Worship Starts With Love // 24Ever (Part 1)

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I'm like so excited because I've been waiting to do this series like for like three years and I'm not playing like like before y'all got here before the world knew I spoke a version of this sermon series that I'm about to do today and God would never let me pull it back out never let me pull it back out never let me pull it back out until this month and the reason is because this title what we're talking about the subject it is very dear to my heart and very dear to God's heart and I feel like the church doesn't really know a lot about it they just act like they know a lot about it and so for the next four to six weeks I don't know maybe eight weeks maybe to the beginning I don't know but this thing is in me and if you get the principles I'm about to teach you in this series it will change your life everybody say forever the name of this series is 20 forever out to worship a king and the problem so many times with the church is we think that everybody knows what worship is because we go to church we think that people know how to worship but I started to pull and asked like hey what is worship and I would get so many different answers about what worship was and how to worship and who was qualified to worship and where do you worship and when do you worship and all of these different things and and God gave me a revelation he said Michael he said it's so important that my kids learn how to worship in practice cuz all we are right now on earth is in practice no I thought I know they tell you you only live once but for believers we live twice like this is only dress rehearsal for an amazing production that we get to worship God everybody say forever and you know how people be like man I've been doing this 24/7 24/7 I'm I'm with these kids 24/7 I'm fly 24/7 I'm working 24/7 and and that's that's basically a way to say like I'm doing it all the time God told me he said Michael you're not gonna worship 24/7 he said I need all my kids to learn the revelation of worshipping 20 forever like not not just while you're here but our worship translates from here and it's supposed to be what we do forever right now there are angels around the throne of God and they're singing the same song for eat Ernie did anybody know the song holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty they are on repeat top number one hit in heaven right now been on the Billboard charts for a long long time okay and God said the problem is a lot of people are gonna be frustrated when they get to heaven because they never learned on earth how to do what they're gonna do forever and so I'm telling you I'm about to teach like like I'm a teacher by Nature y'all pulled the preacher out of me like when I start yelling and jumping and all that other stuff and it may come out every once in a while but for the next four to six weeks I'm about to teach you line upon line precept upon precept you gonna have a lot of notes so I need you to get your notepads out right now get your smart phones your dumb phones whatever phones you got get them out right now because if you learn the revelation in this series it'll change your entire life somebody say I'm gonna worship the king you didn't even say it in the bank everybody say I'm gonna worship the king okay and see most people think that worship are the two slow songs at the end of praising worship no less well let's go to worship doesn't worship is not a tempo worship is not strings and some of us we've never been taught how to worship or we've watched others platform worship or we've watched leaders worship or some of us think worship is a time where we just cry we cry out to the Lord at God and there's nothing wrong with crying I want you to cry with an understanding though I'm gonna show you this because I'm a pastor and I'm a teacher and I got to make sure that you guys get this I want you to turn with me right now to proverbs 4 7 and this scripture always challenges me but I think it's gonna help us as I set the foundation for this entire series it says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom ok so everybody needs what wisdom ok and in all you're getting this depart people miss get and understand it okay so I never understood description for like a long time so I'm gonna break it down so all of us can get it okay we need to understand there's three components right here there's knowledge there's understanding and then there's wisdom let me break them down knowledge knowledge are facts and information write that down if I have knowledge I have facts and information some of you knew it was gonna rain yesterday because the forecast told us that it was gonna rain you had the knowledge it was gonna rain so you had facts and information understanding on the other hand okay it's to perceive the intended meaning so so you can have knowledge but there may be an intended meaning that's deeper than just the facts in the information and you need to get understanding and then wisdom is applied knowledge okay wisdom is applied knowledge this is going to help you in every area of your life let me give you an example okay everybody in this room has the knowledge the information and facts that texting and driving is bad I'm not gonna ask you to raise your hands if you did it this week cuz most of us would be guilty but text everybody has the information and knowledge texting and driving that but if you get in an accident while texting and driving now you have an understanding you have the implied meaning like you have the knowledge but the knowledge didn't keep you from doing it but when you had that wreck the