Cadres Has 1,000,000 DIAMONDS in Minecraft!

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today I'm going to have a million diamonds but you start with none you're poor Naru keeps humiliating me because I'm poor but what he doesn't know is that I'm going to steal his diamonds mine and even build a machine that gives free diamonds so I can get a million diamonds CIS do you want Diamonds oh I do then take it here oh gross Naru gross ah but he'll see to get my first diamonds I'm going to steal that chest of his where he keeps his diamonds look there are three diamonds cadr did you take my Diamonds oh well codre I don't care about that amount I have a lot of diamonds but for you to learn a lesson you poor thing I'm going to take your cat and lock him up right here in this poo that only those with a million diamonds can enter no my cat I'll get him out of there no the door closed look cadr only those with a million diamonds can open it no give me back my cat I'll get him out no the door opened no it won't open I can't even break this block my little cat is trapped inside poor thing poor thing oh don't worry kades look on the bright side at least he won't die but in return you'll never be able to get him out from there that's what being poor gets you oh but it won't stay like this I'll get a million diamonds and open that thing you know what I already know how to get diamonds I'm going to break the Diamonds In The House of oh no the diamonds in his house are also reinforced I can't break them you know what guys I'll try to get them by mining look there are diamonds right in front of me I'll take all of them for myself come on diamonds come on I already have six but my God mining like this will take a century to get a million diamonds this won't work so you know what I have an idea I'll spy on Naru to see where he hides the rest of his diamonds wow guys cadr is really silly he came to my house to steal my Di diamonds little does he know that I keep a bunch of diamonds right under that tree wait he said he keeps them under that tree I'm going to steal them guys look at him he's going back into the house perfect he pointed to one of these two trees here I don't know which one he hides the diamonds under so I'll break under both is it this one no it's not this one maybe it's under this other one let me break here there's a chest there's a chest right here guy I'll take advantage while he's inside and I'll grab the diamonds for myself wow there's a stack it's a stack but I know this isn't all Naro has he must have a lot more hidden somewhere else but with this one pack maybe I can already open this prison here that prison is where my kitty is let me try clicking here it won't open it won't open I need a million diamonds for sure wait where is Naro going is he going to where he keeps the rest of his diamonds I'll follow Naru hold on what's this in front here it looks like a diamond bank and Naru is going there hold on guys and Naru is going there hold on guys I figured it out Naru he's going to store his diamonds in the bank oh I'm arriving at the bank where I keep many diamonds and I'm going to come here guys to store a little more right in this chest this chest is a new one it still has few diamonds I'll just put a few uh a few packs of diamonds here guys because the others in my inventory I'll use to buy a new plane look guys Naru is just coming out of there and I saw him opening a chest that must be where he keeps his diamonds but the problem how am I going to steal that hold on guys I just had an idea and I put on this thief skin and now I'm going to announce a robbery in this Bank hands up this is a robbery oh my God oh my God no no what's wrong the Villager got really scared he ran away but it doesn't matter I need to be quick before the police arrive I saw Naro opening one of these chests here I don't know which one it must be this one this one has a password what could the password be is it 1 two and it opens not 1 2 3 could it be 1 2 3 that's not it either guys oh the police will be here soon I need to figure out this password quickly and I already know how to do it I'll send this message in the chat pretending it's a message from the bank then he'll tell me his password and I can open it huh the bank sent me a message Naro we need your bank password to keep it security please send it oh that's strange the bank asking for my password but it must be just to keep it secure I'll send it hey guys Naro sent it 1234 are you kidding me nar's password is 1234 if only I had added one more four but let me see if it will work it worked and wow look at how many diamonds there are here guys there are two packs of blocks look at this I can already hear the siren I think the police is coming I need to go quickly look Thief come here come here you Thief saw here saw guys I need to escape from him guys I still don't have a million diamonds wait I know I have these webs in my inventory because I'm poor come back here I'm going to use them to trap him and Escape but guys look at this if I add up everything I have in my inventory I must have about 1,000 diamonds only it's still not much but wait what's that in front there it looks like two Diamond Golems what Naru is right there what could he be doing is there a chest in the corner guys I heard that someone stole my