I ate every single Italian snack.

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hey edgar today is not your day today's my day yeah ciao italiano today i am in italy and we're gonna try out every single snack italian snack and with martia's recommendation yeah let's go edgar wants to play it's okay it's not your day anymore it's my day i get to pick whatever i want yeah he's so cute okay you get one thing let's go so we're driving in the volvo but we're in italy you've guessed correct i drove all the way all the way from uk just for this video so we can eat snacks let's go our first destination eurospar andiamo let's go [Applause] whoa that's so cool we're looking for the snacks where are the snacks oh i found the snacks here's the italian snacks you love them right are you in heaven right now i might say so happy i never seen her smile so much this video has just become us buying groceries what is that we need to get the snacks what are you doing what paradiso should i get those oh what why they what i wanted one [Music] all right [Music] wow we found it this is it but no this is tea what is this flauti you want floating that looks good i'll get a floaty tutto oh this looks good this looks good farsi cow is that you had that that one has a smile on it though i think i'll go with this one fiesta classic i try these you like old people stuff this is what old people eat my grandma gets you those and you're like oh thanks thanks a lot grandma got me something light one time who drinks something like grandma i don't drink fun delight i think real fun though you know what i wouldn't even pick fanta to begin with are we is that it no there's gotta be more they got nicky bro no they don't there's no connective bra what's the point we should go back we're driving back to sweden now marsha's picking more stuff so i'm picking potato chips i know she loves these these are huge oh and these are big too i see these at airports tomato flavor really what's wrong with italy i'll try it 166 that's not too bad i think we got way more than we need so we're not going to go anywhere else right okay let's go back benvenuti we are back look at all the snacks wow uh it actually looks way less in in the camera i don't know it looks more in person right yeah yeah so we have a bunch of stuff marzia has asked me to tell you that some of it is she doesn't actually like she just bought it because it's italian i just picked some random stuff that looked gross like [Music] that looks nasty right can you see it this is old people oh it's uh what are those called passion fruit fico [Music] ficus [Music] fig that's right big should we start with cookies then all right starting with the famous oh this is barilla barilla [Music] they smell nice and this is granny cookies but i like them i like them oh welcome oh good seven out of ten next up tener reset marta picked these those are my favorite martial's favorite [Applause] does this mean if i don't like them it's over we'll see [Applause] and they smell good they smell weird smell that smell that guy oh the whole clock they got little gooey stuff inside they're good they're better than them they're better yeah fine you win eight out of ten they're they're pretty damn good [Music] i bought these because i recognized them but apparently martial is not a big fan i've actually eaten these because we had them and i like didn't finish it so i already know they're oh they're doing like this weird um is whatever made milk nah they're actually pretty good these are the best just so this is my best to say it is she's not lying i don't know they're saying three of these equals one pair in terms of calories that's pretty good right they're trying to say that it's better to eat cookies than fruit i don't believe that yeah seven out of ten next up canestrellini i feel like that has too many words in it canestrelli that's what it should be called canisterlini no it's callously needed so you were wrong [Applause] these are 500 calories [Applause] i'm granny cookie i'm not they're too dry they're too dry you like it could eat the whole box you could eat the whole thing i like the thing on the top what is that bad name too dry but pretty tasty so far the winner is the lemon ones where do i need them six six all right moving on to the weird flouty i waited for flauti so in italy for those who don't know you don't eat breakfast in italy you just eat like this this is right yeah no but everyone does no and it was the same when we drove through friends it's so difficult to find like food they're like no no this is food listen if i could eat these every day for breakfast i would all right not everyone has crazy metabolism what's that for me all right that's pretty good kind of makes me a little sad like this is the only time i'll only i don't eat sweets that's good i don't know is it good i'll tell you based on the calorie 124 calories but there's so much fat you it five five no six six oh she made what was that face you hate it i like that that's a maya like the milk one not the chocolate oh yeah that's the face maya makes when she hates something moving on to the fiesta classic so when would i eat these just a classic this is like the british british equivalent of tea and crumpets these are also 160 