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make my day boy i don't want my little one to choke choke oh no you're eating a big you cannot ball hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to mr meat now guys the developers made a huge update to the game with well maybe two new endings it says new ending and then later on the patch notes it's a secret ending we'll try and find one in this episode and i'll i'll ask them if there's another one now you guys don't know anything about this game this is made by the same developers as the ice cream series and evil none and if you enjoy their games and you're looking forward to evil nun 2 and ice cream 4. click the like button let the developers know how much you want to see them update those games because your excitement for these games is motivation well for me to make videos and i assume for them to uh to further develop these games and speed it right up so we're gonna go ahead uh with normal mode if i remember correctly uh this game is actually quite a small map it makes it really challenging and uh and and especially if you get caught man that pig once you get caught by mr meat the pig kills you like it's like getting caught and then that's it you only get three nights but like when there's a pig it's like one night so i'm gonna go ahead and here we go here's the intro for you there's the girl we come we know mr mead somehow related to her we arrive at his home and the pig is behind that that gate over there on the right uh oh it looks exactly the same well there doesn't seem to be much yeah this is exactly something we so we had three nights as i said before to rescue her now um go over here whoa that was weird okay gotta be quick so you gotta do that drop it go cause like he he hears that we gotta go we gotta go quickly all right what do we got uh this looks about the same oh oh wait oh jeez he saw me wait what is that that's new okay i gotta go through here because there's like okay shut the door got a can okay nothing here yeah so this is a good little hiding spot here i'm right here you got whoa wait i just realized that that was never there before the where are you little mouse that's the voice acting that's sweet all right where did he go all right what is what was this there's oh okay there's like a paper here what is this uh you can use this table to build something okay there's a table saw that's new um oh no i hate drawers like i always get caught like opening these on this all right what's this it looks like tape oh what's this i can't open that all right so okay oh uh he might see me no he didn't see me okay so what we got to do we go so we need to go all right we've got to go down here and grab well if the oh it's not there okay i know where it is so there's we've got to use the green key and unlock the area where the pig is uh that i pointed out earlier oh let's grab this dude oh yeah okay that's good that's good that's good all right oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah oh that's really good that's what we want to do actually we want to do this first i was wrong so okay we gotta get upstairs what am i gonna do okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna throw this so now he's gonna hear it hopefully around here [Music] let's see oh jeez go that way go that way dude did he go all right he went but he did he did something i didn't want him to do all right do that again grab it okay so let's see if we can oh jeez yo yo yo yo yo yo yo i'm over here that was close that was close all right so now he thinks i'm there we're gonna go here we're gonna run up the stairs okay i got you what are you talking about bro you don't got nothing all right whoa whoa whoa all right let's relax okay get that get that get these all out i don't know if you can hear these dropping but let's get on to the roof all right we're good okay so let's uh no we need a key to get in there like well not to get in there but to get in the drawer okay so let's chuck these like don't land on the roof no oh man that's what i didn't want to happen can i grab it okay i want them to land like oh my goodness why can't i throw them off there that's what i want uh the reason i want those there is because we're gonna need those for the lab we're gonna go past this around here and jump on the tree so this is good because all right as long as he doesn't see me come on here we go or hear me oh dude he saw me so yeah that's kind of a problem because oh wait no where's it going yeah okay it's kind of okay so where's my gun that's that's what we want because you see right there we've got some extra ammo now we can okay i see what's happening all right we gotta go what's that like there's like a radio there let's grab this grab the shotgun let's load the shotgun now come on bro let's go so now we can take him out and we get some time like with granny and we could explore things uh without worrying about him and the other thing too oh geez i don't know what just happened there but boom oh baby 120 seconds i like okay so we've got oh wire cutters and gloves i know what to do with both of those i'm going to oh you know what i'm going