God's Waiting Room

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[Music] we don't need another political uprising [Music] we don't need another conqueror to come on the sea [Music] but what we need is a special word that's gonna burn within our hearts and give us direction from above we need a word from the lord a word from the lord just one word from the lord it will remove all doubt and cause the sun to shine and give us peace of mind oh speak lord speak lord we lack your wisdom we lack your understanding [Music] and we laugh to show the love you've shown in the sun lord we altered in thy way we still have so much more to gain so give us your word lord a word from the lord hold just one word from the lord it will remove all doubt and call the sun to shine and give us [Music] speak lord [Music] lord a word from the lord just one word one word from the lord [Music] speak lord speak speak to my heart holy spirit the message of love to encourage me lifting my heart from despair how you love me and you care for me speak to my heart [Music] yeah wow that's what we need we need a word from the lord and may god give it to us right now amen amen and i know you feel the same way may god give us his word in this time and help me thank our zion music team for giving us that today thank you all so much brothers for coming in and sharing the word of god the music to prepare for the word of god today is such a blessing to be here those are two of my favorite songs and i pray that god would do that he'll give us a word that would give us direction that would change the course of our life that would set us into a whole different space a whole different atmosphere and uh we pray that that will happen i want to thank all of you for being with us right now whatever wherever you are whatever time it is whatever day it is thank you so much for joining us thank you for making this this place where you spend your worship time and and also want to thank all of you for the way that you support our church the way you support us financially the way you support us by sharing our content the way many of you serve on various platforms to help make us the church that we are thank you so much for doing what you do i'm going to get into the word of god right now and if you have a bible i'm gonna be in first samuel chapter one first samuel the old testament book and the first chapter of that book so if you have a bible you can go with me there now uh if you have one if you don't if you got one but you don't feel like going to get it that's all right the verses will come on the screen for you to follow along with me as we go into this message today in first samuel chapter one i'm going to begin reading at verse one out of the new living translation and i'll end the reading at verse 8. here's what the word of god says to us today it says there was a man named elkanah who lived in rhema in the region of zuff in the hill country of ephraim he was the son of jeroham son of elihu son of tohu son of zuff of ephraim verse two elkanah had two wives hannah and panina panina had children but hannah did not panina had children but hannah did not each year elkanah would travel to shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the lord of heaven's army to the at the tabernacle the priest of the lord at that time with the son the two sons of eli hofney and phineas on the days elkanah presented his sacrifice he would give portions of the meat to peninnah and each of her children verse 5 says and though he loved hannah he would give her only one choice portion because the lord had given her no children so peninnah would taunt hannah and make fun of her because the lord had kept her from having children year after year it was the same penina would taunt hannah as they would be as they went to the tabernacle each time hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat why are you crying hannah elkanah would ask why aren't you eating why be downtrodden just because you have no children you have me isn't that better than having 10 sons look at verse two again it says panina had children but hannah did not verse five and though he loved hannah he would give her only one choice portion because the lord had given her no children verse six peninnah would taunt hannah and make fun of her because the lord had kept her from having children year after year verse 7 says it was the same banana would taunt hannah as they went to the tabernacle each time hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat and verse 8 says why are you crying hannah elkin i would ask why aren't you eating why be down-hardened just because you have no children i want to use the subject today in god's waiting room god's waiting room let's pray father please speak to us through your word now make preaching easy make it transformative transforming life changing and we thank you for this opportunity in jesus name amen god's waiting room god's waiting room waiting is a very difficult thing to do particularly in the world in which we live that seems to be obsessed with pain with speed we want everything fast we want our food fast we want to get our vaccination fast in and out of the vaccination site we we we tend to go in the fastest lines we go in the shortest checkout line and the shortest check-in points because we like things to happen fast waiting is very difficult for us i know personally some of you may be familiar with a story right in this book of first samuel there was a king named saul who was waiting with his people for seven days for samuel to show up and bring the lord and do a sacrifice to the lord on behalf of the people and they waited seven days and after seven days samuel didn't show up and so saul broke covenant and broke the law and offered to sacrifice himself because he got tired awaiting him and maybe you can relate to that we all know what it's like to be waiting on somebody to do something for us and they don't come through and we just do it for ourselves because i just got tired of waiting i know in my world