What's inside friend's head in Minecraft

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today I'm going to enter my friend's brain in Minecraft to discover all his secrets and to do that all I have to do is come here while nuu is sleeping shrink down and enter his head oh no Cadre has entered my head he can't find out about my secret with his girlfriend wow I actually got inside his brain and wait look how weird it is inside his brain but wait a minute there's a sign over there I think that sign has nar's first secret I'm going to get to it to find out what his secret is oh I fell in lava I fell in lava why is there lava inside nar's brain I think it's because he's angry that I entered his brain I'm going to try to get cadres out of my head by banging my head on the ground go go go go he has to die in my head he can't find out my secrets but it doesn't matter because I'm going to pass here and I'm going to discover nar's secret let me come up this ladder and now reach the sign oh everything is shaking why is everything shaking hey what a strange thing hey now it's stopped out of nowhere but let me see here what nar's secret is Naru wears bikinis Naro wears bikinis oh no kadri's discovered my first secret but that's still the smallest secret I have he can't find out out the other secrets and not one with his girlfriend hi otherwise he'll get very angry and I where am I falling wait a minute this is another part of nar's head this place doesn't even have a challenge wait it's just me coming and reading yeah his secret here isn't it wait a minute there are several signs here not to trick me here either I need to find the sign where nar's secret is and hey look skeletons just spawned down there they're trying to knock me down I can't let them hit me I need to find this sign quickly wow an arrow just passed by my side guys oh no they knocked me down I need to go back up there if they hit me with more arrows I'll never know nar's secret okay is that sign over there let me take a look and here it is not either the only sign left is that one I'm going to get to it I'm sure that's where the next Naru secret is the first way to try to get cadr out of my head didn't work but I have a second way which is much more effective I have this elytra here that I'm going to put on my back now yes guys yes go go go go go I hit I hit my head I what was that I took a lot of damage out of nowhere the skeletons are not even here anymore they despawned why did I take this damage ah but it doesn't matter let me see nar's secret here Nar is afraid of sheep oh no Naru is too scared sheep sheep no no no oh I'm terrified of sheep no get out of here sheep and hey look at this other place I come to in nar's brain it's all pink from what I'm seeing from here it's a maze I need to get through this maze to discover nar's next secra maybe it's to here oh there's lava here it's not here okay maybe it's to that other Corner I've already seen lava back there it's not either I need to go through the paths that don't have lava like this one here only that this one is a dead end where could Naro secret be oh I'm back to the beginning I've always hated mazes mazes are very difficult guys I'm now going to the hypnotist to be able to ask him to hypnotize cadr and send him out of my head he's right here oh hypnotist I need you to hypnotize cadr and send him to jump into the lava so he can get out of my head hypnos you are hypnotized go jump into the lava Yes master lava there jump jump into the lava fulfill desire uh I don't know I'm going to jump over that lava here I think it's the best option what is that lava is falling why is lava coming into nar's head no I'm the one who was hypnotized it went wrong oh no everything went wrong cadr was supposed to be the one hypnotized but I was the one who got it how I need to find this secret soon so I can go to the next part of the brain before this lava comes down it's already very close where is the next secret that one here Naru is bald I can't believe Naru is bald so some part of his blue hair is a wig my hair ouch no this means that Cadre has discovered my other secret that I'm bald and wear a wig oh no no no I have to get kadr out of my head otherwise he'll discover my secret with his girlfriend and look this is the next part of nar's brain and his next secret is there I need to make these jumps to get there oh no I fell in the water and I'm terrible at parkour okay but let me try again there I got the next jump and I'm already getting pretty close to that sign guys I need something more functional now and for that I'm going to put this sword here guys why am I going to put this sword through my ear I just need to come here guys and make this sword enter my ear that's it oh oh go go find cadr oh oh what is that what appeared here I took damage out of nowhere I was so close wait a sword appeared why did a sword appear inside nar's head uh I don't care either I'm not going to make that jump anymore I'll get here around the corner and then I jump over here and discover his secret what is nar's next secret Naru has a girlfriend but how come Naru has a girlfriend he never told me that why would he hide that from me oh no kadri's found out that I have a girlfriend he's going to find out her name soon he can't find out and look this is the next part of nar's brain what there's a question here is this his secret what is the most famous rat in the world why would I want to know that this is not Naru secret ah guys I got it I need to answer these questions to get to the sign that will be at the end and then when I get there I'll just discover nar's secret so let me answer that first question the most famous rat in the world is rat twilly look I got a pressure plate now I can go to the next question which is what are bees famous for making this is very easy it's honey look I got another pressure plate let me go to the next phase which is how many colors are in a rainbow this one oh I don't remember I don't remember right guys I had an idea this idea is infallible I need to build a very large speaker now I'm going to put the Jukebox right in the middle which is going to be what turns on the sound and I'll make another speaker too done perfect now I need to put a very bad song here it's going to be so loud in my brain that cadres is going to want to throw himself out of there