to do here's what we're going to do all right we got to keep 120 seconds a long time which is actually like it's good and bad right because like you you get like a false sense of security like he's gone you'll forget about him after two minutes uh let's do the gloves yeah because the wire cutters are right on the side their gloves are upstairs and also oh no yeah there's like a tub with like green water oh geez the water's like stinky now wait wait what there's usually something in here i don't know what to do now i don't know what to do now all right well i guess put them down uh okay that's weird uh okay so the green key oh what's in here sometimes there's something in here nope okay yeah there it is all right cool let's go and open this up oh oh let's shoot the pig that'll be super helpful okay because we got to do stuff over here and this pig is really aggressive he's massive too what is he dude he will kill me where is he oh no no where is he where is he where is he piggy piggy biggie where you at can we okay oh there he is there he is all right come on come at me bro come on here we go don't miss yeah wait a minute are you he you died standing up can i push him over error is he dead sorry brother i had to kill you but you you're so aggressive all right let's i can't believe you stood there oh there's a noose what hang an item here to use the well okay oh let's open this up all right cool all right so what we you need a piece that fits into the slot to open this door what since what's this whoa the nice scientist told me something truly terrible he said that my father doesn't treat me well he says i have to be brave and force him to tell me the truth i don't know what he's talking about is my father a liar doesn't he love me tomorrow i'll go to the barn and sneak into the lab down the well i'll laugh down the well i want to know what's happening down there will my mother be there oh okay wait how do i get this off my screen uh um oh maybe if i oh no oh it just faded okay oh okay now is that the new ending or the secret ending or oh there he is okay oh yeah see the camera got me all right so he knows i'm here all right here we go bam all right 120 seconds let's go right oh what's this hey i'm close here come see me at the front door of the farm what the scientist is waiting for you at the front door of the farm oh wait i need to cut that go see him before he flees what are you talking about so i remember the other one there was a phone where you could call the cops but and they come to the front door and that's that's like i think there were two i don't know after the update there were two endings i think well anyway one of them used to show the cop pictures and they arrest him so i knew i know there's supposed to be new areas but it said a garage or something didn't say anything about a farm uh is it back here because there there was an area back here that was sort of unused before oh no that was well there's the gara wait the scientist has fled the mr meat enclosure what so oh what's this you've placed zero oh that's new zero out of three items in the music box what's this oh there's no flowers in the garden i threw away the ones that were in the house all the flowers in the field next to us have been trampled and crushed and i'm still alone all alone because my father is still coop does his work under the blue barn door and i'm gonna shoot him in the face sorry about that uh um there's more people around than usual and i can hear big noises oh me uh some of the his workers seem nice but nobody wants to talk to me there's only one person who says hello to me when he comes in he says hello rebecca oh that's hi rebecca do you want an apple um well what did you say huh don't leave us on a cliffhanger rebecca did you want the apple or not um oh yeah there's usually something in there in these oh music but okay that all right oh that's not where i wanted to go wait wait is it here okay so what happens when i put that okay you place one out of three on the music box fantastic uh oh yeah that calls the cops but we don't have any evidence so i'm not even gonna bother oh secret drawer key okay i know where that goes oh music box piece i'm on it i'm on it i'm on it all right it's weird though so oh we just need the body okay all right it's not really a music box it's like because it's not a box right i mean there's got to be one more piece right okay so we know this secret oh wait here we go oh hammer please don't wake up sir okay let's smash this and then oh yeah all right so we need the code for that oh wait hold on i want to smash the hammer i can't smash the hammer smash the camera too all right let's check this drawer too i mean i don't think they're okay you need mr mr meets key yo you got a key bro where's where's your key give me your key he ain't got no key just got a big piece of meat hurry up dude number one or number two jeez get out of here let's see do you have a key are you like mr uh grandp grandpa you like granny's husband wait no that wait wasn't there a secret key yeah yeah yeah secret drawer key now this this opens that drawer but i think that gets us the camera and i don't know