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you can't get out [Music] is she dying [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to the scary teacher 3d this game is hilarious we better fall to the last one guys and you crushed the likes goal i'd love it if you guys could do it again i'm going to set it at 25 000 you guys are pros at this so just tap that like button and also hit the subscribe button while you're down there guys i promise you it does work although it might not on yours test it and see if it does oh it does great well you can just stay subscribed that'd be great all right so we are back into career mode um and uh chapter one aha we got the stinky sauna and i know the son is outdoors what are we are we just gonna go fart in it let's see the horrid smell from the stink bomb should match misty's hoarded personality well throw it in the sauna and reveal in revel not reveal revel in her misery i don't know where we're gonna get a stink bomb from dude she is so winded from like even before she starts the jumping jacks dude she gets winded all right so find a way to mess her sauna bath well we know it's at a stink bomb but i don't know all right i'm gonna check the shed the shed usually has a lot of tools and stuff in it do we have anything new in here we've got gasoline that's there can i pick oh dude wait a second i can use the bear trap against her i thought she was using the bear traps against me right okay so can i oh dude i'm gonna can i put this down how do i how do i use this like oh like that okay well okay how a stink bomb why would she have stink bombs i'm gonna check the kitchen this might be hard to find what is this [Music] vinegar no do we oh maybe we have to make one i don't actually know how to make a stink bomb like hot sauce and vinegar maybe my foot went so bad what happened to your butt oh i got her i got it i was like what happened to your foot wait this is a different bathroom she got she got um she got wrecked by my trap okay oh maybe the torture room that's actually torturous isn't it what's that glue all right if that thing keeps blinking let's see give me a hint you can fantastic thanks a lot like i did you know i already knew that should we oh yeah so she's upstairs where does this go oh there's a basement yo i've never been down here oh oh wait wait that looks like some sort of like canister yeah dude that's it okay all right wait not yet hang on dude wait wait wait wait i know how did you bro how did she see through there you can't see me you could see me like that was weird how did she see me oh my head clipped through the top just like hers no oh oh oh it is bad all right so she's through but i got to be careful because my head glitches through there but how am i all right here's what i hey chase yeah oh geez okay okay okay okay all right i needed her to chase because i can't throw it in the sauna otherwise because she would just go out there and then i would fail go go oh this is bad this is really bad okay oh dude oh dude i'm gonna throw it i'm gonna throw it i'm gonna throw it do it wait how did what ah i'm not in your house i'm in your backyard oh no she's coming here dude you have not that's so ridiculous because like she didn't all right hi back here she did not even come down here like ever in her whole life yo what all right that's it i'm grabbing it let's go i'm out i'm out i'm out oh jeez i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying just let me out let me out i'm out i'm out i'm out okay oh that actually worked out nicely kind of shut the door shut the door there okay oh all right we got it we got it we got it now throw it in the sauna okay i'll i'm gonna try i'm gonna try wait what am i stuck on here okay so how do i get this thing open do i have to what do i have to do here is how do i throw it that did not go in the sauna how do i open the door dude do i have to wait for her to open the door or what oh geez okay wait oh oh wait i think i'm supposed to get on top of it when she goes in oh yeah yeah okay here we go oh here we go there we go oh don't you know i'm smarter than you wait what oh i thought she would just see the steam man i did so well in the last video like i this one is a lot harder all right let's oh man and she's been she's made this annoying too all right she is a lot like the neighbor though like putting a lock on the door that i always use like that is like straight out of the neighbor's playbook dude oh nope that's it nope sorry oh sh gee oh oh dude no no no this is bad this is ben all right all right can i i'm getting out of here bro she is right behind me okay so i'm thinking that like okay here we go here we go so what i'm gonna do down down down okay all right so i'm thinking what i need to do is be up there when she goes in and then i can drop it on her but won't she see me up here i don't know all right here she comes all right so she didn't see so she didn't see me coming okay we're good then i think although be like okay there we go there we go there we go all right we gotta see here but um okay there she is all right okay now wait to be clean yeah yeah ah get it stinks [Music] what did i do wrong so ah there was but hmm do i have to lock the door i bet i