I Am Allergic To The Sun

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hey I'm Sophia and when I was a kid me and my family always took trips to the beach I can still remember how much I loved building sandcastles and playing with those cute little crabs however one day I suddenly felt dizzy and noticed that I was completely covered in rashes and hives I got scared and ran to my mom to tell her that something was wrong however my throat was so swollen that I couldn't even speak my parents saw that I was suffocating and rushed me to the hospital luckily the doctors were able to save my life but a few hours later I got diagnosed with solar utak area or Sun allergy it means that whenever UV light rays hit my skin I get rashes that burn like fire to make things worse my Sun allergy is so extreme that I can't leave the house unless it's nighttime or unless I'm wearing a big sweatshirt that covers all of my skin you can imagine how my whole life changed in an instant the worst thing was going to school because all my classmates could play on the schoolyard well I had to stay inside my classroom with the curtains closed I felt so lonely and I couldn't even go to the cafeteria to eat with my classmates because it had such big windows and no curtains suddenly I was a complete loner without friends I guess that's why I hated school but life at home wasn't perfect either I had to spend a lot of time with my evil brother we hated each other and he always told me that my son allergy was ruining our family because we couldn't go camping or go to the beach anymore I also had nightmares where I tried to run away from the Sun but it would follow me into our basement once the sunrays hit me rashes would form on my arms with blue slime coming out of them and then I would slowly melt like a snowman on a beach but most of the time I spent laying in bed crying and wondering if any guy would ever be willing to date a misfit like me I was about to give up on life but then my brother had his 13th birthday my parents asked him if he had any wish and he said his only wish was to go back to the beach my parents got mad at him and told him to be considerate of my son allergy and to stop talking about the beach but he started crying pointed at me and said I was an evil vampire that was scared of the Sun and tried to suck the blood out of our family I remember feeling so terrible afterwards that I went to my mom and asked if she could bring me to a foster home because I didn't want to be a burden to our family anymore luckily I have the greatest mom in the world and she said that she would never ever leave me because she just loves me too much I guess that's exactly what I needed to hear because the next day I decided once and for all to stop being a victim of my son allergy and to finally take control of my life again I joined an indoor hockey team to make new friends I bought a telescope and took my family out to the beach and watched the stars at night and I stopped thinking of my son allergy as something bad that happened to me and instead I started to think of it as something good that happened for me and that made me become a stronger person now I'm in college and people here are much more understanding some even think it's cool that I have a son allergy and there was one cute guy who approached me and said he always wanted to date a good-looking vampire like me and I've also decided that if I should ever get married that it will be during a solar eclipse because that would be so romantic I guess it sounds crazy but at this point in my life I'm truly grateful for my Sun allergy it taught me that the events in our lives don't control us but that it's all about how we react to those events the first two years after I develop my son allergy I couldn't stop pitying myself and I spent every night crying myself to sleep and wondering why life was so unfair to me however now I realized that complaining about things you can't control doesn't make sense it's a waste of time and energy instead I tried to only focus on those things that I do have control over like studying for school or having a good time with my family playing board games and making jokes I just want to thank you for listening to my story I hope you learned something from it and please don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more animated stories
Channel: Share My Story
Views: 14,243,848
Rating: 4.7948771 out of 5
Id: UmtKdxywMc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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