I MADE HER SOOOOO FAT! | Scary Teacher 3D (New Update)

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oh oh helium out oh okay that's what we need filament sees close the gas she can do that herself you know what i mean hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to the scary teacher 3d no no no no i didn't hack i i know we'll talk about the corner in just a second but before we do guys please do like the video if you enjoy this type of content and you want to see more on my channel this game is hilarious i wouldn't see why you couldn't see why you wouldn't all right so we're going to talk about the corner here i now have a million stars and a million coins because i hacked my get i'm just kidding i didn't have uh basically the developers had seen my videos like man we like your videos we would love it if you made uh a one on the new update and we'll send you a special build so you can get it before it comes out and and then they said we'll give you a little gift of a million stars and a million coins so there you go and you can ask the developers i swear i swear i did that you guys so um them having given it to me oh and all these are unlocked too okay so then having given to me i think that means that none of these are completed yeah that's okay doesn't matter wait but can i just like oh jeez i could just jump right into them though everything's unlocked because before wait i don't want to do this right now before like i couldn't get to the next one because it was locked so like pretty much everything is unlocked which uh wait what did that there they are yeah wait but what about chapter two that okay what else oh man what a mess okay well anyway it doesn't matter okay right here these are the brand new three new missions your catwalk catastrophe bad conclusion oh jeez the puns and blown up fail oh man we are gonna make her so so fat i cannot wait um and she's wearing the same dress in these two so let's just start it here we'll bookend it with the pink dress so miss t wants to walk that walk let's give her a gentle push in the direction so we're gonna push her down down the kind stairs fashion shows do you watch oh my goodness what oh man yo you got damn big feet from your brother who's francis is that is that your brother do i have to oh i just she's doing the robot dude okay find a way to ruin her fashion walk oh my goodness my one million stars is like too big the zero falls down i don't think you're supposed to have a million i'm gonna here i'll actually i have no idea that is so oh oh one million one yo all right let's keep it let's keep it above a million all right let's try to anyway i'll probably need hints because i suck at this game but um these all look normal okay i'm gonna use one hit oh yeah fine tripping wire like a trip wire right oh maybe in here like that oh let me get this star yeah yeah um let me grab that too oh dude another star there's stars everywhere here man what why are you flashing at me what is this what is that oh that's the dripping wire oh okay apply it to the stairs all right all right okay cool here we go find a way to lure miss t towards the tripping wire uh in other words have her chase me got it okay wait actually she's in a bathroom upstairs where where oh hey miss t yo yo yeah come here i'm luring you come on come on trip lady what what are you doing hey what happened uh huh oh wait wait wait wait no no no no no up here up here up here come here come here come here go across go across oh no she knows it's there so she won't like the ai won't let her cross it wait is she gonna go oh yeah she goes around wait what if i do this come up here maybe i can get our trip on the way up no it's like an invisible wall how how are we gonna lure her there oh wait okay now we can we can stay above a million let's see right wait no hold on whoa whoa whoa wait oh wait you went down the wrong side are you kidding me i got busted all right so i got to do it quick then so i got to get that put it down and then grab and like get the hint quickly right because that that'll tell me what i need next no i don't need this hint i know where this is it was it's just ooh she's outside that's even better okay quick it was in here yes okay grab it all right let's go put it there and then oh yeah she's way out there we'll get oh yeah she's doing jumping jacks all right we um we got plenty of time here okay reveal hint find flower petals okay all right let's go outside she's in the back though okay flower petals i don't see any there oh she's coming back is she coming oh she's going back in let's check outside and just see oh no wait what is she doing oh she is going on can will i die if i jump from here nah okay cool all right looking for flowers flowers flowers flowers the flower flower petals not flowers maybe we have to like get find a flower and then cut it or something let me grab those just in case oh wait wait we got plants and a cactus stop it oh wait oh wait is that that wait a minute wait a minute drop some stuff hold on hold on is this does it