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all right guys i was scrolling through my mentions on twitter and by the way this was hilarious because my wife rented i did anyway i saw this right below it hey justin don't know if you saw it because right now the video only has 3 000 views they released hello neighbor 2 you should play it and i'm like nah he means hello guess but no yo wait hold on how do we how do we let's all right here we go wait all right so wait the neighbor's missing wait oh oh wait dude that's the okay that's the guest the hello guest in his house is that his house okay he's putting keys around locking things up yeah that's totally the neighbor's house dude what happened it's like a swamp yo whoa yeah there's his glue what happened here wait what are we oh no oh geez well oh wait a minute we can put up security cameras oh no not you wait a second whoa whoa you can look wait a second that's like hello guest there was a security camera hello guys wait so uh wow supremely confused guys hang on uh oh wait what did we just what do we just grab is that oh we're watching him oh no no no no no that's creepy creepy creepy creepy creepy wait was he did he grab oh dude you're done because i feel it oh no wait oh dude so i think he grabbed the security camera and he was running with it like a selfie cam dude there's a thousand i like it oh don't go that way hit home oh yes dude the trip that is sick is the gameplay really like this or oh this is cool wow all right i'm here for this dude no no get out duke it out what wait what i wait this looks like oh it it kind of looks like a mixture of hello guest and hello neighbor so what hello neighbor do 2020 wait a minute wait mr peterson are you the are you the weird guest guy or did you kill him you got his mask there oh look i seem to somebody says me all right wait okay wait wait so also it said on the tweet yeah alpha live at hello neighbor 2.com so that's where yeah play the alpha oh wait what instantly get access to a drm free build of hell well why did you know they always send me stuff and then they don't send this they don't say this no i'm not a robot obviously i am a [Music] cat [Music] hey everyone it's your friend thing noodles and apparently welcome to hello neighbor two alpha one and i see the little weirdo in there in the bird costume now i do not see a hello neighbor like logo anywhere but maybe they won't put that on until final release i don't know but we saw we saw the tweet and and and it is real and oh look at the birds dude that was from that cartoon all right let's just play right you guys want to see this do you want to see it if you want to see it click the like button let's go for 25 000 likes for a brand new hello neighbor 2 out of nowhere by the way i mean i did not expect this also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this while you're there okay what's that okay yeah this is this is like the the the the trailer we saw kinda right he's locking that okay he's hanging that key and lighting it on fire so we need a fire extinguisher oh it's here okay right okay so i can grab that what what do i what are these things that i've got now um so i wait what oh wait hold on wait first of all okay that okay that needs a camera okay that's what that is this is uh oh this is a camera okay yo there's the neighbor's house so now the thing is with this like 12 time of day thing yo wait a second dude hello guest is not hello guest hello guest is hello neighbor 2 because like this is all the stuff from hello guest that i apparently did wrong completely um so we've got the neighbor's house which has never been in any of the hello guests that i've ever played before okay and can can we okay we can just go right on in oh no no no no no wait so okay oh no okay wait hold on hold on okay all right he acts more like the neighbor thank you that was one of the things i hated about hello guess is that he was always like so look if i get far enough away yeah dude it's hey where are you going at he's he's bringing trash in the house what a weird dude okay so he's like the neighbor if you get out of his property he leaves you alone oh okay this can i climb that how do i climb the okay can't climb that so that that's that's where he had the crowbar uh what is that can i what did i just take did i take another oh geez hey he just throwing traffic cone at me oh what a turd let go of me i i am trash no let go let go wait dude does he he literally drags you off his property that is awesome okay that is really cool okay wait oh dude he took everything though not cool uh we're probably not gonna figure out a whole lot about what's can i drive oh so why why does it let me do that it's not actually the neighbor's house it's it's a lot smaller than the neighbor's house uh but it has similarities to the neighbor's house including an annoying annoying neighbor okay so right here this is this is the line this tree is the property line it's like the edge of the street like i'm trying to figure out what's tipping him off that i'm coming near his his humble abode oh can i okay no i need a crowbar for that okay okay