Trapped on One Peppa Pig Block in Minecraft

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Minecraft but I'm a trap on only one Peppa Pig block but if you break it Peppa and her friends will give us their illegal items to defeat the pig butcher hey y Peppa why your face so wonky and what is that Peppa's painful pickaxe but oink your blocks at Mega speed oh I get it cuz pigs go oink oink Peppa you're just not funny bro and wait I just smashed her face into the Block it's like she's snotting up blocks this is so weird dude and wait the durability of the pickaxe instead of going down it's going up huh wait what bro the more blocks I dig up the more it charges what's going to happen when it fully charges I guess there's only one way to find out we got to keep wait Peppa Pig somebody help don't worry kids I'll save you what don't be silly we need real help what's happening to the Peppa Pig family they need help but from W my bridg is done you're all a dead meat ain't no hug stopping me now wait who is this dude what does he want bro that's Peppa Pig's house yo and what is this other thing I definitely have not seen that before the factory belongs to the butcher here only goal to murder Peppa Pigs family turn them into delicious pork chops we have to save Peppa and her family wait are those players they're building a bridge from the factory to Peppa house y'all we need to stop them but why are those players even helping the butcher I don't know hopefully this block can help us out who are you bro you don't look like mommy or daddy pig but you definitely C some thick butt chicks yo Peppa Pig Trader nice check this out we got the jackpot mommy pig's glasses Pedro's Brown carrot the Peppa mobile all right I like it but wait what what are these Pepper's dollhous H what how am I supposed to get those to trade do I get them from the Block do I just keep breaking them them guess that's the only thing I can think of right once I get all three doll houses bro I'm going to buy every single one of these items all right we're Going H here as I continued mining the butcher expanded his bridge I was getting closer to Pepper I needed to slow him down yeah here's my plan all right if we can get enough blocks we can build around the side of this Factory Ambush The Butcher and stop him before he can reach Peppa and her family but obviously we need gear and hopefully we can find some better stuff than what we got currently let's build out a little bit so we don't lose anything to the void we also want to make sure that our Trader does not fall you know to his untimely demise that would be very bad you okay you are not making it easy dude I'm trying to help out your family actually I don't know if you're part of their family but this dude definitely is this is George's toy dinosaur but how is this thing which is literally a toy going to help me oh my gosh it's terrifying no wonder George uses it to scare people um and wait we still get our inventory so we can use as many as we want or just one at a time I don't know but we really don't have space for you right now so I'm sorry di you got to go but he's going to be absolutely overpowered in our fight against the butcher I mean a dinosaur against the butcher I don't know about you but my bet is on the dino bro all right we got to keep bridging out here guys but hopefully we should probably get some more overpowered items Rebecca is rabbit I thought Rebecca was a rabbit it's okay the rabbit has gone to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wait guys my pickaxe is fully charged but what does that mean how do I use it wait wo oh dude my pickaxe just like spam M the block I don't know how many times that was but that's going to allow us to get items so much quicker and speaking of items what is this Daddy Pig's nose huh snort or sneeze okay do we just click on bro I just sneezed out blocks and wait it used up the blocks in my inventory i sneezing out my inventory blocks that is awesome and yo so I can snort outwards oh wait no that's a sneeze and then a snort bro daddy pig nostril are so briig it literally pulls things towards me I don't really have a use for that now but we could theoretically use that to pull the butcher into the void that's genius like look this this tra is getting in my way I can just like sniff him in dude okay nobody take a clip of me doing that SN right that was embarrassing pe's ugly cousin come on we need something else wait what is this spitting George tox SI what huh ew it's spitting all over me bro she's got it all over my brand new ey merch I'm going to have to buy some more from e. store or down below maybe I get a different shirt Hy stickers all the socks yo luckily we still have some still left in stock but I'm pretty sure that we have almost sold out so please guys you got to head over right now and get it cuz I don't want any of you to miss out but as bad as George's fashion sense is hopefully he's going to be of some used to us wait what dude is that a spit and he just vanished bro George has some serious