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i'm gonna bet you've seen these before referred to it by some as pendulum painting where you hang paint in some sort of receptacle with holes in it and swing it or spin it or flip it and do all sorts of funky stuff with it and you get all sorts of funky results i have no idea how to do this but it's gonna get messy we're gonna start with a double before we dive and we are going to dive but we have to sort of figure out the finer point of it first we're starting off with just coffee cups it's a shake do you know the trick to avoid being precious about stuff it's the same with sketchbooks if you have a beautiful new sketchbook and it's like i don't want to i don't want to get it messy and what if i don't do the perfect thing just start maybe i record that laughing i don't know house paint is fine then you need something to thin out the mediums i don't know the ratio probably that much that's fine maybe that i want it to be a consistent long stream it's gonna get so amazing does this hang look at that got a little hanging bucket look at that it's got a pendulum i should have thought about the holes before i do the how do i do the hole you've done this backwards it's fine this is just a line clearly i need to get better at this all right so this is chelsea paints and she does amazing pel pendulum painting at a smaller scale this is one of those really satisfying geometric looking ones the cool thing is like you think you know what it's going to look like as it's moving the gravity pulling the pendulum towards the center means that the whole thing shrinks and the shape changes it's really cool i want to crack this i've got to figure this one out all right round two to sort of show my learning progress but also take pride in the work i do we should do reveal shots [Music] next let's take our learnings right step one pre-prepare the hole cover it up step two prepare the paint i'm gonna thin that down i have something i wanna try i'm getting ambitious far too quickly i want to see if there's a way i can layer a different color on top without it mixing into the purple okay let's go orange i'm going to pour it into the cup with something covering the end and then just go and just pull the end down one two three pull there you go okay i think that might have worked round of applause for rob you're right you can get paint on you oh it's a disaster oh the purple's too thick it's just gonna poop on the key let's go back to basics i've got to learn from the people who actually know what they're doing here's a youtube short he did the color thing i wanted to do but he did it my instinct took me to like a technique that actually ends up looking really cool i just couldn't do it so let's do a basic one and then let's get crazy [Music] it's not bad let's see how this one goes that's a good paw whoa it's a thick it's a thick paw but if it was a bigger scale i mean look at the table that it looks really cool it is at the scale of the table i think there needs to be more in the cup it's the gravity of the of the paint that's in there pushing the liquid at the bottom out i think we've got it we haven't got a perfect result yet but i think we've got enough learnings to uh go from dabble to dive paint pouring medium i forgot to do the hole again i should have briefed i worked yeah yeah who's silly now gary i've got i'm ready to go an audience is built up and they're baited with baited breath three two one go whoa whoa oh my god i don't think i have the ratio right but it's sort of doing something [Music] it's really cool the mix is off i think it's still too painty i think i actually need more it's got to be thinner than you think that worked really well and i'm still learning but this time you do my first multiple hole one you ready do you think it was a good idea to have a bucket full of paint that i slammed down on a screwdriver okay i'll take your feedback so the idea is one clean yank it'll open up three holes get our paint ready stick to black because i think it actually makes geometric patterns look really cool so let's reset the workspace and get ready for pour number two [Music] look at our thing it's in here so i've got to tie it up to suspend it i'm spinning and i want momentum so maybe a bit higher will get a bit more arcs nerve-racking this is fun though i can see why people get into this like not a lot of artists would opt-in to doing this because it's a lot of work and a lot of mess the result is really cool and if you've got the setup for it it's fun and satisfying we're gonna spin and throw sideways you ready tape spin whoa whoa whoa this is what's going everywhere i haven't got the formula down oh my god it's not great oh i gotta be honest maybe i've got it the wrong way around this was sploppier but it was more watery maybe it's gonna be more painty i don't know i think we have to do the world's biggest pendulum i mean there's no reason this scale couldn't just increase if you think about it like if this was the size of a car park and i'm the height of a crane it's a cool video idea it's also expensive and time-consuming and scary but if you want it enough let me know in the comments if you think it's worth doing but you're getting me to sign up for gary all right let's let's watch this one again travis chapman this is what annoys me i've got the gravity and the big bucket he's holding a little cup of paint with like that much paint that's like barely any pain it does all the thing and it doesn't even look very thick what am i missing here and look at this look at that big thing what's that big weight some weird contraption to pressurize maybe what or or is that just momentum how is it pouring so well travis what's your secret no i'll never tell it's tick tock time they've just got a bucket you don't reckon just like just a bucket of paint i should look up a guide i hate following instructions oh no he spins it a lot so the rope has the spin in it you pre-spin you don't just spin it and let it go you gotta wind it up like an elastic band that you let go and then it goes because it's got it all pent up it makes sense there's this bloopy was it intentionally bloopy