i'm used to waiting i'm just used to waiting whether it's an antecedent room or a green room or pastoral lounge i've been waiting for years for it to be time to speak waiting on my the song to be sung and that song to be sung and that prayer to be prayed or even now in virtual spaces where i have speaking engagements or interviews to do they have these virtual waiting rooms or these virtual green rooms or these virtual back rooms where you're just sitting there you just wait and you wait and you wait for your name to be called and for your air time to come and and for me waiting is just difficult it's just uneasy i just i just don't like waiting and and if you can relate to that just just just put in the chat right now me too i don't i don't like waiting for stuff i don't like waiting but but if you think waiting some of us don't even like waiting on stuff that ain't even that serious like we can't wait for a television show we've been waiting to come out to come on like we can't wait for a certain movie to come out we we can't wait to go on vacation we even say i can't wait to go on this vacation but imagine what it was like to be hannah imagine what it was like to be in a situation where you're married and the thing you long for to have children you can't have children you and and and you're in a house where you're sharing a husband with another woman who's having children ain't that a trip and and and and and hannah had been waiting all of her life for this you know when she was a little girl can you imagine i wonder what it was like when she was a little girl when she would be playing in her imaginary world and the first instinct of motherly instinct came over her and it led to a desire to for reality to one day be a mom it happens to so many little girls and i can imagine what was it like for her to write in her journal as a teenager about boys she had a crush on and then one day i'll grow up and i'm a married and because he's cute and wondering what it would be like to have children i wonder what it was like for her on the eve of her wedding night when she was there with her bridesmaids and they were all sitting together and they gave her lingerie and and gave her bath and body works lotions and and gift cards and and they said girl you so lucky that elkino's a good man and we're so happy for you i wonder what it was like to get married and then the weeks go by and the months go by and the years go by and never having her cycle disturbed by conception what was it like to long for something and never get it that's god's waiting room and some of you can't relate to it unless you've walked in her shoes anybody's ever walked in hannah's shoes knows exactly what i'm talking about or what it feels like to be in god's waiting room but then again you don't even have to be waiting on a child to know what it's like to be in god's waiting room anything you long for anything you desire anything you've been waiting to come to pass and it hasn't come to pass puts you in god's waiting room now i first heard the concept of god's waiting room from from a man named dr bernard fuller this first time i heard the concept and i call it i refer to this as god's waiting room because as believers whenever it's something we're waiting on that we can't seem to get on our own we turn it over to the lord and we start asking him okay god i can't get this would you please make a way would you provide this for me and that and that and that that's that's what we do as believers but but what is it like when you pray and you pray and you cry and you pray and you wait and it doesn't happen and what i want to do today because all of us know what it's like to be waiting on something we all know what it's white like to to not be able to grasp the thing that we want what i want to do using hannah's life is is to pull some lessons out of her time in the waiting room what can we learn from her and i'm going to give you eight things there's so many that i can share out of this passage but for the sake of time i want to point out eight things that i see in her story about how to manage god's waiting room and the first is right there in verse 2. you need to understand right there in verse 2 that whenever you're in god's waiting room here's the first principle certain what's going to happen is you're going to see other people get what you've been waiting for that's rough right there because verse two here's what verse two says verse two says elkanah has two wives hannah and panita banana has children hannah doesn't so it's a trip the bible doesn't waste any time introducing us and when the bible introduces us it introduces us to hannah based on what she doesn't have like right off the bat introducing hannah she's a woman she's got a husband she shares the husband with another woman the other woman is having children and she has no children wow what a brief verse but it gives you an introduction into the pain and plight of what it was like to be hannah see it's one thing it's one thing to not have something that you want it's another thing when other people get it and you you trying to get like you know what i can talk to us we you know like like in other words well you know we trying to lose weight and we went to the gym and you know to mess around and worked on the diet a little bit but they ain't getting the results right and we made some changes but they ain't getting the results and then somebody posted on their page i'm down 40 pounds well who asked you i mean really who asked you to say that ain't nobody ask you that see see see it would god's waiting room would make more sense if everybody was waiting on the same thing like if there was like an equal opportunity like locker room and we all were in there and then we were all in there waiting on the same thing that god just ain't giving to anybody like god i don't get nobody that then it would be a little more bearable because ain't nobody getting that but it's rough when you sit in the weight room waiting on something and everybody else getting it and you