calories here we go [Music] i don't know if the mic will pick up on your weird stem it's got a i was the orange orange flavor yeah that's way better than the other one it's a little clumsy to eat though since it's all covered in chocolate so definitely a minus point for that but the fact that it's crispy or charred soft inside it's not hard i like it's a bit overpowering taste with the orange i don't know if i would even finish this to be honest [Music] that's a fun what do you mean me we're married are those your favorite no but it's orange works we are so different look at this they got eyes on them that's funny oh it's so soft come on look how soft you like soft stuff touch it i feel like i could fit the entire thing [Music] they kind of taste like the most generic thing ever five five you gave me my other one yes i did i didn't get the other five yeah yeah i'm already full man all right moving on to the potato chips yeah i potato chip my weakness okay that's what i like i'm a potato chip kind of guy cookie not worth the calories bro which one should i try first oh i forgot i don't want to eat more sweets well they're like twix right they're twix come on what's the most generic thing ever [Music] well i'm sure if you grew up with him sure what's incredible about him i fought four the three lowest ones of ours you upset they're bad what do you want me to say all right i forgot the priorities some how do i open these these looks good because you keep them in the fridge which i like oh they look pretty oh oh look at these oh and you fold they thought about this that's a strong egg all right strong egg i think i would have liked it got kind of stuck in my mouth you like yeah you like that yeah that's probably the best one of the best one yeah yeah that's my favorite thing out of everything that's the thing i get out of all this all right it's so lemony no lemon though is it flavor then milk oh my god so many see this i think would be more up my alley yeah so when would you eat one of these when would you eat this [Music] that one's so much better no all the gooeyness spews out when you and then i don't know i don't like him do i like anything i don't know probably not poor yeah you know what because he gave me that face three that was gross that's legit that's bad you got bad taste the other one is [Music] when you put it that way yeah i can see why it's like frustrating you know yeah if anyone talks just about my stellar chips you're going down all right chips can i eat chips now i really want to eat cheddar oh tomato flakes chips tomato chips really italy tomato chips you made tomato chips do you eat this do you want this [Music] smells like a tomato this is the most italian thing why would you how much do you like tomato try you of course you like it [Music] oh yeah i've tried those there's my ketchup flavor yeah it smells like tastes like ketchup i know what you mean that's not a good thing you i'm hoping i find like my ultimate snack here like this is what is this you bought these what are these [Music] do you think you're the only country with a crinkle cup [Music] whoa they're huge [Music] good crunch very salt salty nah not good poor dixie oh yeah we were screaming in the store where's alexey in vodka oh it melts in your mouth oh okay it comes in these little mini box things dixie let me see the commercial dixie [Music] does it have a slogan no official partner with the nba they do melt in your mouth that's good i like that what flavor is it cheese [Music] that's the best chip so far which you know doesn't say much but i would eat this again for sure very good job eight eight dixie kids there look at this it's like a sharing package have you seen this before what is this here here you don't need a bowl [Applause] come on that doesn't even work right all right these are really nice actually they remind me of land chips and we have in sweden this is what a chip supposed to be what do you mean you bet try it oh my god you will die if you say that these are really good mm-hmm this is what i want like it seems like fresh potatoes chips they keep the peel they they keep them yeah peel on them they're thin they're heavily fried mmm i don't like pringles you know what i'll say it [ __ ] pringles i'm not a fan of bringing them this is what i work well i can't eat everything out i can't eat everything [Music] that's a nine oh god dang it i missed one i have to eat this i don't want them i'll eat them last oh what is this [ __ ] oh croc canyon paquita [Applause] does that look similar no they're cute cute sizes [Music] i think i had these before they're very corny [Applause] riccioli di mice what does that mean what yeah it's corn i don't they taste like tortilla chips but softer and less yeah softer tortilla chip and saltier why would i eat this why would i eat this in my own relationship i'm just saying these are like the most american snack ever amica snack is that america amica i never had a meal then what's the flavor it's pizza flavor i don't see it but it goes to pizza oh with pizza flavor why would you do this how could you do this i kind of like it now that i know it's pizza flavor yeah these are good eight hmm pizza player they're good these yeah big time nine they just went up who is that pizza flavor