I ALMOST DIED completing Minecraft Hardcore AGAIN!

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ah oh my goodness stress that was almost the end that was almost the end of minecraft hardcore i'm shaking i'm actually shaking that was legitimately terrifying everyone i have a surprise for you actually not technically everyone because if you've been watching the twitch live streams where i've been working on this hardcore world this won't be a surprise to you but for most of you it will be i've been working hard behind the scenes don't worry there's nothing new that you would have missed in a video it's just behind the scenes stuff but i finally have the results and this probably took me about i want to say like six or seven hours at least to do i'm gonna turn around and you're gonna make the shocked emoji face okay three two one [Music] yeah yeah this happens yes i finally made the extension to the castle now i know you're thinking why'd you do a livestream why why we've missed it all well no technically not that's not true basically i would have done all of this behind the scenes anyway but instead i decided to do it on livestream and hang out with you guys so look at it it's absolutely insane there's red stone gubbins that i've been doing there's two new towers it's uh it's a chunky boy not gonna lie to you it's absolutely huge anyway there's a few things that are left to do so without further ado let me introduce you to floating castle 2.0 we also need to do the uh the rest of the clouds too i guess you could call this maybe 3.0 i'm not too sure but let me um safely get down here [Music] we're safe and let me show you how this works but hello how's it going welcome back to minecraft hardcore i've been having a lot of fun going back into this world and look at it it's so beautiful um how are you doing if you leave a like on the video uh that'd be greatly appreciated to celebrate the almost finishing of uh the chunky castle and if you're new to the videos or you just haven't subbed yet then check below the video there could be a big shiny red subscribe button if that's there that means you haven't subscribed so if you could tap that and click that for me that'd be greatly appreciated so welcome to the brand new castle check it out i think in the last video we were maybe up to we were either up to like here or up to here with the sorting system but now we've got a whole corridor's worth which is perfect i haven't finished sorting the items we'll kind of do that today but i also have another mission for today as well we've got two new towers which i haven't quite decided what to do with and we can also extend it out as well so we could take it from like my bedroom side and then go all the way across because it's only one level right now but for those of you that haven't seen the live streams i want to show you how the sorting system works there's a lot of chests i need to get rid of as well to be honest with you all of this stuff i'm not quite sure what to do because it's single stack items that don't quite work as well so i might just have like some random chest at the end with just loads of random stuff in it but we'll work that out i need to get rid of this but when that's got rid of this place is going to be insane actually insane so let me show you how this works i need oh there's so much stuff my inventory why do i keep doing this let me get rid of the glass uh black stone bricks cobblestone i'll keep i've got so much random stuff on me rails i mean i can put the rails somewhere else so that i know where they are i think the rails go in here um i think there's some repairs i still need to do but let's put all of that in there for now redstone dust can go in the redstone chest is that everything i've got extra bits of like armor and stuff on me for no reason there we go sweet okay so let me show you how this works i'm gonna need some coal real quick uh coal okay we'll take three i only need one actually and a test item so let's grab let's grab some diamonds so i'm gonna grab seven diamonds even and then ten left in here so i'm gonna put those in this chest right here this is gonna be the main chest where the minecart picks everything up and then goes round the whole system okay now i need to locate the actual minecarts i've just remembered i've blocked everything in so let's just go into the back area which is impossible to get to actually and i've got one rail missing oh no quick repair quick repair i get through i can't get through this way that's the most annoying thing uh easiest way to get through is probably gonna be the roof which is not gonna be the prettiest thing but it's gonna be right let's do this and then we should be able to get this to work so you haven't seen many people use these which is kind of the reason why i wanted to use it but basically it can turn into a train if you use coal uh let's have a look and see if there's anything in the mine cart with a hopper there isn't right so if we send this bad boy on its way that's gonna go all the way around by right-clicking it with coal oh no i didn't repair it i didn't repair it no we like glide down here oh no how have i messed this up dude how do i get in there i even said i was gonna do the repair like a dummy oh no quick repair quick repair oh down here is perfect okay let's uh pop this down here oh come on see that i've made the whole thing and now it's become inconvenient can i place this i can't even place it oh no [Music] yes i did it okay now i need to get out of here because i need to see how this works i don't want to block any of the things okay it's going the other way so this is going to go all the way around this is going to push this minecart with some force and you can actually oh no oh i forgot that i haven't actually