wreck gave you understanding and once you get understanding you should walk in wisdom so the knowledge that you had getting an understanding means you know what i'ma apply this knowledge that I had texting and driving is bad let me give you a personal example okay because somebody's like okay passing like knowledge wisdom understanding let me bring it home for you 2014 we had just had Bella she was eight months old and I had the knowledge that Mother's Day was a big deal I mean I knew the facts and the information like people celebrate Mother's this is our first kid my wife just had a baby ain't even one yet and I was about to get an understanding so me and my wife go to Target her favorite store and and don't wolf or Target is bringing a shame and debt nah but but we go there to get both of our mothers something the night before Mother's Day and we're walking in trying to get our last-minute Mother's Day gift and she points at this necklace and she's like oh this is nice and I was like yes and so while she wasn't looking I went and bought it and I must admit this was not my best ever this was not as romantic as I could have been this one as appreciative but is our first Mother's Day and the next day we woke up and I gave it to her and she looked at it y'all she cried she was sad she was hurt she was like and I mean you would have thought I gave her a disease for Mother's Day do you hear what I'm saying and like she was hurt the rest of the day was bad the rest of the week was bad food that was good tasty but it was just it was a bet and at that moment I got the implied meaning for mothers that you better know next the next year I walked in wisdom you hear me Mother's Day was better than Christmas for her do you hear what I'm saying what I'm saying is most of us don't have the wisdom to worship because we've never understood good why we sit worship it's just what we do at church is what we come in to do it's what they do those crazy people who that's what they do I'm more reserved God still knows my heart you don't have the wisdom to worship and so I'm gonna try to give you the understanding and the knowledge so that by the end of this series you won't care who's sitting next to you you won't care what trial you went through that week you it will make you know never mind how the enemy tried to come at your mind and what you did before you will have the wisdom to wash and so as we move through this I just need everybody to hear me okay what I want you to write this point down our worship it's the only gift that we can give God and I need to preface this because this is why worship is so important it is everything else in our church service and in our life it's for us prayer is so we can talk to God giving is so God can bless us like like reading the Bible is an instruction manual so we can know how to navigate our lives worship is the only thing that has nothing to do with us and it's the only gift you can give God and so many people Rob God up Rob God every day of the only thing you could ever give him and I want this to sit I want this to go deep into your heart I want you to understand after all God has done for us the one thing that we can do for him we won't do because we think somebody might look at us funny you think because because because people will judge you and think you're a weird I don't care what you think about me you weren't there when I was addicted to pornography and could not get out of it by myself I tried a thousand times but the grace of God stretched out on the cross and he did something for me that changed me for the rest of my life so when I don't feel like it I worship God with everything that I have because it's the only thing that I can give to him and most of us reserved it because we don't feel like it do you think he felt like going to the cross do you think he felt like being his god turning his back on him for a second so that he could take the shame the guilt the pain the frustration not that we would cause them that I would cause him it's my only reasonable reasonable response to what God has already done and this is the question that I opposed this too so we can bring it back to real terms like what can a child really give to a father like my daughter Bella can't give me anything of value I've given her everything she has the only thing that she can give me is gratitude and the only thing that that she can really do is live a life outside of my presence that reflects her relationship with me like let me break it down even further the only thing we can do for God is when we're not at church because we've been with him we reflect our relationship with him to other people who don't know him this is why I'm telling you worship is so much more than a song worship is so much more than the five minutes that we have to sing the slow song at worship and I want you to write that point down because some of you need to know that worship it's not a song because many of us has been trained because of the lack of teaching that we should just play that song that makes us feel goosebumps come on let's be honest I'm stressed I'm stressed right now I need to go wash up put it on I am a child of God now let me say this very clearly singing and music are an expression of worship but it is not worship and there are many expressions of worship and I'm teaching you this because many people who can't say anything worship more than you I know deaf people people who are mute that don't need a tune to worship God their life the way they live the way they treat others that's why worship has to be more than a song and if you don't hear anything else that I say I need you to get this because you will stop the