How I Became Ranked #3,810 in Valorant: The Movie

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this is the story on how I managed to go from a hardstuck plat player to ranked 3,810 place on na leaderboards for the past 3 months I've been documenting my highs and lows as a player and throughout the twist and turns we finally managed to pull it through but as I was sitting there at my new Peak it was cool but I didn't feel complete and it was in that moment that I realized I know it sounds corny but what truly matters is the journey that it took to get there and that's what this video is the complete series for my start as a flat to where I am now so sit back grab some popcorn and get ready for the experience of your life and if you're an oldtime viewer someone that's been there for the entire Journey thank you for your support and I wouldn't want any other audience to be there for me so without further Ado let's start this is a radiant coach and this is me fighting for my dream rank after being hardstuck for 8,760 hours wait that's how long a year is everyone's heard the same old story hey guys I'm a coach and I got this guy from bronze to Immortal you may have heard the story from the coach's perspective but what about the players's perspective because to be honest I rarely hear about it I think it's a waste because success stories are meant to be told not summarized and that's what this video is on how I managed to gain 600 ELO in one act and hopefully ranked up to ascendant cuz damn the entire year I was playing like shit I was at an alltime low but in the midst of running my career into the ground I got a message on Discord but little did I know the other side of that message would be a radio coach if you told me a radiant wanted to coach me I wouldn't have believed you and believe me he's good real good so good he coached his sister to a mortal ranked one on var's AIM laap task landed top 20 in leaderboards and beat me in a 1 V one yeah this guy's legit his name's obey and he's actually pretty cool guy and he's like the First YouTube friend I made so far but before we bonded I didn't know him at all at this point of the story I was betting my entire career on someone I didn't even know but I was committed committed to becoming the man that can make the impossible possible if anyone 's going to help me it's going to be him yo what's up man hey man how's life I'm good bro what about you bro okay don't make any mistakes got a radiant coach uh back calls iscl oh tell Jess yeah we have DS doing do I get this one I think you play that round good one thing that's really smart that you do that I see a lot of people not doing is at the end of your Sky dog you like what's call like yump forwards you know what I mean we even people up in like ascendant who don't do that like that little extra info can make a big difference ascendant a seems like this pl's got some spunk traces of my play reflect and ascended but this isn't something I'm bring out on my own but I'm sure he could help extract more of that level out of me oh my God [Music] that was a good round in the start you should probably have DG earlier enemy remain you play this run really well I love how you use your flash one thing you got to do though before flashing like that you got to call your flash good flashing it's really good that you're calling like when you get your flashes and stuff wow I'm getting better and better with this coach I can only imagine the ranks I can claim the kills I can get the victories that are inside but it didn't feel like the losses I've had in the past this lost felt like a stepping stone a window of the player I could be I went to my coach to ask how far he believes I can go I mean like I don't think your mechanics are really holding you back cuz like your aim was really Cris crisp sometimes if you play enough you could probably hit like at least Diamond maybe Diamond two Diamond three you play correctly one thing though which could make you rank up faster make you a bit more consistent [Music] is after becoming a student to the game I got on my computer only to find out that valerin is down what am I going to do I'm meeting up with my coach tomorrow I need to get better before I see him cuz not only is he going to teach me but we're actually going to have a one one for charity and I'm not donating to Children I'm joking but I'm not joking about the stakes if I wanted to improve I need a game that was basically like valerant similar Gunplay but slightly harder probably with the 5v5 bombing diffusal premise but where am I going to find a game like that yep CS go this way I can get get better by the time I see my coach again but there's one teeny tiny itty bitty problem you know you think I wouldn't be bad at this game since I've been aim training and I've had 2,000 hours prior to this video but I forgot to think about how I tailored my brain strictly for violent duels it's a sck game I was a fish out of water all I had was my raw aim everything I've been working on and refining were lost I was back to square one I can't keep d like this clear your mind Focus ponder it I'll show them I'll show them all domain expansion tap Central it was an act of desperation a cheap framework for survival with this main abilities dwindled Dashi focused all of his energy on angles for CS go it was a stop Gap an attempt to make familiarity through chaos but through