out of there cadr I'm not coming out you won't keep hitting me oh really you won't come out no I'm safe in here if you won't come out willingly you'll come out forcefully what's this he's placing TNT oh no it's going to explode run oh no my house cadres come here come here you know what I'm going to start digging down and go mining then I can collect more blocks and I'll get much bigger ah he dug a tunnel he escaped that coward but if he thinks he's going to get stronger than me he's very mistaken I'll go to my house and get my armor wait what's this here it was cadres he made a hole in my house so I descended into a cave here now I'm going to start breaking a bunch of blocks a lot of them I'm going to get really big let's break everything I got bigger I got bigger look now I can break a lot but I mean a lot more blocks it's even dropping min blocks outside because I'm breaking so many but hold on I need a sword to get stronger than El I know I'm going to go after diamonds to make my super strong sword look there are diamonds right in front of me I'm going to collect all of them for myself and the good thing is that since I collect mini blocks I'm going to get a lot of diamonds I managed to make a sword and also a part of my armor and now El is going to deal with me El come here I'm going to hit you take that take that I'm hitting him and I'm the one taking damage get out of here but why is he so strong oh I might end up dying I'm still not that strong I need to find a way to evade him I'm going to hide behind this tree cadr where are you you're not getting away come back here you shrunken human if he passed by here luckily he didn't see me but soon he'll realize I didn't go in that direction and he'll come back here I need to find a way to protect myself and I have an idea I'm going to build a tower here in the sand to Shield myself from him but to build it I need to collect these sand blocks look I was collecting mini blocks and I got bigger now I can break whole blocks to build my tower the first thing I need to do is its wall up here I'm going to put this fence with sstone blocks on top of them this is where I'll be able to see where ELD is coming from I've been looking for that little guy for a while and I'm sure he didn't come this way I'm going back and to protect my tower I placed my little wolf down here so if El tries to invade from here it'll bite him and my wolf is a little smaller because I tamed it when I was still very small okay but I still need to set up a trap on the top part of my tower I'll put one right here oh no it's ELD ELD is right in front of of me I need to set up these guards quickly good now I'm protected look that little guy is there come here you shrunken one I'm not little anymore I'm the same size as you even so I have armor I'm much stronger than you I'm going to get you you little one you'll never be able to invade my tower it's very secure oh yeah hold on then I'm going to build another Tower here that's it guards get him did you hit me you'll see take that from the guards you won't invade my tower you shorty you'll see what I'll do to your Tower you won't be able to invade it ever get him my guards can't miss he's breaking he's breaking he's breaking right here I hope my little dog finishes him off look what I'm going to do to your little wolf look here I'll do a barbecue oh no My Little Wolf and I'll even take the opportunity to ignite TNT next to him no stop it stop it my wolf ah now I fell here he's going to kill me this way I need to get bigger darn it darn it darn it ouch he hit me I only have 4 and A2 Hearts left wait I have an invisibility potion in my inventory I'm going to throw it on my feet huh he disappeared in front of me how did cadr do that woo that was close but I need to be quick because soon the invisibility potion will run out and I'm going to use the remainder of my invisibility to break El's entire house then I'll get bigger I'm breaking so many blocks oh but I need to be quick the potion is already worn off I'm going to break the wooden part now because it's faster break everything break everything break everything wow I got bigger wait I heard it as if I received something I got a different pickaxe what is this pickaxe do let me test it I'll try to break my goodness it breaks multiple blocks at once this way it'll be much easier for me to destroy El's house oh but there's a problem I'm breaking almost his entire house and I'm not getting bigger I think now I need to break some different blocks and not Stone and to get different blocks and even get stronger with netherite armor I'm going to the nether to go there I need to collect this obsidian I wonder if this pickaxe breaks multiple obsidian blocks at once I'll test it oh it doesn't break it only breaks one at a time ah but it doesn't matter I'll collect them one by one to make my portal I couldn't find that little guy my God wait what happened to my house it's all destroyed what is this I collected a lot of obsidian and now I need to make a portal but I can't make a regular sized portal right because otherwise I won't fit inside it I need to make a much bigger portal so let me place these obsidian blocks around here even in this corner and now I'll seal it right here wow I hope it works to activate a portal this size let's go ah it works I opened a giant nether portal now I'm going to enter here to collect the strongest blocks that's cod's over there I'm going to get him I'm sure he's the one who destroyed my house he entered the nether I'm going after him the strongest blocks I was talking about they're not these Netherrack blocks actually it's netherite blocks I need to find netherite here to become much stronger wow mining like this is much easier I'm going to find netherite quickly I entered the Nether and I saw cadr running in that direction I'm going to get him I'm going to kill him he's taller than me but I still have my netherite armor break everything break everything I'm going to find it soon look one already appeared right here in front let me go there and collect it for myself I wonder if I'll get bigger when I collect this netherite it's a very strong block I'm sure I'll get bigger