if that has anything to do with the secondary ending so let's see so we go in here and we open this yep and yeah the camera so yeah so we have to photograph the great secret of mr meat which i i mean that that's that's not new oh yeah under here dude there oh hello there's another letter um geez stop yesterday my mother and sister went out for a walk i don't understand why they didn't want me to come with them it was such a nice day but my mother was crying a lot she's allergies and this year it looks like there's lots of flowers in the fields nearby i'm sure she's not crying anymore because she's gone far away that's what my father says but i hope uh she comes back soon if i pluck all the flowers in the garden cat will she come home sooner oh she thinks that mom's away because of her allergies i think mom is dead sorry kiddo oh wait i saw something say music box piece oh dude all right look at me hold the legs all right i like it what do we got here you've placed okay so oh oh for elise okay what does that do oh dude you saw me did he see me oh no wait does he oh bro he's got that he grabbed it yo wait what's happening is he oh dude he's chasing me dude wait a minute no no no no jeez why did it turn me around like that no no no no no no hold on hold on hold on no no no no get me out of here dude okay did i shut it no you don't no you don't you liar you liar okay i don't want to shoot him because i don't know what he's doing but he's definitely he's got that music box dude wait what oh oh mr mean has gone down the garage you cannot access it okay okay i'm not going over there so i did hear his feet okay wait i'm gonna shoot him i'm gonna shoot you dude what did you do down there huh what'd you do down there i hear screaming wait a minute what i thought what wait a minute huh what do you mean i can access it i don't think so oh geez no no no no no i don't know where you are all right where is he i don't want to go too close dude where was he oh there you are bam get some oh oh oh okay let's just shut that so it unlocks this area here can we oh dude i hear somebody crying hello apples wait a second is it is it oh oh my goodness i i'm so sorry but you you can't place that in the mechanism what hello can i talk to you like do you do you speak or do you speak pig or something i'm sorry i'm sorry but my oh okay wait okay so that's wait oh door push button well well well okay i'm pushing oh my father will show up okay the apples are our favorite food maybe it'll be useful later okay a leaky bucket oh that no that's bad what else we got what what um oh wait there's there's definitely wait something here that we can grab a laxative what mr mate come eat this bro okay i don't know what any of this does don't make a noise i i got it i got it but what am i supposed to do with all this stuff dude oh wait a sec two seconds later leaky bucket in the well maybe oh wait what's this oh no it's nothing oh wait there's something here mr meets jorkey okay okay which oh dude i don't know which way he's gonna come don't make a noise okay my father will show up wow you have a nasally voice could it be your pig nose all right check that out there let's grab this hammer let's go smash this camera now oh what do i i wonder if this here we go smash it there we go okay so i want i'm thinking no definitely like while it is a noose i i feel like a bucket obviously right it's a leaky bucket though how do we fill the leaky bucket well if we try and put it there and it's leaky it will tell us like no you need to do something something something wait where's that oh there was no other note hey kid where's your other note i need all four okay oh and mr b's jerky i should have done that all right let's see does this work yes all right now do i okay crank it down dude what's this gonna do at least i don't have to like spin it the bucket has holes you need to i knew it okay oh man am i oh is it oh i just re get the cure are we we're gonna cure the little girl okay oh dude he's up oh no this is not good this is not good at all oh dude out out out don't let him grab you don't let him grab you oh man i i thought i had more time than that see that was that's what i was saying it's like you know the 120 seconds is excellent i love it so much except for the fact that you get oh whoo really complacent all right come on let's go whoops sorry about your house dude yeah i know i know i'm sorry ugh what do we have rope open the garage cage oh oh okay kinda i don't know all right so this we use on the on the on but what do we hook it to because like this we're gonna use on her um on the top of the cage it said we you know there was like a hook or whatever but then what what are we gonna oh don't make a noise you can't place anything until you close the door what door what door this door oh oh look yeah we okay we hook it to the garage okay there you place one of two pieces in the mechanism wait what what's that mean you need to lift the cage to release it what oh now wait now do i do this you can't open the door until the mechanism don't make a noise oh wait oh what's this wooden plank i assume that this is like no um what is the wooden