that framework he developed an acute sense of it all time intervals controlling the space that you have on manipulating the spaces of others valerant it was just the thing he needed to widen his mechanical Horizon until he stood at the top on top of the corpses of his plat Rivals and peers as a diamond ascendant was within my grasp and all I needed was to be shown what it means to play at that level wait wait wait wait wait when I coach it last time I'm actually kind of mad at myself cuz I actually wanted to hit ascendant I kind of just it hasn't even been a week Bro you've gone from plat one to Diamond one relax man you're good man you're Ving nonetheless I can't grow complacent here if I want to become the man that can make the impossible possible I have to keep growing yeah you you pee like way before you get like unblinded that was a really awkward way of dying but it was it was preventable really preventable it wasn't anything Advanced I just mtim a piece of utility the things def finding my play have been really simple lately maybe it seems like practical knowledge is the way to go what's my teammate holding at what angle could give him an easier time playing valerant well let's visualize it there are about 1 2 3 four angles in total but there's only two I really need to worry about but if chamber has that one I focus should be here one enemy remaining this Run's too easy for you man oneing enemy SP a this kill basically summarizes the match and maybe even the entirety of my career I had the right idea but I got sloppy I need to need to push down over it doesn't matter how many shots with these I hit I still do stuff like this but while while my cold car was on the floor I had a revelation the difference between a diamond and an ascendant I may have lost but when I tell you I know I knew so after saying goodbye to my coach I ran home to test out my new Theory or should I say my new identity each ring has his own set of problems iron map knowledge and Gunplay bronze economy silver playing the objective gold specializing agents Platinum teamwork and mental Diamond consistency communication awareness and now ascending only 2% of the entire player base is ascended my flaw was thinking that there was one simple answer to why I wasn't breaking up in the top 2% the thing that'll Define getting better isn't the 20% like communication aim or awareness but the point five the point1 improvements the smaller details like how you respond in certain situations or the small Niche details about your agent that help collect rounds like one thing that's really smart that you do that I see a lot of people not doing is ADV your Sky dog what's called like yum forwards you know what I mean like that little extra info can make a big difference what's left is to refine this be it is this Theory the thing that's going to propel me forward what's left is to [Music] do get nice you're you're back baby you're back double your fucking kills that's what I'm talking about get out for the YouTube channel one Bo in a dream oh fast I actually got to Diamond 3 but actually D all the way down to like plat three and I had to work my way up again but I was resilient I kept moving forward and have faith in myself because this wasn't a promise I kept to myself this is a promise I made to you guys cuz I told you guys I was going to hit ascendant I'm not going to let you guys down so I stay true kept working [Music] hard until I was one game away from reaching ascendant where are [Music] you Molly too that's how I got here the game away planing for my life to stand with the big boys and when I told you I was on I was on one enemy remaining right now CG 70 over healing nice but my team didn't feel the same way I wasn't going to lose so easily M I came too far to stop now head we're pretty well divided on the map I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to I've got your tra as expected we must increase our pace and get the bomb down or at least that's what I want you to think they're probably going to start retaking soon this guy jumped out is she [Music] Stupid stay calm and re for the info oh shit in new stop it why must you persist to try even the score is so low who the hell do you think you just quit it and give me your ELO Dashi third last player standing planted sure despite my efforts we lost but I knew I was more than capable of being ascendant it was only a matter of time and that time was meant when I decided to three stack in order to finding the light at the end of the tunnel I was mentally fatigued but I made sure to stay alive help my team and do my role bling up guys shoot that sure enough he made it happen Team all let's do it come on come on come on come on come on even though you did horrible you should I didn't do horrible just we should play you just got carried like there's not much do no dude after the games I've played I have no problem having this be my rank up game on for no you should you should never bottom frag on your rankup game I never bottom on one my r yeah fucking finally okay and yeah that's how a sentent happened with my new found Peak I vow to myself to never let myself go through a plateau like that ever again I urge to stay ahead of the curve and learn what's stronger than ever before and when it comes to learning in valerant there's only one man you could go to or should I say banana I tried to learn game sense by