💀I Made a GRIMDARK DIORAMA inside this GRIMM Book...

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in this video i make a book nook of a fairy tale a grim fairy tale the way the fairy tale was always meant to be told oh my god what the g'day everyone i'm jazza and i've always wanted to make a book nook what better story than the brothers grimm story i'm gonna choose little red riding hood now this video is sponsored by any cubic so we have a brand new 3d printer and i'm going to get dave's help to find the perfect model for our little red riding hood i need your help i'm going to make a book nook in the world of the grim fairy tales very cool so i'm gonna do this whole scene depicting little red riding hood and i want your help to make a little red riding hood okay that's easy uh is this what you had in mind oh my god no is no well she got a bunny mask on not what i'm looking for is she riding the wolf what is it what even is wow there are so many different takes on the the traditional story i've thought of blue studios oh look hansel and gretel okay so i think that that's workable we met that cloak in a bright red um yeah cool so you do red riding hood i'll do a scene and we'll bring it all together nice and uh i'll show you at the end okay cool sounds good let's see what we can make sounds good oh my god it's so small yes this is the first time print on this new printer and this is a pretty fancy printer this is printed at 15 microns per layer oh my god all right look she's got a face that is smaller than my finger print and i have to paint it all right i have a bit of planning to do now the challenge as i started to sketch and put together my concepts was the space this was a portrait-oriented scene and really a landscape for a scene makes sense i had to figure out how to convey a little red riding hood with a lot of vertical room and not much horizontal room now the thing that made the most sense to me was to have a bit of a slice in the middle that made up a room the other thing i noticed is in my slice of the room in the middle sketch it just felt really flat if i was facing the room head-on and then it occurred to me if i try and be a little cheeky here i could create a sense of false perspective by tricking the eye into thinking the room is bigger than it is or that the scene is deeper than the space i have to work with so to do this i did it with paper first and then eventually use those paper flaps and sizes as a template to cut the room out of the wood to make my scene [Music] you now to fill the other spaces i thought i would use the space underneath the room to my advantage the plan was to create a bit of a false front where i would have a cavity underneath that i could put a little battery and run some wires up behind the perspective room and have a little light somewhere behind the scene oh my god just the little satisfying false front just had me so excited that i had to go frolick in the fields to find the perfect roots and twigs and debris this is where diorama making is really fun for me getting messy and making a big difference quick so this stuff i'm mixing here is sculptor molds so i mixed in dark paints with it i mixed that in and blended it with some of the grass roots that i got in my frolicking which made for this really cool sort of greedy texture underneath the house next on to the trees behind the room so just to make sure i kept the page as clean as possible i put down a little bit of wood that i glued the trees on top of and around just to make sure i always had that tiny little gap and preserve the cleanliness of the page underneath next onto the details of the cabin and this is where it started to get really fun for me especially because the whole point of this little room is to trick the eye into making it feel bigger and deeper than the space i had to work with so i went with a log cabin style and used this little balsa wood dowel that i cut in half and slightly shaved off one end of each of the pieces of dowel so that it stacked seemingly horizontally but emphasized that direction that perspective pulling the eye into the thinking the room's deeper with the log cap and logs and the wooden beams in place giving a perspective i could really start to feel like it was working next i just needed to fill the scene and hey i have a brand new resin 3d printer that has amazing tiny printing technology that i just can't wait to sink my teeth into there is so much on my mini factory and various other miniature websites that you can buy or get for free so i gathered all the little props and pieces from my mini factory that i thought would be awesome to fill my tiny scene with and the scene is tiny so i needed a 3d printer to really be able to make that detail happen which is where the inner cubic photon ultra comes in anycubic has sponsored me they also sent me this printer to explore and share with you guys and it's going to be available on kickstarter for just 399. for the first 100 backers after the first 100 backers it'll be 499 and then after the kickstarter eventually it'll be 599 so go to the page and get notified because you can essentially get 200 off of this super high quality high resolution 3d printer that any cubic have made which boasts longer durability and the photon ultra's dlp projector allows the printer to be used for more than 20 000 hours and you don't need to change the screen like lcd printers it also boasts energy