I Am Right With God // Grace Like A Flood (Part 2)

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when my confidence is drifting when I feel completely insignificant when I'm scared and alone when I'm lost in darkness with no sense of light when fear and anxiety have paralyzed my bones when taking two steps forward I'm throwing ten steps back when the pressure is just too much to bear but in a moment in a moment a moment in a moment it's great your grace comes rushing in like a flood well good morning everybody amen I am so excited to be here with you I want to say a big hello to transformation nation we have thousands of people watching online right now and to everybody who's here in the building I just want to say man I am so excited that you decided to be with us we are in an amazing series and before we get started today there are many people here that are stayed over from gat Stander's prayer conference my parents had a prayer conference and I just want to say welcome to transformation Church transformation Church can we make them feel welcome we love you guys yeah so this is week two of a series called grace like a flood and I don't know if you were here last week but if you were here last week got wrecked everybody like like it was it wasn't a thing like if you were breathing that message the sermon the truth of God's Word touched your heart and if you weren't able to watch that please go back and watch it but today we're on a journey we're on a six-week journey for God to I just say ravage our hearts like to literally rip off religion and comparison and all of these things but it comes through the understanding of grace and we learned last week that grace is and if you aren't here you need to write this down grace is the unmerited undeserved unearned kindness and favor of God don't ever forget that because the enemy will try to make you feel like somehow that God is not pleased with you Betty's that he's mad at you that he he doesn't want good things for you but literally the overarching theme of the Bible and everything that God has said about us is it's that he's extended grace his undeserved unmerited unearned favor kindness and goodness and I want us to look in the in the scripture in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and we're gonna read it in the amplified version and amplify it but the Bible says for it is by grace everybody say grace it's God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ that you have been saved actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life that's amazing and it's only through your faith like I need everybody to stop and realize that the only thing that you have to do to be able to experience eternal life and walk in the freedom that God has for you is put your faith in Jesus Christ and I know that goes against religion and I know that that goes against all the people who try to control you with mechanisms no you need to stop doing this and you need to start doing this and you need to do this those are all man-made things the Bible tells us that when we put our faith in Jesus that we get to experience grace somebody say it again say grace it's gonna become your new favorite word before this is over okay you get to experience grace and this salvation is not of yourself not through your own effort but it is the undeserved gracious gift of God not as a result of your works it seems like he's trying to get us to understand something like they're saying the same thing over and over again because many of us think it's how many bible scriptures we read that makes God love us or how much offering we've given or how many hours that we serve that maybe God checks me a little higher on the list because of everything I've done and this scripture is telling you it's not because you sing well it's not because your children are well behaved it's not because you married a superstar that God loves you it's because you're his and you put your faith in Him and it says it's not as a result verse 9 of your works nor your attempts to keep the law now this is funny to me because I had a situation happen to me at the mall last week I had a guy come up to me and tell me that he did not believe and what we preached here at the church he said I believe basically in the Old Testament like I'm woke y'all know the people who woke like I woke like like I believe what the Old Testament I believe in the law he literally said I believe in the law and then he proceeds to tell me how he overspent in the mall that day and and he had a budget but he went over budget so let me say it like this he had a law that he put in place for himself only spend this much and he couldn't even keep the law that he put him now how could we keep the entire law that was put in place in the Old Testament if you can't even keep your own laws many okay how many of us have said we're gonna stop eating bread or sugar and we go back to eating bread and sugar okay all right let me some of y'all y'all being fake so let me ask y'all how many of us have said that we aren't gonna stop talking to somebody we like and somehow we end up back in relationship with those people we can't even keep our own laws so how do you think that you're gonna be able to keep every Old Testament law and so God is so good that he knew that that he said I'm giving you a free gift grace that will no longer make you a slave to the law but make you a slave to the love that I have but like to make you so enthralled with me that you will no longer serve me out of Oh fear of maybe I'll break the law but I want you to serve me out of love and it says this is not the result of your works or your attempts to keep the law so that no one will be able to boast or take credit in any way for his salvation like that's the thing you got to understand we don't save ourselves this is his salvation that we get to participate in