tell you what it is i i mean i see it it looks this could be it this could be it all right all right uh let's go let's go let's go let's go all right i can drop some other stuff all right so now let's go up while she's reading let's go get it and then we'll lure on the stairs and she will have nothing like who will she think put them there though that's the weird thing right like it might it might lure her but then like oh i got a problem okay okay okay okay she's gonna catch man she has such a nice high she got her own home gym is she coming here all right let's go let's check this door okay yeah she's going down somewhere oh yeah i know where she is in the kitchen right or that area all right he's perfect that's perfect let's do it let's do it she didn't go on the main stairs we're good here we go pop and then put this there we go put the oh what wait make sure miss t doesn't invade the fall how how oh no okay i don't know what to do uh oh maybe maybe we could put like some shampoo or something or some soap no okay so she could like is there something oh maybe in the shed there's something that she can slip on oh dude she's coming up no how am i gonna how am i gonna make her fall there's to be something up here or well it could be downstairs too oh no no she's going to evade the fall no i'm going to fail again oh no maybe oh no oh we got it yeah we got it yes what wait no dude she oh come on she didn't die she didn't fall all the way down fail bust it again all right there's definitely man you gotta be quick man oh oil there we go i'll use a hundred of my dollars hey where's the thing oh is it here wait use yeah all right cool cool now we've got our oil i should probably not have done that because if i get caught or busted um i'm gonna lose it but i could buy it again right okay i wonder where you find it okay so we got this we oh okay i hope there's not like a fourth thing okay so she's downstairs oh she's watching tv let's go oh man this stupid staircase okay let's go it's here let's go wait i didn't grab it oh it did lag oh she's getting up she's getting up let's go let's go let's go all right can't let her see me do this though there we go do it no do it apply the slippery oil on the on the stairs i'm trying oh oh geez no no no run away before she catches run away before she catches all right that's how you know that's how you know that you got everything okay so next next round we gotta make sure we get run away before mrs t catches okay okay all right dude let's watch her bail down the stairs this time all right where's she at yes we got this all right well what's happening under her stair rail ah it's a little different oh she tumbled all the way down oh my and look her hair is still perfect i swear that would break some bones but not her hair all right next one uh use misty's love potion to reunite her with her one true love i think it had to do with it yes that's her hair up who needs that i like animals okay i think i know we're supposed to do got it yes oh my goodness you are terrifying yeah okay so turn this tee's love version on an animal love potion okay okay uh whoa so how where was it it looked like it was down here it was oh there it is oh nice this is easy because we can just go in like that all right what do we got we got candles we've got two potions oh okay i know we needed to do all right she went out the front door we need to find like the spell book or whatever um let's check let's check upstairs because she's she coming back up where she why'd she stop go up go up go up go up all right let's go let's go oh oh make an animal fall in love with miss t well duh okay yeah i know oh no she's coming she's coming she's coming all right all right was it oh no it wasn't here it was like through here yeah here we go here we go all right put it down what we got animal love potion citric acid and a flammable liquid okay okay uh gasoline i know we i or that usually is in the shed but citric acid i don't know i mean oh yeah here we go gasoline okay oh is this citric acid no this is sauce chili sauce can we use this is a juicer do we might need matches too oh wait lemon extract oh extract juice from lemon it's right here dude complete the animal love motion formula all right here we go here we go okay grab a cup grab a cup here we go put in the cup put it stop put in the cup how do i get it out oh dude okay maybe there's a bottle we're supposed to do use or something the cup obviously doesn't work um salt shaker oh this fill empty glass with citric acid okay all right okay uh there we go take the juice i thought it was acid make up your mind wait is that the front okay that's front okay we she's coming in oh wait there's yes we can take these stairs wait oh no but we want to be downstairs though we don't want to be up here oh she she's going there man oh i hope i don't get busted because she could go there and see that i was messing with the spell book right it's like the tripwire no no she's coming the kitchen all right yeah and then there we go and do we need to light it