oh no i haven't oh no this is bad um how can i fix this oh this is really embarrassing so i used to have it going around here but now i have this walkway i need it to go all the way around here i guess for now i could just patch it up so let's do that so we need rails all the way along here come here thank you uh let's grab this and this okay give me two seconds i'm gonna fix this it's not gonna take long i promise blocked off my towers for this demonstration but it should work so if i patch this up and then patch this up oh no take it you haven't run out of fuel already there's no way that's just that's greedy i think i'm going to sleep oh we've also befriended a black cat which um was just roaming around i swear these are just witches cats but it just roamed around in my um in my world for a while so i've adopted it now which is probably not the greatest idea not the luckiest omen out of the lucky omens uh let me break this and send it on its way finally this thing's working okay so this goes all the way around and what's gonna happen is this little minecart goes down grabs some of the grabs oh for goodness sake how did i how did i break all of this what is broken oh it went up it actually went up it worked it's gonna get stuck on the way back down but it's taken the diamonds and it should no no no this isn't even funny it just deposited them in there hey this isn't funny this is not funny at all what are you doing here oh no guys what am i supposed to do with this guy in here do you think this is funny i built this whole thing this whole thing hey hey look at me when i'm talking to you okay he's just gonna it's gonna keep on going oh no what what do i do i've built this whole thing you heard it took so many hours but i'm gonna have to pull out the big guns the shoot junior you know what to do buddy you know what you got to do your mission in life is to try and destroy this guy in one shot i can't believe he's done this did he fall through this hole there's potentially could have fallen through this hole all right let's try and get him from here got him punk oh yeah i've got to tell you some other things i want to do today so i want to complete minecraft yet again by uh actually achieving this which i think we need to find a bastion for so i can't spend too much time here and there was there was one other thing i wanted to do but it's kind of slipped my mind right now so i'm not sure what it what it is it will come back to me don't worry right i need some i need some sticks i need to make a couple more rails so let's do that sorry i'm completely unorganized i was like everything is fine i've got a sorting system now but apparently no i'm not organized whatsoever right rails give me oh 16. that's kind of spicy uh where was this broken it was broken down here wasn't it okay if we put let's push this along a little bit there we go so now that is completely fixed basically it deposited the diamonds in and it will deposit the diamonds in here i think so let's see if it makes it round here it comes here comes the magic so this is just gonna work and i'm gonna have multiple hoppers and multiple things going around oh it might deposit it in there actually where is it actually gonna deposit in the diamonds this could be this could be big i don't know where the diamonds have ended up it's collected more of them though let's see if it puts it in watch on the left see if it comes through i i don't hear it why are you stuck again oh it run out of coal oh yeah that's going to be an issue i would like those back please yeah that's going to be my main issue but i want to try and find a way to deposit coal into into it automatically yeah this hasn't really gone as well as i hoped um i might have to replace it with rails at the uh like powered rails eventually but for now i want this to work go do what you're supposed to do so now this should go into diamonds deposited them in and every time it goes round and round and round it'll deposit the diamonds which is beautiful it works i just need to make this rail go all the way around the outside and then it'll work even better but there you go there is my sorting system in minecraft 10 minutes longer of an explanation than it needed to be but at least you guys know how it works now okay let me get rid of some of this stuff because we need to go to the nether to find a bastion and then i need to remember what on earth i needed to do next get rid of the tap was one thing and then i'm probably gonna spend another stream getting rid of all these boxes apart from that i think i'm ready to go um crafting table just in case fresh carrots i am gonna need some more oh if i if i sorted these away one second i think i've sorted these away oh i need leather that's what i need there's gunpowder in one of these barrels but i haven't got enough gunpowder for it to get to the limit where is it going to be in here that's glass okay never mind did i have a gunpowder one hello oh he did sweet look at him go around my babies man i actually feel like a proper minecrafter now i've done it i've ascended let me make some more fireworks just in case we need them okay that will be perfect and then we can shove the paper back in in here so i need to breed some more cows let's go get some wheat and let's breed some more cows i need all of this wheat give me so as well with the rail tracks as you can see there are some rails here already the idea is to make this sorting system and this world completely efficient so what i mean by that is automated farms which then go into a certain chest and then the rail cart system will pick it up that is the advantage of having a rail car sorter because if you're using water and stuff i'm not quite sure how that would work but for example this is my ah this is my carrot farm