amazing relationship that God wants to have with you and the gift that you can give him if you stop it out of song so Pastor Mike if worship is not a song what is worship I'm gonna give you the best definition I could come up with that we're gonna work through this entire series and it's gonna take me about three weeks to just break the definition down so I want you to write this down it is our anchor scripture okay worship is our love expressed to God as a response to his grace towards us I know it's a lot but I need you to write this down worship it's our love expressed to God as a response to his grace towards us okay I need everybody to hear hear this so clearly because this is gonna become crystal clear in your heart and in your mind over the next three weeks that's why you don't want to miss a week of this series because it's gonna change everything okay so so tell your neighbor my sermon title worship starts with love know pick the other one that you didn't even like to look at right now and go ahead and tell them worship starts with love okay Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 okay it says jesus replied you must love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and this is the first and greatest commandment hallelujah that's it that's hard see people read that all my life and they say it's so chipper and so excited and I'm not gonna love the Lord your God with all my heart all my saw all my mind and I'll be looking at them like yo I barely can like work out with all my heart I barely can love my wife well I barely can eat this ice cream with all my heart how am I supposed to love God with all my heart my mind my son how am I supposed to do that if you've ever asked that question is so beautiful let me give you the answer you can't do it without God you can't love God with everything without him and he built it like that on purpose the entire Christian walk is a codependent relationship you depended on God and you depended on God and I believed that he put this in here for us to see like yeah the only thing you got to do like just remember this one thing is the first commandment the greatest one love God with all your heart all your mind all your soul that's it oh you can't do that okay well I'll help you I'll help you because we can't worship God if we don't love him remember the definition of it is it's our love expressed well if there's no name there if there's nothing there if there's no love there what am i expressing and that's why this message is worship starts with love and all I'm gonna do is talk to you about love today because you can't worship something you don't love and many of us really don't love God as much as we think we do and honestly I'm not talking to you I'm talking to us because I get checked on this every time y'all know I can't preach nothing that God ain't working in my heart about God challenged me earlier in this month that Michael do you really love me because your schedule hasn't worked me in in a couple weeks except to prepare for people what about me what happens when God asks you what about me what happens when you pray and God says before I answer that I miss my time with you what God I'm just I'm so busy with the blessings you gave he said I can take them away if that's an issue if it if the blessing I gave you is too much to steward over and our relationship we can we can remove all of the extra issues and bring it back to where it's me and you see it didn't it weird how we really get into the face of God when we ain't got nothing when you broke down about to lose your marriage ain't got enough money to eat all that other stuff it's like God I'm here for you there's nobody like Jehovah and then as soon as soon as the upgrades come as soon as you get in a relationship as soon as it's like what what happened and God says I only can bless you to the the ability that means you can still stay connected I need somebody to hear that because you've been asking why why hasn't this come is because the little bit we give to go to the next level we don't Stuart over that properly and God's like I can't lose my connection with you I paid too much for our relationship I don't I'm too invested and that's why when it comes to this thing of worship you have to understand that this is what we do for God we worship Him and this is a statement that will change your life cuz it changed mine worship starts with God's love for us not our love for God so when I said my my title love worship starts with love it didn't start with your love the beautiful thing about this entire picture that we get to play a role in his day God's not looking for us to worship Him so that it'll prove to him that he can now give us blessings look what the most famous passage in the Bible says in John 3:16 and I want you to just say it with me say for God so he did it first he did it first for God so loved the world God loved first that he gave do you see it God loved and gave like this is why I'm saying like the only response that I can give to God is in the shadow of what he's already given me like this is the understanding that you have to have it's because if you think that we're coming in here for ritual to worship and we're we're supposed to do it every day cuz Christians worship or we're supposed to we're supposed to live our lives this way because I'm trying to worship God you got this whole thing twisted you could never pay God back for what he did for you you've got this whole thing messed up and he didn't say oh when you worship it's a down payment on your salvation or when you worship that's brownie points that you get for your blessing he said I just want you to worship me because I