watching wujin for 7 days straight also I can become immortal and play with my friends I'm a senate too but I want to reach Immortal cuz if I don't I'll miss the chance to play in a monthly tournament where you can win upwards of $22,000 but the obstacle standing in my way isn't the enemy but my game sense if I wanted to reach this goal in a short amount of time I needed to learn and there's nothing that can help you learn more than W sh here come Wen sh here come wo shit here come wo sh wo a topnotch coach that you definitely have heard of you guys don't know who wuin is wuin W in my opinion he is the best valerant coach in the game right now he goes through any lengths to make sure students learn adapt and grow literally you can gain so much information from one video alone so what would happen if I scoured the internet looking for videos that could help me and you improve as players and that total amounted to 650 minutes which is almost 60 hours okay this math is wrong oh my God I was sleep deprived when I made this script I'm sorry you don't have to keep bringing it up in the comment section okay back to regular programming which OB obviously I I didn't watch them all but the videos I did watch pushed me to Heights that I didn't expect a challenge so soon from going triple negative to raising up my immortal friend standing one enemy remaining holy fuck you're insane it was a pretty eventful couple of days but before we can get to these piece we have to start at the bottom out of all these numbers the only one I wanted to start improving on is this one damage Delta round is basically damage Delta Merc span across the games you've played cuz in my mind it's just the easiest one to start improving on and in terms of dealing damage only one agent came to mind this is where raise excels raise utility gives her a direct advantage in duel a lot of the time you just get forced into a suboptimal fight so that's my goal forcing awkward fights on the enemy Raina has spotted U-Haul I Fenix is pushing up the sky dog if I was Raina I'd be trying to regroup with my team but I won't let that happen I want to apologize to my past teammates for realizing this so late I don't have to be the one taking the fight I just need to make it awkward maybe show side I'm smoking wow man that was pretty sick right oh man I should hope so cuz after that kill I had zero impact regardless of what I was cookie I'm simply not proficient on raid so every time I tried forcing a bad fight on the enemy yeah okay okay I'll but this was good cuz it made me realize that this Gap in skill won't be filled by simply changing the agent I played everything I could do on raise is something I could have done on a different agent the only difference is that I need to know how but I can't get too comfortable cuz there's another flaw in my game play something that I don't fix I'll never win $22,000 playing Valor and believe me it's the last thing you'd expect if you showed me these two clips side by side and told me they were the same player I simply wouldn't believe you but the fact of the matter is my aim was just actual dog shit which is so incredibly strange to me literally my favorite aspect as well as my strongest attribute is my aim so how someone like me a man with with hundreds of hours in AIM training look like a noob in the real deal turns out will you actually had an answer for this the answer is anticipation because in this scenario you're not peing a very likely threat you get caught off guard by it and you have to hit a crazy flick and you get panic try not to click until you think you're on the enemy's head you're not doing that here it's called anticipation if the pro can't anticipate a play even an iron could kill them fighting duels is like a miname of percentages a lot of things can influence the odds like agents guns utility and ults for example it's pistol round and they have a jet in the sky it's usual for people to do sight hits so all I want is an audio CU so I can pre-fire this point well it seems like I've been caught off guard but luckily for me I wasn't completely shocked by someone being here compared to last game this was a literal snooze Fest dude [Music] I'm he W seven that guy W seven while I was playing My Immortal 3 friend shazu gave me a that's making me change how I view the game it may seem simple but I totally forgot that the enemy team are human beings as well one enemy remaining [Music] standing one shot nice which really makes me think about how competitive valerant is every time you play you fight to steal another human ELO oh W I can't get out I can't get out you remember that one problem I had a few games ago if you showed me these two clips side by side and told me they were the same player so how someone like me a man with hundreds of hours in AIM training look like a noob in the I Had My Moments where my aim was quick and decisive but overall I felt like a silver and a harsh realization began to set in if I don't manage to get over my lack of composure and unreadiness in gunfights forget Immortal I'll never get past ascendant to but the harder I tried focusing on composure Readiness the more basic information slipped past me and I really started becoming a silver player I lost the end of the session ascendant to adrr needless to say I was at an alltime low but the valerant gods decided to bless me with a teammate that was ranked in the top 