i became british for a day

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okay tea specifically british tea i have never ever had a cup of proper british tea before i have a lot of mods that are from the uk i have a lot of friends that are from the uk and i get shamed for it especially whenever i drink tea on stream or in a video people are always like what tea are you drinking what do you put in your tea i don't know dude it's like green tea or something i don't know a throat coat you ever throw your coat dude and so today i thought that i would finally dive into what it means to be british martin all right all right all right and i'm gonna try a bunch of british tea because they always you know the british you know all about the british and how they can just think they're so much better than all of us with their [ __ ] t dude how good could it be how good could it be this is sugar so i've got the key ingredients i've got sugar i've got milk i've got my thing a lot of people are also apparently really disturbed i love this mug it's big it's boisterous it can fill a lot of liquid people don't like that it's clear but i thought for this video one i want to make people uncomfortable but two it'll be good to see for sure what color the tea is you know so i asked charlie one of my mods to make a video for me on how to make a proper cup of tea so we gotta boil the kettle whack i don't have a kettle in it i also got uh so many crumpets i didn't mean to buy i have four more of the i have five of these bags of crumpets i don't even know what are they muffins can i even eat these we're gonna have a classic tea and crumpet combo that's a nice sound didn't it boil a kettle uh-huh put a tea bag in yeah put in the water okay you stir the tea stir the tea put in a dash of milk that's not very much milk at all just milk is there no sugar in this a little bit more milk oh jesus take the tea bag out no sugar in the pot that's slap dude all right so that i think is a controversial way on how to make tea i'm gonna go out on a limb and say it right now because i know people put sugar in tea i got pg tips huh yorkshire tea yorkshire i got these i don't want any of these actually hookah tea i don't really want green matcha tea i don't think i want that i also got this big old box twinnings green tea i got typhu tea i got tetley classic black tea and i got lion's original blend all right so let's go with the classic first let's go with pg tips because all the british people love their pg tips and they say oh what's your favorite tea post it down below in the comments smart all right how do i open this ah push to feel the fresh taste wow it smells like tea my door is open my kettle is on to from come on over it's been too long i'm so sorry all right put the tea bag in in my coffee i usually put like a spoon and a little bit of sugar all right let's put this in wow okay it's a little dash a little dash of it is that too much milk i think i may have put too much milk in it i need somewhere to put my tea bags i need to get into your team i need to get your little thing done and macaroni and macaroni macaroni my two rounds do you think my neighbors hate me my neighbors probably hate me okay i've got it now the first cup of tea what are the aromas that i'm smelling i'm smelling it's a jasmine juniper leaf turmeric okay a lot of scents up in here first of a tea right let's do it [Music] it doesn't really taste like anything who who's british in my phone it doesn't taste like anything charlie it tastes like warm [Music] liquid i'm using pg tips by the way i also put sugar in it you didn't in the video the controversial yes little bit in it it doesn't taste like anything is the deal it's tea it tastes like tea well that's the thing it doesn't taste like anything did i get the right pg tips i got the original yeah i just don't see the appeal maybe it's because i don't have enough british in me but i just don't get it i just wanted to make sure i did it right my mind isn't blown i thought that it would be similar like a cup of coffee where it's like you know there's some stuff in there this is kind of just hot water i forgot to eat the crumpets with it dog is that a crucial step i don't even like pumpkins don't even like crumpets all right from the resident british person who doesn't like crumpets we're gonna try the other standard which is yorkshire too mite i've got so much bloody tea here's the thing guys i couldn't just get one thing of tea like they don't just sell one box of tea they have to sell them in huge packs for some reason and i just don't get it live a rich refreshing classic black tea that's yorkshire for you where is yorkshire autumn added share your brew outstanding since 1886. well they haven't can they haven't changed it since 1986 no wonder why it doesn't taste like anything they didn't even have flavors back then i'm not impressed dude i thought that this was gonna be a life-changing event for me i'm disappointed i'm not mad i'm just disappointed says my dad i'm gonna mix it in a little bit this time i'm gonna keep the tea bag in a lot of people say didn't get it out but you know i took i didn't let it steep oh my god i figured it out gamers the reason why it didn't taste good and it had no flavor was i only let it sit for a couple of a couple of seconds and then i took it out i didn't get the full flavor experience because i didn't allow myself to see isn't this good you can clearly see what i'm dealing with i think this is good to have this clear bucket right in front of you why aren't ziploc stuff on things more you know wow they're so moist that's a whap let's get the dog hair out of the tea so this is yorkshire the other sort of standard of tea oh i'm definitely getting a little bit more of a scent here oh i'm getting an essence of tea in it i can't taste it because i just wore my tongue off die all right let's dunk it that's really bad do worry people not have taste buds why do people eat that listen i don't want to shame british people that's not what i'm doing here what i'm doing is i'm trying to see what people do across the pond you know and i'm just not getting it i like yorkshire tea this is me crank gameplays making an official statement i like yorkshire tea better than pg tips the crumpets are really really bad maybe i just got shitty crumpets but they just don't taste like anything and again i'm not trying to shame your culture dog i'm just trying to live life love a little bit you know i'm just trying to figure out what the hype is all about you know i'm just trying to see how you see we feel raj every day is this should i not do this all right up next is typhoo oh my god there's so much i have spots so much tea anybody in the la area that i'm friends with wants tea you