I BEAT GRANNY 3 HARD MODE.. (Full Gameplay)

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i'm not sure this is gonna work this is gonna be this could be a waste of ammo but we got an extra one from him since it was full it's me versus you can you kill this thing oh hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back welcome back to granny three will you cut it out man you know the guy never reloads he's constantly firing that thing and never reloads which i think is is actually just a sign of things to come that he is going to definitely shoot me and this is going to be hard because we are literally playing hard mode you guys asked for it so here it is now uh just a quick note uh for all of you guys who are on ios devices like iphone's ipads the developer is still trying to get this game into the app store unfortunately apple for some reason well is considering it spam uh said granny 3 is too similar to granny one and granny two and they are not treating it as a new game uh so he's having continued trouble getting into the app store hope that works out because the game is amazing the performance and the graphics are the best yet in any granny game as you guys have seen uh but in the meantime let's go ahead and play this now uh one thing i do want to do uh there we go hard mode um is that i'm gonna die on purpose right now because there's an entire part of the game because the uh the two times i've played it so far i have won both times i've actually not lost i've escaped every time so people are telling me that there's actually uh two game over scenes i think there's two i'm not actually sure uh but we'll we'll try and get let's get the game over scenes just so we can see what those look like because people say it has something to do with a pet which is not the bird and i think the other one there's like a bomb in it so i think granny usually spawns in the kitchen right hey granny i'm right here ha ha that probably scared her i could hear the jump scare sound on her side all right we gotta die a few times here actually i'm gonna go into the moat just to see um because do we drown when we come in oh oh wait what hold on oh wait what what's happening oh they do have a crocodile oh my goodness you just like rod we can hear him coming dude okay okay so there is a pet in there there we go kill miss landrina all right that was day five so here's our first game over scene that i've ever seen oh oh dude oh there he is okay there okay what's he get it oh wow and then [Music] right into the crocodile's mouth i mean we got killed twice there he shot us with the shotgun and then we got eaten by the alligator crocodile i don't know so there we go we got the pet uh so there is supposed to be another game over scene let's just uh you know we'll just do that real quick all right here we go let's see the second one if it is watch it be the same one oh no this one's different okay yeah yeah okay hi hi sorry what is that well you gonna blow up your own car why would you do that what if you want to go for gross they just blew themselves up [Music] fantastic all right let's get into the game let's go come on all right not looking forward to this at all okay now the question is will we get the same spawn as we got in the first two videos i noticed when i was you know doing the the death scenes uh both of those were different so hey wait no it's different all right um that's not good because i feel like the only reason i beat it the second time i uh normal is because i knew where everything was and now i'm gonna need some oh do i yeah let's grab that that's not bad but i i feel like you hold on hold on hi no eno quit it i need oh dude he's not coming down here is he she whoever i feel like i'm gonna need extra luck on this so without the luck of the same spot i'm gonna need your likes for luck so click the like button more likes the more luck and hopefully i'll beat this and i feel like what we want to do okay so they didn't unlock this door thankfully what i want to do is i want to get that gun out of grandpa's hands like right off the bat i hear them because they're both faster and he has the gun like that's just too much all right here we go this is what i want to do i want to go in here i want to go in here i want to hide in here okay then i want to see i want to see oh man if i had been a few seconds slower i want to see them both downstairs so that way i can get upstairs and get under his bed then after that we're golden right i mean until i get caught again and he steals the gun back okay i'm going i'm going okay so somebody all right go go go go go go all right um do i you know what i'm just gonna do that i know she's gonna hear that but i'm just gonna get under the bed okay that's all we need i think granny will hear that plank job but i don't care uh here he goes time for a nap big boy all right we're good grab it and yeah fully loaded and ready to rock okay oops didn't really mean to do that but um let's go okay oh oh what what whoa whoa whoa why why why what was that can i get under here ooh this is cool oh i didn't realize i could oh this is good i like this oh whatever think i'm gonna fall for that lady oh nice you can go between the chairs and everything wow i have to unlock oh if they haven't opened a door then i actually have to unlock it i didn't realize that so has he woken up yet whoa whoa answered uh now she's gonna