but i i am developing a real appreciation for this what viscosity for pendulum paint oh flow medium paint pouring medium start with the flow it's quite a lot i learned a few things one people do really cool stuff and i haven't done cool stuff yet two it's still either too thick or too thin and i don't know which we're going to try ultra thin and then we're going to try not thinned at all just going to take a bucket and stick a hole in it ah so angry at least the art is getting expressive you can feel the ferocity or it's just messy and it's clear i don't know what i'm doing let it start dripping promising let's go not promising it's awful it's the opposite but now we know you don't want cloopy liquid pouring bloody medium all this stupid internet guys this is why i hate instructions stupid why am i so angry i want to be good at this quicker that was very unwise didn't get paint on the acoustic tiles that i've been very protective of that's the important thing but i got it all over me oh no i'm sorry everyone i'm such a disappointment unless i'm meeting all of your expectations and hopes and dreams maybe this is what you wanted let's face it i've never been anything but this right that was such a stupid there's a redemption arc in this though i can feel it all right you ready let's do this i think we're on to something i think you just used freaking paint [Music] all right we're just going a can of paint this is a full can of paint i'm not stuffing around with anything else just paint and holes okay cover the holes got a little handle so i can yank it holes will be revealed but in the meantime we're sealed we need a bucket oh no it's leaking oh we better go into this because we're not gonna have a lot of time all right bye boy all right come back come back and spin whoa yeah [Music] i'm on the skeleton's secret chaos [Music] magic has no power over me so the theory is it's like a cool foundation then black will stand out nice and strong on top just trying to go for a multi-layered thing you know as you do now that i'm a master of the medium i can you know get a little crack actually you know what i only have one tin i'm going to be wise now i'm going to be a clever boy but i'm going to fill it up and then i'm going to weigh it down yep that's my plan so prepare the whole paint we'll go in here [Music] this better work would be sad if it doesn't there you go black paint boom okay patterns don't last very long but if i know anything i know physics so i'm going to weigh down the bucket with this see what happens and hope for the best [Music] hey i'm going to do something a little crazy i just wanted to see if that creates a cool sort of overlay of two new like a new pattern over the previous partner was building okay this is starting to be fun i mean it was fun before but now it's even more fun that it's starting to look cool [Music] so it's working now it went off at the end you can see the bucket's weight has shifted dramatically i think obviously the weight of the paint no longer keeps the bucket straight so it's just asymmetrical but we've we've figured it out and it's time it's finally time to make something cool [Music] the plan is i've got a hole in the big bucket of black paint there's a lot of paint in here and the weight of the bucket plus the weight i'm going to add to it will mean the pendulum will go for a while which will mean in theory i'll get a really detailed continuous line that'll create very three-dimensional patterns as a foundation i'll add a layer on top of that but we'll get to that when we get to that and in order for this be really satisfying it has to be a beautiful result on the canvases we're talking neat edges no sploops or yeah no sploops this is a no sploot painting not sure how to make it not we embrace the chaos at this point i need a really big arc of motion for this one whoa this is gonna be a problem no but i it's gonna hit the paint i don't know what to do it might be okay now that it's got its momentum oh but that looks pretty satisfying i think we've got a nice thing we've got a nice pattern people [Music] oh all right got a solid foundation i'm happy with i'm gonna add another layer on top this time i'm wondering if i want to do a spinning it's a wrist it is a risk because i have we know this works we do but another version of that slightly different on top slightly different position is like isn't that boring if i do two holes and spin it and just let it go around a couple of times i think that'll be interesting bigger holes just a couple of rounds that's it we go on purple for our top color and this one we're not going to see through to completion we're just seeing it through the satisfaction why did that work why did that get creepy so quick yeah sorry i don't know what i was thinking all right we're gonna open this up so there's oh that's that'll be a good amount of pressure and weight pull these come on we go back and we spin whoa it's getting messy going straight this way oh no i should not i shouldn't have done that there you go it's art look how expressive [Music] no i didn't i didn't it's exactly what i intended you don't understand art gareth feel my emotions [Music] all right okay i'm done it's done but actually i actually did intend to add like one last bit over there but finito stopping right here you can hang that on a wall and it's kind of cool i mean there's better ones but this is my first freaking time yeah [Music] well it's been a journey i'm not a master yet but i certainly have developed an appreciation for the people who do this really well and i've learned a few things i hope you've enjoyed seeing me try and figure it out it was a lot of fun and i'm actually pretty happy with this final result because it looks like i intended it even a bit of the chaos which you know what is this channel if not a little bit chaotic right thanks for watching subscribe for more and until next time i'll see you later okay cool i cupped it
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,686,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: DZ91nm81nk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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