diamonds from that bank so now I placed this chest there with a much more difficult password than the other one and I hired these two Golems to protect this chest now I'm going inside my house to sleep in my diamond bed look guys I heard everything Naro stored diamonds in that chest the problem is that there are those two Diamond Golems protecting it okay I need to figure out how to steal that the first thing I need to do is find out the chest password and I even had an idea I spent some of my diamonds to buy this security camera now I'm going to go by the side of the Golems without them seeing me and I'm going to sneak into nar's house because I'm going to place these cameras here I'm going to spread them around nar's house because then I can spy when he says the password all right I've placed them all now I'm getting out of here run but I can't make any noise the Golems can't hear me come very quietly very quietly good I managed to leave nar's house without anyone seeing me now I'm going to check the cameras to spy on where Naru is and see if he says what the password for that chest is hey guys I found the camera here where Naro is hey guys I found the camera here where Naro is oh no if he sleeps he won't say the password ah it's so good to have a diamond bed unlike that poor cadres who only has sleeps in a straw bed oh come on calling me poor even when he's alone oh I'm going to sleep in my bed oh how nice oh no guys and the worst part is that he's asleep this way he'll never say the password now I've placed the Golems BBY BBY the password what is he saying guys the password is 7484 he said the password he said the password while he's sleeping wow guys I know the password now ah the password is 7484 how lucky that Naro talks in his sleep oh but now I need to find a way to get those Golems out of there but I don't know how guys I think now they've started patrolling because Naro fell asleep oh no guys I think they saw me they're coming this way wait this is perfect I can set a trap for them I just need to be quick because they're getting closer I'm going to dig a hole in the ground here and now I'll place these Thorns underneath and now I just need to try to lure them into the hole and I can open that chest oh no the one far away didn't see me come here Golem hey now they're following me wow I hope it works guys I hope it works come here go Golems follow me follow me all right now just fall in now just fall in oh no it dodged it fall fall fall fall one already fell guys just one more to go come Golem come here fall into this hole please fall into this hole there it fell too guys now both are trapped here and while they're there I'm going to get nar's diamonds quickly quickly before Naru wakes up before Naru wakes up ah tired of sleeping I'll go check on the Golems okay let me enter the password Here 7484 now open wow guys I've never seen so many diamonds in front of me it's a lot of diamonds I must have at least 5,000 here can I use this to open the prison look there the Goof trying to open the prison he doesn't have a million diamonds he'll never achieve that oh no guys it's not working I still don't have a million diamonds it won't open how frustrating wait where are my Golems my golems that were here my diamonds My Diamonds oh someone stole my diamonds again oh I can't believe it guys I'm so angry I'm so angry you know what I'll mine more the only thing that distresses me is getting diamonds hold on guys I see Naru going back there where could he be going is he going to another place with a lot of diamonds I'll follow him what if he's going to the place with a million diamonds it's where he hides them wait guys I see something up ahead it looks like a lever there's a chest Naro opened a chest I've never seen this chest in my life it must be there it must be where he hides the diamonds guys and look he just went down down here he's going down there fool left all the diamonds for me there's no diamond here what's the point of having this chest here I don't understand look guys it's in this mine where I mine all my diamonds and there's also here see this rail system here see where I take one of these carts and put diamonds inside when I finish Mining and then guys when I activate this lever it goes up to store everything in a chest up there look guys a cart is coming up with a chest what's this is there something inside this chest my God so many diamonds it's all mine guys break break this card hold on actually instead of breaking it I think Naro does this to have his diamonds stored in this chest he even went down further here wow I'll throw it down again because then he'll put more diamonds and when he throws it up here I'll get even more I must have about 12,000 Diamonds by now guys 12,000 hey guys let me just finish mining these two more and that's it good I'm going to throw these diamonds I got here there's another pack here I'll throw these other blocks too and now guys it will store everything up there it will store all my diamonds in my chest look Naro sent the card again guys he sent it and did he send a lot of diamonds again wow he did he did wow so many diamonds and everything is going into the chest ah guys but I'm tired of mining now I'm going back up to get all my diamonds oh no guys Naru is coming back up got to run quickly run fast he's going