come where is she she's got to be downstairs right because like she hasn't come already so what do we do here okay here we go get some all right reload and and then do the plank i guess yeah let's do that let's go let's go got it okay i'm gonna go do the plank get whatever's in there come back don't fall don't fall we've got the fuse actually not so bad because we can just use that right away we can dump it in right can't we just perfect okay and we can go geez hurry hurry hurry i've got to get that shotgun back get it back get it back in the back okay we're good we're good up up up okay okay okay uh what else is there here oh yeah right right anything here we need you know we need the coconut so we can get the weapons key wait i want to try something here so i'm not sure this is gonna work this is gonna be this could be a waste of ammo but we got an extra one from him since it was full it's me versus you can you kill this thing oh let's go what is it safe key okay um wait okay i don't wanna lose this thing so i'm gonna go ahead and can i set it down there okay okay i don't know i think it's gonna come back i think that's what the heartbeat is about or it's i mean it sounds like when um okay throw that down oh wait what hold on wait what that's the how am i supposed to get that okay wait we gotta deal with this heartbeat thing hold on uh okay they can't get me and i've got ammo in the car wait what it's on that let how am i supposed to get down to that can i grab oh i can grab it like that okay okay okay i thought i had to like parkour down or something okay i can get this i can get this here we go all right um what am i gonna do with this though oh wait i don't i don't need this i don't i don't need it who cares i i i've already solved that part of the puzzle like that part is done what key was that safe key actually why did i throw that down there i should have kept that oh actually you know what they're there is sort of a little parkour whoa okay can i jump onto like the little frame here like oh whoa whoa whoa weird oh this is cool can i oh yeah there's one here too are we can i drop down okay oh you don't die interesting and then oh i'm gonna get ammo can i drop one of these okay good okay now i feel like she's gonna be really mad like red eye mad okay good good good we got oh no oh no yeah yeah they both are oh this is not easy okay here we go bam one down okay two down that took a little while all right oh and that okay so okay okay so you have to kill them okay it's like so killing the bird is like um like uh like slendrina okay safe key let's go oh no speaking of i should check in here because like okay there was in granny two there was stuff back there under there whatever what do we got what do we got open shed key let's go we should actually check like i should be checking drawers dude check the drawer check the drawer nothing okay that's fine um what do i do we're gonna go open the shed and then we'll come back around to the gun let's check here anything no cause we want that jenner oh oh yeah we got ammo here got matches don't need them don't care i'm just gonna check this real quick real quick real quick just in case there is something oh yep there's something no oh she was so close up too dude okay so this will give us generator and usually her oh yeah the chocolate let's go oh this could get us weapon key nice although we've already got the shotgun um this is going to call her over but what do we got we've got a weapon key that's weaponkey i know this weapon key i love how the piece of coconut goes all the way over there okay i've got to be careful oh no okay yeah oh she didn't hear that bruh you deaf granny um let's get some yeah let's start filling up on these now that we got the weapon key oh okay headshot let's go oh there he is there he is there he is headshot from behind bam okay open open it come on you're taking too long okay just in time for granny to spawn i think and he should spawn short oh oh oh boy where where where oh okay okay eat it there we go man i did not like that we need what we need to do oh no what we need to do is we need to shoot those vases down too granny over here ah no whoa whoa sorry about your grandma there okay we need to shoot these things down first one down second one down and i st where is this generator cable man this is super annoying i don't trying to think of where it even could be oh interesting do i have the padlock key because i've actually got access to both vases right now drop that dude um and i could actually fill them and get that thing open maybe the generator cables in there but no i need the padlock and i'm pretty sure we get that from slendrina wanna go you want to go get some oh dude oh oh i did ah wait did he have the gun no he didn't but he does now i bet oh i did not i didn't realize i could fall through there and not die all right i need i don't know what i need oh i'm just realizing i don't have anything he's got the gun whoo this is bad guys oh that's really really really bad i gotta go dude so i think it was him that opened that he is going to shoot me or she's going to catch me one or the other but it's about to happen guys okay okay all right i i'm gonna try something i may regret it the fact that i could drop in i wonder if i can drop there no but i don't have the teddy bear so i don't know if there's a point to that but i wonder if the generator