like you've never seen somebody drown and being like oh I'm about to save myself the person who saves them is usually outside of the situation it's usually in a greater position than they are and they are able to use what they have to help some that's God and and we're the ones drowning in sin we're the ones drowning in comparison and guilt and frustration but God says from another position from a place that is higher than what we could even imagine he says I'm going to save you because this is not you this is my salvation the bakers encyclopedia of the Bible explains grace like this it says grace is the dimension of divine activity activity that enables God to confront human and if how many of us have been indifferent about something like we knew the right thing but it's like I don't really care okay and rebellion now nobody likes to talk about this but how many of us have been rebellious and when I say rebellious I mean like you knew the right thing and you knew the consequences and you just chose to do the wrong thing okay now watch God confronts human indifference and rebellion with an inexhaustible capacity to forgive and bless do you hear what I'm saying like every time you decide to be rebellious or indifferent God says I'll forgive you for that and I'll still bless you even despite that like like and I know that's hard for many of us to even conceive because we don't even have a filter like that I think the saying goes like this you mess over me once shame on you you mess over me twice shame on me you mess over me three times I'm gonna kill you you understand what I'm saying like I'm gonna kill you like some of y'all we don't even let people get to a third time but God says every time you you mock me every time you use my name in vain every time you make a promise prayer Oh y'all know what promise prayers are y'all know when when he said God if you get me out of this situation I promise and all of us everybody in here has broken a promise prayer to God and he doesn't throw us away or put us in a place he says I have an inexhaustible ability to forgive you and to bless you just somebody just take a moment and thank God come on somebody got we worship you thank you for your grace and the reason this is so inviting to understand is because if you don't perceive God like this then it makes your actions and your thoughts about God ones that don't line up with the truth and and and this is something that I realized in my life now like something may be the truth but if it's not your perception it doesn't matter like like what you perceive is ultimately what you react and how you act upon and and so many people don't understand that god really is a loving God they perceive something different a lot of people perceive that God's mad at them a lot of people literally I counsel people all the time that feel like God is waiting for them to mess up so he can punish them like it's almost like the bully at school like if you do the wrong thing I'm against you and and we may not say that but that's how we respond because the the Bible is telling us truth but what we perceive is something different I'll just say it in one step one statement perception is your ultimate reality even if it's not the ultimate truth and your reality dictates your actions so if you don't see God as a good good father we sing the song we know it's the truth but if we don't perceive him as a good good father we don't love him and respond to him in that same way and so I just want everybody in this room that's hearing me that's watching online I want you to see God right because if you see God right then you'll be able to respond to him right and there are many people if they knew how much God really loved them if they perceived him right there would be not a seat in a church in the world because everybody wants a loving God that will look past their faults and see their need what does everybody want in a real relationship like I want to know will you be down for me if we go through hard times like what do we say like I need a ride-or-die chick like the only person in relationship who has actually been able to keep the title ride-or-die is Jesus think about it like think oh that's good think about it like he's the only one that said I will look past their faults and matter of fact I'm gonna just ride with them I'll die for and when you understand like people that stay with people throughout jail sentences and through sicknesses and all that everybody looks at that in the world I view and they say that's real love because they stayed with them even though they didn't deserve it and why then when it comes to God and and what he did for each one of us the Bible says while we were yet sinners Christ died it's because many of us have the wrong perception of God but once you get the right perception of God you can start responding the right way and this is this is the funny thing is because when you got saved many of you in this room like it was amazing because you knew you didn't deserve it like like I know when I got saved that's like Lord you still look like you do start doing it because it's like yo but somehow the enemy creeps in and starts telling us it's about our works and somehow it was Amazing Grace when we got saved but now somehow it turned into light you know but I do serve and I and I do give in and yeah I mean I've given the largest offering I've ever given in my life this year so that's why I'm blessed and this scripture and this whole teaching is telling you God cannot love you any more than he loves you right now and when you are trying to vie for position based on what you do it's almost insulting because it's all about what he did like like I don't do things for my wife out of anything except love and God's saying when you give that's cuz you love me when you serve it's because you love me but when you when you help somebody