spit glands man has muscle teeth teeth muscles spit muscles I don't know what kind of muscles he's got but he's got them for days I didn't even notice the bridge was halfway and he just blew it up that's crazy so we can use George's spit to slow down the Butcher and his men from getting to Peppa Pig all right we need to keep digging give me I don't need another one of Peppa's ugly cousin Peppa I'm coming to save you but I hope you don't need me to save your cousin they we're just taking up space guys all right we need to make sure we're safe what Peppa's great grandma okay our pickaxe is charged up again slam it down yo wait what's that that's a doll house that's a dollhous yes yes yes yes okay do we save it up or do we spend it okay you already know guys we need to figure out what that next item is I got to send it straight up okay we can get mommy pigs glasses after all we should be able to get more doll houses from the Block let's Chuck those go on okay um I'm I'm clicking and they're not it's not doing anything how do I use these wait they're sunglasses maybe I put them on my eyes hold up those don't look like Minecraft clouds what the dude is this what the world looks like out of Mummy Pig's eyes this is just like the TV show this is awesome okay I'm getting distracted though we need more items come on come on come on bab oh no they're straight back at building that brid come on we need something better oh what is that romantic daddy pig that sounds a little sussy Baka what what do I do with this action inv valid required romantic Mummy Pig what are mommy pig and daddy pig going to do together I don't want to know but I wonder what he can do I mean if you combine two items it's got to be way more powerful right I was distracted and without me noticing the butcher men had almost reached Peppa's house what else we got on this block babe no way I literally looked at that 2 seconds they're almost theread they're almost theread okay quick we need to Chuck on baby George bro Chuck him down spit for me boy spit fire in the H but I mean as great as Georgia spit is this is not a long-term strategy guys he's just going to keep building and one we look away for one second and they're going to get there I need a new plan I need to be quick and Ambush ambusher we got plenty of blocks I think we should be able to get there with Daddy Pig's NOS all right it's time we get over there guys and Ambush daddy pig whoa whoa whoo the blocks are glitching out that's the main entrance all of the uh players are coming out of that front so if we come around this side then surely nobody will be here I don't see any guards on the outside I mean who puts guards outside the factory right man I really hope so bro come on we just got to keep going we got to move faster let's go let's go let's make it over there all right this is a pretty good entrance I don't see anyone here I think we're safe to disembark just got to be super careful we need to find a way in bro over there no that's the main entrance that's a no go so then where else are we supposed to go in wait look the windows maybe we can sneak in through one of those oh wait around here around here very careful ah no it's boarded off guys we can't get in there wait maybe if we climb over hold up come around here there's a ladder yes this is exactly what we need we're sneaking in baby let's do this this window's broken as well oh oh yes wait what is that what is that no what is this what is this why have they created such a massive factory for just Peppa's family turns out this Factory was actually a slaughter house to murder pigs are you guys seeing this right now this is horrific dude so here's like this pen of pigs and and then they're getting launched onto these conveyor belts and on into whatever machine what is this dude what is this wait it's splitting them off is this like the Nordy and nice machine that figures out which pigs are good and not what happens to these oh my gosh oh my God okay so these are clearly the bad pig they just literally get burned alive and then wait is that the their parts literally just get sprayed out here there is a river of blood and flesh that is disgusting and cruel we need to stop this scar what the this is awful they're going to do this to Peppa Pig and her family they're MTH producing bacon dude so they're processing the pork and I don't know selling them and making a ton of money what are they doing with these these P it's just so cruel wait where did those stairs go hold up where is the butcher there's no one in here where where is everyone okay wait I should actually be careful considering we haven't seen anyone in here but why wait what's around here okay okay there's some signs at the end do we see what it says I don't like this guys what is that what is in there what is that room wait there's something on the wall over there butcher office this must be where the butcher is hiding he's got to be in there okay we've got to stop and rip out the toy dinosaur here goes nothing prepare to die but wait where where