ain't getting it that's a whole different thing right there that's a difficult situation to be in and that is hannah's predicament she's in the waiting room and then to top it off not only is she in this waiting room waiting on something but the person who's in her life that's getting it is making fun of her for not having it that's adding insult to injury but you need to understand when you're in god's waiting room you're going to see people get stuff and you're going to say i know she and look at how hey he how he how he how he that is the difficulty and the pain of being in god's waiting room but that's not the only thing i see the other thing that i see is is when you're in god's waiting room watch what else happens you don't just see other people get what you're waiting on but you also start experiencing this there's certain events in certain occasions that will exacerbate the weight now watch this see in verse three what happens is she doesn't have a child but what she would be reminded of this at this annual event it says in verse three each year elkanah would travel to shiloh to worship and they would go on this worship trip to sacrifice to god annually and hopny and phineas the sons of eli were the priests and that's what's going on there and when they would get there after they would worship elk and i would give portions of the meat to his wife padina and all her children he loved hannah but he only he would only give her a choice portion of me she only got because she had no children so the event would be a reminder that of what she's lacking see sometimes you can be going along doing good about what you're in the waiting room about and then some holiday some event some occasion will trigger you and remind you look at here this that just just go throw it up in my face and then check this out not only is she reminded of it then but verse six says ponina would taunt her and make fun of her because the lord had kept her from herself now what kind of woman is that what kind of woman would make fun of another woman for not being able to have children that what kind of sick stuff is that that's what she had to live with she has to live with this in her own house and verse seven says that year after year this would happen and panina would taunt hannah as they as they went into the tabernacle by the way she's not just making fun of hannah she's doing this in church look at the text y'all this is why they're in the tabernacle she's making fun of her in church this is gangsta this family was a church-going church did he make in front of her in church about not having a child that is gangsta now while we now before we highlight how dysfunctional this family is i know when you look at a man he got two wives they don't get along one got kids other ones don't got kids one of them making fun of others and the other one crying and all that you say that's a crazy family right there but before you start judging them all of us got crazy families they ain't nobody i know ain't got something in their family that ain't right i've been around this thing too long some of y'all be walking around acting like your family perfect stop don't even do that because all it takes is for us to just be in the house long enough to see what's crazy in your family too there ain't nobody listening to me right now that either they either didn't grow up in dysfunction or you grown up and you're still in some dysfunction some of us got both we grew up in it and we've grown up and we still in it and i'm talking about the people that act like they ain't got no problems they be in the chat they're people in the chat room right now they don't even use their real name like george and charlene they're in the chat room their chat room name is joy of the lord that chat room is won't he do it that's that's your chat room name want to do it but i'm going to tell you something under all that won't he do it and all them amens and all them thank you jesus if you ever fly on the wall in their house their house is crazy too don't you ever let the devil make you think you're strange because there's dysfunction in your life there's dysfunction in everybody's life so here's hannah in a situation where her pain has been exacerbated by somebody who's taunting her oh let me say your word let me give you a quick word about taunters and haters whenever somebody taunts you and hates you whenever somebody makes fun of you because of what they have that you don't have understand if they're making fun of you because of what they have that you don't have that means you have something they don't have you can take that to the bank i'll tell you right now there's no reason for peninnah to make fun of hannah because hannah doesn't have children and peninnah does unless hannah has something i don't have and that's the case see see panina had elkanah's babies but hannah had his heart elkanah has two wives but the bible only says that he loves one of them verse 5 says he loved hannah and so every year this would be peninnah's opportunity to get her shine on because it would show the distinction between her and hannah so she would pick on hannah but that was just for one week for this trip the other 51 weeks hannah's got his attention so you have to understand anytime somebody's taunting you it's because you've got something that they don't have that's the that's what the spirit is behind this taunting and so and so she's she's making fun of her this happens every year so i'm sure hannah could she was probably couldn't stay in this trip she's like this whole trip is a trip like like i don't want to go on this trip because every year i go on this trip i'm gonna get mocked i'm gonna be made fun of and i gotta deal with this and be reminded of what i don't have and on top of that i also gotta deal with my insensitive naive husband because that's my next observation look at what she got to deal with the fact that her husband is clueless look at verse eight look at verse eight in verse eight he says to her why are you crying and by the way by