else it's because you loved not so that I can love you that's already done and so what I want you to realize is that we have to get this perception under control because the thing you got to realize is that as amazing a saving grace is sustaining grace is that amazing to no I want to say that one more time the the same grace it took you to get out of that situation and for God to save you it's the same grace it takes for him to sustain you every day every moment every hour and some of us were amazed at the beginning of our relationship but for some reason we feel like it's us now and I came to encourage you I came to tell you that God's grace is not just for the beginning it's sufficient through your entire life and so so today I want to title my message um I'm right with God I'm right with God like like like I want you to I want you to believe this as a believer cuz many believers don't believe this and if this is not your truth then you do things contrary to what God's Word says for you I want you to turn to Romans Romans chapter 4 verse 1 and we're gonna read about our father of faith Abraham today and we're gonna see if we can pull some truth about this and that's being right with God um it says what didn't shall we say about Abraham our Father who has a founded according to the flesh for it is Abraham who justified by works he has something to boast about for if Abraham was justified by works he has something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say abraham believed god everybody say abraham believed god and it was accounted to him for righteousness now to him who works the wages are not counted as grace but as dead but to him who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness that is a good piece description I love buddy I like what did that mean Pastor Mike that's why I'm here I'm your pastor I'm your tour guide on this amazing journey I'm not break it down okay you got me okay so so the reason why this scripture is so amazing is because it's telling us what grace and works looks like in the sight of God and honestly if I was to go to Woodland Hills mall right now or whatever mall is near you and just pull random people like how does somebody get to heaven like most of the answers people would come back with then they don't have to be believe at the digit they would just say you have to do good things like do good things and it would probably be summed up like this do more good than bad and you'll get to heaven like like and how many of us know some good people who are not believers like you no good I mean they're good people like and and the only problem is God's standard is not good it's perfect and I need us to see this so how will we ever get to heaven well I got two questions for you and I need y'all to be honest cuz we're a hot church humble open and transparent okay so I need y'all to be honest with me how many of you and probably not a lot of people will raise their hand but how many of you have broken every law of God like how many of you have broken every law okay nobody okay so I got another question for you after I read James 2:10 let's look at it and the person who keeps every law of God but makes one little slip is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law various so let me ask a different question how many of us have made one little slip oh come on right and some of y'all y'all slippin slidin yeah this ain't no one little slip this is a slip and slide okay so what does this say Pastor Mike C we try to put levels on this thing again will you killed somebody will you lied well well well you're in a homosexual alternate relationship but you keep thinking about your brother's wife every time you see them oh yeah I mean you're I'm in I'm in your business I'm here for you today what are you saying well will they keep doing this and God said but you did this and if you've made one little slip even playing feel and see the church we don't memorize that Scripture that ain't on our poster our postable Instagram abou with scriptures of the day but why wouldn't we let the world know that because somehow we want to keep control to make people feel that somehow we may be better than them like we know a god that's got us on the executive level of life and I know you're down there and I know you're struggling but maybe one day you can get like me and God says I see all the same like right here and until we perceive this properly then we look at our righteousness and what God has done we look at it wrong so if God's standard is perfect and none of us nobody in this room nobody watching has been perfect how do we go to heaven simple we believe in the perfect one like like this is what that's why God created this entire thing so that we could be once who believed in Jesus and by our belief in Jesus we get the free gift of God the unmerited unearned undeserved kindness and favor of got nobody deserved it everybody from the little white lie which there's no such thing to the person who is committing adultery everybody needs the grace of God and when we receive this we're able to find what God intended not for Christians but for the whole world look at Romans 4:3 one more time this is what we're gonna get our three points for the day it says for what does the scripture say it says abraham believed god that's one point and it was accounted that's the second point to him for righteousness that's the third point but I'm gonna work it backwards okay so we're gonna start with righteousness but we're gonna hit all of these so the question is point number one what is righteousness okay what is righteousness and if I said you know pastor Demario he's a righteous guy he's righteous like what would that mean in the natural it probably would mean that pastor damar a good person a good husband he works good he keeps his word he does nice things for people and and and he's