I Became a Pro Gamer in 7 Days

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I'm Richard and I'm golden valrin I picked up valoran casually a couple months ago and like most of you I think I could be at a higher rank just like you I have the same excuses I don't have enough time I don't care enough I'm new to PC gaming yeah yeah but what would happen if I were to drop the excuses and pour my heart and soul into this game for seven days is Talent a sign from birth or can you really do anything you set your mind to Kyo yo realistically in one week how far do you think I could climb in Valor dude you are terrible what you're not getting past plow one bro yeah I don't know if you want me to ask her like truth no answer truthfully answer truthfully let's go for plot three you go for plot three you're gonna get 300 e loads how much you want to bet on it right I bet you a hundred dollars for not hitting plot three deal with that the challenge has begun yo straight up the first day was just doodoo I was so nervous trying to play on stream like money's on the line already and now I have to do this in front of people held on dude I'm nervous guys don't flame me don't make fun of me [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that kills me oh okay look I got my one I got my one yeah dude I know if I keep looking at a child I'm gonna lose but like ah is that okay with you guys if I just like Focus I mean it probably won't make a difference go [ __ ] yourself I think I'm uh I'm not confident I think I just need to be confident foreign I would be lying if I if I said I wasn't nervous right now that was pure [ __ ] luck winning the women I'm not gonna lie I started out rough buying was jittery and honestly I think I was nervous to put myself out there Chad you guys are making me nervous I can't do this dude but sooner or later I found my groove in the game you know what that's not what I meant to do but uh it worked I even had my clutch moments [Music] call me a good boy say you believe in me obviously I had my parts where I can improve a coach was watching me did you say you were a coach kaime you're a coach yeah what rank are you what the hell that's crazy oh wait no the pressure is on now [ __ ] why'd you tell me that all right coach this is for you anyways I played as well as I could I even got an ace [Music] foreign a bit more warmed up I went into the second game with high hopes and more confidence I'm gonna turn the [ __ ] up here we go that smash is a warm-up now we just win yep that's what I'm saying [Music] oh I was feeling myself a lot more in this game and I knew it was going to be a win I did it I did it we're not d-ranking we're not teammate today guys should I get in call with coach hey yo what's going on man pretty good pretty good you see these lines on these boxes here no way seriously oh what the [ __ ] he showed me some lineup spots gave me a warm-up routine and even suggested to lower my sins by half face wise like like my arm is like oh I should do I hold on where all the way yo yo my name's kind of crazy I'm not gonna lie I was feeling it I reset my mental and went into the third game oh Haven dude that's a raise map it's day one watch me and Kai we're gonna get to day seven I'm gonna be plat three thank you I was [ __ ] frying newscents had me feeling like a new man I was getting multiple kills around I was tapping heads we had another win in our hands we lost no Jesus match match MVP though wasn't my fault it was my team totally my team I called it night there and got ready for day two during my warm-ups there's one thing that I noticed people have reaction times too I started to take my time with my aim and I found that things got a lot easier and even fun so today I tried implementing this new idea into my games showstoppers now online two players left the Richie juice is gonna pick up The Kill Joy all right good job oh hey there's one the showstopper online gets the Gekko [Applause] I speak [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were playing out of our minds communicating Swinging with each other making plays my shots were on point I played calm it was perfect except for Keo screaming in my ear right against the second finds the brimstone no more leaders available and Richie juice is gonna get the flank up we won but something here still upset me I wasn't consistent I wasn't playing enough if I want to rank up I have to be the reason why my team wins I have to play above the rank I'm at two to three okay games won't be enough if I'm not playing like the best of the best it was time to get serious tomorrow will be my first session playing Val all day wow day three it's time for some math if I have a 60 win rate and I have 280 hours to go and gain or lose about 15 hour each game 280 RR divided by 15 RR with a 60 chance is about 31 games if each game takes about 50 minutes plus 10 minutes for a warm-up that's about 31 hours of play time wow that's a lot of grinding to do oh my God why did I do this time to record all these games okay I'm gonna I'm gonna stim you okay you just gotta run in that's all you gotta do talk about [ __ ] about [ __ ] about he's scared he's scared foreign [Music] turns out all I needed was a little bit of help we won the first match the next game uh we don't talk about it which leads us to a final rank of exactly where I started one more can't hurt right I mean surely I don't enter the loss oh oh [ __ ] we won honestly I thought we were gonna lose because that would be pretty funny for the video but we won this puts us at 20rr above where we started so what went wrong honestly I think I'm just lacking in consistency I can play great and I'm sure I can hang in flat lobbies so what's it going to take for me to get out one I'll be playing death matches after a bad game to reset my mental state mental is super important in this game and I need to take care of myself secondly oh [ __ ] I gotta rest up next time we'll be better way better see you tomorrow it's 11 A.M I'm