the way she was so sad y'all i can understand her crying but when the bible says she wouldn't eat i was like no that ain't went too far now i ain't nothing that hurt ain't nothing that hurt i ain't eating shoes i eat more when i'm hurt you know what i'm saying like you ain't gonna hurt me that bad if you're that's some serious hurt right there i ain't eating that you're gonna make me stop everybody process differently i get that but here come her husband while she's dealing with a taunter while she's being triggered by this annual event and while she's living in this this environment where somebody has something she wants doesn't have well she's also got to deal with the fact that she's misunderstood by her husband that's the third thing i want to do whenever you're in god's waiting room you're going to often be misunderstood you have to you have to learn how to not be understood listen listen to her husband he says in verse 8. why are you crying hannah why aren't you eating why be down-hearted just because oh god just because you have no choice let me tell you something whenever somebody looks at what you're lacking and what you've lost and say just because you might want to just shut your mouth because you're going to snap on them that means whenever somebody minimizes your pain like that this is her husband talking to her talking about hey i'm better than you ten sons right like like listen y'all hold up hold up forgive me for saying this i want you to pre-forgive me but have you ever cut somebody out under your breath you know what i'm saying you customize i ain't saying you cussed out loud i ain't saying it even came out i'm just saying in your head you custom body out i know we ain't supposed to do that but i'm saying i know i i'm not a i'm not a psychic i can't prove it but i bet hannah cuss elkanah out in her mind right here like how dare you see it's one thing to be in god's waiting room not having something you want it's a whole nother thing to be in there and the people around you can't even understand what it's like to walk in your shoes why are you crying slim are you serious why is she crying you do you act like you've been on this trip every year you don't know what's going on like you really you're gonna really ask her why she's crying you that you can't be that clueless and then saying uh uh uh uh just because you don't have kids hey i'm better aren't i better than 10 sons i can hear some of y'all cussing right now and a young hannah young customer yeah and which which is bringing me to my fourth thing this is what i love about hannah hannah didn't say a word to him like sometimes in god's waiting room you're gonna have to learn how to bite your tongue that's hard you're gonna have to learn how to keep your p hold your piece like like to me hannah deserves a gold star right here for not saying anything because she could have she could have said something to peninnah and elkanah and been justified in it when he says and am i not better than you to ten sons she could have said no you're not better than me having you ain't better than ten sons because first of all i don't even whole i don't even completely have you i got half of you because you got another wife and then your little behind see how i did that i said behind you're a little behind be bringing me on this little funky trip every year and then get me in here so i'm tormented by this heifers see how i did that she's talking about me and then you guys you sent me you got the nerd to ask me why i'm crying like something wrong with me something wrong with you you don't know what it's like to be me in a situation where i don't have what i want cause you got everything you want i feel like i just the spirit of hannah just came over me she says nothing you ever let me say something some of our greatest moments in our spiritual life is not what we said it's what we didn't say it's the fact that i shut up i didn't open my mouth i wanted to cuss you out i would have said oh oh oh i just i put my i muted my phone i went off screen i shut down my v you know it was a zoom i was going to open up the video and the audio and cuss you out but but see some of y'all don't know what i'm talking about here have you ever been in a situation where your greatest power was seen in your restraint woo see some of y'all don't know about this restraint all you know is about what you say and i speak those things you speak those things i'm telling you some of your greatest moments with god is when you say nothing you shut your mouth and keep your mouth closed and hush you deserve a gold star for that all the stuff you could have said to set it off the bible says in james chapter 3 that the tongue is a fire i know i've been a spiritual arson i've been a verbal arsonist in my life the fact that god can help you to shut up is powerful and it's powerful because this in the text this is where the game changes right here this is where the whole scene changes it is right here between verses eight and nine that the whole game changes in the waiting room we getting some great waiting room action let me read it to you what happens in verses 9 through 11. it says once after a sacrificial meal at shiloh hannah got up and went to pray eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance of the tabernacle and hannah was in deep anguish crying bitterly as she prayed to the lord verse 11 she made this vow listen y'all o lord of heaven's armies if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son watch this then i will give him back to you he will be yours for his entire lifetime watch this and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the lord his hair will never be cut i i know y'all missed that i know y'all missed that listen listen to this this this the whole move changed listen to her prayer she says i no longer want a son god i want to give you one wow backwards spell that i i'm no longer asking for a son so i can have a baby shower so i can have a gender reveal party so i can get a stroller so i can get a car seat