I asked 300 Minecraft Players to build a New Australia

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welcome back to the gradual construction of the new earth it's actually starting to get fairly filled in with all the spaces and all the build sites we've worked on here's the australia build site uh we're going to be doing our best to develop this over the course of this stream and after this stream as well this region will still be available for people to build in it seems to just be a lot of hostile creatures that live in australia it's like you have a bit of a reputation for just like animals that try to kill you um which is quite wild that's our brand come to australia you gotta be tough to survive i say as my voice cracks i wouldn't last a [ __ ] day like if i saw like a giant tarantula or something like i would die of fright guns are illegal in australia so you need to use your fists it's where the reputation comes from everyone being so hardy here we gotta fight back most of your major cities are on the coast as well aren't they yes we are lonely oh no east of canberra is this oh we got a koala he's got his eucalyptus leaves that's actually very cute canberra did he just say it like that no i'm gonna offend so many people here it's like you know great to have the aussie community uh here for the for the minecraft stream uh because that way you can all simultaneously unsubscribe from my channel as i butcher everything come on give us more australian place names i want to i want to butcher them up we're on a roll we might as well go all in melbourne yes it's pronounced like this is at the bottom of east coast cities in the middle wait it's not melbourne it's melbourne mel jason bourne he is dover king melbourne oh there's an australian diglett look at this cutie the diglett bbq party off the last shrimps on the barbie that's adorable i love the little hat he's got no it's prawns it's prawns i thought the phrase was always shrimp only prawns not shrimps is that just like like culture mis like midsole to us oh there's another koala look at him go and koala is like incredibly vicious like they always look like they make perfect huggers but apparently they'll rip your face off give them the first opportunity koalas are fine but drop bears are vicious what the [ __ ] is a drop bear is that like quite literally just a bear that will drop on you and catch you off because that sounds [ __ ] terrifying you're just going for a stroll in the park and he just drops he'll steal your daughters i'm just imagining it like [ __ ] yogi bear just like jumps down from a tree and just picks up your family and like runs yogi no oh it's a jar of vegemite is it it's in progress what actually is vegemite we always hear about it and it's description of being quite disgusted in the larger world i've never tried it it's like disgusting vegemite similar to disgusting pineapples on pizza where people are going to be very divided and heated can you get vegemite on pizza or is that heresy is this a kangaroo oh bless they got a little pouch here too because like kangaroos is like what's gonna be like the one animal like people think of an animal in australia it tends to be the first one that people go to are they that commonplace like would you see them quite often they taste good oh no they're pests so you would see them in quite a few places would you god that must be quite scary because like they're quite a large animal to have to deal with you know like even if you think about it in society here like if you had like a cow on your front lawn now granted you know a cow is a fairly docile creature like you don't have too much to worry about but you're going to be uneasy because it's just quite big and it's there how do you shoot it away the emo war also known as the great emo war started in 1932 the war started because the emus ran wild in the campion district champion district is in the western part of australia soldiers used lewis guns to kill the emus uh they did kill some but ultimately the army failed to fully exterminate the emu populace the military got involved in the problem first in october of 1932 uh the war was conducted under the lead of major gpw meredith of the seventh heavy battery of the royal australian artillery but meredith commanding sergeant s mcmurray and gunner j.o halloran it's kind of mad that like they lost this war the emu's won when i just think of a war it's like that's not what comes to mind and for some reason in the aftermath i have this image of my head of just just like a treaty being written and drafted between the emus and the australians it's because they're two meters tall it can take more bullets than humans can have they got like really thick skin or something that's quite scary the eviews also had leaders at a military general oh let's check on tasmania of course we have taz from looney tunes here the tasmanian devil tasmania was discovered by abel tasman on the 11th of november 1642 who was a dutch explorer that block actually works very well for representing a face