an honest man that's what it would sound like in the natural and if that was your assumption you'd be right like that that that would be a correct assumption but it's just not the only assumption let's just say when we talk about this thing of grace and works I'm gonna read some things and they may sound like riddles but I want you to Zone in right now and listen to what I'm saying and really register it in your heart is Demario righteous because he does righteous things or does he do righteous things because he is righteous think about it see the root word of righteous is right so let's break it down a little further is she right with God because he does right things or does he do right things because through grace he has been made right with God like this is the whole difference between works and grace right here like I'm not righteous because of what I do I've been made righteous and so now I do right things and see that's why everybody's trying to find the line of sin and what but it means that you haven't really received grace you haven't really fallen in love with the one who took your sins because you're trying to figure out how much you can do and get by with instead of falling in love and because you're in love you want to do the right thing to please the person you're in love with I know it's a lot and I know it's coming against your religion but this is not about doing right it's about being right with the one who is right and this is what we have to believe as Christians that I am right with God when you believe I am right with God it changes your actions when I know me and my wife are right in our relationship I can go and say stuff to her and be fine with her and do different thing when we're in struggle when there's strife there's certain stuff you just stay away from like because I know I'm not right with her and what ends up happening is many people because they feel like they're not right with God they don't say certain things to him they don't talk to him they won't they won't come to his house but the one thing I know about Nathalie is no matter where we are and whatever situation that we were going through I always have access to speak love into her life I always have access to be able to give to her I always she can be mad at me but I'll put out a person she was like Oh Big Daddy I mean I mean well did I say that out loud anyway what I'm saying to you is no matter what happens because of my positioning in her life that I'm always in right standing even if I say something dumb like like when I made a covenant to her it didn't matter that sometimes I'd forget to take out the trash like like like there'd be some times where I'd say the wrong thing or she'd asked me how do I look and I actually would be honest and then then we were in trouble for the rest of that like do you understand what I'm saying like but that did not stop me from being in relationship being in right-standing with her the thing I'm trying to tell you is God factored in your mess-ups and he said you're in right-standing with me so even when you mess up even when you do the wrong thing even when you do that does not take you out of this covenant that doesn't mean you need to go around looking for something I'm still the answer for your heartbreak I'm still the thing that will fulfill your purpose I'm still the one who will change the broken situation into something that will give you life but so many people because they've done a wrong thing in the relationship go outside of the relationship looking for the thing to fulfill them inside and what God's saying is you're not right because of what you do you're right because of what I've done do you understand that and this has changed me completely this why I'm so passionate because I was the guy who felt like my works made me worth it now I'm gonna say that again because many people are dealing with it how good I play drums how amazing my outfits are how like I thought that that is what made me worth it to God because I've been told that's what made me worth it to people but God's standard of worth was not based on what you could do it was based on what he did so when he sees you with your nappy hair which oak thrift store jeans on with your bad performance he says that's my boy that's my girl that's my child I'm proud of them I love them I'll stand up for them I'll protect them I will go to bat for them I'll even die for them like y'all we gotta get this cuz I talk to people every day that have a fight because they feel like they'll never measure up and my question is what are you trying to measure up to because when God looks at you and says it's good who cares what anybody else says about you the only thing I heard this quote one time that said the only thing that can define a thing is its creator why are we going around asking other creations who we are well why are why are we finding our validation of how many likes of creation gives us when our Creator liked us stepped back and said it's good and that's why it's not about what we can work it's about the grace of God somebody said it's about the grace of God and so this is what I want everybody to see so what is righteousness you write this down righteousness is right standing with God like that's the easiest definition it's right standing with God and now I want you to declare the sermon title somebody say if you're a believer say I am right with God like you gotta get this in your mind because every day the enemy comes to tell you God's mad at you you looked at it you said it you did it you're not enough he's the accuser of the Brethren the only thing he can do is speak lie like if you hear the enemy it is his native tongue is a lie and so when he tells you you're not worth it you're not qualified nobody will come to that event even though God gave it to you even though it's the truth he'll lie to you even