i'm no longer asking so i can dress him up for easter and take him to church i'm no longer asking so i can be the team mom on the football team i'm no longer asking so i can tuck them in bed at night and read them bedtime stories i'm no longer asking so i can be there to applaud at his graduations at every level in his life i'm not even asking so i can be there and walk down the aisle and light the candle and sit on the front row while he takes his marriage vows i'm willing to give all that up god in fact i don't even want you to bless me i want you to use me i want to have a son that serves you for the whole life therefore his whole life i'm i don't even want a son anymore for my purposes i want to give you a son for your do y'all see that shift that's a that's a shift that's what i call an altar at the altar there was an altar at the altar there was an a-l-t-e-r at the a-l-t-a-r trust me this ain't the first time she prayed she'd been praying for a son for years this is the first time she said i don't want a son for me i want a son for you whew this is what you got to do here's my fifth here's my fifth observation the next thing you need to do when you're in god's waiting room is seek to align your will with his will seek to align your will with his will yeah yeah this is a will alignment right here this is a real alignment watch this watch this because because in first samuel chapter 2 verse 35 we learned that god it was god's desire that he would have a priest in israel that followed him that served him that obeyed him unlike eli's son hoffny and and phineas he wanted a true priest a true son that would follow him and so he was going to get that through samuel who was going to come through hannah's womb and now hannah doesn't even know it but she's been so broken and she's so focused right now that her prayers align with the will of god that's why he's about to move and i want to say something to you sometimes our prayers are not being answered in the waiting room because we're praying stuff that has the wrong focus and the wrong motive you want the right thing but you want it for the wrong reasons oh i'm not even i don't know for sure but could it be that your prayers are not aligned properly that you're praying for something and it's okay let's do it like this in james chapter four james puts it like this he says in verse two of chapter four he says you want what you don't have so you scheme and kill to get it you are jealous of what others have but you can't get it so you fight and wage war to take it away from them yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask god for it watch this verse three and even when you ask you don't get it because your motives are all wrong you want only what will give you pleasure wow what if we're asking what if our whole spirit the way we come to god in prayer in the in the waiting room is wrong hey you may remember if you write read the bible in the story of jesus he's in the garden of gethsemane and the bible says he's praying about a cup i don't have time to go into it but he's saying let this cup pass from me let this cup pass from he's focused on this cup and what he's asking god is he's saying god please alter your plan let's do this i still wonder we still want to save people but let's do it another way so i don't want to go through with you that's what i'm destined to go through let's alter the plan but watch this as he kept praying he says but nevertheless not my will but thy will be done and you know there are people in churches all over the place to tell you don't pray that way don't be praying not my will but then be done because they say that's a lack of faith and i say how so how can you praying to a perfect father who perfectly loves you and is and has all wisdom how can you tell him to do his thing and to have his way and that not be faith to me that's the apex of faith the way we pray the reason why we don't include that in our prayer because we want to keep our prayers selfish and on a human level this is what i want and i'm only praying what will make me comfortable but if i really trust god i can actually add to that but lord if that's not your how can i how can how can my will be better than he is and maybe some of us haven't had a hannah moment because we haven't had an altar at the altar we haven't had a shift in the way we're praying and he her whole thing shifts in the way she's praying and check this out how does she get aligned with the will of god like this go back there's a clue right there in verse nine the clue is in verse nine the clue is in verse nine the bible says that they were having a meal in verse eight that after the sacrificial meal the bible says she got up could god the bible says she got up that's the clue right there she got up she got up she got up put that in the trap right now hannah got up hannah got up now i know she got up physically because she was sitting at a table they were having a meal she wasn't eating the food cause she was too depressed to eat but she was sitting down at the table so i know she physically got up but that's not the only thing that happened because hannah had been down so long hannah had been down living in a household of dysfunction hannah had been down wanting a child and couldn't have a child hannah had been down from having a woman taunt her over and over again for what she didn't have so she's down been down a long time but the bible says she got up she got up i'm sorry i got to preach that for a minute she got up cause i don't even know who i'm on assignment who am i talking about i don't even know who i'm on assignment to preach to today i don't know where you are but i want to say respectfully to you get up get up get up yeah join hannah and get up wipe your wipe your nose and get up blow your nose and get up wipe your tears and get up dress yourself up and get up do your hair and get up act like hannah and get up you've been down too long it's time to get up somebody put that in the chat get up get up i need you to see that get up if you in