very well now let me put the music here I put it it's right here by my head come on so what's that sound what's that sound coming from here what a horrible thing what a bad song what is it too loud it's too loud why is it so loud like this oh oh oh oh my ear is even hurting owch I'm even taking damage because of this oh oh oh oh no I need to know the answer to this quickly to get out of this place ah how many colors are in a rainbow oh let me think there's red orange yellow two green blue and violet seven color look I just got another pressure plate let me pass quickly I can't take this music anymore the last question here what hero dresses like a bat it's Batman yay I won I won let me see what nar's secret is Naro stole kad's wolf and lied to him oh that's infuriating I knew it he had told me that my wolf had died my music is over the music is over oh no no KR found out that I lied to him he's very close to finding out who my girlfriend is and look this is the next part of nar's hay there's even some red stuff here how strange but there's a sign here is it the secret no hit the MLG I need to jump down there and in this chest there is water I need to throw myself and hit that water before I fall and then I find out nar's secret which is right there on that sign okay let's go then a lot of concentration because if I miss it's over I won't have a chance to find out who nar's girlfriend is let's go then 3 2 1 and I jumped and hit I good I managed to hit the MLG guys and now I'm going to find out what's on that sign guys I'm here now with the milkshake in my hand and it's very cold that's because guys I know that when we eat things that are very cold very quickly our brain freezes so my idea here now guys is to grab and drink this milkshake very quickly to freeze cadres inside and he will die of cold now let's go let's go let's go let's go go go go go drink this milkshake fast I can't stop drinking this milkshake what is this here out of nowhere a lot of snow appeared it's okay it's just getting bigger why is so much snow appearing I'm shaking oh so cold so cold so cold I don't know what's going on but this way I'm going to die of the cold I need to read the sign what is the next secret I need to get out of here here it's so cold the next secret of Naru is Naru in fact is crosseyed crosseyed Naru is crosseyed oh no you found out that I'm crosseyed he found out that I'm crosseyed that means the next secret already has to do with the girlfriend and look this is the next part of nar's brain there are even some Sands here but I need to be finding the sign where is that sign here wait Naru hid the secret Berry tip as bright as the sun that's where the secret hides how so bright as the sun I didn't understand that I only understood the part that his secret is under the sand but which sand I'm not finding any sign here not even a chest there's nothing guys I made this thing here because I have the idea of pressing this lever and this stick enter through my ear and remove cadres from my brain I'm sure this will work it will definitely work just press this here go what is this that appeared here out of nowhere here what a strange thing I'm telling you guys there's a lot of strange stuff going on in nar's head out of nowhere a white thing appeared inside it's as if Naru were so stupid that he was putting things in his head okay but I can't waste time I'm going back here to read that clue again and see if I understand it because just breaking that sand I'm not finding the secret look the clue was as bright as the Sun but here look if I look up there's no sun at all there's no sign there's nothing there I don't understand this sun thin wait there's a yellow thing here this looks like a sun could it be here could it be here underneath wait I broke a sign oh but could it be that this sign here was the secret if the secret is in here I'll never see it again because if I open it there's nothing there's nothing is there anything else left to this wait there's a sign over there I read nar's name kadre sees nar's girlfriend almost every day what do you mean I see almost every day but I don't even see that many people in my days I only see my friends and my own girlfriend who could nar's girlfriend be oh this is getting weirder and weirder I need to know her name oh no guys cadr is almost finding out who my girlfriend is this is my next secret I need to get him out of there or he'll find out hey guys this is the last part of nar's brain and there's even water inside it says use the signs to your advantage I think I'm supposed to go down here and try to find nar's hidden secret and then these signs will help me breathe if I put one of them here I can breathe underwater okay but where is it where is this sign from naru I want to know his secret it must be the name of his girlfriend but where where is it it's not here maybe it's in that other Corner no it's not there either this time Naro hit it well I think he doesn't want me to know who his girlfriend is I'm not breathing put the sign on I need to look here in the middle of these corals it must be here it's not here it's not up here either it's not here it's not here guys my only chance is to kill myself guys I need to creeper what's that what's that why did it explode here out of nowhere and where's the water where's the water the water is gone guys I don't know what's going on outside nar's head but there are explosions happening here and I need to find that sign soon what's nar's secret wait it's here it's here no the creeper didn't kill me the creeper didn't kill me guys I need another creeper I need to read this sign quickly or I'll die Naru is dating cis's fish cadri so Naru is dating a fish come here friend come here friend explode me explode me that's it oh it exploded at least I was reborn and Naro oh he's out he's out it worked at least you didn't find out the name of my girlfriend cadres I didn't find out did I I found out you're dating pad's fish no cadres you weren't supposed to find out anything you're dating the fish come back here come back here guys Naru is dating the fish come back here cadres you weren't supposed to find out anything
Channel: Cadres ENG
Views: 428,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -iHu2M0qDjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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