when we opened up the third service right before I came out here on the third service the enemies like nobody's out there you're gonna be preaching to yourself didn't I tell you to open the third service didn't I tell you and so what you have to remember is no matter what the enemy says I am right with God but like you got yo Church I cannot I cannot be more emphatic because more of the issues that we're dealing with is a level of us not believing who God's already said we are like it's not it's not that we don't know it's that we don't believe it when the Bible says we're the head and not the tail well God why are other people getting promoted I told you you're the head and not the tail you're above and not beneath I'm going I'm working the plan out be patient trust me everything that God says is coming to pass like all these scriptures that we know it's the truth but obviously we don't believe it and the reason we don't believe it is because we really don't believe we're right with God and so that's why we start doing dances and doing new things and some of y'all are so spread out serving God that you're about to lose your husband and your children and God said you don't even have to do that to feel loved by me but come on church I know it's not sexy but it's the truth but today I want you to believe and understand that you are right with God and he calls you righteous I want to give you an example just just to help people further get this and let me ask you a question okay can a righteous person do an unrighteous thing yes like a righteous person somebody who believes can do an unrighteous thing some of y'all did it last night um ever since you've been saved you've done unrighteous things all of us have okay let me ask you another question can an unrighteous person somebody who doesn't believe who's not put their faith in Jesus can they do righteous things yes they can give to the poor and do right think member rights is all it means is do right things like that that's the you're doing right things yeah a person who's not safe can be philanthropy do philanthropy they can help people they can do all of that stuff okay so let's go does the righteous thing that the unrighteous and us make them righteous I know some of y'all like huh Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers like she like doesn't like what are you saying I'm just asking a question when I do righteous things but I'm unrighteous does that make me righteous and the answer is no like like I get if I don't put my faith in Jesus but do good things it doesn't make me in right standing with God I'm gonna give you a further illustration okay let's say there's a guy and he's not a believer okay not a believer he goes on a business trip tells his wife and kids I'll be back he goes on a business trip he has a meeting with some amazing clients he has a bang-up date I mean he signs the most clients he's ever signed and in fact he signs the largest client he's ever signed in his life he leaves goes back to the hotel change his clothes goes feeling good about himself he goes downstairs to have a dinner he has a great dinner filet mignon asparagus garlic mashed potato I'm getting hungry right now and and and then he leaves the waiter a $50 tip because he feeling good then he goes to take a walk and he strolling and and the kids are playing basketball and the ball goes over the gate and he catches it and he looks at it and he throw it back to him and they say thanks mister and he's feeling good about his life and then there's an old woman at the crosswalk that she has two bags of groceries and she's a little slow and a little older and he says ma'am can I help you with that and he basically didn't just walk across the street but he walks the groceries to the woman's house and just blesses her and on the way back to the hotel he sees a homeless man on the street and he's asked him for money and he says man I understand your plight I've had some hard things happen in my life and he reaches in his wallet and gives him $100 now now I want you to think about like this guy does not believe but he's done a whole bunch of good things wouldn't we agree those were all like good things that he did okay good things now let's say we have another man he's a believer he loves God has the same type of family he goes to the transformation church let's give him a couple extra points okay so he goes to TC and he goes on a business meeting and he meets with clients and it's the worst meetings he's ever had he actually loses clients and matter of fact he loses his largest client his his most lucrative client cuts the deal with him he goes down in the hotel after that horrible day to have a lukewarm meal that basically he found a hair in his food he left the place irate frustrated he says I'm gonna cool down he goes to have a walk kids are playing basketball the ball comes over and he looks he said y'all tryin to hit me and so he takes the ball and throws it into the street and a bus runs over it he said that's what you get and then he walks to the corner and he sees an elderly lady with groceries and he feels like she's being too slow so he pushes her and she falls and she breaks her eggs and her hip and he keeps walking back to the hotel kind of quickly because the cops is on the way and he sees a homeless man asking for food and for money he says man why don't you get a job you stupid and cusses Ana okay he doesn't go to transformation Church let's let's just go ahead and put that out there but he is a believer he doesn't go here because nobody here would do that okay so he doesn't do that but let me ask this question does the righteous deeds that the unrighteous man does make him righteous or in right standing with God no like like he never put his faith in Jesus but he did a lot of right things that doesn't secure his eternal salvation because he did right