because in the gameplay trailer that we saw it looked like so easy okay that does that okay so hey it's piggy whoa what's this oh there is not a oh that's what well we want a fire extinguisher okay he's coming down the stairs oh look at this weird conveyor belt what if i put some well let me throw something at him let me stun him nope put the garbage down sir pop whoa hey wait i hate you you hit me let go i love where are you taking me out the window he chucked me out the window that's awesome okay whoa whoa whoa oh jeez whoa you're clumsy bro wait where are you what are you what are you doing what is wrong with you dude are you s stuck i think i just won the game yo i just won the game you stuck all right let's go let's go check some stuff out now all right as it's an oh dude he's back is he really no no no no this is okay all right so we gotta open this gate oh he's inside nope no he fell again oh geez now we got me wait here he comes oh my goodness wow he is so quick dude i was like setting up my aim and he already nailed me like a sniper man oh my goodness yeah that's it that's how you okay all right now can he can't do that wait what no well that's not very helpful wait uh okay i can hide the dumpster right oh no fire extinguisher okay um can i climb out the window well what's the point of it oh well i might be able to go there what's here nothing can i go oh oh oh this is something can i go up higher i don't think so there's gotta be what's this i think i just got a coffee machine or something what is this oh no this is gasoline okay what do we do let's set the house on fire let's see how he likes it here we go oh oh dude what is that what is that what is that what dude why are all the crows in here this is very unsanitary we have to open this gate somehow and i i think oh no wait where did you come from where did you come from oh you know what hold on let me i wonder if i could oh wait hold on hold on hold on what about this can i do this and jump here then jump up here oh dude i don't know if i can oh there's definitely a window up there okay here we go i'm up i'm up yeah all right all right oh all right he gonna get me any oh come on i didn't know he was camping the window yo he just launched me out all right are you after me again no no no not today i'm up all right here we go just don't fall don't fall let's go we're in yes okay i've gotten past the gate uh okay oh what was that that sounded like a fire extinguisher dude whoa okay uh what uh what am i whoa okay what what is all this stuff uh uh i i need okay i'm gonna grab the gap oh i'll grab that and i'll grab that wait what was that what just happened oh weird i need oh wow oh dude this is where he sleeps it's like a net well it's a nest of shoes um oh this looks useful what what is this it's it's oh oh wait oh this is one of the cables from the generator crowbar there we go all right now we're talking all right we're gonna start crowbar on this thing up let's go bop wait what there it goes break it off wait what how do you do this wait oh no what did i just do i just chucked it okay wait where did it it went out didn't it wait what keep what is that what keeps hitting me dude oh jeez okay he knows how to open it i can't open it but he can oh there goes my stuff no no no no wait can i go back and get it it like went flying oh so when he throws your when when he throws you out like you don't lose your stuff is he coming back up where is he where's he uh yeah i think he's hey what is what is that give me that back oh wow so there's something oh is it that so when i go across this window like it knows it it actually tells him that i'm crossing it i think i promise he's so much faster than the neighbor that you gotta be boom oh my see look at that like they come around the corner with that thing ready to go excuse you um oh gosh no i'm getting a little dizzy here oh yo i got loose oh let go me dude i can no no no no no so i think of that what we're supposed to do i believe okay hey hey i'm talking i'm talking bro i was just oh my goodness are you kidding me all right so right here leave me alone so right here oh i gotta get behind the tree there he'll leave me alone now right we gotta get up here and unlock that lock and i think we have to get the green we have to get a green light on this to do it but i literally have done nothing wait how do i how do i pry things open like it it's weird oh wait it's working there i did it yes yes come on pry it yes i did it yeah it was the front i could have gotten it all along all right i'm gonna shut this wait can i shut this yes yes oh yeah there he is okay hello bringing the trash home huh all right now he's gonna i don't know if he knows i'm here but i'm out i'm out i'm out run run run wait come on get up all right we're safe all right now let's pop open oh yeah he was up there all right let's pop open the windows here we go here we go here we go wait what do we got nothing there was that a switch that looks like the where we turn on the power at the neighbor's house like to turn that well i turn off the power like to like to to take so wait do you just hold it still is that what