doesn't it even though tasmania is one of the wettest states albert is the second driest capital a city in australia states okay in australia at least or at least a wa santa does not use reindeer in fact uses white kangaroos called the six white boomers a name that did not age well really santa's sleigh is pulled by kangaroos that's crazy i've never heard of that that's a [ __ ] bumpy sleigh ride santa just like being propelled into the sky and like crashing down against the ground the whiplash machine santa's got it rough in australia he puts in work to get like presence of the good boys and girls to not interfere with santa that's [ __ ] terrifying i don't like him he is kind of cute though the mythical friendly spider he's like waving to you i believe we have some irish representation down here there's a good view of the irish that went to australia working progress for all my irish australian family paddy's home away from home irish pub i love to see it we just just got a giant pineapple here quite dark inside a big pied apple is that a landmark or something i just thought it was like a spongebob reference the big pineapple it's a road trip stop is it oh i gotta see that hang on look at these the big pineapple queensland's big pineapple australia's big things they've got a wikipedia article he's the big acorns the big mots the big coins the big galas the giant mushroom the big powerful owl oh my god it's quite medicine australia's big things has zoned wikipedia the original colonizers of australia were here british prisoners that's right it was um at least in like the colonization era it was like a major prison prison colony wasn't it and so a lot like the uk descendants that's how they came over here i got very sick on the journey across the great barrier reef oh it's signposted now oh that's spectacular i love that side like a billboard people are setting up the barrier reef here got a bunch of carl oh that's really cool looking in the game of civ if you possess this bit of land you get like some natural science and there's very few like natural sources of that in the game so it's a really valuable wonder i grew up in yamba uh nsw small tourist town and my primary school had alpha kangaroos just roaming the playground we were taught to drop tuck your head in and call for help if attacked no joke oh my god that sounds horrific you just get beat up by like a kangaroo in like kindergarten kids learn the hard way jesus i hear some cute koalas they're still vicious don't fall for their eyes but they look so cute dad have you ever seen a picture of a wet koala if not you should look them up hang on is something quite medicine about this lad oh no it's a drop there oh who's this fella hello info on burb fleshy interior but this big burb is called a cassowary these fellas can be big as 200 centimeters 79 inches they can live up to 50 and can be found in australia also in new guinea and the maliku islands they can run up to 30 miles per hour and are very dangerous i feel like that's going to be a description of most animals here in australia is like it looks cute we start learning about it it could kill you where you stand it's got a gun it won't hesitate to shoot you is it just like it's just a common occurrence in australia where it's like you'll encounter some kind of animal and you all just have to like it because it really sounds that way they're like we gotta get out of here you have to run but apparently everything runs at like 30 miles per hour so you don't stand a chance vb the greatest drink that all fair dinkum aussies have for breakfast a vb long neck 20 to 8 in the morning get that up here is that like an ad or something it's a meme it's iconic it's trash it tastes like [ __ ] like people are like so excited to see this like yeah phoebe long neck and intermediate it's [ __ ] it's terrible don't drink them still excite to see it though hello the blue wiggle the yellow wiggle a red wiggle and a purple wiggle the wiggles are an australian children's music group formed in sydney new south wales in 1991. since 2013 the group members are anthony field lachlan diel gielsby simon price and emma watkins uh the original members as i built here were anthony greg murray and jeff the wiggles that's a cute band name fun koala facts koalas only eucalyptus leaves which is poisonous in large amounts koalas have two thumbs per hand koala's cry can be heard up to 800 meters away that's actually quite [ __ ] fair koala babies eat their mom's poop for helpful bacteria oh god koalas have two penises no really oh no don't think i needed to know that this is pink lake lake hiller is a lake which is also actually located on a small island side of australia it's a lake which is turned pink due to the presence of an organism in the lake called the duna lee la salina the lake shore has a big salt content a formerly pink lake actually on australia which is actually called pink lake also like spencer lost its pink color due to the construction of nearby things and equipment used to collect salt while pink lake