things but please listen to this and contrary to popular belief does the unrighteous or the bad things the bad deeds that the righteous man does make him unrighteous no he's still right with God even though he did wrong things this is hard for people to believe because we want everybody to suffer at the level of what they do and let me help you there are consequences for every action that man probably got picked up at the hotel by the cops the year what I'm saying but that didn't change his standing with God oh and I know and I know but God still sees righteous because he believed in what Jesus did for him and I know again this is hard that's why we got five more weeks of this or four more weeks of this because this is gonna take us coming out of a human perspective and coming up to a father God perspective and the Bible tells us that's hard because he says my ways aren't your ways and my thoughts aren't your thoughts and so I need us to hear this I am made righteous by my position not my performance no you need to hear this somebody I'll need to get a tattooed on your back I am NOT made righteous by my performance I am made righteous by my position and when you understand that you understand that yeah I may suffer consequences for things I do wrong here on this earth but God still sees his son just think of the prodigal son he took his father's inheritance went and squandered it on miss most theologians believe on hookers on on gambling on on frivolous living but the father never disowned him as his son like he never said you remember the brother you used to have he would stand out every morning grace looking to extend the unearned unmerited undeserved he did the wrong thing favor and kindness of a father to the son who did the wrong thing who acted unrighteous but it did not change his position in the family church until we believe this we look at people on the street who smoke as less than us instead of as my brother and sister you look at the person who's walking into the gay nightclub as an enemy instead of your brother and sister just because they're doing the wrong thing does not mean they're not in the family then they believe in church if we don't get anything else we have to be ones that take our perspective from this low level comparison driven I'm gonna outdo you keeping up with the Joneses mentality of Grace and Christianity - you know what this is the gospel of salvation and I'm going to tell as many people as I can that there's a free gift that our daddy has left them that if they would just open up their heart and receive it it would change everything in their life so what is righteousness it's right standing with God second question did Abraham earn it now now this is this is where most of was like yeah he had to do something for this let's read Romans four - if Abraham was justified by works he has something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say Abraham everybody say believed this was his act of salvation was not to do a whole bunch of changing it was to what believed he believed God and it was accounted and I want everybody to see that word accounted to him for righteousness for righteousness now to him who works the wages are not counted as grace but as debt debt this word accounted it's the same word how many y'all had to take account in class like that was a yeah that's what frustrated but that word means to keep record or debt of debits and credits okay and so this scripture is saying to us that that that God is is asking um did Abraham do something for God that made God in debt to him and he was like no no no that's why God gave grace because because God's not gonna be in debt to nobody so so if we did good works or if we did good things and and and God had already made a way for us then then he would have to owe us and so let me break it down to you in a different way if you had a painter come to your house and do a job painted your whole house now you're in debt to him until you pay him and God was saying if you do good works for me I'm not gonna be in debt to you so I'm I don't want to do all this accounting I'm just gonna pay for everything like I want you I want you to see that he said I'm we're not gonna be playing tit for tat well you cussed here so that's minus 3 but then you gave here so plus 4 but then you lost Foom all the time so minus 20 like he he said let's not play this accounting game I'm gonna give you grace and you don't deserve it and you can't earn it and it's unmerited and I'm gonna pay for everything so this whole accounting thing we can throw it out the window I wish somebody would have told me that in college but but we're gonna throw it out the window and you don't owe me anything except to believe that I did it and when you believe I did it your account is taken care of like like I need y'all to see this because God wants us to live right with God he wants us to live righteously and so I'm gonna give you an example of it let's go to my trusty whiteboard right now because cuz cuz until we see this sometimes probably the last 30 minutes has been just words for you I think this is gonna change everything for you we need the account let's let's have three accounts okay these are three accounts and we need the account of a bad person a good person and a perfect person well we know the only perfect person is Jesus okay he lived a perfect life he died in our place he did this whole thing and he did it perfectly now we need the account of a bad person and I don't know just for kicks we'll just go ahead and put a guy that I know up there who was a bad person me okay I was a bad person before I came to Christ now we need the account of a good person okay and not because I'm trying to get any brownie points or dinner tonight but Natalie she was a good person and this is um the accounts of a bad person a good person a perfect person so let's put