cable's actually in there let's try man i'm gonna regret this aren't i because i've already fallen through it once before but i wasn't docked so let's see oh you back huh oh all right so let's see i'm gonna die oh you can oh that's crazy dude is there anything worthwhile here though no so i was wrong about what would be here man i thought i'd like what does this do anyway so i feel like can i push this no so i think i can duck through here and land on the table or something and not die this won't work yeah this is man i was expecting it to be here i can do this without the cable then right if i time it right if i don't die here okay we're good okay so yeah we're gonna try this without the generator cable then so hold on i need to think about this so what we want to do shoot them shoot them get the teddy bear drop in get the padlock key right once i do that oh man it's going to be hard though because managing the um the uh the crossbow is gonna be tough there he is okay oh dude you know what him you don't actually have to shoot him in the head oh she's coming right where where where where where okay because i know she comes after him come on come on come on come on hurry up granny where is she don't you care about your husband i guess not oh no slendrita cares about him i want to shoot them in the basement if if i can let's see if we can at least i mean i can get i i know i can get wait i can i totally can right if i do this they're gonna respond they're gonna know exactly where i am and i can take them both out right okay there he is okay now he's dead come on why she's such a bad grandmother oh wait a second she didn't respond why i don't understand all right i'm doing it i'm doing it because she's not responding to it anyway let's just go i don't hear it maybe maybe having killed one of them means that they don't respond this is nuts dude so i only got you only have to kill one when they're red eyed who knew okay okay uh that's not where we want to go it's here right and i gotta i'm gonna do this very gingerly here come on just slide in yeah hey bam let's go drop that key lady watch her drop this stupid generator cable no i think she always drops the key right yep there it is bam okay oh that was him okay that's okay it's okay where okay it's downstairs right i need to pick up some because i only got one one stone two is good though i i want three oh yeah yeah i want the third one no oh excuse you where did he get that i didn't die how did he get the gun on a cool game can he pick it up is that what happened i hate that dude i was having a good run so i've got to kill him again obviously oh that's not good that's not good please don't be down here okay okay all right we're good we're good we're good let's pop this open well sort of as much as we can okay okay let's grab this bam all right who who's coming who's coming let's go come on granny she i have not seen her in a while actually i would rather grandpa grandpa can you just come here so i can shoot you you can drop your stupid gun that you stole back from me there he is nope dude okay he is stunned and he's out and he dropped his gun i don't have ammo for it so i don't really care i need to shoot granny though granny i stepped on stuff i i killed your husband come on now where you at how many times i got to do this thing lady perk your ears up huh man you know something might have actually happened when i had the teddy wasn't it it was definitely in here right there it is okay let's go okay please tell me okay yeah it does lower yep okay it's manual thank you don't need no electricity for that i still don't know where it is nor do i know where granny is nor do i know where grandpa is for that matter where are you guys but i mean how long do i wait hello hello gotta you gotta gotta guest in your house there he is okay so maybe it's just him dude all right i'm okay with that i swear she's gone dude this is nuts okay got one all right gotta go grab that shoot him get the other one and then that could be it it really i i think well assuming we don't have to do the electricity perfect perfect perfect perfect we good okay where's the other one is it i think it's in here where is it where is it where is it okay it's right there okay oh wait i think this calls her too and i mean who can resist a flushing toilet i know i can't nudge baby well that didn't get her to come i don't know what would there he is there he is hey over here old man hunchback where he he's gonna escape over here let's go okay i gotta be fairly quick about this because he can actually catch me but i want to get him as close as i can to yeah here we go here we go whoa oh no he picked up the gun that's all around bad all around bad come on man all right man so i i have a bad feeling about everything now i feel like what's gonna happen now i gotta get out i gotta get out i gotta get out it's gonna yep that's what i thought that means granny is back you heard her just i mean yeah right i knew it i knew it ah man okay nope i can't i can't i can't i gotta keep running that's horrible man i had it i had it if you hadn't picked up the gun cheap cheap cheap i mean in the end right it's better that that happened because like it was kind of cheap for a second there that uh she i don't know what happened to her but it's more legit that i beat it with both of them than when one is m.i.a oh my goodness i just realized absolutely