here you need to tell somebody to get up since you're here get up get up get up get up because you've been down too long and then when you get up don't just get up get up and pray yeah yeah getting up is important getting up is critical but don't just get up get up and pray and watch this when she got up and prayed she didn't pray where she was she didn't pray at the table she went somewhere else to pray have you ever had to get out of the environment that you're in to get alone with god so i can get to god i'm losing it god i'm going down god i'm in despair i need you right now if you don't do something i don't know if i'm gonna make it have you ever had to get alone with god so you can pour your heart out to him she got away from where she was she got up and she prayed her getting up changed the way she prayed her prayers down aligned with god after all the years of praying a certain way i want to son she probably wanted a son so she could tell for nana now what you're going to say none of that this on another level now she's now praying god i offer you my body i offer you my womb to be the passageway for your servant i will i will carry him i will go through labor i will deliver him i will nurse him i will wean him and i will give him to you for the rest of his life well we kind of i wonder if anybody's prayer closet sounds like that maybe that's the time when things will move it's not it's listen if you're praying for a child that's not a bad thing that you're praying for a child and you ain't praying that you would get back to him and all that i know she wasn't always praying that she would get she wasn't always saying lord give me a son and i'll give him back to you it's cool if you're not praying that this just wasn't god's will for her at this time his will was that she prayed when she prayed and watch what happens next watch what happens next as she makes this vow verses 12 to 14 she's in the presence she's in this tabernacle and she's praying and eli the priest is watching her and the bible says he can't he sees her lips moving but he can't hear her saying nothing so he assumes she's drunk and he says to her put away your wine and now she's going to be misunderstood again misjudged misjudged by a husband saying why are you crying i'm better and i'm better than 10 sons and then here comes the man of god saying you drunk put away your wine and her her her restraint is amazing she could have said how are you going how are you going to call yourself a man of god and you're going to say i'm drunk that's why people don't come to church she didn't say none of that she did defend herself she respectfully defends herself listen to verse 15. she responds and she says no sir i haven't been drinking wine or anything stronger but i'm very discouraged i was pouring out my heart to the lord don't think i'm a wicked woman for i've been praying out of anguish and sorrow so here's so so here's where eli should have apologized by the way eli if you're wrong you apologize eli should have said oh my fault i'm sorry i misjudged you that way uh i shouldn't have said what i said i'm so sorry he didn't say any of that because he you know he's probably old and grumpy it happens but what he did do was he gave her a word look at verse 17 he says in that case go in peace may the god of israel grant the request you have asked of him yo man that's good may the god of israel grant the request you've asked him and she says oh thank you sir then she went back watched this y'all began to eat again that's what i'm talking about and she's no longer sad that's good right there watch this y'all here's the sixth thing i'm almost here's the sixth thing when you're in god's waiting room make sure you're seeking a word from god you need a word from god we need a word from the lord that because one word can change the whole situation this one word from this grumpy preacher made her she was sad she was highly discouraged she wasn't eating she got one word from eli from a man who was better at pastoring than parenting that's good right there his kids was out of control got one word from an imperfect servant which by the way that's all god has to work with is imperfect service you can get over yourself too so one word from this man made her start eating again and made her no longer be sad let me say something you need a word from the lord one word can change your heart one word can take you out of depression one word can raise your understanding of where god is and what god is about to do in your life just one word that's why you came there's some seasons in your life where you can't play about getting a word from god you gotta seek a word from god because one word can turn your situation we don't need another political uprising we don't need another conqueror on the scene but what we need is a special word that will burn within our hearts and give us direction speak lord is he speaking to anybody right now is he talking to you from his word because god can take one word and change the way you see things one word one word and watch how it impacted her see see the impact the scene afterwards it's the impact y'all the impact when you know a word has impacted you it's not why you're in the service watch what this word does when the server says okay she she goes to pray she got up and prayed she gets this word and she leaves early the next morning look at verse 19 i wish i went there i wish i read the bible the entire family got up early the next morning so the service is over they're going to church again watch verse 19. early next morning and went to worship the lord once more then they returned home to rhema okay you say what is that watch this she got a word from eli goes home she's happy and eating the next morning they got up early this whole family her banana elkanah and all bananas kids they went to church they leave church and they go home from rainbow and you say what are you trying to say pastor battle what i'm trying to show you is not just what happened the next morning but what didn't happen what