it like this Oh righteousness okay like that's right standing with God righ T II owe us that's right right okay I'm hooked on phonics Stephen but the Lord uses me and then s we're gonna use as sin okay so what did my account look like before I believed in God sin sin sin sin sin sin sin sin living sin talking saying watching seeing messing with sin doing sin having sin want some sin eating sin just sin everywhere like it was a sin everywhere like like this is what my account look like don't judge me because your account and run off this is bad but I did some right things I did some righteous things and so there's a few little are a little little bitty little no or you know I'm saying I I helped and I served in my youth group like some righteous things but for the most part sin now Natalie she was a different type of child Knight like her mom like if her mom said she was disappointed in her she would start crying me my mom cuz she's disappointed all day she had to beat me three times to get me to cry you hear what I'm saying like and so Natalie did good things and so she did her account look more like this like righteous righteous righteous oh yes mom whatever you say I'll do this yes yes and and what ends up happening there is because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God there's sin there too so so there's some sin let me yes I guess just it's not and what did Jesus is account look like it just looks like righteousness that's it okay so these are the accounts of people now now I want you to see what isaiah 64:6 says it says but we are all like an unclean thing okay and all of our righteousness is that's every right thing that we could do are like filthy rags so so maybe maybe these ours aren't standing for righteousness maybe these ours are standing for rags so compared to Jesus's righteousness when he looks at me he sees sin in rags when he looks at Natalie he sees rags and sin he doesn't see righteousness and so most of us think that the good people are somehow in this category but Jesus says all I see when I see it as I see rags and sin so what did God do and this is so exciting this is why understanding grace is so important for every person in this room this is why what you've been through is not summing up what God has done for you this is why what Jesus has done it's more amazing than anything you could ever believe because what Jesus did by obeying the father so we have Jesus back over here and what he had was righteousness in his account and Michael guess what Jesus sees our what God sees when he looks at me one big s for sin Nataly he sees one big sin Abraham let's just bring our father of faith in here one big sin you I'm just gonna put you in here one big sin all of our accounts have seen him every one of us except Jesus now look at the scripture in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 here's what happened 2,000 years ago God took righteousness and he took it look I want everybody to see this he took it from jesus's account he erased righteousness when he came to die for us and he put sin in jesus's account for all of us prove it to you look at 2nd Corinthians 5:21 for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us no you got to see this he literally took the perfect human and the perfect one who did this right and he knew no sin he made him sin not just because he made him sin for us that we might become what what should we become the righteousness of God in Christ she's y'all so when Jesus came to the cross he bore all of our sin and what did that do for you it took an erase sin out of your account it took and erase sin off of your life it took and erased sin off of your conscience but this is the thing that we have to understand now you don't have sin but you don't have righteousness either so what how do I get righteousness into my account what did Abraham have to do did he have to earn it I gotta work to get righteousness in my account all he had to do was believe y'all I know I know it's hard to understand how God would be this generous to people who don't even like him that much but it's because we're his and he created us and even if you have a kid that get on your nerves he still has your last name it still is your child you still go into those parent-teacher conferences like I'm so sorry because they are yours but this is the part where it gets itchy for religious people the blood of Jesus didn't just erase the sins of transformation Church or Christians or believers when Jesus died on the cross he erased the sins of the whole world not yeah the person you don't like what Jesus did erased sin from their account look at 2nd Corinthians 5:19 that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing and that word means accounting not not accounting their sins are trespasses against them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation God didn't do it just for us he did it for the entire world but pastor everybody's not going to heaven correct because God gave everybody choice I'm about to drop some knowledge on you that that everybody has to be able to receive and this may be a shocking statement for some people but people don't go to hail first in Jesus already paid for that they go to hell for unbelief like look like this is why the church is so backwards because we're trying to make people work to prove to us that they're good enough to be a part of our exclusive God club and he died for the entire world so people don't go to hell for for for for sin Jesus took sin into his account they go to hell cuz they don't believe he did it for them y'all sit with that wrestle with that pray about that go look up the scriptures try to find it cuz until once I got this once I understood this then I understood scriptures like there's nothing that can separate me from the love of God like you don't even understand that Scripture if you