is he hold up so he's not on the factory floor and he's not out on this bridge either I don't understand where is he hiding hold up what are those drawings on the wall is this no do you think this is telling a story hold up is this the Butcher and he's like his stomach is hungry and so he's thinking of food and then he gets together with his other hungry friends and they hunt down the pigs and brutally murder them I I don't understand what do these drawings mean and who are these people are those the players that we saw building the bridge what have all these people killed the pigs wait wait these are the last pigs they've taken all the pigs and put them into the factory and now they have no more food left which is why they're trying to hunt down Peppa Pig and her family I need to destroy this place this is cruel this is evil as I turned to leave the butcher walked in and caught me redh handed there has to be more to this Factory that we're missing here guys wait who's that no no no no no who's this it's the big butcher it's the pig butcher oh no he's brought back up quick attack come on George stus don't do something man he's blowing them up with fire all right bring him closer baby snort you in Destroy them Dino Bros sading them up breathing fire and everything wait why didn't the butcher come over here wait my snort isn't working on the butcher he's too fat how is it not strong enough I'm trying so hard come on no no no no no no oh no you just killed my Dino I don't stand a chance we need a way out we're in a way out quick the window okay we got to be careful don't fall to my death where are we going to go where do we go there's another window over there come on quick quick quick get out of here go out out the window I'm free I'm free come on come on come on come on come on what the dude there are giant forks and knives and spoons falling from the sky on me he's trying to kill me he's trying to kill me he's trying to kill me quick jump oh my gosh there C from the sky what he's literally launching them out oh oh my goodness I can't believe that didn't hit me we so lucky oh dear wait what was that s who said that okay we're back we're back what did we do that went horribly wrong if anything we've just made the butcher more Angry wait wait oh no they're back in building and they have people holding Shields okay we need to stop that we need to stop that send the spit go go go come on come on come on stop them in their tracks this is bad wait a minute it did nothing did he just deflect it with his shield oh this is bad this is bad what do we do I need answers block I need ansers the butcher men had outsmarted me I only had a little time left before they got to Peppa and her family oh no no they're going to get that bridge and we are going to be done for guys please please give me something okay there's so much here what do we got what do we got the muddy puddle clouds what are these dude dude we can use this to trap the butcher next time we see him once he's stuck in a muddy puddle we can take him down the dinosaur all right we've been putting together a strategy I got another dollhous I'm not going to waste it this time we're going to save up and get that pepper bile that's the most expensive item it's got to be the most powerful all right let's see what else we can get out of here come on please give me something good is this taking so long we got another house we got another house okay just one more and we can afford the third one we are racing against the clock what was that romantic mommy pig we have romantic Daddy Pig and romantic mommy pig okay I didn't want to see what they were going to do together before but I don't think we have much of an option let's go daddy pig let's go Mommy Pig Oh e get a room guys we don't want more of your babies they're literally breeding more Georges but wait why are those Georges carrying T why are they running to the factory wait wait I think they're going to blow up the bridge they're going to blow up to the bridge yes yes keep going at it we need more babies this is great Shield don't do anything against TNT they kamakazi jumping onto the bridge this is dude just took out like half their population this is too good wait mommy and daddy pig where did you go where did you go no no no we need more babies we need you to blow up the entire Factory this is bad get them off me I shall no longer condemn your nonsense me virus will destroy you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what virus are we talking about please what is that my bank information my bank information run run run no no no no no no no no to Slow Me Down The Butcher released a virus to corrupt my block oh what happened to the world hello what's going on with that sun what's going on with the sky Peppa pig.exe is that the virus he gave me no that's not the virus gave me that's what he's done to the block that isn't Peppa Pig anymore that's Peppa pig.exe I don't know if you've seen this thing on YouTube but it is terrifying but wait I thought the glasses were controlling