never created any other being that had the choice to and it's only love when you can choose and he said the sad thing is there's so many people who claim me don't choose me i'ma say it again on this side so many people that claim him don't choose to worship Him and as for transformation Church the reason I'm so passionate about this subject of worship because we won't be called the house of worship and you can't find it we have to be a place that that is not confined to these walls but wherever you go you worship you worship God because of what he already has given to if he doesn't give you another thing what he's done oh whoa you're crazy you should be in a mental institution right now but for the grace how do you repay God for after everything you've been through and how many false promises you made him y'all know we make them from false promises God if you give me out it is I promise lying but he never turned his back on you matter of fact he kept chasing after you and so I need you to understand this statement and it blesses my heart we don't worship for love we worship from love no no no I need you to hear me we don't worship for love ever again you don't ever come into a worship experience you don't ever go to your quiet time in prayer don't ever go to read your Bible and say I'm gonna do this so God can love me no no no you're already loved somebody just say that I'm loved by God you don't some people don't believe that but I want you to say it one more time just say I am loved by God it changes when you come into his presence with your addiction and say I'm loved by God it changes you when he knows what your website history looks like and how mean you were to your wife this week and he still said it says to you you're my child and you can say I am loved by God so so when we look at this if if worship is love expressed for our gratitude for the grace that God's already shown us worship starts with love I need you to hear me say this I'm gonna be very repetitive because I want it to sink down into your heart worship starts with love so if worship starts with love there are five things I need you to know about love first one love is given look what Deuteronomy 36 says 30 verse 6 the Lord your God this is my favorite right here will change your heart and the hearts of your descendants so that you will love him with all your heart and soul and so you may live remember that scripts you I've raised you in Matthew 22 it says all you have to do is love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul oh I got the cheat code for you God's going to give you the heart to love him you don't have to have it see see this is the beautiful thing about the grace of God that when you accept Jesus into your heart he replaces what was there and gives you what you didn't have I want you to look at this it says the Lord your God will everybody say change your heart okay let me help some people understand this this is your heart before Jesus I need everybody to look at this burned tattered messed up cracked hurting this is your heart and listen I don't care how much money you have you can put a gold chain on this heart you can put this heart in a big house you can put this same heart but before you receive Jesus Christ this is what your heart looks like but God says any man that be in Christ he's a new creation so most people teach a theology that when you come to Jesus God will patch up your hose he'll make you he'll make you good as new that's not what my Bible says my Bible says that God gives me a new heart I need you to hear me say this because most of you don't understand this how am I gonna love God how am I gonna worship him you can't with this heart everything leaks out you can't hold anything you're so offended if anything touches this heart remind you of wounds of things that were there before so God says when you receive my son I don't patch up your heart I give you I know I like so so I want everybody to see this cuz I'm gonna help your theology right now can you still make mistakes with the new heart yep well I don't feel changed baby see the problem is the love that God wants from you he first gives to you so this is what many of our hearts I'm gonna leave this right here because some of y'all need to see that's my heart this represents your heart because we gotta have love and that scripture I read to you was in 2nd Corinthians 5:17 every man that's in Christ he becomes a new creature ok so we got a new heart well pastor why does it seem like some people love God more than other people like some people you mentioned God and they just Oh like like why does it why does it feel like some people love God more point number 2 love grows let me ask all the parents who have a teenager or an adult child do you love your child more the same or less than when they were born you love them more you may not like them more but you but you love them more because your love for them has grown because you've had time with them you've had experience with them you have spent time in their presence see the reason why some people's love for God seems greater than others it's all about how much time you spend with him like and that's why a lot of people start at salvation and this is the new heart God gave you and they died with this heart cuz they never spent time with God they were always busy with the blessings that they had no time for his face but they they did not see the value in it but when you start spending time in the presence of God God does not just keep your heart here he allows you to have a heart that grows and this is why this cup is frustrating when you're thirsty and this cup is a blessing because my territory grew