and it's absolutely huge but yeah with my carrot farm i can have the i can have the hopper minecart come in here pick up the carrots and deliver them to my base so that's the plan with that for now let's go breed some cows for my juicy juicy leather i literally only need them for item frames that's it hello fellas how's it going let's have a let's have a cuddle party come on get real close and for some reason my iron golems have fallen in here which means that uh if i slice the wrong cow i eat an iron golem i'm gonna die in a hardcore world that ain't fun at all has everyone got what they came for is everyone got a cuddle partner has this happened okay i'm just gonna keep dishing it out i think that's good i need more babies no stay in there stay in there don't look at this have the seeds take them if you want now that's done we need to go to the nether because apparently what my last uh my last mob is to complete this achievement is a piggling brute which sounds terrifying and i am scared but i'm not gonna tell you guys i'm scared but i definitely am what do i need to take with me i've got i've got undying potions i might need to take one more undying totem um just in case because i'm i'm a little bit terrified i think this is all i need actually i don't really need the map either because i don't use it anymore so i'm gonna put that in i don't even have a valuables chest anymore this is kind of wild i'm not used to it let's take a couple more golden apples keep the spyglass iron axe can stay in here for now i don't need this i've got my boy my boy right here i think this is it because we're gonna have to start attacking some piglens and i don't think they're um i don't think i'll be happy about it to the nether am i wearing a hat i am wearing a hat okay that's good very very good sir can you point me to your nearest sebastian please sir i need your help oh that's way too close sorry which way should we go i feel like there was a way with bastions i want to say it this way i could be completely wrong i feel like they take a long time to find um i'm gonna go this way this could be a terrible decision but i'm gonna do it so i need to remember that i am going i'm facing north so i need to go south to come back home oh man another massive project after the item sorter is making like a universal travel system with my horses or boats and ice but we'll get to that one project at a time we're going to find a bastion oh there's another fortress right here that's kind of nuts oh this is where the striders were well there's another fortress here as well okay we need to remember this because that's so close all i'm looking for are bastions that's all i need and bastions are like the big black stone structures you can't miss them but they're very hard to find and then we need to kill a brute but if it's not a brute then i don't really know what we're looking for you guys said it's a brute so i'm gonna trust you i know we found them before i don't think we killed anyone yeah this is definitely the right way this is definitely the right way because the gold is here gold doesn't spawn in the places i've already been so let me try and get through here i'm gonna find a bastion let's see how long it takes all right oh no way no way i think we just found one i think we legit just bumped into one by accident oh my luck is insane hello is there anyone is there anyone in here i need to be careful not to mind the gold because they get real annoyed hello sir didn't see i did see you there where is the entrance to this thing i think we're in one of the side bits i don't know how to identify a brute i'm guessing he's going to be a little bit a little bit chubbier no offense okay we're definitely close um oh jeez i think this is one though i can hear the the pigs they're honking yeah oh what are you doing in there you good as long as we don't get caught um attacking anyone or stealing anything we should be fine is this a bastion though i've already been here so this is really close i'm unsure if this is a bastion um can i can i see nether wastes ruins this is like the normal biome right i think what we need to locate is like the big square building i'm pretty sure that's what we need to find it's like a huge square room i don't know if every bastion has it oh yeah i've definitely been here before hello guys i've come to find a bigger room can you tell me where it is i'm nervous at this lava around as well oh okay these guys are having a party in here i don't want to know what's going on in there maybe this isn't a bastion it seems very small this seems like an exit to one but this is all that's here it's just this i don't think this is one man that would have been so good to find i feel like i need to go somewhere else and get one oh wait it's two rooms on top of each other oh i'm still pretty confused maybe we can go up even further it's pretty tall there's a chest in here i definitely remember this place for sure i feel like this isn't like yeah i've been here i've stared out of here before i'm not sure what i found i just need one of your bruties even if i can find one in here but everyone's everyone was saying in my live stream that they're only in the proper bastions like the big ones with the the the massive loot yeah i don't think this is gonna be one no let me research it a sec i wanna see where i need to find one of these guys okay i'm looking at the wiki right now here it is so this is the man that we are looking for he's got black clothes he's got a pretty sick looking i don't know arm guard just on one arm a mighty axe he's got 50 health but i think now we've got our new lid shop we should be fine they only spawn in bastion remnants i think we're in one of those it's just not a very good one so i think we're gonna try and find