saving technology whisper choir printing smooth edges super fast print speed and works with a wide range of resins and let me just say as you know as someone who got into 3d printing in the last year that it was much more intimidating to me the beginning that it ended up being and now that it's so affordable and high quality it really is the perfect time to get into 3d printing once again go check it out with a link in the description and a huge thank you to any cubic for sponsoring this video now aside from discovering and printing the fun things i also love printing things that i sculpt in virtual reality which is where this gets extra fun for me by converting the stls that i downloaded into objs i could then import the objs into oculus medium in virtual reality and remix a bunch of stuff which explains why i bought this weird witch killing a woman model that i bought because i thought that which would be perfect gasping for air clawing out of the stomach off the wolf that i bought [Music] towards the end of the sculpting process when it was all really coming together i got a little bit carried away having the innards of the wolf coming out as granny was clawing her way out which i dialed back but let's just say my instincts for this whole project were to be more brutal than you might be used to me being i also brought in a cupboard and a door prop and then working with that perspective you really make it look like there are layers of depth [Music] so i printed my props and characters and i base coded everything in a code of black primer including all of the components of the book and the book itself [Music] placing all of the teeny tiny 3d printed primed parts into the scene was so satisfying i can't even like oh my god guys i desperately wanted to have one of those broken chairs in the room to make it look like there was a struggle but there wasn't enough room no matter how hard i tried [Applause] [Music] all of a sudden i realized that open door was a lighting opportunity and i thought if i light it just right with this teeny tiny little directional light i could have it aiming from behind the cabin through the door and slightly lighting the huntsman and maybe even the bed or a part of the room this is where everything comes to life very quickly switching to my airbrush i loaded it up with some white paint created a gradient in the sky and from there i used mixes of translucent colors mainly purples to really bring the night scene outside to life but also again create that depth between that horizon sky and the trees next the room itself by giving a gentle coat of a rich red throughout the whole scene from a slightly under lip perspective i knew that the slightly translucent paints i'd use later would have that warm horror-esque tone to it i dulled that back with a bit of black on top and then tried to create ambient lighting throughout the room as accurately as i could using my white airbrush this is the bit that would do pretty much most of the work for me so i took my time to try as accurately as possible light areas i really wanted to bring attention to areas that would have light bouncing off of it through the light coming in through the door and also using it to highlight props to have them stand out from one another and have the whole scene have a strong sense of silhouette then on to adding the color for this i used contrast paints by citadel and contrast paints in particular adds a strong color but keeps that tone that i put down the light and dark underneath it which meant all of that lighting i carefully put down is retained along with the texture and detail but the vibrancy and color of the saturation that i'm adding with the paint really bring it all to life [Music] with the scene painted i moved on to some of those final details a little bit of highlighting and lighting around the scene and of course painting the huntsmen who'd be entering the room [Music] all right so last but not least i add blood to the scene i know this seems a little over the top but the original grim fairy tales are pretty brutal i believe in the original cinderella the stepsisters try and force their feet into the glass slipper to get the prince to marry them and in doing so cut off their toes to try and get them in the glass slipper it's messed up guys but these were the children's stories of your so i was trying to accentuate this juxtaposition and really bring that intensity that uh dark drama to life through my diorama and when it comes to little red riding hood the ending most people are familiar with is this the woodsman grabbed the big bad wolf turned him upside down and shook him by his feet little red riding hood came tumbling out of the wolf's mouth and grandma followed the three of them chased the big bad wolf out of the cottage out of the forest and over the hill the big bad wolf ran for his life in the original grimm's fairy tale it's a little more violent a little more brutal so let me share with you what happens at the end of the original grimm's fairy tale of little red riding hood when the wolf had appeased his appetite he lay down the bed and fell asleep and began to snore very loud the huntsman was just passing the house and thought to himself how the old woman is snoring i must see if she wants anything so he went into the room and when he came to the bed he saw that the wolf was lying in it do i find you here you old sinner said he i have long sought you then