didn't happen used to happen every time they went to church ooh y'all slow watch this watch it before when they would go to worship banana would taunt her oh this is so good but nana would make fun of her but banana didn't make fun of her this day and when you read the rest of the story panana never made fun of her ever again and it's not because she has a child she still don't have a child yet but what she did have was a healing and people don't taunt you when you hold could god you can't make fun of me when i got it together see i'm trying to help somebody here today because some of y'all wonder why a person who used to make fun of you all the time don't make fun of you anymore and i'm telling you it ain't because they change it's cause you change cause i ain't gonna mess with you when you hold but what i can tell you're fragmented and broken the reason why panano didn't say that didn't mess with her anymore is because she wasn't mess worthy was worth anymore a ball i just made that up are you any more mess bull this is powerful right here that word transformed oh here it is here it is here it is y'all here it is numbers 13 33 it says it like this in numbers 13 33 the spies had gone to spiral the land the israelite spies when they expired the land they come back with the poor and here's what they said they said we were grass we were like grasshoppers in their sight and they thought the same thing we like grasshoppers in their sight they feel like we're grasshoppers in their sight because watch this your self-image always tells others how to view you this is too good this too uh do i need to slow down see see something happened to the way hannah saw herself after that word you know you got a good word when you see yourself differently because people get their direction on how to treat you based on how you see yourself and there's some people you don't talk to like that because you can see they ain't about that but the people that used to okay let me let me move on let me that's a point right there that's the point see when you're in god's waiting room that's that's point number seven i'm almost done your your healing and perspective will change the way people treat you it can change the way people treat you i'm going i got one more and i'm going i got one more and i'm done the rest of verse 19 and verse 20 really blessed me too it says when elkanah slept with hannah the lord remember her plea when elk and i slept with hannah the lord remembered her plea then they back home in rhema verse 20 says and in due time somebody say due time and in due time she gave birth to a son she named him samuel for she said i asked the lord for him now please pay attention to this pay attention to this the lord remembered her when elk and i slept with her in due time she had a son she gave birth the lord remembered her when elkanah slept with her which means at that moment he remembered her plea he remembered her altar at the altar and watch this in eternity it was done when he remembered her but it in due time she got a revelation in time of what had already happened in eternity oh god when he remembered her you got that you got that so watch this so some god when god remembered her she was carrying what she had been praying for but she had to see when god gives you a moment out of eternity you have to wait on earth until in time it reveals what he already did in eternity oh i don't understand do you understand what i'm saying but all that happened when her prayer shifted okay okay here's my last point here's my last point i'm gonna say this i have a word for somebody because god sent me to preach to somebody who's in god's waiting room right now you in there you in god's waiting room and this is the word this is the word for some of you in god's waiting room here's the word for you he has remembered you and for some of y'all you're due tell me i'm gonna say that again i will say that again some of y'all who are in god's waiting room right now god sent me to tell you he's remembered you and some of y'all you do right now well what are you saying pastor battle i'm saying if he remembers you that means you have not been forgotten that means he heard your prayer that means he knows what had you down that means watch this he's already done an eternity oh thank you lord he's already allowed you to conceive what he's going to reveal to you in due time some of y'all are already pregnant about what you're praying about but you ain't seen it yet because it ain't time yet [Laughter] if you know that's you right now if you know that you say that's me right now that's me right now see see you didn't even know you were pregnant you didn't know you were pregnant let me tell you something there ain't calories that's destiny yeah you just showing right now you thought you was just gaining weight you showing you understand what i'm saying you don't even know those little those little those little murmurs you're feeling that's the sign of god that he remembered you now i know it's hard for some of you younger christians you ain't young in ages just young with jesus to give god a praise for something you ain't seen yet but if anybody's got the kind of faith that understands that but when he says it i believe it before i see it when he says it i rejoice over what's coming i want to give you a second to give god a praise right there i thank you god just because you remembered me and when i wa oh god and before i see it in time i thank you that your credit is good just because you remembered me but some of y'all ain't just conceived you're due [Laughter] you're due it's time it's time it's time tell somebody i'm due i'm due after all the years you prayed i'm due i'm due i'm due after all the tears i've cried i'm due after all the things i've been through i'm due my cycle has stopped y'all ain't ready for this i miss my cycle the cycle is over cause i'm due it's coming now because i'm doohoo and oh wow that's why that's why you don't have that's why you gotta get up see some of y'all have been down in the waiting