you do you just keep oh yeah there okay so you just gotta keep going like like like this like this like this oh yeah i see it getting smaller and smaller yeah okay even though it doesn't like the animation doesn't oh go go go doesn't quite line up get over the fence right come on i wish this made a noise like so i knew i was doing it right i mean i know i am it's just uh just you know i need some feedback here man okay so now we can go now oh yeah all right so we we already knew about that okay so we've already been in there we've already been there okay is there anything i kind of feel a little stupid for getting this thing or wanting this thing so bad oh hmm i don't know because it's gonna just like like i wanted this thing but like what was the point like really oh no oh no oh no go go go you can't have my crowbar you cannot have my crowbar keeping that dude okay there's the two on the front oh what's he you okay are you stuck all right well if you're stuck am i just gonna do this oh geez no he's not stuck come on wait wait where's my crowbar hold watch the crew wait where are you taking me hey hey hey okay wait wait wait i stopped flying i saw it flying it went right into the doorway i flung it right into the doorway no oh my i didn't even see you dude i'm just focusing i see the alarm clock where's my crowbar oh no there there there there okay got it yeah yeah what's up dude checky checky i'm gonna get this opened up because the nice thing is once we get these open i mean we do i wonder if i can use it on that fence too like the um the fence that i couldn't get through before oh wow look at what i did here okay i can't can i i don't know what's going on there all right but we're in here okay oh yep okay now let's go here oh dude i hate how that thing knocks me oh oh that's what it okay so it stuns you and knocks whatever's in your hand out of your hand which in that case just now was the crowbar so now i don't have it anymore so i can't do anything with it dude can we hang on i didn't oh dude oh dude oh dude okay uh okay there's is that what is there's a security camera there i think what am i doing up here am i supposed to i think i mean it wouldn't like it wouldn't well it might but dude i'm all the way on the top of his house oh oh oh that's how we get to this right or is it let me see yeah that's how we get to this right yeah okay so now we oh oh oh come on wait what oh no i'm on it i'm on it no wait what how did he grab wait did he grab me i don't know wait okay so wait there's no so there's a lock there but we we can't even get to the platform up there but we need so wait huh i'm here this is i mean i've already been here i thought okay so oh i could i i should uh if i had the crowbar i could get this oh i didn't flip this what does that do it does oh okay we don't want that we want that no no no we need to get in there obviously we're supposed to be able we're supposed to go in and out of there okay so that's what that does oh whoa this is open okay throw the alarm clock into the oh wait oh no it didn't go in so wait does it wait oh now it's uh oh now now it did what is what does can i go in what happens if i go in let me crawl oh okay all right that uh okay so yeah i mean that's obviously what's oh hang on oh no that's stupid we already know that door so pulling that lever changes the uh oh what if i put gasoline in there seems like a terrible idea let's do it burn that should totally explode but it didn't and i think i can actually still pick it up what yeah come on blow up oh geez the birds are here right oh is there oh holy cow wait wait i just got the key hold on hold on i need to get out you can't catch me yo yo yo yo yo yo let me up let me up let me up oh did i really yo i just got the key wait what did i do oh my goodness what okay all right did i just beat this or at least unlock this okay wait now i feel like okay yeah so we just need to like i i can't i gotta reach it from below there's no way to get it from up above huh don't fall all the way down dude stay up here we go can i do it wait what wait what where did it where's my oh okay it's okay dude relax so when you fall from from far away you drop stuff okay can i do it now why are you giving me that whoa no no but don't do that i didn't believe i can't whoa whoa whoa whoa get out of here what are they doing dude oh and i need the crowbar oh maybe i need to okay okay hold on so let's drop the key here can i can i just like lightly drop it okay i need my crowbar back where is it so i think i have to crowbar that and i can get that from below i don't have to jump like oh dude where did my crowbar go though he did he chucked me out of the house again oh wait is that yeah oh that no that's a that's a cable whoa dude he just launched that what was it okay i got you know what you go to your i got to see what you just chucked dude i think it was a chair it looked like a lawnmower all right yeah dude if you threw my crowbar over here i'm gonna it could be anywhere now wait was this x always here oh hey ow okay i get it so so the x is where his like where is the thing though is it was this yeah i don't know