can let me know baby all right i'm gonna go out on a limb i'm gonna make this as if i really know what i'm doing and what the ratios are putting in that much milk i'm not using sugar this time all right i'm gonna be like an adult do adults put sugar in their tea i have no idea i have no idea this sugar is an is a is a child's ingredient huh a child's ingredient also guys i'm not wearing it right now but go to crankgameplace.com and get the new merch it's dandy there's so many things there i should be wearing it right now but it's in the laundry and i'm an idiot and i didn't plan ahead there's a lot of people on the internet that are like wow ethan crank gameplays what a hottie i'd have to agree myself pour it in the lovely cup of tea pour it in that looks just like milk that looks gross i don't really want to drink this oh but it's turning darker as i let it steep more alright i think this tea is ready for my tummy i just don't get it that's the shittiest one in the bunch absolutely maybe it's because i didn't put sugar in it but that's the shittiest one what's the flavor you can't just call it original like what is it original signature taste okay but what does that mean original blend what does original blend mean i don't know why i got this i spent like two hundred dollars when flying tea all right here's the box that we got and here's the tea we got this tea we got this tea all these teas wow we've got english afternoon throw that on the table what is this berry fusion i don't really want it what's this earl grey i've heard so much about earl grey what's this i don't even know what's this chai i don't really want chai green tea whatever green tea green tea the irish breakfast what's the difference between eyelashes and english all right so we're gonna try english breakfast we're gonna try irish breakfast we're gonna try earl grey those are the ones let's start out with english breakfast i've heard of many a many a good word about this is english afternoon [Music] all right smells exactly the same like everything else just put a dash in that's good let's get some sugar in here let's put one and a little bit let's put the water in now let's mix this up excellent we dunk we dip we dab we whatever tea bag out or tea bag in i think we should leave the tea bag in gamers i'm calling it here you leave the tea bag in don't you want more flavor rather than just more water that's all i'm saying i only have 10 minutes left on that sd card so we might not go well i mean what do we have left cutley black tea it's not gonna be any different also with all the unopened things i'll figure out something to do with them i'm not just gonna throw it all away i'll uh i'll bring it somewhere it's too hot it's way too hot i'm gonna burn my mouth off i'm gonna drink this now god it's still so freaking hot hey english afternoon with that that's the best one i've had yet just coming out and saying it twinnings english afternoon that's the best tea i've had yet all right let's do earl grey oh a different scent hey hold on let me put the mustard in the mustard now we've mixed it up leaving the tea bag in earl grey i was impressed by the scent of this how much time is left four minutes all right all right twinnings let's go dude i like it i don't know if i like it [Music] i think i like the breakfast afternoon delight what is this english afternoon i think i like english afternoon more but hey it's got flavor i just don't really like the flavor that much like it's fine i would drink it but i'm not crazy about the flavor but at least it has flavor it doesn't just taste like a walnut all right final countdown gamers this is the final bag of tea twinning's irish breakfast mine what's it smell like oh i like it look at this wow wow wow wow wow wow of course we're going to press the tea bag up against the side of the wall here to get even more flavor draining out of this boy here we are it's the final it's the it's the wembley's final he's got tea madness final cup of tea twinnings earl what am i doing twinnings irish breakfast tea the sensation of the nation of ireland i pray to the big man upstairs sean mclaughlin best irishman i know number eight our best irish man in the world i pray to you to give me a cup of tea that just beyond extraordinary and to be honest anything that i've ever experienced in my life okay that's the worst one of them ireland let me die i'm not blaming it on sean jacksepticeye but i am gonna say that you know he's not a tea guy he's more of a coffee guy top of the morning coffee genuinely my favorite coffee not just because he's my friend because he paid me a billion dollars to promote his coffee no he didn't pay me anything i genuinely loved his coffee and i buy it myself i don't get it for free baby i i support a local business all right this video is done okay this camera has gotten zero minutes left on the card what are you doing how are you still recording i'm gonna address you you you you i don't know who cameras dies first this has been an experiment to see what the british people experience on an everyday basis and to be honest i'm not impressed i did really like english afternoon and earl grey english afternoon was the best tea that i had here today no space on memory card one okay just talking to you now this was an experiment that i decided to try because i wanted to see what it's like to be a british person with tea and i wasn't impressed it's all about learning and becoming more cultured and you know stepping outside of your comfort zone so thank you for stepping outside your comfort zone and experiencing what it means to be a tea master a master of tea a tea man i'm leaving i'm going far away and i'm never coming back i hope that this was anywhere enjoyable was it debatable thank you guys so much for watching if you'd like to check out the new merch it is um the proudest i've ever been in bridge i think it looks awesome it's super [ __ ] comfy and yeah anybody who pre-ordered it already it should be coming in january so just to let you know because it was a pre-order thing and they're not shipping until january at the beginning of january but i believe so it'll be coming out very soon um so yeah if you want to check that out go ahead and uh do it and get it my personal favorite is the green pretty thing thank you for watching i'll see you later i can't do that anymore [ __ ] thank you for watching [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 435,177
Rating: 4.9665513 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, Tea, British tea, Making tea, Making British tea, Becoming British, British for a day, Tea taste test, Tea tier list, Tier list
Id: 7hDA5Agkuac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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