is no longer pink hiller lake still is that's quite misleading pink lake's not pink but this other one is it's cool that it's here it looks so odd on like the land it's it actually pit like let me see hiller lake like it looks like someone just [ __ ] spilt paint that's mad rest in peace steve irwin this little lassie bit bit him a while back with a deadly sting look at this little fella with a stinger stalking his prey monument it's a manta ray is it sad about steve irwin though yeah i used to watch cocktail hunter like quite a bit back in the day it was just a it was just a wonderful show because you just learned a bunch of [ __ ] about animals you know and that like the way that like presenting that to kids is just a really valuable thing it'll get people taking an interest in our world he made it look easy we got what appears to be a very long boy snake oh my god he's always as big as the [ __ ] mountain danger noodle fun fact jordan hudson's inspiration for the sydney opera house came from him peeling an orange even google it it's real really is that why it's got that kind of shape where it's kind of like shedding almost i always wondered about that because it always look to me it always looks like a building that's just like it's got its skin kind of coming off that makes more sense now though bunnings snag 250 for a can of drink legally the onions must be on top of the snack what's a snag bunning snags are the best what's a snack sausage on bread is that what you call it really sausage in a bun it's a hot dog for [ __ ] sake i don't think so no hot dog is wrong whoever said that oh there's a war there's some penguins here hello you doing out here [ __ ] it's hot here good thing we brought some snow with us oh they're gonna need some sunscreen the in back rival to the outback that our ted would eat the shitty steak again the loudest [ __ ] child on earth his mom who won't do [ __ ] about it oh god yeah like please please god if you're with kids in like a public set like that and like a little team timmy's just screaming his head off please for everyone else's sake just like just get him to stop maybe as a society the philosophy that we should adapt right is if the parents won't take any responsibility to get the child to shut up then we should be allowed to tell the child to shut up and that'll get him to shut up like well if you're not gonna do it i certainly will oh you can go inside the giant can of vegemite now it's all flesh of course it is of course uh the drop bear is a vicious pieces of koala who will fall from trees and attack you they have very long claws and strong teeth while and while are very dangerous to people known as the larcos uh plumatus they are mostly found in trees in the great dividing range they run the same size as a koala but with darker patterns they will drop in bushwalkers and are made anger ear by american accents wait is that true how do they distinguish that you're telling me this this a draft bear koala is gonna target an american over an australian and be like aggravated some allege that putting vegemite in your hair or toothpaste behind the ears can repel them but there is little evidence to support this ozzy slang oh this is gonna be great okay so good day good day arvo afternoon the idiot box is what you call a tv a larkin joker a mate is a friend a sangha is a sandwich a dog and bone is what you call a telephone really let me just make a call on the old dog and bone the bone is ringing a yobo is an idiot a shir a sheila is a girl uh dodgy not right we have that one too a dunny is what you call a toilet an ankle biter is what you call a kid okay here's some like general trivia rpm [ __ ] himself in hindi maccas and 1990s the treasurer one suggested that young people couldn't afford houses because we were buying too much smashed avocado is that where that started was that like the australian treasurer because that's everywhere now those damn millennials with their avocado toast in six years australia has had five prime ministers kevin rudd julia gillard kevin rudd again tony abbott malcolm turnbull got to a point where paramedics had to stop asking people who were the p who the pm was when checking if someone had a brain injury why was there such a high turnover rate for the prime minister that seems like a stupid turnover rate what was going on we just kept kicking them out because this is based on wic manuals this is the whackers yes it is their egg wick waffen was pretty good the whack is tm where australia's prime minister scott morrison shot himself this seems to be a very celebrated thing that this guy shot his pants into mcdonald's this is supposed to be the sewer that nemo came out of and finding nemo dad help i'm lost oh my gosh he's just been shot into like the ocean he's on his own now master chef australia wait what i wanted to make the bastard chef building i watch master chef with my mother every year so it's really special to me that's cool i've heard that like masterchef australia is like a wild version to watch quite dramatic