another one because i've definitely seen a better one than this that's the one i'm talking about that's a beast this is kind of the one we're in now because it's got that yeah i don't know i don't know if we're about to find one i feel like this is a dead end so if i go i need to go north so i need to find my way out of here and then we're gonna fly can you point me to the direction of a new one or oh maybe the stairs hold up well this is the actual stairway i'm looking for the guy in the black outfit they do spawn in these but it depends it's just completely random oh my goodness this is terrifying this looks like a dead end i think this is yeah these are the stairs that just got the sides of these things ah no oh no oh no oh no oh no don't don't panic don't panic we're fine i genuinely thought that was lava oh my heart my heart i'm gonna have a heart attack okay we made it to the other side right i think this is where we entered it right so i'm gonna head over here and try and find another one all of this because they decided to add an extra mob in the update why do they do this to me they just want to see pain and suffering lachop this is gonna be your big uh it's gonna be your big day all right you're gonna have to try and take down a whole bastion with me it's kind of wild right this is perfect i need as much open space okay i need to stop messing around if i fall in lava it's game over because i panic like crazy but this is this is a perfect space to find one since it's got loads of open space space to generate uh let's see if we can find one shall we we gotta find a fresh one to take down this is gonna be wild oh oh wait oh this one's huge okay let's go look ah almost fell off almost fell off why this is not my day i feel like things are gonna go very very wrong today okay actually we should be able to use our telescope is there one down here if a ghast knocks me off i'm gonna be very upset i'm scared okay i'm gonna try and have a little peek in and see if we can find any of the the brutes random skelebone you're not wearing black it's just the guys in black i think we're just gonna have to go in i think we're fine as long as we don't attack anything or steal anything and there's some chests up there that i would really really like i'm gonna be super careful all right i'm just gonna do a little bridging hello can i bridge there we go do a little bit of bridging it's not going to be it's not going to be any kind of suspicious behavior so they aren't going to attack me you're not going to attack me are you sir you're going to be all right there we go i'm just doing a little tour um nothing funky going on just just peeping all right oh there's four chests okay can they see me from here anyone in a black outfit friends or foes how are you doing how's it going in here there are none here i don't think i can mine the black stone but anything with goldie and i can't mine that would have been perfect if he was in here because they're trapped oh my goodness this is the loot right here okay let me see if i can go down because i just want that big treasure room if i can find the treasure room i have a feeling there'll be more there i don't really know okay is there more this side there's a little bit of an opening this isn't oh geez okay anyone with black on though oh there's none so many skele bones i'm gonna have to pop some from here ow what'd i just say leave me alone you will die here okay there's some people coming from over here as well no no no no this is not yet this is not it no no this is not how this happens get on the boy wow guys oh the gang is here yo never touch it we can use these guys to our advantage oh that was a that was amazing that was so good how are you doing lads that was great what an idiot oh it's really tall i've been up there haven't i i feel like these are just the the stairways oh boy since they're outside i might be able to do a little a thief you know a little thief oh this is the other side i feel like we haven't explored these properly you know i'm just a little bit scared because if this this goes wrong this goes really wrong look at all the loots no piglins no one saw that no one saw that happen should we see what's in the chests oh block of iron as well what i'll take the arrows there's netherright scraps in here oh buddy oh we're going looting today i forgot you could have those in here ancient debris we can just we can just grab that can't we mine it was anyone watching because if they if they see you stealing you're in big trouble oh your boy is eating good tonight let me see if we've got any other chests up here i know we have we've seen loads i need to be careful because there's so many holes that i could fall down and i'm i am wearing my elytra okay no worries i think i just saw a guy through here you're not wearing black either where all my chests at i could get so much netherite from this uh piercing crossbow trash i'm gonna do the single ones first uh a diamond pickaxe hey what i know we don't really need one but i think they're angry i think i think they can hear us um oh man i wish i didn't have all this stuff on me what should we get rid of let's get rid of the arrows i'll take this no way we just got a pig step we just legitimately got pig step oh what do i get rid of now i really don't need all of this netherrack is that one how rare is that oh yes i was actually gonna do a um a search for the discs but yo i'll take that some more iron shovel okay this one was a little bit trash to be honest with you we got the big step disc i don't know if we have that yet or not but that was a clean robbery right there no one needs to know anything about it i think as long as i don't see you do it i think you're safe yeah i'm just going to get out of here i've robbed this place