to see that I stole from him all right guys I'm up here now let me get my diamonds no no no no no where are are my diamonds someone stole my diamonds I had just gotten them but guys I've been thinking about something Naru was mining and he was getting a lot of diamonds so a really good way for me to get diamonds too is by making an automatic Miner to do that I need to place these slimes up here in an l-shape now I put this TNT here on the side and place this fence in this Moss right here then I put a little more slime back here and wait you'll soon understand how this is going to work I just need to finish making this machine by placing this rail in this cart but now there's only one more part left which is placing these blocks here then I put a piston facing this way put a right in this corner now I just need to activate this lever and look at this TNT will fall there but the TNT I placed will stay up there it's a Minecraft bug but with this if I keep clicking and deactivating a bunch of times a lot of TNT will start falling and it will mine on its own finding a lot of diamonds guys a lot look guys I already found my first diamond it's right there in the corner I just need to go down there to get it hey little Diamond come here to me wow this is going to be much faster for me to mine I'll activate it again to see if I find more go TNT wow one fell all the way up here but it's exploding more down there and look another Diamond appeared there wow that's great this is going to be easy for me to get a million diamonds wait there's a problem this TNT here still hasn't learned to break bedrock oh no guys The Miner has reached its limit it won't be able to find any more diamonds but I have another plan I'll try going to the Village because there are always a lot of diamonds in the village chests there I'll be able to get rich for sure I've already arrived at the Village near our house and surely there will be some diamonds here I just need to find those chests where the villagers keep them is there any here no not here this other small house also does doesn't have any maybe in these big houses let me check the chest and wow there's a diamond but only three three it doesn't make any difference oh but wait guys I see a blue dot what Naru is coming here hold on guys I just had an idea to get diamonds I know Naru likes to trade with villagers especially those who exchange things for diamonds so I'm going to dress up as a villager and pretend that I'm going to trade with him wow he's going to give me diamonds in exchange for something but in the end he won't get anything come here you villager what do you trade oh no no no I don't want potatoes I don't want emeralds I know you only have bad trades for goodness what kind of villager is this one Diamond give me 10 diamonds wow I'm going to give you a bunch villager take this whole bunch of diamonds give me a ton of diamonds I came up behind Naro didn't say anything and he already tried to trade with me and he threw a bunch of diamonds at me and now he thinks he's going to get 10 times more but actually he won't get anything wow my inventory is so full I can't even pick up the rest of the diamonds I'm going to start throwing trash at Naro what is this villager I don't want diorite no no no what is this villager I don't want these things I want more diamonds hey guys I threw all the trash I had here and now I'm going to to get out of here because I don't have 10 times more diamonds to give Naru give me back my diamonds Villager come back here villager hey guys Naru is behind me let me quickly switch back to being cadr oh Villager come back villager are you looking for a villager Naru he went in that direction but he was so fast that I think you'll never find him where did that villager go guys and I'm running out of diamonds I'm getting poor again I have to go to my secret vault guys hold on guys I heard Naro talking about a vault what's that what's that he pulled a plane out of his pocket and now he's trying to take off to go to the Vault oh no he's going too fast want to find out where he hides the rest of his diamonds with what I have in my inventory I probably only have about 400 or 500,000 oh but now he's gone and I lost sight of him but wait guys maybe with what I have here I can already open the prison oh no I can't open it my poor little cat is inside but you know what guys I'm going to have to execute my biggest plan the biggest plan of all to get diamonds I'm going to take it guys and make a machine that gives me diamonds for free and this machine is so good that I had to store my diamonds here and I'll even store the rest so I have plenty of space in my inventory to make it to make it first I need to come here place a block of dirt Place Another block of dirt Here and Now place this iron bar then I come right here on the other side and do the same thing Place dirt here dirt here and place this other iron bar look other things have already appeared on the side but I don't need them in fact what I need is to click with this item right here and look it's connecting guys it's connecting connect connect and look guys what will happen when I click on the other side this conveyor belt here will be where the diamond this conveyor belt here will be where the diamonds will pass through but there are still no diamonds