GRANNY FELL IN LOVE WITH ME!! | The Twins (Granny Update)

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granny oh she loves me yes [Laughter] [Music] hey everyone it's your friend big noodles and welcome back to the twins where today there's been a huge update to the game i mean you guys can probably tell by the thumbnail and the title the granny and grandpa have been added to the game now i just want to go back a little bit to when i first played this game and you guys gave me grief for calling it granny three and look what happened see i was right but to be fair to be fair the developer did originally say that granny and grandpa were not part of the twins universe so we weren't gonna see or granny and grandpa weren't part of it at all so he's a liar and it's fine i don't care i'm just kidding i'm happy that they are in the game and and guys i want to like i want to send a message to the developer with the likes on this video so let's go for 50 i know 50 000 likes i know it's a lot but 50 000 likes on this video to show the developer how much we love granny and how uh in future development even just a teeny easter egg we want granny in all of the games cause we love her well i mean we we love to hate her right that's what we love uh guys also if you are new here or old here and you're not subscribed please do consider subscribing and supporting my channel just hit seven million subs going for eight and uh let's see how this works uh with guess there we go boom that does nothing so i don't know anything about this other than it said that that they are added i think i mean i don't know let's just okay because i'm worried that i mean it says with guests so are they guest stars and they take the place of bob or fat bob and skinny buck or are they also on the map with them and if so then we want to oh uh we oh i'll read that a second but we we if there are four of them on the map uh it's gonna be a lot harder it was hard with the two of them already uh you do get a lot of lives but still especially in hard road okay wait bob and bob okay there's something about okay if you play with guests find the mask what a mask so did say there were new rooms new puzzles and the guests so uh well starting as normal here let's grab our crowbar here and go and drop in so um i'm trying to like i'm i'm wondering what okay that looks the same so the door looks the same so there's not a puzzle a different like it doesn't look like there's any extra locks yeah there's the red lock there's like the um this thing yeah and then yeah that's it okay so yeah so that doesn't so i wonder what is oh we got the hammer oh and i finally figured out okay all right let's do what we do um i finally figured out what the hammer oh okay does it does the exact same thing as um as the crowbar actually let's do our thing wow that two dynamite that's weird all right so what we gotta do is do this throw this in here wait oh yeah like that okay and run and hide and now we'll see if uh if it's granny and grandpa or both of the uh instead of uh bob and buck or if it is all four of them okay there's skinny buck not in much of a hurry it's granny yeah and there she is the woman of the hour she's gonna get cr she's gonna oh and okay they're all in it so there goes fat bob where's grandpa uh why didn't they set that off wait okay and i did not see grandpa he did not oh granny she drops traps great that's fun they didn't set that off is they did not set that off so i oh okay i was gonna say i i need that back but i do have the hammer it does the exact same thing i just how do you set that thing off without getting like blown up if they don't do it anymore oh you oh you can go on the top of that thing though right let's grab this okay so um should you know what let's just go this way let's just go do please don't be back here okay okay uh check the grill hey we got the red key that's the front door one um so yeah this is what i was talking about yes so we can go in that way but i don't need to right now just yet let's do this let's do this what is that okay that's okay part of a revolver what is that thing it looks like bullet holes there huh okay you can't grab it so i'm not sure what it is uh oh and i got a um i forgot oh i know what the plank is for uh so there's nothing here sometimes there's something here but there's not okay let's just do we want to do this yet oh yeah i can't wait oh no but i don't have a screwdriver well it's better than nothing okay let's go let's get that door open and um i can grab the plank and place it down oh gotta climb up okay um where's the plank there it is okay so um yeah let's go do that let's do that while the lights are off oh geez there was that bob oh wait i hear somebody was that fat bob wait who was it who was it who was it and where are they oh is granny this is granny hey granny oh man i'm a little disappointed you don't like make your normal granny noises go and go oh go go go go go get that door open oh that's right i can't get caught okay i'm gonna open it and then i'm uh oh yeah yeah here we go here we go that's what we're gonna do all right let's do it bam okay so yeah the if i get caught it locks this door back so i don't know um just checking okay nothing okay oh yeah okay so they see it hey there you all are oh man skinny buck you got to take care of that bro i'm not sure grandpa is in here i have not seen him yet so maybe like it right up there he is right on cue i thought that maybe it like alternates between them but so there are four of them on this map right now okay