how you break them wait no that i don't know if that's it but like the x is where oh it's right no that's not it either uh where like a security spot is right and then and then and then if you get on it well okay but he no no no uh that's when it triggers that thing all right here we go all right here we go let's see can i yep yep okay so there's one okay how do i get this other one dude oh okay i think i know what i do this is like this is like classic hello neighbor style hold on let's see if i can oh there's the yo okay all right i don't know why that wouldn't work before okay hold up okay so this is cl so i don't even need that all right now how do we get up there like we could we could jump off the roof and try and like launch back in it's tough because we don't have an umbrella remember the umbrella is in hello neighbor oh there goes he flew up there and got me what let go let go let go let go let go no no no no no no oh my goodness what did i just do how did i just get away from him and climb up oh my goodness he is freaking out okay wait i okay i'm up here i don't know how i just even did that all right wait can i get all the way yeah dude well no here he comes bro oh my goodness get down he's using this fire extinguisher that is not hey quit it yo look at him what did come quit it you're freaking me out bro stop it all right i'm gonna walk wait why can't i walk this anymore here we go all right so we need to go like this oh dude this is not easy so we don't want to go oh this is not possible is it how do we get in there dude how do we get in okay what i'm thinking is we have to stack boxes because there were all right we can try this all right so we got it open i just um are there there's probably boxes i'm thinking there's boxes in the dump here maybe whoa this is gonna hurt oh jeez ow ow ow ow [Applause] wow i think this happened once before ow i like i jumped back because that thing hit me in the face and i hurt my foot dude i did not expect i mean that hit me square in the face oh yeah there there there there there okay ah dude that hurts so much all right all right let's see what we can do here just put it down and then can we jump on it okay yeah but this isn't where we need to go we need to go up one higher how many boxes are we gonna need oh and i'm not even on this one anymore am i no no no stay stay stay stay there we go all right no how do we get in there man i need to see what's in there oh wait if i get a fire extinguisher like he has that's what i need okay that's freaking me out dude what i'm stuck in the roof can you let me go thanks buddy where can we find one of those oh look i can see up there from back here though i don't know what's in there oh it's good see now these boxes would be useful because i could yeah you see do this and like that that would do it but i can't move these man i've looked about everywhere and all of the buildings you either can't get into or they're empty like that so i can't and i did not see a fire extinguisher anywhere in his house and like any of the fire extinguisher boxes were deliberately empty bro he just camping there now he's like you ain't coming back dude come on i feel like i'm so close to beating this and i don't know like i know how he gets up there but i don't i don't i don't see myself getting up there you know i wonder like oh can i throw something oh man he shoots he scores yeah now if only i could throw myself up there um yeah well i i think i still think maybe i need that green light or something maybe i i just i don't know how to get up there without the fire extinguisher and i cannot find it so here's here's what we're gonna do guys so we've gotten really far on this there actually probably is a lot more i don't really know but um you guys go ahead try the game tell me how you get up there figure it out let's crowdsource this so we have a bunch of people trying and we'll figure out how to get in there and and see what's up all right so guys this is hello neighbor two alpha one uh i assumed that more of this map i mean why else would you build all of this more of this map is gonna be used in alpha two alpha three um multiple acts i don't know i don't know but uh we'll see we'll see as it develops but i didn't actually solve that much now that i think about i feel like i've accomplished a lot but i don't think i've really accomplished much at all maybe just the first teeny bit of uh of what this is so if you guys enjoyed it you want to see more hello neighbor do more development of this if you're surprised by this like i was click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,839,934
Rating: 4.9103761 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, funny, commentary, playthrough, no cursing, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family gaming, family games, family gaming channel, app game, mobile game, app store, hello neighbor, suspense, horror, neighbour, puzzle, escape, launch, house, hello neighbour, hello neighbor mod, hello neighbor 2, hello neighbour 2, alpha, alpha 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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