and the belt isn't even turning yet right to make diamonds appear I need to place this item right here in the middle now I come from the other side place this little motor and set it to spin really fast look this way it loads any item that passes over it I'll even throw a chest here to show you guys the chest is pulled and Crosses all of this then when it reaches the end it is thrown here the same thing will happen with the diamonds but instead of being thrown here into the middle of nowhere I need to place a little chest here and put these Hoppers now any item thrown here will go straight into the chest and now for diamonds to appear here and become an infinite Diamond machine I need to come to into this corner and now place this machine right here it will be the one generating the diamonds I just need to do two things the first is to place this motor here so that it starts spinning this way I'll even set it to spin faster and drop more diamonds hey at this speed it's good now I come back here grab just one diamond and throw it into the machine so that it understands that I want it to generate diamonds for me and wow look guys it's working wow look at the amount of diamonds here the conveyor belt can't even handle picking up everything it's trying to pick up several at once I'll make it faster I'll make it faster because then it will be able to take much more at a time look at the speed it's going wow guys this machine is really good let me see how much is already in the chest my God I made it so fast that it's throwing them even to the other side I need to put a hopper here there now with this Hopper everything will go to the chest my God look at how much is in my inventory and the best part is that this machine doesn't stop I can let it run for a year but guys this way it will take too long I have 600 or 700,000 diamonds and for that machine to work well it needs time and I don't have time I need to save my cash so you know what I had a plan to get all the remaining diamonds at once I'm going to grab and defeat Naru so he stays without diamonds then he'll need to go back to his vault after that I'll follow and find out where it is and take everything for myself let me sneak in quietly so he doesn't run away wow it feels good to be rich guys how great it is to be rich take that take that take that I'm going to finish you off Naru ouch stop stop no Take that I defeated him defeated him and now he's going to be without any diamonds you'll be without diamonds without diamonds you'll see I'll go to My Vault to get more diamonds look guys it worked he's going to his vault now I just need to follow Naru because now now I can he's walking not flying anymore wow guys I've been walking for a while and I still haven't reached that Vault we've walked over 10,000 blocks and now we're climbing this mountain I think there's no Vault I think there's no Vault Naru is right in front of it I think he's going to open the vault he's entering a password I think he's knocking and look it opened the Vault opened but guys if I go in there Naru will see me and he might kill me I can even see an axe there he's grabbing things yeah I better not go there luckily I brought this invisibility potion now I'm going to pour it over my head and now I can enter this Vault without Naru seeing me hey guys I got some armor some tools I won't take diamonds for now because I don't need to but now guys I'm leaving because this is the best vault in the world no one can enter this vault only me I'll even close this Vault guys Naro trapped me inside the Vault and he didn't even realize I was here now that the potion effect has worn off I can take all these diamonds for myself wow I'm going to be rich is there a chest here my God look at the number of diamonds Naru has much more than a million diamonds here I'm taking everything home it's all mine I broke everything here guys and now only this last block remains of diamond when I break it I'll reach a million so 3 2 1 diamond block come to me wait what's that sound why did that sound happen my God look at my skin I got rich clothes now I even have a diamond necklace and bracelet and now guys I'll be able to come here and save my cat look the door opened and now come here little cat and the best part is that now nar's house will become mine my head my head is out of my house yeah you didn't notice anything Naru look where your head ended up no no no why is my head in this dirty and ugly house and you didn't notice how you look oh no oh no no I became poor cadr why am I like this cadr and why are you all decked out in Diamond skins it's because now I have a million diamonds Naru and you have nothing left I stole everything you have wait you were stealing from me cadr come here cadr come back here you'll pay give me back my diamonds ouch guys Naro found out everything but now I'll get in my plane and I'll get out of here stay with this little dirt house now Naru stay there no come here cadr come back here cadr come here goodbye I'm going to a rich village now well at least he left the machine that creates infinite diamonds here oh no it's dropping dirt
Channel: Cadres ENG
Views: 3,088,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _03RFz3F6AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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