plank for her don't make a noise oh you're the one making all this stupid noise oh wait no wait wait wait i know what to do hold up hold up okay wait what did i do with the gun yo weird piggo okay so here's the thing there was that table saw wasn't there we got a plank for the oh he's out dude all right i'm going for the yep okay so the table saw there that's what we need right we need to use it on the table saw boom i did it what did i just do i'm whoa that is a very sophisticated table hey oh geez that was a very sophisticated table saw there uh turned it into a pulley all right okay so pulling for the rope i still don't know what to do with this bucket though man i mean i know it's leaky and stuff but i don't know i don't know how to like plug it up yeah i got it oh there we go okay dude let's see it oh cut seed here we go lift lift yeah dude you love your apples yes i saved her all right now what oh are you like wait what are you doing are you like charlie liz do i have to leave you somewhere oh maybe you have to use the apples to like okay to get her to come all right so here's what i'm gonna do shoot him and then go get this now that we've unlocked the girl does this hey i'm close here the front door of the farm does he does he mean the front door the farm i swear i don't know i don't know where the kid is now where's the front door of the farm is oh oh dude whoa hey mr meat he's a beast oh yeah i saw what he did to rebecca i ran out of fear now with your help i can help her okay all right bring me the girl well the little pig okay all right bro well i'll try okay so i i'm pretty sure oh he's gonna wake up he's gonna wake up no i can't dude how long can you wait cause like oh wow okay wow all right i got your apples can we grab them now oh yeah okay okay that does work okay so now that she's released she'll follow the apples i guess kid she runs back here hey come here come on hold up hold up hold up hold up let me just call your buddy hey all right i'm close yeah i called the scientist come with come with come on let's go kiddo let's go come on let's go hey run run little one hey hey hey hey get over here you said you wanted this come on come on come on come on come on come on bro look look look look look i got her there we go oh he's in yeah what to a safe place where i can work on the cure the lab maybe bro over this way let's go come on down down here hey where are you going bro this one hey hey bro where are you going apparently this is the same no no you don't over here is a lab dude all right i'm wondering okay all right he's up all right come on dude it's safe i think he probably okay come on let's go okay can you okay so i don't actually have to touch him but he's got he's like bro he's got okay i'm just gonna like he has got to be wait where is he okay there uh um oh yeah push him there we go this will make it easier yeah all right what do we got oh what's that what okay bring me bring the girl what you i didn't i already do that once man oh geez there i did it all right i want one you can have one oh oh whoa whoa don't are you spanking her dude wait what are you doing oh he's examining her okay get the cure wait bro can you can you can you tell me what you're doing there because it looks a little weird oh mutant pig dropping and a bucket of red potion uh oh i might have an issue with the mutant pig dropping part i killed the pig i feel like i have to feed it the laxative or something what was it bucket of red potion all right we'll deal with that later let's let's um we got to figure out this pig situation so man i i think i might have a big mistake because oh yeah oh unless he poops otherwise like he's definitely a mutant pig he's ginormous oh oh there's the wooden heart well we don't really need that oh maybe if i give it to you will you wake up huh give you a heart no um all right here's here's what we're gonna do we're going to sacrifice our life one life does this do anything oh yeah okay all right so i mean his his daughter is a mutant i guess it is kind of rude to like feed her some some rotten some laxatives in her apples um to make her poop all right so let's let mr meat kill us i'm gonna regret this because it's really hey why don't you even you're eating that what's your problem you don't wait a minute what what what what's happened here mr meat bro what's your problem you don't you don't you don't please kill me please kill me oh man this is this has gone really bad hey come here i think i heard a noise what hey get off your pig bro okay maybe he'll kill me over here he was definitely chasing me before i remember the music like he would he would see me let's go inside the house like dude what happened to you oh i wonder if it's because i got the scientist now he won't kill he he he doesn't he doesn't attack so i've got it i got to do all this over man eventually it is and let's try this now problem is i cannot shoot the pig i could drank will oh wait yo i don't have the green key well that's smart it should be on the side of the fridge i think i did did i oh yeah good all right so yeah we do i could i could tranquilize it but i don't know that actually might still