because I was spending time with the one who could grow it the reason that many of you do not have the love for the people around you is because you haven't spent enough time with God so that he can grow your heart the reason why you're always so pissed that everybody is it's because you still have the same heart you had six years ago when you accepted Jesus because you won't spend time in his word you won't spend time praying you won't join a beat group you won't get in nothing and so God said would you please let me upgrade your cup could I please upgrade your heart could I please give you more and see this is the beautiful thing I love examples because what happens is God wants to take your heart and that's why it's so important you come to worship experiences that's so important why you come to transformation Church that's so why it's so important that you have a quiet time every day with just you and God before all the kids get up yeah you're gonna have to sacrifice sleep yeah you're gonna have to stop watching Netflix and chilling yeah you're gonna have to do all of that stuff but I promise you time with God is better than time on nothing okay and so what happens is when we come into the presence of God when they're singing God says hey I'll give you the love he said but I only can fill up what you have so let me thank you Lord so if all you have is this I'll fill it up well god I don't okay that's enough and God says some of y'all been filled but you don't have enough for what I've called you to do and so when you come into the presence of God when you pray when you worship when you have accountability when you're walking with people when you're loving your neighbor God said I want to grow your love so that every time we come in contact you can get to the point where you're filled up and that's your love will over flow now let me show it to you in the word cuz some of y'all just looking at me and you think I'm doing a good example okay let's go to Philippians 1 9 and this is my prayer for you and my prayer for every person in this room I pray that your love will overflow more and what kind of what kind of more and more like overflow okay it's already over but it wants you to overflow more and more and that you will keep on what's this word grow everybody say it again it's not okay for you to be at the same point that you started out with God and it's been seven years God's not mad at you but his prayer for you is that you would keep in the here's our two words again knowledge and what I'm just I love the Bible so okay t-mike my love is overflowing no no no the reason you gotta learn learn this min minute God minute God listen to me the reason why I worship is because when God overflows in me there's little people under me there's a wife under me that when I worship God what happens is they get the runoff you don't hear me this is why it's time for me to start worshiping this is why it's not time for us to just yell at basketball games but shout out god I Love You God you're worthy Oh y'all don't hear me we have to become men and women of everybody shout at me worship but worship starts with love and so we all have to grow in our love for God will pass the mic I do that I give I pray I read the Bible and let's be honest sometimes I don't feel like worshiping can we be a hot church for a second humble open and transparent how many times okay let me not ask you like that let me ask it like this has anybody ever felt like not worshiping okay I'm not happy I'll did y'all didn't do it this morning okay hey now watch now watch I'm doing this to help us okay point number three thing that you need to know about love love leaks the Bible tells us in Ephesians I believe it's six that the enemy is shooting arrows at all of us and I believe they're aimed at our heart so that the love that is God pours into us can leak out I had a bad day at work my husband's frustrating me I can't stand these kids I'm never picked I'm still have daddy issues and wounds and what happens is God can keep pouring but when he's pouring why prayed today and don't pray for a week will you have any love left by the time will you will you be able when I went to church I went to church I went to church thank you Lord that was a good fire that was good but the whole time our love is leaking and it literally tells us in the Bible that these oh oh I told somebody so I passed up a couple homes but I got into that relationship are y'all gonna sit up here act like I ain't telling the truth so you can have an encounter with God where he pours his loving to you but you can't worship because your love is linking way ahead bankruptcy oh I wasn't born in the family I thought I would be loved so you can come to church all your life and allow God to touch you but never get to the point to where you can touch anybody else cuz you're you're leaking you're not overflowing you think because it's coming out that it's the same thing you you're leaking not over for the word said I wish that your love would over flow not leak out because when it leaks out it has to touch everything that's in the cup so as to touch all your insecurities and all your pain and all your stuff and that's why it comes out in this cord and comes out and hatred for others and comes out I'm just saying I'm just telling the truth face and they nasty and I just think somebody should be accountable for them and we try to cover it cuz it's leaking and there's no way you can worship God without love and there there's no way you can love God if all the love has leaked out it may I submit to you that there are hundreds of thousands of churches who played songs today and hundreds of thousands of people