That's what you call hazard pay

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hey hey hey hey today we are grooming bumpy he is about a year and four months old this is his first ever professional grooming appointment he is very nervous and the owners are very nervous on how he will react for this they traveled over seven hours to get to me because they are very concerned about whether or not their dog will be able to tolerate professional grooming the owner has tried herself to groom him at home and she has been unsuccessful so the first thing I'm going to try to do is the eyes I did spend some time on the floor with him tried to give him treats he wouldn't take them but then he came and he laid down right next to me so that's a good sign can you let me do your face good boy what a good boy okay this is already going way better than I thought I just want to clear up those eyes eyes now the owner adopted this dog when he was 8 months old and he was not cared for he did not have any Veterinary Care he was never groomed he was not socialized so it's no surprise that he's so nervous they do want him shaved down I think she thinks that he's matted and has to be shaved I don't think that he is matted but they did drive here from seven hours away and I assume they want this haircut to last a while I was going to do a seven but I think I'm going to try a five instead so that he has a little bit of hair if I sound funny today it is because I'm am very sick but part of being an entrepreneur is that you can't really take time off because there's no one to fill your spot right it's okay it's okay good boy she said he's a really good dog just not for grooming she has three dogs and she Grooms the other two without a problem and this one she said she just can't seem to do without him trying to bite her no no no I saw you raised those teeth hey hey hey good boy good boy it's okay it's okay so the hand isn't a problem I can touch him all over with my hand he just doesn't like when I touch him with the Clipper okay well that's going to be a problem because you have to have a haircut buddy you're okay buddy good boy very good boy good boy no I'm switching to my left hand because I can get out of the way quicker with my left hand than I can with my right if he snaps so far just see the teeth showing okay well we know he doesn't like the Clippers so I think what I'm going to try to do is do more on his face come here with the scissors like I don't know if this hair is left here because she likes it or if she just couldn't trim it no please don't bite don't bite good boy remember when we did your eyes oh good boy now we're going to do the top of your head good boy I'm just going to keep talking to you the entire time because that seems to calm you down good boy no no no we're going to be nice I see you looking at my hand and I know what you want to do to it but I would prefer if you didn't it's okay okay now if the owner is trying to do this dog's face with clippers then I can see where the problem is he does not like the sound of the Clippers and I think he would panic but he seems to be fine with the scissors unfortunately I cannot scissor his entire body so I am going to put him in the Groomer's Helper and try to just get through his body I don't want to put him in a muzzle yet um just because he is so nervous that's why I'm putting him in the Groomer's helper instead so you do have some matting on your legs it's okay well we're going to be friends today you're going to get a haircut and it's going to be totally okay your owners did not travel 7 hours for me to not be able to give you a haircut I think that they just have not brought him to a professional groomer cuz they're afraid that he's going to either get turned away or he's going to bite when I was outside petting him I noticed that the owner kept putting her hand near his mouth and that indicated to me that she was worried he might spin to bite me and that's why she wanted her hand there to stop him so she's obviously nervous about the dog hurting someone and it's not her fault because she did not have this dog for the first eight months and people don't realize that the first few months of the dog's life is very impressionable you can either make or break a dog in that time frame and if you break the dog so to say it can be very hard to get them out of that when they've developed fears and anxiety around certain things so it's not impossible but it'll take time no we're not going to bite today no we're not going to bite today I know you have some mats under there now I do need to get behind your head and so I might have to Muzzle you for that part yeah you have some addding in here okay good boy it's okay no no no it's always the legs it's always the legs hey you're okay yeah it's okay good boy good boy no no no no good boy good boy good boy it's okay I find it very interesting that he's okay with me touching his legs he just is not okay with the Clipper it's really yeah it's not normally if a dog doesn't like their legs touch they won't even let you touch them with your hands it's okay it's okay you got to move your head out of the way though cuz I can't see it's okay buddy no we're not going to bite [Music] no so so far I see the importance of consistency with this dog um not giving up even when the dog is upset very good boy he can still will very much bite me through this muzzle if he wants to so I'd really rather he didn't no no hey hey hey well I think we are going to end up doing a seven on the whole body I didn't think he was mted but there are certain parts of him that are and he doesn't like when there's any pulling hey hey hey hey okay well that didn't go well I'm just going to go over him with a seven since we are not going to be doing a five on him today Paws seem to be the biggest problem I do have the hanging harness which I am considering using but he is a little bit on the larger side for that harness doesn't mean that it won't work it'll just be a little bit um it'll fit him and everything I just don't think that it will be very comfortable for him but we'll see no more you're fine no no no no no no no no very sweet dog yes he is very scared but he is throwing a bit of a temper tantrum to try and get his way so if we allow him to get his way then we're telling him that when he acts this way he will not get done what he doesn't want done which is we need to teach him that this has to happen and it's a part of life and he has to get used to it yes we show compassion and empathy while we're doing it but that does not mean that we stop unless of course he is a danger to himself or me which right now he just seems to be screaming a little bit okay buddy you're fine so far triggers are definitely front legs and front paws for sure he doesn't like the back legs either but he's more tolerable for the back ones than he is for the front ones you're okay buddy good boy good boy he's definitely better without me holding his leg prefers it when his he can move as he wants it's just not 100% doable the whole time I'm trying to do his leg unless he stays still no no good boy good boy you're fine good boy very good boy he this my hand now that he is mostly shaved down I'm going to take him out of everything I'm going to give him a break and then I'm going to take him to the bath can I shave behind your head good boy very good boy okay so he will let me shave behind his head no no it's okay good boy I know it's loud good boy very good boy very good boy hey we're not going to bite [Music] it okay apparently yes we are what happened with you and the Clippers H these aren't Clippers these are scissors you're going to let me scissor