kill it i'm not sure i don't think it does i think it puts it out for a bit oh yeah that oh no i can't be there dude it's gonna see me okay keep going keep going keep going i gotta sneak over to its food it's turning isn't it yeah here it comes noob i am so afraid of that thing the weird thing is this is so well i guess it makes sense like you know it's like a normal animals nope gotta go yo oh dude no no no no no no who ho no what are you doing stop it ah that's ridiculous i hate that stupid pig all right i'm getting out i'm gonna tranquilize it i cannot deal with it assuming that i can even escape here this is bad get out all right so the problem is like when you go through this one he doesn't eat for very long even though he's fat and huge like all right i'm gonna go this way this this is the best thing to do is to get up on this thing because then you can jump off and it doesn't jump off all right oh all right where is it all right there it is ah man yeah that's the only way to deal with this thing is to tranquilize it all right there's a lot of work to be done to do that i do have all this stuff uh oh yeah it comes up by the way uh how do i oh man oh man can i shut this door can i close this let's close it oh dude no dude no oh i got mr beat after me too all right get the gun get the good get the good get the gun dude no no come on ah whoa whoa what's wrong with you bro act normal all right this is what's gonna happen all right i'm gonna try and kill it yeah all right and you guys might be like you idiot why did you do that don't worry i have a plan sorta i think i don't know i don't have much nights left okay where's the laxative i need to get the laxative put the laxative there then die oh dude you all right there we go all right okay and then the pig will come back i think come back to life and at that point i can uh i um i can oh man if i can do this quick enough i don't know if i can well i can wait i got plenty of time okay boom open thank you all right let's drop that and head down and i think the tranquilizer oh i wonder hmm i don't know all right let's just let's just we got this so what the plant so i'm gonna go ahead because i like to head i wonder if i should head yeah if i do that i could shut that door yep that's what that's where this is going so this is can i close this oh no i can't close this though dude i don't know if i can get away from the pig here oh but i can hide in here right yeah okay i'm gonna put it there that's what we're gonna do so now this is the deal we're gonna get caught get away from the pig and get down there and grab the tranquilizer because i i mean that's assuming that the pig does actually in fact respawn like i think that it does i think we've got everything ready all this is all rides on on the pig actually coming back to life respawning when i respawn all right buddy eat me bam all right um i hate that and it's also oh geez it's also dependent on me wait how do you get out of this one i forgot oh it's this one okay so we've got to watch for it i don't even know where i am dude can i get back in here let's wait a second no let's just go all right i swear it's gonna go wait where am i oh dude this is perfect this is so perfect wait where's the pig where's oh it's still dead isn't it oh no wait no it's not there where is it though i don't know if it respawned or not oh i see him yes piggy is alive all right so let's give it some time we'll hang out down here and um i don't know how long we need but and i also don't know how long this will put the pig out for i also don't know if mr meat will just like randomly show up so let's just let's do this like i sw you know be great if there was like a fart sound or something when it poops oh geez see that's why i did what i did all right oh come on what that is completely unfair what i don't even know what to say dad was abs did he i can't tell did he eat it or not where's okay no oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez all right i'm out i'm out i'm out get out oh no oh dude he's camping bro no camping is he is he really camping don't camp the door dude okay i'm not going out there okay so wait did he is that poo there i don't know maybe there's lots of poo i don't know dude there's well there's a lot of stuff on the ground oh wait let's can we watch him from here he can't get in here which i i really like but i can't tell if he ate the food or not i think it's i think it's absolutely oh he's pooping ah i just saw it i just saw it come out of his butt okay let's go can we can we i need to get out i need to get out i gotta go i gotta go come on quick quick quick i gotta go get the shotgun because like like i don't care i'm gonna kill the pig now oh no no no oh this is stupid this is stupid oh man oh man okay he's coming all right please don't come that way okay all right i gotta get away from him i gotta get away from the pig i gotta kill him both oh no holy cow holy cow what that pig is ridiculous dude dude don't come here don't come here you stupid pig i'm gonna kill you and i'm gonna kill well i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill mr meat first now come on take thank