who said they were entering into worship but God didn't hear anything because you can't worship without love and the trials of life the frustration their own sin has allowed love to leak Church it's my prayer that she would have the wisdom to worship because if you are like so many of these people and can I be honest I feel like that all the time when I look at some of the things when I focus on the issues in my life and not God's goodness when I think about my son just turned 3 a few days ago and he still hasn't said his first word and if I keep my mind focused on that the enemy is able to convince me of things that poke holes in my heart when I think of how great the world is being impacted by our ministry but I look at those few people that have something negative to say and I magnify I can allow the enemy to suggest things that poke and then I can come the audacity for me as a pastor to come into the house of God and because they didn't play my song that's a cover up your heart is leaked I don't care what song they play it doesn't matter if they're off-key if there's no beat if I go to the Catholic Church if they say God I can find myself in the building lifting up the name that is above every name whip the hurt stomach whip the BG's let me stop see because we consult our feelings about is God worthy of the praise we want we want all the circumstances to be right before we give God praise what really happens is our love is leak down and passing like why are you talking about because we can't worship God without love and this is the thing I want you to know the fourth thing I want you to know about love check this out check this out like love needs protection like like when God when you spend time in the presence of God when you with God he said I want you to stay in a protected place look what 2nd Thessalonians 3:3 says it says but the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one okay so you're gonna guard me how you gonna guard me look what it says in Psalms 91 because there's protection found in the presence of God see when you stay in that place not visit it this is what I need to tell you the place where God is is not at church on Sunday mornings the place that God is is wherever you invite him in okay this is why worship is much more than a song because you can worship and have no music I'm gonna talk more about that how we express it next week but look at this where are we going to be protected it says those who live in the shelter of the Most High another translation says he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High will find rest in the shadows of the Almighty this I declare about the Lord he alone alone not my money not my husband not my wife he alone is my refuge my place of safety he's my god and I trust him see this is what you need to know when you spend time in the presence of God it takes your heart and it protects it so the enemy comes with lies he he tells you what you can't do you'll never be well why are the arrows see when you stay in the presence of God this is why I do not wake up and go anywhere without spending time in the presence of God because I can turn on my Instagram and the enemies their comparison I'm not enough and it lets my love leak out for God and I find myself not even wanting to tell them thank you can we be honest none of us were guaranteed a breath this morning God's goodness but many of us didn't return to God the only thing we could ever give to him it's because our love has not been protected but when you protect what God has given and you don't even feel like it the crazy thing about it is that even in this atmosphere when God touches me and I touch God what happens is the enemy sees it I can't let them no no no no I got to remind them of their past I'm gonna send a relationship over and over steel fool sit still full transformation Church this is what I want our church to look like a bunch of people who spend time in the presence of God not so that we can get love for God so that the love he gives us remember he's giving it it's His grace it's his mercy we start off with all A's like in school it always gets me up when they say you got to earn a but for some reason I did better when the teacher first day told me you haven't and then what's the next thing I said all you have to do is maintaining when it comes to worship when you ask Jesus into your life he doesn't ask you to earn his love he gives it to you and he says all you have to do is maintain what I've been to the point that no matter what the enemy comes to do that I can come back and say oh that's why I can trust more people with them because when I pour in love and I encourage them it's going to keep overflow see the crazy thing about is the enemy can keep attacking but it's getting slippery up here because the love of God is overshadowing everything else to the point where if I keep on allowing God's love to pull into me I'm known as somebody who gives love away not just who receives it Church as we start this series this is just a start but I felt today that before we moved on I need to give some people whose loves the love has leaked an opportunity to ask God to come and protect them like like for me before I did this series I had to ask God for forgiveness God forgiving me for watching things that I asked the enemy to punch a hole in my purity like I I did it like there are people you hang out with that every time you're around them they they literally cut away at your heart for God but they be my friends but get down no here we hear what I'm saying you tell them what you're trying to do and they continue to come after it their relationships that some of you are in that you're