9,000 last stack I was dead set on performing and closing the learning guap between me and my future Rivals I'm going be but as per usual I was a lost puppy there's a point in every player's life where You' got to decide that enough is enough my Duo has already made a play in this environment the one being left behind is me am I really Satisfied by this Dashi will I really let my story end here especially when there's so much support one bro is talented I'm proud of your hard work to it for Gojo get your power to your full potential we're waiting up here in Immortal for yosshi St nice job that was the kill I needed to not only get out of that slump but a clean example of anticipation at work despite that high point I still had some ways to go but this definitely was a start for a new and improved Dashi first started making this video I made the decision not to aim train so I can rely more on my positioning but this Death Match called my name I made an exercise where I pretended no believed that I was in a real game after a while I started to see potential you were so patient it's a fucking death mat but before I get explored further I decided to go straight into the the action in my final rank session with 40 RR as ascendant 2 but this game felt different the map felt different my eyes felt different they have a chamber SAA Brimstone Ray and yoru the enemies I expect to play showers are either chamber Ray and yoru regardless of who it's obvious that two of the three agents are going to wide swing crap I forgot to come what I was thinking the sky but at least my read was correct you want to fight this know you want to fight this if I keep the pre-fire going I just know with everything I've been through I'm an easy kill for your head hunter right G guys win which allowed me get the 60 the 70 and then rage and hatred 90 R which put me 10 ELO away from ascendant 3 and I want to say it was a struggle but it really wasn't I'm in complete control of these du and since my aim won't fail me in the easy moment it gives my mouse control a chance to really shine and hard what's that your eyes ascending three Ascend let's go let's go which landed me 90 RR away from the red ring at this point in the story I was confident in a lot of things my game sense I wasn't a one hit wonder and even will hoen commented on that video itself but shortly after hitting ascendant 3 I went on a pretty heavy losing streak all the way back to ascendant one my confidence was pretty shot and at a certain point I couldn't tell if I was really having fun playing valerant especially since the rank reset brought me back to Diamond so I decided to explore an aspect of firsters shooters that has always fascinated me I spent the past 7 Days watching and studying how aimers aim to figure out the logic behind their monstrous results oh it's gorgeous demon one each day I uncovered more and more of the most valuable things in aiming things like I wouldn't have known if I hadn't researched hours beforehand and not the generically broad stuff but the precisely Niche thing that I uncovered not just from the aim Community itself but the best it has to offer like what the hell is tension management but in this video we'll uncover that and more and it all starts with the biggest myth in aiming something that I'm dead serious will blow your mind like wa wa wait stop the music this genuinely will and the biggest myth when it comes to aiming is that that muscle memory is overrated I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say that I totally thought muscle memory was everything when it came to aiming in the 2,000 hours I played I've only changed my sense like four times if the ability of remembering motions isn't the end all skill then what is because muscle memory kind of makes you like lazy and stuff you just autopilot I feel like with like holding a mouse is a lot of like hand eye coordination like what you see is like how you move so not only is saging your sense not bad but it can actually be used as a vehicle to improve even more but that also begs the question how often do I change my scent am I supposed to randomize it each and every time time I was stumped for a bit all the way until I found an interview with a number one voltic gamer and he had this to say if someone is really persistent on staying like with one sensitivity I'm not going to force them to change I would encourage them to gradually start increasing their range uh the upper limit and the lower limit of their sensitivity range I actually like the sound of that come to think of it tens used to talk about different senses when he's on attack and defense increasing my range specializing my sensitivity to optimize for scenarios I'd see in game the stage has been set and the foundation is being made having two different modes in game could open up a world of possibilities but I'm going to do things a little differently on game one day one or on day one game one most people will go high sense on attack and low Sense on defense but I'm actually doing the opposite are they commanding I've put countless time honing my Crosshair coordination and mouse control also I can get as many kills as possible but I realized the best way to use my abilities isn't to get five kills but one important kill that Echoes through the entire map but the catches I find pockets of time pockets of time where the enem is completely vulnerable