or run oh let's go i really want no let's not okay run before miss t catches me we got it dude that one wasn't so bad i mean um okay yeah yeah we took one hint right did we i can't remember now all right is she where are you going yo oh jeez he was there i didn't know wait francis is your brother isn't he that no wait oh this is weird and he looks like the neighbor resist me now like the bow tie and everything she is definitely on maybe fall in love with me already baby she just has a crush on the neighbor maybe they're not related oh my goodness it's king kong what king kong is holding back dude oh he's got hearts in his eyes you know i gotta say look at that see that pose they make a cute couple don't they miss t thinks she's going to blow the beauty pageant judges away try to blow her away instead oh i thought we were gonna make her fat i didn't know we're gonna blow her up oh whoa hey her dress is hanging out the car dude whoa what is he taking wait why we got a lot to do why do you have i mean i'm glad you have pants on under the dress because it doesn't fit but why do you have pants on under the dress and why doesn't it fit i mean she's already kind of blown up isn't she all right make miss t blow up oh like a balloon so we are gonna make her fat okay so not blow up like a bomb or something where is she okay uh how are we going to do that oh no no no no let's go this way there's got to be something that we like maybe i don't know how do you make her blow up like a balloon we could feed her something she's allergic to and she'll like i don't know what is that oh chocolates oh maybe she maybe i could put something in the chocolates that'll make her blow up like to get fat oh what dude what is that hold up okay wait can he get me do we have to worry about him yo she built a whole stage in her backyard how do we get up here miss t's beauty pageant 2020. that looks nothing like you miss t sorry to say but man woody waste them oh my goodness what a waste of money who actually does things like that i don't think he chases us um okay how do you how do you get up here maybe only she can oh what is this oh uh what is what is this uh warning oh cool let's play with it what is it can we oh maybe no what are we supposed to do here all right time for a hint hey right on time actually reveal hint find something to fill this teeth club that's what i was doing and i'm not going under a million so too bad oh geez she saw me go go go go go keep going keep going keep going all right oh dude oh no she's checking out oh she oh she's going in there so maybe i wasn't supposed to open that yet let's see oh oh helium ow ow okay that's what we need filament sees closing gas she can do that herself you know what i mean oh wait she didn't go in there okay okay how do we how are we gonna do that though is it it looked like there was something i could hook to that oh no i hate kids wow so matter of fact i hate kids well i hate old bald guys okay huh mr whatever your name is mr peterson if you know if he's the neighbor so wait let's grab let's just go straight to that what is she what she put on makeup or something oh she's in the bathroom okay we know she's upstairs so we so we do have to watch out for him and not only do we have to watch out for him like he can actually stop you without like being that close to you he just has to see you what is she doing don't you want to hang out with your with your brother your boyfriend whatever it is now oh oh look this did it phil misty's close the gas how i thought i did that what am i supposed to do next well it's still flat oh you gotta rub before this he catches you you just gotta turn it on wait we gotta watch out for the neighbor we good we good we good go go go go oh here we go yeah still wearing the weird dress with the pants got it i still can't believe you built this in your own backyard now how is this gonna fill up her dress does she have to like oh it's working never mind yo look how fat she is francis oh they're going away forever yo dude that revives you harry potter man when he blew up his hand and uncle bird is like hanging by her legs you know all right well that is all three of the new levels guys now again haven't played a lot of this actually i've only ever played chapter one so we've got the special oh there there it is now oh they're there now i don't know what the deal was before but i got lots to play you guys want to see me play them let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new blood
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 4,474,642
Rating: 4.8588214 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, kid friendly, family friendly, gaming, thinknoodles minecraft, scary teacher 3d, scary teacher 3d gameplay, scary teacher 3d new levels catwalk catastrophe, scary teacher new update, new levels bad kong clusion, scary teacher 3d new update, scary teacher 3d blown up, scary teacher 3d new levels
Id: sRM8o6qL6AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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