you i still can't believe he had like armor dude where where's the pig because the pig was was in this area here yeah oh there's poo right there isn't it yeah okay they're mutant pig dropping hey mutant pig oh my goodness he pooed everywhere come on you're ruining the farm bro there's poop holy cow i mean no holy pig actually actually no i'm gonna call you poopa pig oh man wow okay so mutant pig droppings everywhere all right we good all right so now we we have the pope i i didn't pick it up though hold on i'll go i'll go collect you some poo right and now what you need you need uh this isn't what he asked for what you want you didn't actually wait you didn't ask for anything yet can you can you tell me what you need sir boop there we go oh come on i feel like i should have had out of the gloves to grab that oh man oh there's one okay so now we just need the red juice or whatever it is um it's got to do with the bucket but i don't know how to fix it all right guys i know how to fix it all right so you gotta like i don't know if this is gonna work because that's what i thought oh it worked yes okay got it all right so okay got it got it got it all right let's get through uh what did i do with the bucket oh the bucket's down there you idiot all right once you get the scientist he's not aggressive anymore i don't know will you not catch me i don't hey whoa yeah i got a wall between us bro try and get me now huh yes hello diary i haven't paid much attention to you over the past few weeks but i just don't feel like writing my mother hasn't come home yet i haven't been to school in a while because the truck has broken down my father doesn't have time to fix it he spends all day working in the basement although i think he's put a crystallized lab since yesterday there's been a very bright bright red light coming from the well maybe he's organized a surprise party down there and everyone turns up i wish we were all together at home oh so the red light from the well so we're gonna oh wait which one didn't i get oops she's okay it was this one wasn't it yeah i think that was it let's see come on give me four out of four yes all right four out of four yes go okay i gotta get away dude oh my goodness yo if he was a great if he was actually aggressive i think he would have just caught me i'm gonna throw here i'm gonna set your house on fire boom here we go okay fix bucket let's do this okay let's actually close that all right and spin the crank now what happens what happens what are you gonna get you fill the bucket with red potion oh that's the red i thought it was gonna get us water and then we're gonna have to like mix it with something okay okay okay okay okay all right here we go all right see ya say i say uh wait holy cow i just got i got stuck there wait he did he shut the door or did he go through a closed door all right here it is we've got the two ingredients now what after two stupid hours yes now what [Music] how about we shut this door and can i lock it oh yeah let's rock it can we oh yeah yeah all right we're safe now what what do i do here you can deposit i but i did sir i oh here we go uh-huh yes that's it a little bit of poop and a little bit of red juice very well come here little pig wait you're gonna make her drink poop juice drink it don't drink it no you just drank blue am i transforming but that's okay i guess uh oh dude you just wait a minute i don't know you just kidnapped the girl i don't oh is it awesome i did it oh he's got the he's got the diary notes yes he can dad me mom and sister wait sister i will chase you until the end of my day what you won't escape well there goes the truck good job you developed a cure and now rebecca can live with dignity in fear of her father well well well finally guys that took me a little over two hours because god had to do it twice there um so uh wow ah here we go this is gonna see from now on rebecca will be able to go in search of her mother away from mr meat's evilness he will hunt you down for kidnapping his daughter but she'll be forever thankful yay so she's fine now now we're gonna have to run from mr meat for the rest of our lives so i did ask the developer while that was going uh if to see how you know how you unlock the secret ending versus the new ending if you get all the papers and you escape you get both the new ending and the secret ending uh which was him carrying the papers and chasing after us so got it that's the new update for mr meat if you guys are excited for evil nun 2 which i think is the next thing that they're going to be coming out with click the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,810,935
Rating: 4.8873858 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles granny, mr meat, mr meat gameplay, mr. meat, mr meat ending, mr meat update, new update, mr meat new, mr meat escape, mr. meat: horror game, mr meat new update, thinknoodles mr meat, mr. meat gameplay, mr meat horror game, piggy, piggy thinknoodles, mr meat thinknoodles, mr meat piggy, secret ending, mr meat secret ending, mr meat 1.9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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