i don't really want to stick around and see what happens to the north bye guys nice knowing you you may find some of your stuff is missing oh let's go find another one shall we i thought they were pretty rare or we've just been really lucky big fortress unfortunately don't need one of those this time i just need your bastions this is definitely not what i was looking for but look at this this nether fortress is insane it's on like the highest stilts i've ever seen for another fortress we found one we have found one let's go oh okay we need to be careful we've actually found one please let there be the man that i want to find in here i need just one of them and i can thief from this one too right let's see how we get on um start from the top and work our way in right you're a skinny boy oh there's two there's two i've found them so the reason we're doing this by the way if you haven't caught up on the episodes they've added um they've added the brutes but they didn't include them in the monsters hunted achievement i already had this achievement i've completed this minecraft achievement list so many times but they as with the updates keep coming they keep adding achievements so i need to kill a brute apparently if this is wrong we blame um we blame you guys actually because you're the ones that have been spamming it at me so how do we take one of these guys down oh apparently they don't they don't like me now already um why are they coming at me already what happens if i just uh oh i thought i killed a normal one okay apparently these guys are aggressive towards me just naturally so let's put that on we can't put the helmet on i think i'm just going to try and do this as carefully as possible um all right here he comes here comes boy hello sir how are you can i give you a little tickle are you up for that i've got i've got a bigger axe than you that's embarrassed you hasn't it [Music] oh i made it bad oh i made him mad i kind of want his loot as well is this the last one if it if it is then the achievement will come up okay that's three shots four shots [Music] five shots yes i don't know why it lagged oh you guys were right though you guys were so right i know there's another one down here as well we got it let's go one of every hostile monster i hear stomping um okay they're down there do they know i've just killed their friends oh there's more oh no oh no stop did he drop anything i don't think he did there's two more oh we're in big trouble never mind i'll glitch the game they take a lot of damage sir i would like to kill you where you at there's another one down there oh man oh these things are insane look at their face too he means business he's got bowel scars and everything i want to see if there's any decent loot here i don't see no treasure chests there we go easy does it easy does it [Music] no no no no no not now ow why why you like this stop oh almost fell off oh jeez no i went to kill it i almost embarrassed myself completely yo that would have been so bad i need to be careful so very careful [Music] no oh no oh no oh no this is bad this is bad this is very bad oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no next totem jeez oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez oh no [Music] oh no oh no don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me oh oh my goodness oh stress guys no if i didn't put that other totem in my offhand i'd have died i am shaking full-on quaking oh my goodness that was almost the end that was almost the end of minecraft hardcore i'm shaking i i i done the achievement i got greedy i got greedy i don't know what to do now i'm actually shaking okay we gotta be careful extremely careful so we need to try and get out of here i really want the treasure though that was legitimately terrifying i think if that guy got the crossbow shot off i'd be dead i'm going home can you imagine if that happens we're on day 848 i really wanted to make it with to a thousand if there's anywhere i'm gonna die it's gonna be the nether and it almost happened ha yes i found it i'm home okay everyone i'm alive i spent six to eight hours making myself a huge castle like this full redstone sewing machine beautiful excellent piece of machinery and then just have it um be all taken away when i die now that was rough okay what did we go there for again oh yeah we did this okay it's all golden everything is golden everything is rosy and we also got ourselves pig step which i don't think we have yet um no we don't pig step is actually super rare i think do we have a jukebox though wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's right here right here okay here we go oh it's been nasty it's a bit nasty i kind of like it i've actually not heard this yet oh [Music] oh this is terrifying kind of cool though kind of cool well guys i think i'm gonna end this episode here um i didn't get rid of the tap but i did complete minecraft again but i almost lost everything this beautiful room this whole thing was almost gone thank you for tuning in for another eventful episode it wasn't even meant to be eventful i was like this episode's gonna be boring isn't it oh no never a boring moment in minecraft hardcore so thank you so much for watching uh leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're brand new you can check if you're subs by checking just below the video i just grab a lie down lie down cold shower just to wake myself up after that thank you again so much for watching guys and i'll see you in the next one [Music] goodbye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,292,119
Rating: 4.9633713 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft
Id: SMo-sM9iacU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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