claiming and your Facebook official but it's literally robbing you of your heart forgot you used to be so on fire for God you used to not be ashamed God could ask you to pray for somebody and you'd step out and do it you used to serve and not be scared as your issues go and get found out you used to do all of this stuff but somewhere your love is leaked and today if you're in this room and your love has leaked I want to give you the opportunity to invite God in why last point cuz love never fails do you know why it never fails cuz god is love like like this is what you got to understand look at and look at look at first Corinthians 13 6 it says love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth that means God will take you wherever you're at whatever you're going through it said it always protects it always does this and it says it always trusts always hopes and always preserves love never if we're gonna have the wisdom to worship we got to understand that worship starts with love and maybe you're in this room and your love has leaked out if you are the first people you may be the person that has that tattered heart like this is what your heart looks like today God wants to trade you if you're in this room I usually do salvation at another moment I want to pray for you right now I don't want you to go home with this stop dressing this up stop trying to make people through filters and and money feel like this is not what it really is today if you're in this room and you want to accept Jesus into your heart and get a new heart I want you to pray this prayer with me and transformation Church we never pray alone if you're watching online we never pray along I want everybody to bow your heads and close your eyes and I want to suppress and only God and you know if you mean this and if you have been far from God and you want to come back to him today is your day everybody in the room just say God I need you come into my life and transform me I'm a sinner I have holes in my heart I need you to replace it thank you for living and dying just for me today I ask you to be the Lord of my life change me renew me transform me I'm yours in Jesus name Amen look at me look at me if you pray that prayer and you meant it on the count of three I want you to shoot your hand up and we want to celebrate with you one two three if you prayed that prayer Oh transformation church that's what it's all about hallelujah you're watching online and you click that button we are rejoicing with you now listen to me I'm gonna do something we've never done before really because of space but I feel like people's faith needs to be moved okay so I need you to work with me okay if you're in this loom and you know you haven't been able to worship God because your love has leaked I want you to do something that's gonna take a faith step I want you to come to this altar I want you to come right now I don't care I don't don't worry about your five don't worry about nobody else I want you to come there should be a lot of people coming right now Society family we can get all in the aisles we'll turn this whole thing into alternate I'm so proud of you say excuse me down the aisle if you know you're supposed to be up here I need you to get up here because God is about to protect somebody in this atmosphere as you come to the feet of Jesus God we touch you come on from all over the place I need you to look at me come on let them in y'all come close y'all got to get close there's a lot of people coming I need everybody that's coming to look at me the reason I asked you to do this it's because there's a faith step that you needed to take to let yourself know this is over like like your love leaking out and the pains and the frustrations of the past and you inviting stuff in come on let them keep coming don't nobody stop it we're gonna get in here and if you still need to come oh there's too many people it might be uncomfortable to get your breakthrough but you need to come through okay look at me lick me for the next few moments we're about to dismiss in a second but the Bible says that the protection comes in the presence of God I'm not about to come in here and pray for everybody God can touch places in your life that I could never touch all you need is his presence and so we're about to sing a song that just says I'm coming back to the heart of worship the heart of it where it's all about and says I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it I made it about the lights I made it about how I feel but you know it's all about you and I'm gonna pray for you every person at this altar lift your hands come on if your love is Lea yeah father I pray right now I feel the presence of God I pray right now for other as we have come and we humble ourselves and we say God our love is leaking father because the life situations because I hurt because of disappointment because of loss today father God we find our protection in your presence I come against the lives of the enemy that have poked holes in their thought process you are a good father and today nothing else will stop our love from lifting father we are going to be found in your presence right now can I thank you for miracles I thank you for signs I thank you for wonders I thank you for heart transplants father God come on let's lift this up I thank you for what you're doing everybody lift this up I'm coming back
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 655,163
Rating: 4.938889 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Tulsa, Represent, God, Christ, Sermon, Jesus
Id: P_N7q2lQ6-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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