we need the the generator cable and i bet you it is where it is in the basement like this whole time and you guys are probably in the comments you need a generator cable now how are you going to turn the thing on upstairs like because i was thinking that i go down in the basement and i i you know i i i open that trap door and i activate the gate but that is not how it works i could still lose um yeah because i get that whatever's in there which is probably the generator cable then i go put the generator then i press the button and we get out dang man so i wonder if it's like a strategy dude he's just not coming back to sleep but you know i wonder if it's a strategy to uh if he [Music] if you have the gun is to take it and like chuck like if you're not gonna use it anymore because there's no ammo left anyway chuck it in the moat or something so that he can't get it back i mean obviously if you die he will but like if he doesn't walk over it then i don't think obviously you can't pick it up randomly right got him okay all right now i wanna oh okay okay got her okay i wanted to see does this have ammo oh he's got yeah thank you sir okay i was thinking that too that he would reload it um um okay chuck it down there let's go let's go let's go we gotta go quick we gotta go quick we gotta go quick i gotta go oh no no it's here it's here it's here ah the worst part is you can't like you can't like take this and chuck it down the stairs and deal with it later like and pick up the gun oh no no no because like once you fill it if you drop it it it'll um i assume it will empty out and then you have to go fill it again so uh that's almost not a bad thing like i'm gonna try this though but i was just thinking that maybe it would work if i if i ugh geez just stop just stop talking dude just do it just do it but wait why is this not opening give me whatever is it i knew it yeah he knew it okay i gotta get that gun back i gotta get that gun back i gotta get that gun back give me the gun give me the gun give me the gun get it get it get it get it get it get it get it i got it all right we got two shots one for each of you there she is there she is there she is all right and they're gonna respawn at about the same time there they are there they are okay let's do it yes yes yes bam what that's a problem okay where ah all right you you can't you know what this thing ain't got no more ammo what i'm gonna do i'm gonna feed it to your gator yeah go get that bro so that way i don't have to worry about him getting it again but i do oh man is he still right behind me he's still right behind me okay i need to go i need to get my slingshot where is it it's up here right isn't it yes yes yes i got one shot at this dude come on here we go ah thank you all right now we don't have to worry about him taking that no more let's take this outside chuck it let's get this that way i don't have to go back in for it let's shut this door so we know if she came or not let's pick up some ammo wait what wait a minute i hold on a second i threw that in the moat does it oh okay so oh wait does it come back loaded though no okay um oh there it goes again right okay i guess that's so you don't accidentally throw something in the in the moat like something you actually need i just want to keep it away from grandpa but oh man i think this is probably one of the worst spawns you can get on this game by the way um the fact that everything is like like well i don't know i guess knowing that you can duck into things it's not so bad but maybe let's do this what do we no what do we have to do we oh we just have to press the button upstairs so we have to shoot them press the button get out oh and the great thing oh my goodness i don't even it doesn't even matter if i shoot them because i don't have to carry anything else everything is done all i have to do is press the button um so i can carry the crossbow oh man i gotta do it i gotta do it i gotta oh wow it's both of them okay i don't know who saw me first but you first buddy and then you second lady get some yes this is it guys pog we got it we got it we got it thank you by the way for the likes for luck i do appreciate i don't think i could have done it without those yes okay you expect to hear like a nice little noise or or anything but uh no the camera just comes on that is fine oh i feel bad for you guys no i don't goodbye get out yes hard mode completed let's go [Music] man there she is wait what am i dropping i think i cuz i still had the uh the crossbow yeah all right guys thank you all so much for watching i know you guys wanted this and i'm glad i was able to do it for you also we got to see the endings and i'm looking forward to other escape routes i hope that uh once he deals with his app store thing that'll be the next thing like granny 3 version 1.1 with extra escapes or who knows what if you enjoyed the video click the like button and subscribe for more videos like this and i will see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,152,781
Rating: 4.9431682 out of 5
Keywords: fan choice friday, gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles fan choice, thinknoodles fan choice friday, thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, granny, horror, thinknoodles granny, granny 3
Id: Sfr2onWabgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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