it or no is that going to be a problem turn your head this way over here boy because now you got long hair over here that doesn't match the rest of your body man okay let's go for a bath good boy it's okay buddy it's just water it's just water can you come over here I can do the other side good boy good boy much better much better you like this nozzle better than the other one here good boy very good boy it's okay come here come here only washing his face a little bit I know it looks like a lot of soap but it's actually not that much soap just because I have a feeling he's going to give me a hard time about rinsing it it's okay how come you let me do it the first time hey good boy it's okay let we do it I think it's pretty safe to say here that the blow dryer is going to be Enemy Number two so he is going to go in the crate dryer to rest and dry off since he's been shaved down with a number seven he'll dry very quickly and I think that that would be the the least stressful thing for him good boy she said you were going to be bad for your face but so far I don't see any problems with your face just those front paws that is something else okay bud off to the crate dryer we go okay he is dry now we have to finish that hair cut of yours I would like to shave your sanitary okay un fortunately you have some matting on some important parts back here it's okay buddy I'll do the sanitary on the other side when I turn him now I'd like to shave where the belly band is going to go you had quite the drive here and then you were forced into a groom you're like what the heck is going on today this is not what I expected when I woke up this morning I know you're very nervous you're very nervous oh God they're already showing me those teeth okay buddy you got to be nice so before I go ahead and shave that leg I am going to do a little experiment just want to see how he behaves if I just use scissors now the problem with using scissors is that the 7inch blade is very very short and I won't be able to scissor him as short as that because it was just getting too close to the skin at that point but I just wanted to see if he behaves any better good boy for the scissors I can do just his paws with the scissors I don't have to go over them with the Clipper but he has to be willing to allow it good boy very good boy good boy boy buddy no the question is will you let me do the inside of your paws with the scissors this is where I don't like to do Paws With Scissors because it's a lot more dangerous than using clippers if I can do that and not trigger him that is what I will do I couldn't do that at the beginning because down here was a bit matted so I had to use my clippers because you don't want to use scissors on matting you risk cutting the dog but if he is okay with having this area scissored then I would kind of just advise them to find a groomer that's willing to scissor the legs instead of shave them which there's lots of groomers that will it just means that he has to be in good condition so he has to go see the groomer on a regular basis so that he's not matted in order for them to be able to do the scissor work instead of the Clipper work I think that that would be more beneficial for this dog I do have another dog you guys have seen her on the channel Gracie the little Yorkie and I scissor her whole body I don't even use Clippers at all except for her sanitary because she's so scared of the Clippers and it works for her and she's been really good for grooming ever since we did that and you know some dogs you just got to work your way there and it doesn't mean that he'll never be able to get the Clipper it just means until he gets more comfortable with going to see a groomer that's what they do good boy how are your nails she says your nails are long but they are not long so you know what I am not going to mess with you today not because I don't want to do it but because you're much more calm right now and I don't want to cause you any unnecessary stress they are definitely not overgrown okay you got to shave in your chest though in your chest not your leg good boy good boy very good boy good boy buddy back nails are extremely short can't even be clipped so that's good just going to trim your paw with scissors okay you were didn't mind the scissors on the other ones but you he really didn't like this paw even more it's okay even more than he didn't like the other one it's okay it's okay buddy just scissors good boy what is it about this particular foot huh okay okay okay so this paw isn't done as nicely as this paw was done but I'm going to call it quits because I got more done than I thought I would and he's not yet freaking out so let's keep them calm let's brush your tail can I brush your tail good boy okay body done now your head okay good boy good boy way no oh you're such a baby okay fine okay let's take you out of all of this these are scissors right you didn't mind the scissors please don't try to bite them now all this hair here should have been shaved with the Clipper but I can't do that without taking the muzzle off cuz the muzzle goes around that part so come here no it's okay good boy so he's going to have some long hairs in this area and it's not going to match with the rest of his body but it is what it is boy oh you're going to bite it I need to brush it out no that's not acceptable no no good boy it's a brush good boy I'm letting him go for it because he needs to learn I have to be able to brush his face so that he doesn't have any matting interesting you have to be able to brush your ears too buddy the Clipper and now the brush why I really want to know why will you let me comb it I allowed to use the comb good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy yes no no we're not biting it no good boy very good boy yes yes good boy you want to go for a walk you want to go for a car ride you want a treat good boy good boy good boy good boy buddy okay bud let's do your face come here good boy good boy good boy your head is a bit Square don't dare try to bite it would be ideal if you would shut your mouth don't mean to sound rude no um because the panting is making it more difficult for me to shape your face stay stay stay and I don't want to clip your tongue stay I would love to do a much better job on his face but that really requires me to be able to comb and trim comb and trim and we've established that he doesn't like the brush on his face so since I've already brushed out all of his matting I don't really want to press my luck by trying to continue to use the comb like normally I would take the comb and then brush this up and then see where I need to trim and I kind of I'm going in mostly blind because he doesn't really like the comb and I think that we've completed way more than the owners really thought I was going to be able to do they were going to wait in my driveway because they were unsure I was going to be able to do them bubble gum okay so he's not perfect I don't love his face but I am happy with what we got done today considering how concerned the owners were especially since this was his first ever grooming experience stay tuned to watch the owner's reaction thank you guys so much for watching today I hope this shows you the importance of getting your dog to a groomer at the beginning of Life and on a regular basis so that this doesn't happen oh my God oh my god oh oh my God you're the best oh thank you so muchy m m who's you good boy
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 604,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UBtT2nMcJ0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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