I'm growing I got bigger wow look at my size I can hardly fit in this hole anymore but I still need to collect more netherite to make my armor is there more this way look cadr is over there oh no it's El how did he come here why does he know I'm here take this I'm going to kill you now ouch my goodness his Arrow does a lot of damage my God even though I'm giant I still can't defeat him oh he's so fast I need to find a way to escape this place I can't collect netherite with him here I need to go back to the normal world I need to be size one 100 to defeat him and I'm still only size 10 go back to the normal World quickly before he kills me I left cadres with low Health he just went through the portal to return to the normal world I'm going in there and I'm going to get him because he's very weak I got myself into a cave here to collect more blocks but there's a problem if I keep collecting blocks like this it will take forever I collect very few blocks at a time but I had an idea I plac these dispensers here facing a bunch of stone and now inside them I'm going to put a lot of TNT now I'm going to put redstone on top of all of them and connect it to this lever but since I'm giant every time I click this lever a giant TNT will appear underneath look how this works the lever is here and if I come here and activate it look at the size the TNT will become it will become much larger it's even larger than the dispenser look at how much it exploded I heard the sound of TNT down there cadres must be here Dig Down dig down wow I'm getting so many blocks like this I'll come here and click again and look a lot more TNT appeared I'll get a lot more blocks wow look I'm getting much bigger but I'm still only size 20 I'm not size 100 what you're collecting blocks and you got bigger look at your size I'm going to start collecting blocks too and I'm going to get much bigger than you and kill you in one blow oh no he can't get bigger than me the problem is even though I'm giant if I come here and try to hit him I take damage because his armor has thorns I can't kill him my only chance will be to reach size 100 before him break break break I'm growing I'm growing this pickaxe just appeared in my inventory I want to test it what what's that ahead what giant structure is that since I became giant I need a very big house too so this is my Mansion you have a mansion of course I have a mansion look how beautiful it is full of diamonds a lot of stuff if you come near it see what I'm going to do to you no I won't go near it I won't believe me I won't get near it I'm going to test my pickaxe on that house I'm going to go behind the house so ELD won't see me and get really close to his house so I can break it oh I think this is close enough so let me come here 3 2 1 and I broke it wow it's breaking a lot I'm going to break his whole house destroy destroy it destroy it this pickaxe is really good his house is disappearing completely huh my house is breaking cadres what are you doing here oh ELD is here ELD is here oh I'm going to get you you know what I'm not going to catch this Shorty I have a much better plan to become size 100 much faster than him my plan is to keep mining without stopping I'm taking advantage of the fact that L didn't follow me and I'm breaking a lot of blocks here I'm going to become giant with this pickaxe it's really good I'll even break these ores because with ores I can grow even faster oh look I'm getting bigger oh wait an egg appeared in my inventory tunnel boore what does this egg do I'm going to place it on the ground to find out wow a giant driller appeared wow with this I'll be able to collect a lot more blocks look at how much I can break with it I'll be able to break this whole mountain in no time oh I'm breaking a lot of blocks here and I'm not getting bigger I'm still the same size guys I broke the whole mountain and now I'm size 50 wow but what happened here cadr you're already this size I'm size 50 soon I'll reach 100 and I'll defeat you I can't let cadres reach level 100 before me so I'm going to cheat I set up a system here with three dispensers because they will drop infinite blocks look at how it works I just have to put the Redstone here and I'll become gigantic I'm gigantic and like this I'll never stop growing look at my size it's the size of a mountain to reach size 100 there's only one way which is mining Bedrock but there's a problem you can't break bedrock it's indestructible the only way I can get a Bedrock is by completing the challenges in this world so let's go the first challenge is parkour I need to pass it quickly to get this bedrock before else I'm already at level 70 I'm as tall as the clouds and I just saw that those dispensers over there contain bedrock and when the dispenser drops it for me I'll be size 100 I just completed the first Challenge and now the Second Challenge here is a fake TNT floor I need to pass it run go fast run wow that was close I almost died I can even hear the explosions from here I was supposed to be there with them but wait the third challenge is cacti I need to go through these cacti here and I'm going through by breaking them I'm not a fool I'm already level 90 I passed through the clouds I'm reaching level 100 I'm very close I can already see the Bedrock back here just break these cacti a little more and now I'm mining it this is the only Bedrock I can mine in the entire world there good now I'm going to the maximum size I'm size 100 I'm coming I'm reaching level 100 I'm coming what I returned to normal size I'm back to level one it's now El it's now my revenge who's a tiny ant now huh no no no no no sorry cadres you're a friend I didn't mean to say that about you didn't mean to huh you said I was a tiny human and now you'll get it take that and what's this that appeared behind me I think this is my new home it's a giant Temple there's even a giant statue of me next to it I won all of this for defeating ELD now I'll live here as a giant forever
Channel: Cadres ENG
Views: 2,335,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pdvRoB5NtJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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