the time window where I can make a play is small but manageable are they commanding I'm like a bandit plucking their strongest car before they even have the chance to react but why am I telling you the reason of inverting it is because the attackers are the ones that set the matches flow so in scenario like that I want to reliably get kills but on defense you're the one countering that flood so in the scenario where your life is even more valuable but you still have to take risks having a higher sense doesn't just help looking to the nearest Target but gives the opportunity of choice it was a working theory that proved itself on defense but what about attack well let me tell you something I hated it every scenario was according to plan small minor simple stuff but I just could not get it down for the life of me my God this is how we lost the game I wanted to turn away from my weakness blame it all and how I probably hit those shots on my usual sensitivity but I had to keep staring at the goal ahead of me so after tailoring my aim training four more arm movements I went to sleep dreaming about what the fuck tension management was I woke up used the restroom then got out of bed after doing that I looked at today's Aimbot checklist and I came across something lowkey gamechanging wa cut the music cuz I'm dead serious yet again because this aiming technique unlocks crazy abilities such as the speed of enemy movement slowing down predicting where the enemy is going to move as if you were a psychic and the act of moving your Crosshair to the Target will become pulling your target to the Crosshair as if you were Satur Gojo but what if I told you that all these cool abilities came from this yep a ceiling fan looking at it on its own it may not be groundbreaking a blurry blob that keeps you cool but if you focus on one of the blades the the once blob turns into a beautifully intricate machine there are various ways to train your eyes online with the most popular one being this video I trainer but the videos I watch say that the most important thing is focus this all sounds pretty badass but how do you truly experience Focus you hear that complete silence inv valerent there tons of visual and Audi stimuli which makes it hard to truly Focus solely on the enemy which is why I ho into a death match and turn the audio levels to an absolute zero yeah I won't be able to do this in a real match but all I need to do is get familiar with the sensation boom boom boom [Music] boom girl down this is pretty sick and this one thing I haven't told told you yeah I'm reacting quicker but there's this Nifty trick I really want to try and it's called the informed flick it's when you focus all your attention not at the cross here nor at the enemy but the middle point between the spaces of the two where the enemy and the cross are evenly within range and shoot yeah well I try but hey maybe it'll happen in the future but how does this all translate to an actual 40-minute match well nothing really insane happen since it's only been a day since I started doing this the only way to find out if it's worth doing is if I did it every day starting now to the seventh day but I will say my reaction to Mouse control is definitely a lot better especially when you compare it to yesterday heck I didn't even notice that I was using the wrong sense but throughout this constant good there's been a wreaking sank in my game play a shadow looming over my performance and that is my in-game Gunplay so I went to go deal with it tomorrow a journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step and I feel feel like that's the case for most things focusing on a weakness for once made me nostalgic for a younger me a version of me that didn't care for rank or feared getting left behind but someone that loved the game unconditionally every time I make a play nowadays I don't get excited I'm just relieved that I'm not wasting my time and it's almost like that when I ask myself when did I get so jaded why am I going through all the effort exploring aim Theory honing my mouse control training my eyes practicing with every gun in the game and increasing my understanding with how to handle recoil and that is because I want to make a play and not just any play a play that exceeds even my own imagination to re-experience that childlike wonder when I first started playing first person shooters and it all starts with this death match and I will admit I was on to [Applause] something for every five flicks I was brought down to reality with the ugliness the ew ews holy moly this is n nasty so I got back in the range to train some more and after experimenting I realized for low sense I need to drag it down for the BT and for high sense I only needed to tap so that became my guidelines for this match way behind those Spike down a this might be the thing we needed no turns out we completely missed the mark on this one Crouch too much too close to the wall click timing was pretty bad do I play that angle's pretty bading for wow aren am I better than this I had nothing but question I was genuinely confused on how bad I was playing well it turns out the ongoing battle between you and your mind never ends no matter the highs that you had in the past it's time to embark on the Journey of self-mastery with the stakes higher than ever before I decided to change my Approach instead of doing one aim mechanic