Chet Gets Sprayer Stuck.

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hey everybody how's it going today welcome to larson farms got a busy day ahead of us i am currently heading up to our makeshift water holding containment center area tank setup yeah the tank setup [Music] gonna hook it up and start filling and let it run for i don't know how many days so here's our tanker trailer that if you watch that video of us washing it all out got it all cleaned up we are now going to fill it with water what are you confused you're to the rescue yeah that don't hook up there so this one hooks up to this one right here so basically what we got to do is change where the pump is sucking from since it's not sucking out of the tank you're sucking off the ground so turn that valve there that changes that changes that sucking from the trailer to the ground there you go just like that so now we are sucking from the ground now we take our pump hose off of there peel it out and then we blow it on our trailer [Music] so now we're sucking out of this tank there is our 6 500 gallons that i'm about to start filling with the garden hose this is the hose suck off the ground so i change that three-way valve so that it's not sucking off of the trailer the pump that's on here sucking off the ground then the hose that the pump always comes out of we hook up to the trailer and self-fill it so yes you heard right we fill all this up 9 500 gallons of water with a 5 gallon per minute garden hose i've got to finish this project i never did because we didn't want to fill this so early but now spray season is coming upon us quickly so we're going to get this all set up here so that it fills both of them so i'm putting a tee in here because each one of these tanks has its own float in it which everyone fills up first will shut off and then it'll primarily fill most likely the big one longer i gotta go get some more parts we're only gonna be putting a thousand gallons on that spray trailer right now cause that's all i need i gotta go spray 120 acres because our cover crop has decided it wants to come back to life and it's time to kill it from last year and we're gonna spray that then the water trailer is gonna go with the town eric and he's gonna get some more 28 percent then we're gonna go spray that on for as fertilizer with some triple flex on those seven acres that dad planted last saturday and then he's gonna run home and get more water so that we can border fields because the grass and different assortments of weeds are growing in from the edges and we're still about two weeks away from our main spray season we're still two weeks away the corn is a little small to start spraying right now like our last pass of the year we normally only do one pass on corn so that's what we're going to be doing today time to turn around voyage experience here voyage experience voyage run something like that [Music] so here we go see you in about uh i don't know what i figure 30 hours something like that i don't know you can do the math and comment below how many hours it's gonna take to kill 9 500 gallons we're leaking she's leaking [Music] i think that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i forgot to turn the truck off can i have a bit of excess water aboard eric's not gonna be happy with me he told me to watch that and i forgot so this stupid old ring ain't worth the crap it's too small it wasn't leaking before working now boy that's going to take a while still smells like hog poop so right now that's kind of looked slower than it really is because it's filling both at the same time that tank and this one that's why it's slower or appears slower than it is but it's about five gallons a minute i forgot to check it didn't i how much i was putting on on here yeah it's just a little over just a little too much i was so busy youtubing you know so we're over here in the shed or eric's carrying some chemicals away but we're just kind of going through leftover chemicals from previous years picking out what we want to use here for some bordering of edges and more or less getting surfactants not so much chemicals just different surfactants leftovers so when we have a leftover from a tote hopefully it works out where we can fit it in two and a half gallon jugs and then the next year we try to use that stuff up first since it's year-old chemical that's what we're doing right now and also guys if you're looking for another place to source chemical maybe to price check your local dealers check out eggchem solutions they've treated us very well as far as good pricing on chemical for we've done business with them for 10 years so go check them out their link is in the description below talk to john he's a real nice guy he won't treat you wrong [Music] and now so i'm actually going to our farthest farm away is about 25 or something miles away so i'm heading all the way out there to spray pretty much just round up because all we have out there it don't need spraying as far as weeds but our cover crop like i said earlier from last fall the cover crop has regrown and is now starting to take over the field so we got a lot of what looks like grass out there but it's i think rye so i'm going out there to spray it and it'll probably get a be getting re-sprayed with all our other mixes i would say in two to three weeks something like that but we got to do something because the rye grass is out of control i don't know if it's a grass or rye or i don't really know but it's in the cover crop mix that we have to do 300 acres of a year because we're in the program that is the plan and it's really an annoying hassle is what it is we'll get there taken care of today and then we're just going to kind of go all over and border fields so off we go got her hooked up she's locked and loaded so we have to load level because it's such a big tank that's why i park across the road if traffic comes we normally pull ahead let them go by depending on how loaded we are or not good to go [Music] so he's messing around he's heading back to the co-op to get 28 and a few other little chemicals that were short on for the next couple fields and i am loaded up now ready to go i'm gonna spray this 120 acres go to another field spray 50 acres and by then i should be empty ready to reload what he's coming to get [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what you're gonna see here shortly is the shot of the steerable hitch following where i'm driving with the tractor i'm going around a pretty sharp curve right now as you can see really sharp and that steerable hitch is following exactly where i'm driving with the tractor so i am not driving on the road at all the only reason it would drive on the road is it's really if it's really essy and it can't go from one side to the other really quick that'd be the only reason or that i'm driving on the road with the tractor [Music] so here i stop mid turn here mainly to grab the gopro as you can see the sprayer is following exactly where the tractor is and i don't know if you can see from that angle but obviously we're mid pretty sharp curb here come right there did a loop so that's why i feel like this does as good as a self-propelled sprayer as far as crop loss as long as you know obviously you're not in big crops where you don't have the clearance but i love the steerable hits i would highly suggest that to anybody looking at a self or a pull type sprayer