don't recognize there's nothing death not life nothing in this present age or the future cuz once I put my faith in Jesus it's locked down like what's wrong I am secure in him so so so there's no sin in our accounts but there's also no righteousness so so what happens as when I was a young adult and I will stop the claim Church and I really asked Jesus into my life righteousness came in when Natalie was a young girl and she asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior righteousness came into her life when Abraham was 75 and had been through hell in his life and he believed righteousness came into his life my question for you it has righteousness entered your life are you right with Scott and today it's not you doing a whole bunch of gymnastics and sandwich you're gonna quit and making false promises all Abraham had to do was believe and that's my last point what did Abraham have to do what do you have to do believe what do you have to do no matter what you're in right now and what's going on in your life to know that you're in right standing with God what do you have to do believe no matter what comes no matter who leaves no matter what situation to know that you are right with God what do you have to do believe and that's all I came to tell you today I said the grace of God is unmerited undeserved unearned and when you receive the grace of God you get the ability to be in right standing with him right with him and your actions or your works don't make you right with God your belief in him makes you right with God and because you're right with him then it changes your actions it starts to talk about faith without works is dead because when I really start believing in God then I want to do works that are good works to show that our relationship is real to show that I truly love him this is not just something I'm doing as a get out of hell free card this is something that I'm doing because I love the one who first love me what I want us to know as a church is we're not gonna be the church and the body of believers that are trying to make people scared of dad that's played out that's why they're not at churches today what we're gonna do is be living epistles that let people know that all you have to do is believe and when you believe God accounts your life with him as righteous and can I help somebody else cuz cuz I hear somebody saying well you don't know what idea pastor miking you don't know how bad I was Abram was a heathen like like like if you read the he did not come people like well you he was from the tribe of Israel and no Israel was his grandson like like like it was Abraham Isaac Jacob Jacob's name got changed to Israel like that's where the children he was he was from a heathen nation they didn't believe God I mean okay cuz somebody I'll think that no we act like these Bible characters or superheroes or something to be like no they were real people like his wife was beautiful and he came into a city and he lied lied and said that his wife was his sister so the King could basically take her and sexually abuse her this was before he believed and God still calls him the father of our faith why cuz when he sees Abram he does not see Abram he sees Jesus because he believed in Genesis 12 you can go read it and something else said okay it was it was before he believed but after he believed some of y'all know after he believed he slept with the housekeeper trying to make the promise of God come to pass like he committed adultery after he believed why didn't God throw him out why is he not why is he still in the Bible because your performance does not change your position with God there was a consequence he had to deal with real issues he had baby mama drama okay but God still looked at him and said from you I'm you're gonna have descendants and still blessed him with Isaac like what are you trying to save her house I'm like is if you believe in God and what she's the finish where Jesus has done for you he still has an inexhaustible ability to forgive you and to bless you I am right with God can I pray with you Father I thank you for every person listening to what has been said today father and I know they're wrestling with religion and wrestling with worthiness and wrestling but what they felt about their self but today God I'm asking you Father to do something in every person father God that is amazing let believe you let us believe your word let us believe father God that it's more about our positioning with you than it is our performance father let us really step into grace and not just our works father and let our good works speak of how much we love you not how much we're scared of you and hoping not to go to hell and hoping we don't make a misstep father you factored in our fumbles you factored in our missteps integrase and thank you for sending Jesus to take the payment to take the sin that we would make in our account thank you that he took it up on the cross and he bought it so that we can live free God I come against lies of the enemy that are trying to tell people that this is not for them God I'm speaking to the thing that you have called us to be and I'm asking it to come alive in us that we may truly be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus let us never believe another day that we are not right with God and Father let us extend the grace that we have now received we believe you and trust you for it in Jesus name come on let's give God a shout of praise come on if you believe and you receive the grace of God thank you lord for grace like a flood hallelujah
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 767,853
Rating: 4.913825 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Tulsa, Represent, Grace, God, Christ, Sermon, Jesus
Id: wf_LUD9xX44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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