room oh thank you lord thank you lord when the three hebrew boys have been thrown into the fiery furnace the bible says they were tied up and thrown down but by the time nebuchadnezzar saw them they were up walking around in the midst of the fire and they were loose see some of y'all got to learn how to get up in the room you got to get up in the room lift up your heads oh you gates and be lifted up you everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord body in battle you got to get up you got to get up but god sent me to tell some of y'all you do you do yeah yeah yeah turn your ring on cause i'm do keep your phone next to you cause i'm dude any day now any moment now any second now i'm due to have manifested what i've been miserable about i love it i love it but you say well well pastor but she didn't get to keep this child you're right in fact first samuel chapter 2 verse 11 says that elkanah left this worship experience and went home to rama and they went home without samuel they went home without samuel but watch what god does in verse 18. i'm done 2 18. but samuel though he was only a boy served the lord he wore a linen garment like that of a priest verse 19. i'm in chapter 2 verse 19 each year his mother made a small coat for him and brought it to him when she came with her husband for the sacrifice these were church-going people every year she'd bring them a coke before they return home eli would bless elkanah and his wife and say this now watch this may the lord give you other children to take the place of this one she gave to the lord verse 21 and the lord gave hannah three sons and two daughters meanwhile samuel grew up in the presence of the lord god may not do it the way you want him to do it but his timing is always perfect oh god's timing is perfect even when it's painful oh i gotta say that again his timing is perfect even when it's painful and his plan is perfect even if it's painful he may not do it the way you wanted him to do it because he's got so many things he's working together the plan of god all we know is what we want if we would align what we want to what he wants we see something amazing i got to go with so much more to say i think you should read this story on your own check out our midweek experience this week where there'll be more discussion about it but before i leave i want to talk to somebody today maybe in your situation i don't know i always wonder how god brings people to this platform maybe you maybe you came today because somebody invited you they sent you this link or maybe you just are here you just stumble across it and you would call it fate and i'm saying to you it doesn't matter to me how you got here i'm i'm just glad you're here i'm just grateful that god allowed our paths to cross and i and i want to ask you a question i want to ask you a question and the question is if you could honestly just honestly measure your relationship with god right now and based on the distance or the closeness which would you say right now in your life right now that you and god are really close that you're close-knit relationally or would you have to say you know what right now there's a distance between we're disconnected i feel disconnected from god and and i ask you because if if you're in that situation where you feel distance or disconnect from god and you would like prayer for that i would i would be honored to pray for you that god might close that distance between you and him and i want to pray for you to that end and before i pray for you i want to tell you what i know i mean i know your situation but i'll tell you what i know i know god wants to be close to you i know it you know how i know it as strange as it sounds that a woman named hannah would sacrifice her only son for the good of others who does that god he did the same thing the bible says god gave his only son he sacrificed his only son he so loved the world that that's you and me too that he sacrificed his one and only son that we could be closer to him that whosoever whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life i know god loves you that he would do that much to get close to you and he's made jesus the bridge between us and him and so today i want to pray for you that you would take that bridge into a close and real relationship with god and so i'm not going to just pray for you i want to pray with you so i'll say words and you can echo them but it's your words and it's your heart that god is responding to so if you're ready right now i want to lead you in this prayer just repeat this after me dear god i thank you right now for caring enough about me to give me this opportunity i thank you lord for sacrificing your only son so that i may have a relationship with you to be honest god i don't understand a love like that but if you love me that much to make a way for me be close to you i accept it right now come into my life forgive me of my sins cleanse me from everything unrighteous lead me god and help me to follow you for the rest of my life in jesus name amen amen if you just pray right now and ask god to forgive you and help you to follow him for the rest of your life i'll rejoice with you and your relationship with him and i want to follow up with you if you're in a place where you can hit the chat button or you can let somebody know one of our hosts know that you've made that decision just push the button raise your hand somebody's going to follow with you and if you can't do any of that you can directly reach out to me you can email me at keith battle zionchurch.org keithbattle zionchurch.org and i want to help you take next steps in your journey and on this faith walk with jesus thank you all so much for being with us today and we'll see you again next time you
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 4,326
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: 5bnXnZ9_bKg
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Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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