there's a little bit more stuff to learn in the manage as far as getting it set but normally once you get it set it's pretty much set for life hopefully you guys are enjoying this video please give it a thumbs up if you are and comment i'd appreciate it i'm gonna put the camera down for a bit get something done otherwise eric's gonna catch me so those of you that are wondering what i'm out here spraying for here's a good example this right here looks like grass but it is the cover crop from last fall and i believe it's rye and then not only that we've got ourselves i'm not sure if this is a turnip or a radish guessing it's a turnip i don't know so basically out here spray and round up on this to kill the radish the turnips and the rye we put out here last fall with our spreader to be a cover crop which then it regrows in the spring and i'm not sold on the whole cover crop idea it's just as i think it's a waste honestly but whatever government says that's what we should do so it's what we're doing that's all i can say with that also being said we're now spraying an extra pass on this field because of the cover crop which i think is kind of backwards of what they want done but we have to i mean it's taking over the field but if we wait another three weeks two to three weeks so this corn is about a foot to 15 inches tall when we come out that stuff's gonna be a lot harder to kill it's gonna eat a lot of nutrients so that's why we're out here now doing an extra pass on this field which let me tell you nobody wants to do we want to spray one time not twice extra cost involved whole nine yards you know what it's all about we've suffered a disappointing loss my foot decelerator is no longer decelerating the tractor engine why don't you work that's really going to cut into the efficiency level supposed to idle down the tractor when i turn with my foot now i'm going to lose my snapchatting hand to the throttle man that's just so eric's here now we just got loaded up with 28 percent again triple flex and some roundup for some burn down and we got to switch back to the flood nozzles because we're gonna be putting on pretty high rate to get our fertilizer out here then i'll be switching nozzles again to go back to spraying borders this ain't too big of a drop because all you do is turn that so you're at flood nozzle turn that so nothing's coming out if they're halfway they're not they're down they're spraying do you ever think you'd have someone watching you switch nozzles yeah but look at this see how close we are to your end see how many nozzles i turn well at the same time we broke those before that's from folding in the rough roads so basically i'm running each section until chemical comes out the chemical i'm spraying now that is so i just sit here turn each one on he makes sure the pattern spraying properly because you don't want plug nozzles and when they just sit there not spray they're known to plug so i can turn each section there's ten sections on this sprayer so i can turn each section on individually starts with five foot section 10 foot section and then 15 foot sections in the center which is really nice it would appear that he has found a plug one or one that wasn't making pattern properly so boom is purged nozzles are good i will spray my eight acres now so since we're putting it on such a high rate to get our fertilizer out here the liquid four miles an hour is uh top speed just because i don't have big enough nozzles to put out that any faster my foot decelerator started working again efficiency is back online off to the next one yeah yeah spray all the sloughs while you're out there yeah i'm 12 miles away from home and i'm stuck also dad i said we need to replace the tracks on this tractor yeah no we'll run them another season ah should have brought more lunch no one answers this phone eric is the only guy at the farm no one will answer the phone well i suppose we can get out and inspect the patheticness i knew better than to listen to dad yeah they're dry yeah they're not dry he was supposed to replant out here or plant these spots i don't think so i don't think so can you tell i'm irritated it's hard not to bring it to the camera but boy this this is right up there again with 15 feet off of the field edge and i'm stuck and then i did what no man should ever do try to ram yourself out by going back and forth made it much worse much much worse at least it's solid down there oh look there's water [Music] well there's your problem it's dragon victimized by a t-track again [Music] honestly slew bugs all over me yep honestly as you can see i was out of it or coming out of it but it's literally so slippery that the tracks are all plugged up because tracks are shot i just can't get back up out of the rut please answer okay grandma maybe grandma can get a quad track out here [Music] hello hey is eric on the yard you understand i was on the yard do you see him out on the forklift somewhere he won't answer his phone and i need a pull okay i don't see him right now on the forklift but merlin could go out and you needed what i'm stuck out spraying and i'm stuck well that's not good no okay where are you at course is east quarter oh that says it all that says it all okay we're going to go out and see if he can find eric or somebody yep have him call me out of all the days to forget some water man forget how hot summer is thirsty starting to get a headache things from the dehydration or the stress level one of the two i did finally get a hold of eric i think he was napping or something something about he was laying down i don't know what he was doing [Music] whoo he's going to be professional towing company here shortly [Music] so [Music] should have the gopro on this thing instead of the front it really went down bad the old sprayer was really sinking i was getting to be a little concerned there for a moment i thought we were going to snap the spare tracks off the ropes works good maybe a good thing dad ain't here i seen that left track start to actually tip down under the mud but i couldn't stop leave it on the tractor well i hope this isn't a trend that continues to happen i rolled it up once it's your fault now [Music] well i think that's going to be the day for me got a few more borders sprayed on my way back to the farm and got plenty more to do tomorrow i think the big swede will be taking over this position i got some other jobs i need to do tomorrow you guys get stuck as much as we do whereas i do yeah probably not there's a reason everyone calls it a doggo as of last season and doggo was the one getting stuck all the time i think he got stuck like 15 times last year it was pretty bad if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe so that you can continue to watch this and get notified whenever we come out with a new video because you never know what's going to happen around here if you guys are in need of a new tow rope check out the link in the description below get yourself five percent off using larson farms at checkout at so thanks again guys for watching i really appreciate it really enjoy being able to show all my screw-ups so the neighborhood can talk about oh they got stuck again huh yeah i got stuck again guys
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 183,954
Rating: 4.9756012 out of 5
Id: Bfo8Frl4B3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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