each day I'll be putting every new mechanic to practice all at once I'm sparing no expense at my goal and if it means finding the logic between the all powerful Pro players aim I'm all for it and it all starts withen tension management yeah tension management is how hard you hold your mouth and tense your muscles when you aigh and this might appear basic at first and you may have already tried a subconsciously on your own but after deliberately focusing on it the results have been astonishing each duel requires a different level of tension more tense fights rewards speed and less tense rewards accuracy once you get that concept down it will give you the option to freely finesse between tensing and smoothing your motions but be warned once you are aware of tension management you become responsible for managing your stress you need to be ready to relax at a moment's notice 5 days ago I thought muscle memory was the backbone of aiming but turns out it was this these things are useless without a proper mentality a mentality where you can't just focus on winning but improving you see the past couple of days I've been playing horribly it took me 20 games to go positive which bed the question how does one stay consistent in this game I was doing good a week ago what the heck happened to me well after V watching old games and comparing them to now I've come to realize a few things and I realized I've been having these horrible games because I felt like I had something to prove I was looking for affirmations to reassure my time was well spent in order to achieve Aimbot I can't be hung up about the past I have to focus on the now which leads to the final thing I need to have Godlike aim and that secret weapon is called visualization success isn't capturing a goal it's capturing a character I need to Envision the best version of me see where I am now and find the middle point where those intersect once that happens I'll achieve flow and maybe just maybe I'll unlock Aimbot and I'll use that childlike Wonder to become the man that can make the impossible possible I knew my goal is a hefty one for the plays I wanted to visualize were place where we have to get four to five precise kills in one brief moment but I'm not unprepared for I have three people that will help me achieve this goal charlon he's an aggressive Omen made makes the living coaching people and has a kovax routine a kovax routine that I will be doing woin smart likes long walks in the beach and has an aim Labs routine that I also will be doing but the man of the hour is cord cord is special for a few reasons he's down Al life coach me Immortal 3 and likes memes now you got to watch this video real quick but the memes will have to wait because this goal is lowkey stressful kill fortifi players in a quick moment yeah that's cool but never had a kill Fe stack up like that in my 3 years of playing but I'm sure with the power of charlatan wujin and cord we can make the impossible possible and you can only lose so many times till something just snaps I was in No Nonsense Mode Nothing was getting past me and no hooligan was going to make a play that they weren't supposed to one enemy you feel better DHI the job isn't done yet job isn't done yet yeah I uh I was in a pretty bad mood but I couldn't allow myself to lose towards these trash cans any longer and I wasn't this was the first game where I was actually dunking on my competition cuz yeah in the past I did see results but I still lost pretty badly like I'm pretty sure this is the first game I got 20 plus kills during this video's production but that wasn't the end of it it was Yankee at best but I did make a play where the feet stacked out like the montages I watched get here what the fuck yeah I died like an idiot but even though I was nowhere on the level I wanted to be success always has its hints and this hint was right in front of me if I took the time to look like really look I would have noticed that none of their guns were out which means I had so much more time than I thought and it probably could have killed him in a much more cleaner way I'm finally finding the logic behind Miracle plays I don't know how much longer it's going to take but I am on the right track I think hey guys sometime after that clip I've been put in a weird position I've gotten a lot of close calls but I was never able to close it out and while I was in this position I realized that I think I'm asking for too much out of one week's worth of effort success takes time and there's no need to rush the results because even though I didn't hit that clip I went on a pretty heavy winning streak though and I managed to get back to ascendants and I probably could have won more if I wasn't sleep deprived needless say this was one hell of a journey my understanding was flipped on its head trained my eyes had unimaginable lows and I actually managed to come out on top yeah I was happy I got back to ascending but deep down I knew I was running out of options and if I didn't start seeing results soon I wouldn't be able to properly visualize hitting a mortal which wouldn't just let me down but the 6.5 th000 people that made the decision to watch me I had the weight of the world on my shoulders to prove I could do anything and make the impossible possible so this is that end game the final transformation from a humble plat player to a man ranked top 5,000 in the country