so let's jump what do we got in here nothing okay fun oh that was stupid that was stupid get up oh man i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna get a double kick where'd grandpa go okay dude man okay i cannot get caught because i i didn't even place the plank yet okay go go and i lost the plank now so even if it puts me in that room and i just heard the lights come back on oh man i don't know why it didn't jump ugh oh yeah let's let's blow some people up actually we can go blow the wall up let's do that let's go do that oh what is this this is new i need a door okay all right so oh what is that is that oh disinfect it we want that for sure all right let's go put this here let's blow up the wall oh jeez i threw it through the wall nice job okay yo that went off kind of fast oh wait yeah oh yeah yeah you know what so if i had the disinfectant all right i'm gonna drop this it's gonna make noise i just hope they don't come this way oh what is that oh geez two of them oh boy this this could be bad uh depends on which direction the other two are coming from uh uh i'm going in i'm going ordered okay here we go here we go get in wait okay there okay okay uh oh what is that oh door handle oh okay wait okay so let's do this let's put this here okay let's put this here yes okay now let's grab this door handle now what am i suppose how do okay what if i open this will that um doesn't help it does block it although does it like i'm worried about this okay let um let me can i go under it maybe i can go under it i never really thought about that it's like this it does block it but i'm not sure that it really does so let's see can i sneak under this i mean i feel like i'm gonna hit my head on this so goodbye cruel world yeah that's what i thought so how do you get oh could i jump over it it doesn't matter it's it's disabled now that is perfect because [Music] i can put the door handle on that door and see what's in here what do we got now huh pop all right wait i just put it what do you mean oh there's two oh whoa what's this oh what what is this slendrina mask i found it it says to find the mask now what what am i supposed to do with i don't like this oh i think i know what this does wait oh no wait oh they think i'm slendrita no way hold up wait a minute they think wait hey bob check me out huh wait i don't know if this is true because i oh geez geez jeez i need it i need to know so i i'm pretty sure that granny and grandpa yo they don't know who i am granny oh she loves me yes [Laughter] oh man this is amazing i love you too granny i was saying that the intro don't we love granny everybody if you love grady click the like button this is the best item in any granny based game ever like i literally because we have three inventory slots like it don't even matter dude as long as i have this thing on we could oh my goodness all right so easy mode is like super easy now oh what's this hey grandpa oh no that's not grandpa i don't want to see your grandpa does compressed gas uh right so i can go like look oh look i got a blue key okay now oh here's a problem though so if i pick this up will it make it the active item yeah but then i just do that so good uh blue key oh yeah i need the screwdriver for that ah look at this i well i don't want to do that just yet uh blue key oh i know where that goes let's go upstairs yeah let's go upstairs oh my goodness this is amazing so the blue key oh hi grandpa do you love me too grandpa you don't love me you don't love your granddaughter huh oh grandpa you how could you do that to your granddaughter okay so apparently apparently uh grant grandpa does not believe in the mask so um all right what was uh where was i so blue key was upstairs i gotta go get that mask back man that thing is too good also wait um i need the like what bandages or whatever they are because we uh i'm starting to lose some life here i gotta go um oh what is that what is that oh no no granny granny grand granny no grandpa no you dude you better stop it that is not how you treat me all right i want that mask back dude i need that thing i've already become i've already become completely reliant upon it wait what oh no no no granny don't are you cutting me off lady all right yeah you come this way over here over here yeah and when i turn into your beautiful granddaughter you can give me a kiss there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is pick up the slendrina lollipop okay there we go now i don't i so all right no kissing grandpa okay he doesn't see i don't know okay oh this is a wait this is a whole new room i don't remember okay wait let's get in here where does this go oh okay oh and i don't have the code let's close oh wait what is flashing here what is this what is oh wait that was that gunshot thing uh i don't okay was it is it i think it is was it like that oh what did i just do what did i just do uh wait i've got the mask though right i'm okay right screwdriver oh dude that's cool so wait you do that and it opens oh it moves the painting all right okay no i don't oh grandpa grandpa grandpa grandpa i don't trust you i don't trust you you are a mean mean grandpa okay oh screwdriver oh that's perfect because the thing okay hold on if i go grab that i can actually um i mean we i don't we can't leave yet because we need the items but i can actually get the blue door you lazy turd get up all you ever do is sleep you sleep on the couch at your house you sleep in the bed wait just quick question this is a prison whose bed is this all right wake up oh he woke up