dream time library under construction story of creation the rainbow serpent oh my god okay they're planning a lot of books here this is the creation story of i'm gonna apologize in advance for the names here guia ampa country as well as the land belonging to eagle hawk and crow a long long time ago of course in the beginning when there was no people no trees no plants whatever on this land guti guti the spirit of our ancestral being he lived up in the sky for my people the giampa people and the barkanji uh further down are all sub groups of eagle hawk and crow what i'm telling you the stories that were handed down to me all come from within this country that's fascinating is that like the flag on the top of the building then like got the sun kind of shining yes it is okay fairy bread is sprinkles on buttered bread it's probably bad but i've never had it is that like a meal sprinkles on bread that doesn't sound too good often giving the kids a day parties gotcha so it's you literally it's just buttered bread and sprinkles on it oh someone else i think is doing the sydney opera house look at this they've got like the doc done out too here's a big banana the big banana big banana is an actual monument located in cops harbor it is known as the big banana fun park that sounds very cursed default christmas december 25th falls on summer in australia so i met a snowman out of sand i am not sure if australians actually do that i hope so otherwise this just looks dumb and out of place oh that i mean that is cute yeah an australian christmas cause it's like the height of summer we don't that's a shame this is a real shame we have barbecue parties on christmas that like seems so like bizarre uh because like christmas like what we what i associate christmas day is like a warm cozy time where you got around the family have the fire going and you know and you just kind of you stay indoors you don't go out complete opposite to that here because it's like you know you're getting it's christmas day we're going to the beach the gimpy gimpy the what the gimpy gimpy also known as the pain bush is one of the most deadly plants in australia the plant is coated in tiny fiber glass needles that when touched the skin break off releasing a toxin into the body that causes a pain that is compared to acid being poured on you while being burnt alive jesus christ that's such a cute sounding name but like that sounds awful don't [ __ ] with the gimpy gimpy boobies are a species native to australia uh was discovered when the colonization of australia occurred up until the 1950s there were two species of bilbies the greater and lesser bilby but the lesser bilby went extinct they're very close relatives to the bandicoot and are easily recognized by the big ears and very long nose oh he sounds adorable is it vicious though that's my main question because i'm just looking about he's so cute he'll rip off your face in your sleep here i've depicted the community and guru however in reality the island is normally much bigger in similar sense anguru does not occupy the entire island northeast of the island the community um exists oh it's like a scale one oh that's cute they even got the little doors in and guru facts and guru is actually much bigger than what's been built you see how the roads here look like a web in reality there are many more roads like this the church remains in the center and many roads branch off of that according to 2011 census the population of anguru gu is 835 with 95 of that count being indigenous the economy of the island changed drastically when manganese was discovered near and gurugu now the island ships roughly three million tons of ore a year my god this is a cool little yeah this is a cool little bit of representation at a health center root island airport oh thank you for sharing that yeah that's a cool little thing wait what is this who's this fella short beaked echidna tacky glosses acculiatus uh fun facts along with platypuses they want a few mammals to lay eggs that's a cur up in a ball like hedgehogs and have a long spindly tongue to eat ants which like anteaters however they cannot fly like knuckles the echidna seriously how is knuckles in a kitten fun fact they cannot fly oh god here's just like the spider snake mom get the flame thrower a flamethrower won't help you now just joined the stream has anyone built the mcdonald's that the australian prime minister crapped his pants in yet yes there's been several mcdonald's built where he's cracked himself in our new earth like the prime minister has shat himself in every mcdonald's in the country he's just like making the rounds get his tap none of that bottled [ __ ] you weirdos carlton draft coors light foster's beer ah they got a spice bag here oh god i was just thinking about a spice bag earlier today soup of the day vegemite soup all right now you're going too far did we ever figure out what the bucket over here was what was what this structure was because this looked very top some people were saying it was the chum bucket before but i don't