just as he was going to fire at him it occurred to him that the wolf might have devoured the grandmother and that she might still be saved so he did not fire but took a pair of scissors and began to cut over the stomach of the sleeping wolf when he had made two sniffs he saw the little red riding hood shining and then he made two snips more and the little girl sprang out and after that the ancient grandmother came out alive also but scarcely [Music] i love this piece and my god is it horrifying but it's not done yet because after all this is the story of little red riding hood and we need our little red riding hood what have you got for me how'd you go are you ready to see it this is so exciting all right mate there you go holy gosh oh my god this is disney landscape there's deer and birds and trees [Music] i love it you asked me to make little red riding hood and i thought well i can't just make little red writing but i have to do something special i love the diorama so much it's incredible but i do need to take her if that's okay take red riding hood yeah yeah you can put it back though on it afterwards uh guys go check out the video with dave making this i'm really pumped to see what you've done with grimsberry's tales yeah i'm looking forward to showing you so let's uh let's find out how the story ends good luck have fun um why does he look so suspicious all right i had my red riding hood it's time to finalize her little home and put her in place starting off by positioning the light just to make sure that the shape of the silhouette and that rim lighting was as perfect as it could be i put it in place with blue tack so i could adjust it and fine tune it as i went and then added a little bit of blue cellophane that i snipped out and put on top just to keep that nighttime aesthetic coming from the outside then i finalized the wiring and thought it would be a great idea to super glue the switch to the back of the roof and then use that spray accelerator to speed the process up which it turns out is liquid and it's an electric charge so i think i broke the switch at least it didn't break the light which i figured out by cutting the wires putting them together and voila the light works so you can make it work i just don't have a switch good job great good job all right next i'm just gonna peel off the tape that was masking the rest of the book oh god oh no oh okay so turns out uh having fairly strong adhesive tape all around to protect the book um meant that after a couple of weeks of working on this most of it tore up that's okay this is what they call a happy accident because by applying streak and grime over all of the interior it ended up making the best curse looking inside of the book ever meaning aside from just my book looking super cursed and intense the entire experience of opening the book would be a delightfully dark surprise and now it's just a matter of gluing the final pieces in place most of all of course ours little red riding hood i feel so guilty about this i asked dave to make little red riding hood and he made a disney-esque beautiful diorama again guys go check it out honor his work and his effort by leaving an encouraging comment on the video on tabletop time i i don't think he'll be too upset though even though i'm gonna paint blood all over his beautiful creation because we just ran a one shot in the grim dark world of the grimm's fairy tales and it was so much fun so if you enjoy this dark aesthetic and want to see my attempt at a germanic accent what brings you here i've heard of your organization and i'm interested in offering my services go check it out and guys subscribe to tabletop time if you love this video tabletop time is definitely the place for you we've made over 100 videos in the last eight months and so many of them i'm so proud of and you're going to absolutely love it there and the party is just getting started but finally it's time to share with you and to show dave the way the story of little red riding hood was always meant to end [Music] first of all thank you for painting little red riding hood for me i think it really completes the piece this is the true story of little red riding hood oh my god what the [Music] so [Music] this is what happens in the original grimm's fairy tale this perspective is really cool and thank you so much i love the light coming in from behind the huntsman from like the it's like very moonlit thank you so much yeah it's very cool i'm very happy with it i hope you liked it this was such a fun so cool we should do this again sometime if you're keen i'm keen i'm king okay cool i haven't i haven't totally shocked you and pushed you away then no this was awesome fun you did an amazing job sir it was a pleasure working with you excellent work sir the moral of the tale of red riding hood don't trust strangers but if a picture says a thousand words the moral of my tale of red riding hood is sometimes you can't even trust a collaborator [Laughter] oh today's just been an awful day but you know what would make it much better if if you click like and if you subscribe to my videos that'd be wonderful i'm traumatized
Channel: Jazza
Views: 732,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, grimm, grimdark, miniature, diorama, scene, book nook, tiny, miniatures, red riding hood, fairy tale
Id: 4cjAjtOSMGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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