i bought it as a joke these are the best ones all right to watch down we have estate i love us attempt since the last time we were in italy i so good like eight years ago or whatever and it's zero which i like well that's still good that's really good we should get more 10. that's really good how could we forget the fonzies i love these this one you did good mark sam i love funsies they're really crunchy they're not fried tastes like cheesy they leave the rest of you on your finger so like you lick them afterwards big fan love fonts love the fonts you got to try the phones right that's a solid that's a 10. yeah only 10. that's this is the one thing we agree on now fonzies are really good but i've eaten these for so long i don't know if you brainwashed me okay moving on to candy sweden has the best candy i will this dude gonna fail hard like what is this this is your equivalent of candy oh you look so excited i'm going to destroy you it's all yellow in here what do you mean obviously no no this is not ken you're so old what you can't tell me then i don't know how long it takes can i have lunch here haven't had it in like so long has anything exploded in your mouth yet [Music] what was that something in my mouth they don't fold me there's oh you like the phone if you post your phone no absolutely not zero [Music] no no no this is my licorice you have a lot of licorice to choose from it's without gelatin nice oh these smell good [Music] yeah as someone who loves in liquorice if i was like really desperate for it i would get these they're not grab sorry i will have another one though yeah they're pretty good that's it in sweden we have less goodies so you can pick like your own favorite kind of candy i i've only seen that once here in italy and all the candy was like old and gross sorry these are oh they're coffee i thought they would be a coca-cola flavor i didn't they didn't click they're quite very good they taste so much like cafe latte and not just coffee no actually spitting it out no i feel like when people watch these videos they want like someone going oh my god so good for me i'm just like i'm sorry i'm being honest i don't like you you you also like anything i should also say according to marcia that i don't like anything which is true i pride myself in that now these oh my god yeah yeah my great grandma holy [ __ ] are they these the fudge ones [Music] oh my god yeah granny god bless her she would always have no idea it's hard it's not fun how hungry oh what what's with old people candy i don't get it wow i can see it being like nice and reminiscent but would i buy and eat these i am so no zero you disappointed me you set me up thinking it was my grindiest credit thing and it isn't [Music] yes another hard candy who likes hard candy no one likes hard candy hard licorice i could eat but that's where nah come on hard candy i have it it's a nice flavor it's milky this feels like a christmas uh kind of thing right it's lemony oh it's gooey like a little bit more good than i bargained for stop it's not chocolaty inside no it's not what is it i'm like that evil guy from ratatouille if i don't like it i don't swallow what that's what she's saying that's the line they should have used in ratatouille this looks good so kinder is one of those companies that might say i thought was italian and she kept bragging about it it is to tell you oh never mind how tiny two i'm joking i look so disappointed that was okay seven yeah white chocolate huh what kind of sociopath eats white chocolate i might say that mine's in dave actually that's why exactly [Music] yeah that's pretty good okay now that's an eight that's pretty good ah it went down to seven one more okay these are the ones marks i said were kind of nasty [Music] is that what you said with nasty [Applause] [Music] oh dark chocolate right i like dark chocolate it looks like a nipple [Music] uh three i didn't like it sorry this is marza's favorite chewing gum out of all time cinnamon brooklyn wait they're american [Music] oh they smell amazing it smells like cinnamon [Music] i realized martin we are completely different people what the hell is this we had similar to these i think we call them yeah that's the same go each other you can blow the bubbles with i'm so bad no way what do you mean no way [Music] zera terrible okay that was all of them i will now pick my very favorites and the winners are was the clear pattern i like i told you i like potato chips i don't like cookies yeah it's here it's here don't worry the best potato chips is probably these but i probably realistically eat these the pizza [Music] these are the winner who would have thought pizza flavor was the best well if i had to pick one winner the fonzie wins sorry sponsored win ponzi used to mashed potato that i say is the best cookie paradiso is the best soft snack and these are still trash but they're better than all the other ones so there you go i've eaten every single italian snack yeah every thank you for watching smash like subscribe for more see you next time
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,380,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: EId-Bl5OhAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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