think it is it looks more like a tower oh it's from um it's wind waker it's the platform yeah cannons tower let's check out bunnings most popular church in australia the wonderful store paint isle just boxes the barbecue aisle lights all your favorite kinds of flowers including the plastic cactus they have a play area for the kids escape like we must flee the warehouse mirage tower oh god i remember this thing like in emerald you can actually kind of go into it and you get to pick one or two fossils it's not quite like the bastard that is mirage island that would never [ __ ] appear here's the fossils will you take the root fossil the other fossil will disappear if you do and there's the claw fossil yeah that's cool i love the coral reef it just looks so colorful here oh with that said i think some of its more modern representation oh it's been bleached oh is this what small-scale city is this because that's the impression i'm getting mount eza population of 25 000. okay so it is a town and asia began as a mining town following the discovery of substantial deposits of lead in 1923 is now one of the world's top 10 producers of copper silver lead and zinc the mine town smelts his own copper and lead the lead is smelted very close to town which means that the wind changes direction have to stop the smelter or many people in the town could die uh near the town in the bush there are many old mine shafts some are left from the gold rush days and that is from people trying to find copper back in the day many shafts have been covered but some are uncovered bodies have been found down the shafts before it is still unknown if they fell or were dumped and they've even done out little entrances to the mines here that's cool it's like you can get a real sense of the town like the entire thing it must be quite imposing we like the tower here there's some more digletts that have made their way here it's our friend canadian diglett he's come to visit look he's brought vicious canadian geese with him this is baby diglett he ate too many prawns he is now unlocked prawn form diglett oh bless it's like a diglett family gatherer in here it's so cute this bird has a helmet all of a sudden uh the greater war emu oh no it's mountain and attack what is that as [ __ ] oh no this is the giant ram in wagon western australia because i think the kiwis do we do better why is it just taken as [ __ ] it could only be one sheep i will falter cupcake get him cupcake facts about uluru let's have a look at this plus two culture plus two fate plus four appeal the important stats you need to know uluru also known as ayers rock is a large sandstone rock formation found in the southwest part of the northern territory in australia uluru rises uh 1142 feet above the surrounding desert and reaches a height of 2831 feet above sea level the monolith is oval in shape measuring 22 miles 3.6 kilometers long but 1.5 miles wide a circumference of 5.8 miles local anangu do not climb uluru because of its great spiritual significance it requests that visitors do not climb the rock partly due to the pack crossing a sacred traditional dream time track and also due to a sense of responsibility for the safety of visitors several controversial incidents on top of uluru in 2010 include a strip tease golfing and nudity led to renewed calls for abandoned decline yeah that's [ __ ] disgraceful like jesus it's like trolling like like a bachelorette party but like in a church like just some things aren't appropriate you know if it's strong rainy season it causes the uluru to be covered in cascading waterfalls and for many breeds of desert flowers to bloom around in a very rare and beautiful sight oh that actually sounds beautiful i never thought about that because it's like a big plateau that actually sounds fantastic oh thank you for that i was wondering i hadn't seen one on the server but i was convinced that someone was gonna do that one it was such an iconic sight good to see thank you everyone for coming by the build stream today i hope you had fun on the server as ever thank you for sharing australian culture and just uh like things in australia of note um it's kind of been fascinating to learn about i've thoroughly enjoyed it and next week we're tackling the land down under upside down australia will be opening you must build upside down and you're in the dark [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 284,813
Rating: 4.9835806 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RT Game, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, minecraft, minecraft funny, minecraft australia, 100 minecraft players, minecraft new earth, minecraft new australia, country in minecraft, rtgame minecraft, earth minecraft, earth in minecraft, minecraft earth, minecraft server, funny minecraft server, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft funny moments, minecraft rtgame, 300 minecraft players, minecraft players
Id: hWXwownNkvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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