have to lock the door to keep her dude this is like i've done very poorly here there was like a wood latch on it like oh good this is open uh like uh in granny on on her sauna oh no it's not open so i i [Music] she might have put it on this one too because i failed so many times no okay we're good there all right so if i grab this let's see what she's gonna do is she gonna go yeah okay nice steam all right i'm gonna do that but i can't let her see me oh that door is locked oh my goodness i gotta go so far dude because i can't oh my goodness all these stupid doors are locked i need a red key so bad i don't think i can do this in time she's she's already in there stay in there a while you really need a good steam treatment lady stay on in oh man let's go let's go let's go come on i'm gonna fail i'm gonna run out of time i don't know okay so it's let's see if we can lock her in i mean we could lock her in and see if she would die in here like if we oh yeah you can now she can't get out dude we just leave her in here forever she'll cook all right here we go now now what's up lady oh look at her swinging her legs ah guess what boom smell is it me oh yeah i smell yeah you gotta do stink bomb you can't get out oh just open the door is she dying i don't did i just kill her i think i just killed her [Music] and i'm dancing okay wait i think this is oh yeah the parcel misty has been impatiently waiting for her parcel to ride let's make her wait a bit longer shall we so this is the final one in like chapter or season one okay oh where is oh she got an iphone dress what do you mean it'll take two days i need my dress now yeah whoa dude that guy that is a great delivery service she like said now and find beehive be careful from their sting what what wait what beehive wait okay what it what wait oh oh i think that we're gonna find a beehive and then she's gonna put it on thinking it's her dress where though i mean dude wait that's copyrighted stop it no no gangnam style all right she stopped she stopped well she sort of stopped oh i see it how am i gonna get that though do i need well there was a ladder okay or can i just grab this no i need to okay there was a ladder on the side of the house i think i can grab it because i've oh dude it's gone now though there was a ladder here for so long um and can i i mean can i grab this one i should have tried that actually can i grab this oh yeah all right here we go place it oh wait how do i um [Music] i don't know what i just did but oh oh i put it yeah of course i did yes that's exactly what i meant to do put it there yeah i'll grab it again sure that oh gosh i can't walk around the pool wait oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh is it are there any other beehives that i could work on here so wait i don't really understand what i okay what if i do if i do that that opens that oh interesting um okay she's going back in so what if i like what if i do that where is it okay that worked so why couldn't i do that before oh no she's out here dude isn't she or oh there she is let's just duck where's the ladder all right go go go go go okay let's try that again so like i was able to put it up against oh maybe if i put it because like it was the direction it was facing uh whoops oh there it is sure dude it does not whoa i don't know how i'm supposed to do this how okay i mean i know what it says but i just can't seem to do it maybe from here let's see if i can where where did that go oh dude it goes right through this tree oh my goodness where did it this is so frustrating why won't this thing like what if i put it like okay what if i do this oh no that puts it back there oh how is this helpful can i climb it wait if i can grab it though i might be able to do it oh i got a problem i gotta go oh jeez that tree is stupid all right let's try it again i'm trying so i'm trying a different ladder here maybe this ladder will work like if i leave that one there oh my goodness what seriously can i just like oh i wonder can i oh are you kidding me are you kidding me oh wow i just what that just lagged my computer like unbelievably what did i do wrong okay was that not quick enough or okay i got to try it again all right you know so i've noticed that in this game like it always recommends certain items i wonder if we have to use that like exacto knife because like it recommended the water pitcher for the for the fire one in the last one okay let's check this shed there there's probably an exacto knife in the shed where will we find that maybe shoes break dancing are you kidding me dude so where would this exacto knife exactly be oh boom all right we got that is there anything else oh duct tape oh maybe we can tape the nest shot or hive but then oh i don't know will i take fall damage oh i'm stuck all right let's just but like if i take it shut like the duct tape is never coming off so i wouldn't think that we could open it back up to put it in her costume all right let's see maybe we have to cut this thing down oh i could've used this no no no it but it's just hanging there i don't think there's anything to cut what should i wear to the masquerade no [Music] all right new theory the the the knife yeah and the duct tape are for cutting open