on enough caffeine to kill a baby horse and I'm ready to play I Am prioritizing my life here I'm working to play as conscious as possible for as long as possible I will play above my rank and make sure I get to plot 3. there's no way I don't get this a hundred dollars I meditated and envisioned being better than my teammates I will make sure that my life is the one that prevails that I am the reason why we win it's time to show no mercy no [ __ ] around we need to win as many games as possible as fast as possible and then this happened pick me pick me okay okay one one two my game sense was on point this game I was shot calling and even LED our team to winning rounds with my plans I'm frying as hard as I can and I'm fragging I can do it it's time to check the rank where are we ah go three still what the [ __ ] if there's anything I've realized it's that gold players are so ass I I don't know maybe it's my ego speaking but I genuinely think it's not my fault and maybe that's why I'm in Gold you know what I mean is a nightmare I'm getting to the point where I can confidently put in my work as a teammate I just can't rely on my other teammates as much as I just want to carry every single game I'm not that much better than my team all we need to do is make sure that my team is better than theirs how can I do this shot calling or being the in-game leader the games I did the best are the games I led the team if I really deserve to be a higher rank my game sense should prove it right besides what good is it to say it's my team's fault if there's something I can do about it you best believe I'll do something about it oh yeah Trigger Discipline Trigger Discipline I'm done I'm done I'm going home what is this ELO what is trigger disciplined oh yeah sadly after all of this at the end of day five I still am in Gold three and honestly it's really getting to be mentally I mean obviously I'm in Gold for a reason and to improve that much in a week it's an accomplishment itself but for someone like me with high standards this game is soul crushing I'm not even gonna lie to you guys I brought multiple different friends who I'd like to say are pretty [ __ ] good at the game and even they do [ __ ] in these lobbies there's something in the air down here that just makes it impossible to climb there's not really any stress to call about we're just getting [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] am I gonna call just don't get [ __ ] up but I can't give up I can't just forfeit this challenge day seven no matter how far I am I'll die trying to reach this rank at this point I know I have the skills necessary to rank up I think it's just a matter of confidence and play time [Applause] oh my God oh my God three ranks in two days may just sound impossible but damn it what kind of Entertainer does that make me if I gave up right here in fact what does it say about my life if I gave up right here I want to be above average Beyond average and what do average people quit no how can you expect to improve at anything in life if you don't put your whole heart and soul into it today I fight for every game every round every gunfight every decision to fight even in the face of hopelessness is what I do holy [ __ ] I ranked up a new Peak for me that succulent blue shown on my screen like a fresh Oasis in a desert of yellow that I've traversed for months no matter what I vowed to put my whole heart into everything I do up until the last minute tomorrow is another day what does it take to get good at something one humility I think the first thing is knowing that you suck how can you be better when you don't even know that better exists people who can't admit their faults red flag easily whether it's relationships business fitness if you can't tell me that you can be better good luck being better two awareness your success at anything is the result of your daily habits James Clear Atomic habits how we perform in our life and the skills we learn the challenges we face and how we feel about ourselves is a result of something we've done to get there you are where you are for a reason so you need to find out what exactly you're doing wrong and become aware of it three clarity now that you know what you've done to get where you are it's time to think about where you want to be what does success look like chances are somebody's done we can look at the people who have done what we wish to do and take inspiration try to apply what these people have done and use it as fuel for our journey you're kidding no way four action now it's time to do it all of this will have been for nothing if you don't get some real experience on your hands in the Modern Age we're filled with so much information we almost find ourselves confused on what the right step is I'm actually throwing that's a thing like dude that's perfect oh it's bad bro like the only right step is to do something you will not be perfect despite all your learning you will mess up and that's okay you try and try again until you mess up less and less until you can do things without thinking and eventually you'll get to where you want to be the only true failure is giving up I think people give up too easily one thing doesn't work and that's it ah I suck it's not meant for me why do you limit yourself why do you not believe that you can do anything Thomas Edison did not fail a thousand times the light bulb was an invention with a thousand steps every failure you take is not the failure you believe it is in fact every failure you get means you're one step closer to winning one step closer to figuring it out one step closer to inventing your light bulb [Music] yeah I am [ __ ] [Laughter]
Channel: Richard Sabiaga
Views: 1,501,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richardasabiaga, Richard Sabiaga, tiktok, comedy, richieejuice, richieemilk, justin han, Valorant, Valorant 7 Days, Pro Valorant
Id: zoHWNG0KxHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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