Chet breaks the 4230.....

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if you want to see what happened to this thing today keep watching this video hey guys top of the mornin to y'all I got some office work to do today get the yard to clean off and that last snowstorm that you've seen in the last video I now get to clean up today and I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning out neighbors yards and my yard my dad's yard now I get to do the farmyard which is pretty much a solid 2/3 of a day yeah so I get to do some emailing phone call and today I can't say anything yet but I am super excited for the next video to tell you guys share some stuff with you and how I am going to save you guys money if you guys are farmers so make sure you don't miss next video because I'm super excited to announce what's gonna happen I'm gonna help all farmers across the United States out save some money we just need to buy a loader and a big blower which will be cheaper for the 8520 yeah it's a mess isn't it or a big blower for yeah like 70 grand should get you one of those think you know you're on camera that whole time look away I've had a tough weekend you're never never safe around me guys well time to start pushing snow which right off the bat the snow is as deep as the snow pusher right at the door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we should really get that marker out of the snow there that's our bean planter marker there long story so I'm down by the bend site here and cleaning down here is not not very fun or easy to do just because of tight areas to work in but I'll show you here what we got going on and that ain't that good situation is that's the tarp for the green pit and now the snow and ice is built up around there so unfortunately that's gonna be really bad when it starts to melt because the logger is gonna run towards the pit and I really don't know if we're gonna do about this because it's like ice I can't even break it up so what I really like about this skid loader antrax is that it literally just walks on top of the snow I'm goes up seven feet there's something on top of snow it just walks right up there but Labatt being said it does not like ice these tracks it's not good just really slippery that's why you can probably hear me spin out quite a bit or spend enough what I'm gonna do I'm gonna drop this snow pusher don't get the dirt bucket try it straight to Mountain ice and snow off the screen hit I'm really scared driving on these tarps scraping because the dance handled some throat handles on it and they're known to get ripped off the snow buckets and story mundo he wants me to drive on it to break it up try to break it up so that last clip you just saw of my uncle shoveling and the people that are thinking why don't you get your lazy butt out of the machine and help him shovel and why is it either guy running the skid loader the reason being is this hand controls no foot controls he's these two foot controls and our little Bobcat little Bob is what we call him but he is not familiar with these hand controls and he refuses to learn how to run this thing which Joyce but then that but the shovel in his hand unfortunately for him so no I'm not a spoiled brat he's always complaining about needing to be on a diet that needs to do more exercise so he's hiddenness wishes coming true yes mostly get after it big 42 grandpa is sending it look at that that is a deep snow bank we're talking 5 feet probably so that's snow there's about four to six inches of snow they think we're to know and everything blows around my goodness are the drifts big so we're replacing the windshield and the Tara Gator because I don't know why it broke what it did that's what he said yeah rust up behind the windshield and poplar is the guy that drives it don't load with the cab into the wind he looked all the old us drift across the cab and rust it all up I do my best good helps hard to find okay we should go and get that planter mercury in being or talking low screw-ups see what we all [Laughter] dad Marilyn something happen I think they just pop in there yeah I might have done that too drove the hose over a couple of times [Laughter] [Music] Oh dinnertime break from snow pushing and placing glass and there's tons of plates the mount ago grow in this old cab back in nineteen about forty two thirty and forty six thirty now that you're all in wheel that I think is pretty rare now this tractor it's actually really under horsepower for this blower I think the blower is rated for like a hundred and fifty horsepower sure what this tractor is [Music] hey you guys didn't fall up awesome did y'all enjoy the view up there I was cool I like that well I actually didn't get the tractor Phil Phil appeal because of pump filter gelled up better warm up here I thought I was done for the day and we came in here and there was oil leaking out of the hydraulic hose and it's the ones that go to the steering inside the cab so I was maybe like this close to being my feet soaked with oil and the cab fill up with oil anyways I got it all tore apart now so it's these three actually they were all original so they made it like ninth I was in some hours I think is on this thing ninety five hundred and sixteen hours on that original hoses down in there thanks for watching this video of us clean off our yard and replace a windshield I hope you enjoyed it give us a thumbs up if you liked it or thumbs down if you have to leave a comment don't forget to subscribe I appreciate it thank you you [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 209,853
Rating: 4.9670329 out of 5
Id: CL7SsEO9qGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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