and resealing the box so i gotta get the beehive first that is like that's the key i mean well i i don't know i guess i can i could just go grab that stuff so that once i get it if i can get it i don't know what to do though i really don't know how i'm gonna get it so grab this and grab that what if i oh wait no i thought that would do it where did it just go where did it just go oh no it's gone now i lost it is it outside where did it go like i pointed at the ground because i thought maybe i could put it on the ground but now it's like it that actually made it that yielded it outside of before it was actually staying inbound oh no it's over here okay so wait let me try that oh did she see me no so i do this no dude where does oh i mean i don't think that's what you're supposed to do but like if you point at the ground you sort of yi and just you just hope that the i don't oh man okay you just hope that the physics oh see if i can no if i could get it to do that where it like where it like sort of bounces but also sort of lands on the tree i should be okay if i can get it to land like that maybe yeah okay so let's try this so let's aim it sort of like at the tree but like at the ground like this now if it will it balance back where did it go i don't think it's supposed to do this by the way guys oh where did it end up oh wait did i just see one load i thought i saw one loading was there one maybe there's only one i thought i saw one though oh yes okay all right cool so there's another one out front okay okay okay we can do this i still have a ladder oh there's one up there oh that might even be wait can i do this hang on oh yeah look can we do this let's try this oh wait can i oh dude here we where did it of course it did all right maybe i'm there's gotta be wait grab it okay so if i do this wait oh yeah she's in the bag okay dude oh no no oh wait good good good wait that might work hang on because i got really upset that i wasn't gonna be able to get back to it oh how am i getting in though i need a lock oh never mind i can go through these oh she's here though all right go just go quick quick quick quick pop up okay there's the box all right so i got upset that i lost the ladder forever and it was on the roof and i wasn't going to be able to get it from the the other tree but i think well i can grab it from here for sure but can i oh i can't believe i just fell okay let's try this again okay don't fall there yo okay all right now i feel like i need to go like oh maybe if i can i grab it from above will that help this is gonna just kill me again isn't it what am i supposed to do oh there gloves okay it still says be careful from their sting so i don't know i don't know if that worked my beautiful hair all right let's try it can we oh yeah let's try it with this one again let's see if i can do this like without falling again although it's going to eat the ladder anyway but let's see if it'll work where'd it go where did it go where did it of course it did oh ow that hurt wait didn't i like okay yeah i did it here before and then it landed properly right isn't that oh that's bad yeah i can't get that back all right but there okay ah why are these ladders so glitchy man oh wait hold on i don't even do i need a ladder because i've got these gloves now i might wait what's she doing she's coming no oh yeah okay she's sitting in the kitchen let's see this works because i might not need it oh she fell asleep cool all right let's see oh thank you it did it all right oh wow that bead hive looks very angry dude this is the hardest one i've had yet it's because it doesn't tell you anything man all right okay she's going outside that's actually perfect so now i think we got this so i just need to like slice it put it in duct tape it up and then we make her day we make her have a very bad day a no-good awful very bad day actually okay use something to cut slice okay put the beehive in uh put it in okay and then make the parcel look like untampered ah run before she comes ah if this fails i quit i'm out i'm out just call me the deliverer man okay i'm gonna hide back here oh man and i feel like i got the neighbor's hands with those gloves all right let's see please work what a hassle come on come on here we go get it get it get it get it eat them bees wait what i put the bees on top what are you doing oh yeah get some yeah what should you get welts on her face man not just stars oh [Music] wow that was that was that was hard that was hard uh i think we're done with that chapter now right is that i think we did everything yes we completed it all right so chapter two oh it costs money wow hmm well you guys want me to unlock chapter two and continue playing scary teacher 3d click the like button and if we hit the likes target i'll do it just for you also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,374,672
Rating: 4.9083629 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, scary, jumpscare, horror game, scary game, hello neighbor, scary teacher 3d, scary teacher, mobile game, hello neighbor sister, scary teacher 3d gameplay, spider, birthday, killed
Id: VvoWaS44W4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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