my only option was to become a ring to demon after leaking up with jet for a good while I realized that enough time has passed for them to start rotating and in response I drop this smoke this smoke is basically an intimidation tactic letting the enemy know that we really could be posted up on every angle imaginable even though in reality no one is there but they fell my bluff and went see which allowed me to set up a set play where I throw a flash as they're running in which I like to believe made them rotate back to a and at that point I just had to take a nice KNE oh how do you find the time to fall back ah who cares I won the duel last player standing the existence of one is confirmed but what about the other guy wa the entire thing is is clear I guess I'll [Music] improvise one enemy remaining yeah I was locked in but I knew it was going to take more than flashy individual plays to reach Immortal cuz to be honest I still didn't really know what was holding me back at this point so I decided to throw myself into the belly of the Beast by using my friend but not just any friend but a paid tier 2 professional valent player that carries the name shatu even though it's going to take probably the biggest roasting of my life life I knew this was going to happen for the greater good for me to witness cream with the crop skill this has to teach me something and if this doesn't work I really don't know what would well well well look who decide to be a big gun yeah I was scared shitless but hey man you'd be too this man is brutal I was dead set on making zero mistakes and uh down a fight him one pinch I know back up just back up back up please I was discombobulated after failing flopping lagging my screen just went black oh my God I was told this why are you playing scared I watched you play so many times and this is not how you play whenever you're not playing with me you're playing like you're not going to make mistakes everyone makes mistakes I make mistakes just go push hours and this changed everything making mistakes is natural being a good player doesn't mean not making mist snake but the courage to try and fail until you have beaten it into your head and this gave me so much Clarity I'm a flash outside showers for you Rea then after that I'm down to just like run it down here maybe I didn't care that I didn't know if my util usage was being optimal I'm flashing again I acted and asked questions later I'm a dog for you and I may have not made a plane myself but I was an integral PE to my team success at least for that round cuz I still had a lot to learn bent wasn't black and white anymore look I instinctively ran away because nade bad you run but shatu was like just because the Nate is thrown doesn't necessarily mean danger at the end of the day it's still 2V1 and we could just beat the nade his approach to the game was a layer deeper than mine but at the very least I had a glimmer of light to grab on to as I duked it down and ranked alone with my newon resolved I Came Out Swinging at this point I was literally playing all day hit 103 fatigue was starting to set in and it was starting to reflect in my play but at this point it didn't even matter the crazy world of valent was starting to make sense and the biggest thing that paid off getting out of Ascend was patience and composure if you can stay calm and constantly think about how you can win literally any round becomes winnable and a path of Victory always shows itself oh my God we actually won I'm not going to lie I lost faith in every single one of you but I'm so glad we pulled through I hope you guys have a great life and have a good yeah have a good life and a great evening dle The Impossible becomes possible this is a radiant coach and this is me fighting for my dream I tried to learn gamest by watching wjen for 7 days straight studying how aimers aim forgot the logic behind the please damn yeah next game's the next game's the last game what it Mark at oh [Music] ohow Shadows down B going to flash just to go through there Shadows traveling one enemy remaining seconds [Music] left oh my God oh my God W is from your team I don't even think any of them got hit that round look at their health everything was going as perfect as it could possibly go which made trusting the process entirely worth it no way wait I actually have a number wait actually to 5,000 too well it's cuz it's early in the ACT yeah well that still counts you're actually on the leader board right now y I'm sorry hold on if if you press career career or on the lead board the name in the bottom oh oh I hav seen that dude no holy shit oh take a bit to update oh but hold on all right I'm right here wait and that's where I am now sitting at 3,810 in the country the epilogue is now complete and now it's time to go farther if you like the video subscribe because there's more on the way
Channel: DDoshi
Views: 295,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sentinels, vct madrid, demon1 aim training, demon1, Valorant, valorant tips, valorant rank up, radiant valorant, immortal valorant, how to, valorant beginners, valorant guides, gaming guides, valorant help, valorant counter strafing, konpeki, how to rank up valorant, valorant ranks, tenz, Sen Tenz, valorant vct americas 2024, sentinels vs loud
Id: z7Anx5apW90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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