my vision and the clouds in the sky before what no my glasses are literally smeared in blood what are we do what do we do do we dig the block I don't know whether it's safe but we don't have much of a choice we still need a weapon to defeat the butcher that the dinosaur was not strong enough all right here goes nothing what was that oh what is that run run run what the no no no no no no sing the song or die I'm going to I'm going to die ow ow I'm going to die if I don't sing um the Peppa Pink theme song uh uh I'm Peppa Pig and this is my little brother George it's working it's working she's dying this is mommy pig and this is Daddy Pig something like that she's not dead that was way too close clearly there's some bad stuff going on with the block but maybe there's still some good things in there I mean I don't really have much of a choice what else do we got wait it's not dropping blocks it's not dropping anything anymore hold up this my full charge okay good good good wait it's just dropping like items and stuff but it doesn't matter we don't need blocks we just got ourselves three pepper doll's houses which means we can get the pepper mobile oh I really hope this is what we needed please tell me this thing is overpowered come on okay it's just a car it's just oh it's not just a car dude this is insane this is C crazy look it literally just can drive through air it creates a real-time platform which means we can drive straight to Peppa Pig's house okay this is awesome this is awesome what else have we got here okay there's clearly still stuff we can get out of this thing but it doesn't seem to work with the normal pickaxe I can only use my charge pickaxe well no I I can't zomies umbrella. exe 10% chance of un alive okay look these items might kill me but at least they're still deadly we could use this as a weapon against the butcher wait no no no no no no no the bridge they've made it all the way there tell me amount of time before the butcher kills Peppa we don't have a second to waste we can't get any more items get on the Peppa mile we're coming to save you Peppa go go go go oh no no no no no no the color is back down on us not like this no no no no no no come on please please please a oh no we're falling we're falling what do we do we're going to die not like this not like this wait dude the pepper mobile just transformed play this is just like the TV show where the pepper mobile can turn into everything let's go slowly land on the house yes we made it where's your master chef at now boys you think you can take me on let's get the muddy puddles up try and make it over here boys oh yeah that's right you can't stuck in place and now your butcher comes to save you sorry to break it to you but he ain't getting through Peppa you and your family are safe no need to worry what oh no oh no what is he doing what is he doing what is he ow ow ow ow how has he got so much fat on him that he's literally rolling around like a freaking ball dude we going to try out this mommy's Umbrella Please tell me yo we're slaming dunking on him oh my gosh oh my gosh all right Chuck down the no why am I even using the clouds bro they do nothing we have to use the combo bam slam see you later ma'am oh yeah you think you can mess with me ow ow yep he can he can mess with me he can mess with me oh my gosh sneeze on him toy dinosaur come on he's useless why can nobody beat this butcher do I have anything here yes George spit on him spit on him yes they took out the bridge all right at least reinforcements aren't coming but George of spit seems absolutely useless against him is the umbrella the only chance we got I mean it's a 10% chance of un alive this is it come on please please no no no how did he hit it out of my hand come on come on come on we're going to die I'm on three hearts I'm on three hearts this is it this is it if we don't do something soon it's all over for us no no no one heart we did we did it oh yeah Peppa Pig you okay I'm so glad you're okay I'm so glad I could help you but like I'm on really low Hearts I'm really hungry and honestly all this talk about factories and butchers has made me starving you don't happen to have like any pork chop around that I could eat by any chance right I'm I'm just a bit hungry thank you to all of these guys for making today's video possible you're my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 5,971,967
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Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, troll, prank, secret, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but its only 1 block, one block minecraft, minecraft but its only 1 peppa pig blocks, minecraft but its cartoon, minecraft but its 1 peppa pig block, minecraft but its a peppa pig, minecraft tv show, minecraft cartoon, minecraft peppa pig, minecraft disney, minecraft but its 1 cartoon block, peppa pig in minecraft, peppa pig one block, only one peppa pig
Id: FYwrZ21dDOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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