okay oh dude stepped in her trap the traps granny's traps uh they they oh my goodness they the traps actually get um get well i don't know if they if granny can stop she probably can't step on her own trap but it at least oh i better check this at least got buck and probably bob and maybe grandpa i don't know no i don't oh yeah dude i don't think that it would get okay it would get um oh but will she respond to that i'm a little nervous because grandpa never stepped on her traps in um oh dude that was stupid okay oh i didn't mean to put it down it's gonna make noise um but yeah he never stepped on her traps and granny oh that made some noise too oh goodness i can't get in i got i can't trust grandpa i can't get in dude oh no no no okay okay okay okay okay so i think he knows how to avoid the traps but i'm not sure that the other two do well i mean obviously one of them doesn't i mean i'm so like oh no dude no ah you were right behind me oh and i dropped the screwdriver too all right i am getting low on life weird it always spawns you here now it doesn't spawn you in that like downstairs area they think everything is so funny did i go oh there's something in there is that yes whatever dirty fabric we're gonna make some bandages here let's go let's go let's go let's heal up all right now it's on pop bop use it yeah gosh i love that ah that makes me feel so much better you know it's also good and bad because uh now it makes me overconfident like you know i heard grandpa i'm like yeah okay you know where yeah bro actually where is he like i'm not really super like worried about being caught because i have so many lives left now ah i'm getting annoyed though i'll say that oh the mask was on the stairs oh i did not realize that here we go i walked right over it there got it i've never been able to breathe so freely in a mask pop and bop that there we go okay we still need this screwdriver for um to get one of the items okay so we can do that but we can't leave yet okay we could drop this we don't need it anymore we can put the mask on and i mean like i don't know exactly how this works i mean obviously like i i'm just worried that if if i've dropped something and they're suspicious and they see the mask then they're like hey that ain't my granddaughter okay let's check here because i haven't checked in this oh the other door handle oh oh oh oh okay switch it switch it okay oh 1343 let's go oh oh oh no no no not you not you okay he's gonna figure it out okay i gotta go i gotta go watch out okay okay all right you got oh my goodness it's everyone except for granny this is no you didn't see nothing i'm gonna go i don't think you did a thorough job i'm gonna go check all right here we go oh man i can i i don't want to take it off one three four three hey oh the gear iron cog okay okay let's go what do we want to do okay um hi granny can i have some hearts can i need some love i need some love can you get oh thank you that makes me feel better all right so we gotta go do the door handle here so once you find this i mean even in hard mode with four people roaming as long as you are like hold on it's like do this and then wait i do that and then put it back on you i gotta be quicker with that like you have to think about it what is this what a plat oh wait a plasma gun okay i know wait gas cylinder so if i do we have to fill it or is it already filled let's see it's probably okay wait anybody around because i don't want anyone to see this this is like so exposed okay so if i switch to this can i fill oh yes oh dude dude i'm exposed here i don't want to lose all my stuff what is it is it done it won't work anymore okay wait a second okay come on bob okay wait what am i gonna oh no no i don't have to drop anything wait i don't know do i hold on okay here we go so if i do this can i put it oh wait oops do i [Laughter] yo check this weapon out okay i've got five shots what is this gonna do oh my goodness they're all lined up come on all right granny you're first all right i wonder if it'll go through them because boom what all right you ready boom yeah boom yeah grandpa come on boy let's go [Music] yo i dude oh i thought she disappeared it actually shot her into the back here grandpa wait hey grandpa okay grandma i want to show you something over here grandpa hey grandpa oh yeah seriously dude he's gone i like dude he is gone so there he is how did you get over here dude [Music] oh okay i don't even well i mean i kind of do need that but nah not right okay oh let's check in here okay wait what about what am i oh my goodness i'm like okay that was fun uh let's okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go and drop this plasma because like the plasma thing is cool however um it's not as useful as this so we're just gonna keep that and then i'm gonna go yeah oh the beetle right okay so hold on so i have i have the plank i have the screwdriver we can get that let's do that okay i need to swap this can't see i mean it's already dark but like with that thing on it's really hard to see okay so don't okay so if i there okay i don't know why that didn't work before but anyway there's that all right stand up well actually i'd like to stay crouched just so i don't fall off of this thing okay there we go and the painting is mine i got the mona lisa so what do i need to do okay so there's a few things oh this is open nice so oh hush oh geez all right really how did they know so what what uh okay so we need oh i need that cog oh it was in this yes there it is bam whoop all right it is i wonder uh yeah i'm pretty sure well i don't know i mean i would say that the the the beetle's too stupid to like recognize whether or not it'll just attack anything right like it's not gonna be like oh you're you're granny's granddaughter i'm gonna are you you're cool all right idiot all right this needs to come off sorry bro you're locked up oh no i missed ah all right well it'll just take a second what do we have that is a new item and i know exactly where that goes oh okay i think we're good okay it's right there use it okay oh hold what this would be hard without this mask honestly but i wonder so if you don't play with guests i assume you don't get the mask because it said that about the oh there's bob ah idiot it literally says hold but i thought it okay it did not open it fell down but it didn't open let's go look all right i did it i did it what is it oh that's aw okay switchboard key no i'm so glad i did not pick that up he would have seen me so let's go pop that open that gets us the diamond oh no no no no no no oh hi hi hi hi yeah yeah yeah thanks thanks thanks thanks why don't you tell your husband over there that i'm i'm a nice person okay nobody here nobody here i don't trust it there we go let's do that and then pull that then do this right and then the diamond is mine cart all we need oh we need that that handle thing right wait what do we yeah what do we need the handle so we can lower the water hmm i don't know oh what is oh wait there's that button um oh wait whoa granny granny granny granny granny okay um what did i do i thought i left it didn't i ha i had that i put on the stair oh there it is there it is it okay all right okay here we go here we go here we go dude okay so this thing has so wait what if so can i so if i do that i need something heavy oh well okay all right well good okay okay so wow that okay now could i get that back if i wanted it oh hi guys oh dude she just wait but she hates me but she loves me all right so we gotta go oh where did she put it oh i should put it there okay so we're okay with that okay so i can oh yeah you can grab that back if you want to use it on the front door okay we good and nobody to see this right okay all right got it okey-dokey okay so now nobody well i i say nobody but okay she's over there and okay let's do this here we go okay there we go all right now what press it okay dude what is this what is that oh am i supposed to go in oh wait oh dude there's a door this is cool yo all right what's in here is it wait what is this wait what i need oh come on oh you got to use it twice for this too and then oh and then it opens up something on this oh how do i get out of here oh wait it opens up something upstairs okay okay i think i know what this does okay okay so what we have to do because there was a button like across the way which moves this thing we and we moved that thing but the wheel isn't there to unlock whatever it unlocks can we get out of here okay so we oh no no no stupid you got to be quicker than that that is super cool though all right so we gotta go back down to get the cog wheel again it's i mean it's okay because well except for i might fall uh but i was gonna say it's okay because we don't have to worry about the beetle and i mean this parkour part is not that hard the hard part is actually getting out of here like um there uh is is that part right there because just because the stairs are just glitchy and and i've i've fallen like the most time i don't i think i've only ever fallen on the parkour once which was the first time uh but i've fallen on the stairs like four times all right let's put her on bam okay put the mask back on all right now do i have to do that i might have to do this quickly but it doesn't oh or or wait does it actually what actually happens here maybe it actually comes whatever we're looking for comes through yeah that's what it is all right okay hi granny oh we getting out now okay this is it okay dude that was okay you so we used both like the the wheel um wait what why can't i walk through here okay we use both the the the i guess the well not the wheel the disc and the cog well would have used it twice if i did the front door okay ready and go there we go and drain the water granny it's just your loving granddaughter man this mask has come in handy okay so grab the gold coin swap it out oh yeah it was a coin i forgot what it even was i just knew it was there all right let's deliver it to our exit we i've never i've never done this uh roof exit before i think yeah i don't think i have so i want to see what it does anyway someone said like uh like bob pushes buck out like off the balcony or whatever or something like that like he pushes them off the top of the building so i want to see that so let's drop that let's drop that uh painting diamond and hey there we go even there they all are wait yeah wait oh yeah look look look yes go bob we escaped and buck killed bob can't get better than that well guys that was it for the twins with the granny update i'm so glad that he put him in there if you guys enjoyed it seeing granny back in another new game click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,427,746
Rating: 4.9132881 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, app game, thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, granny, horror, thinknoodles granny, granny escape, granny 3, granny chapter 3, twins, horror escape, the twins, dvloper
Id: B7qsgia1jsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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