I Adopted the Dog Nobody Wanted | 491 Days in the Animal Shelter | Meet Pollux

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can you say hi Pollux this is Pollux this is what I've been doing it for the past I guess six days now we adopted Pollux the day after Christmas it completely yah it completely happened by chance this was not intended I did not intend to get a dog we have Maxie our little white schnauzer but now we have we have Pollux so let me tell you the story of Pollux the Saturday before Christmas was late at night I got on the Facebook page for our local humane society why in the world I did that I have no idea but for some reason I got on our Facebook page or their Facebook page and there was a picture of Pollux this sweet little face and it was only a picture of his face basically exactly like that you couldn't see his body there was no information about him nothing all it said was that Pollux had been in the shelter for 491 days and that they were hoping that he would be adopted so that he could be in a home on Christmas y'all it broke my heart literally you know the shelter's closed I can't get any information honey I have no idea what kind of dog is how big he is what is he weigh like what's his temperament I have no idea we decided that on Monday morning we were going to go to the shelter and look into Pollux so when they open first thing I called them and I got some information on what kind of dog he was they had no idea he was brought in with the litter of puppies when he was just several weeks old and he has spent his entire life in the animal shelter they have a little meet-and-greet room at the shelter so the girls and I went in raid he wasn't with us and they brought Pollux into the room and we figured out he's 45 pounds don't know what breed he is but he is scared to death literally he's scared of everything he has been in the shelter his entire life never really been around people just always around other dogs barking and all the aggression and the noise and the concrete floors and all the echoing in the shelter that's all he knows so we spent about an hour and a half with Pollock's and he would not look at us we couldn't touch him he was cowered down he started to open up just a little bit if there was a sound in the shelter if a dog barked if somebody talked he would just cower down Christmas Eve wake up cannot stop thinking about the dog toad Randi I want to go get the dog so then we started talking about well what does this mean we've never had a big dog we've always had Miniature Schnauzers under 20 pounds little dogs like Maxie you know we're not our house is not equipped for big dog we talked it through I didn't tell the girls we decided that we were going to go get him and so I printed out a little picture of him and wrapped it as a gift and put it under our tree so on Christmas morning there was a gift that said to my family on the tag and they thought it was for Maxie and when they open again it was actually from Polly [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] he's the owner Alberto brother so it's Christmas Day so we talked about it all day what are we gonna do how are we gonna get him you know all the stuff the shelter's closed so first thing Thursday morning after Christmas we are at the shelter the minute they open and I had sent a message to the shelter hoping that they would see it letting them know that we were going to come adopt Pollock's and when we got there they had given him a bath and trimmed his toenails and he was ready for us and so this is the moment when they brought him out to greet us policy say hi buddy all right let's go okay y'all go I'll go get my sea beyond the bush race that will leg tails so now that we have Pollux home we quickly realized because Pollux has never been out of the shelter he doesn't know how to go up and down the stairs he has no idea Pollux has no normal dog instinct he does not lift his leg to pee he doesn't have the instinct to mark his territory because I guess growing up in the shelter and there's just so many dogs and smells every everywhere he doesn't have the instinct to mark his territory and so when I would take him out on a leash he would not be standing next to me did you hear me talk about you he is smelling the pillow on my couch and today he's been super inquisitive he spends most of his day just investigating our house he's never smelled food cooking or had table food just the the general sounds of our house if we turn on a water faucet or basically if anybody moves he jumps because he is so anxious and so freaked out because he's never been in a house if he does decide that he's gonna sit down or lay down he will lay on this cold kitchen floor seems like he's gonna do it right now he's used to just being in the shelter a cold concrete floor then we realized this morning that he does not like it when my husband puts on a hat he will start barking if Randy puts on a hat or if Brandi comes home from work and Randy has only boots and he comes clumping in the house right Pollock's don't like the boots no boots no hat got to come off but this is what he does he falls asleep standing up last night he fell asleep literally standing up and fell over with his head up he's just gonna fall asleep yep oh you want me to pet you do yes look how sleeping his duty is so as far as Maxie day one did not go well Maxie did a lot of growling and pollux a lot of running from him Pollux was sort of inquisitive as to what Maxie was up to but not really because he's used to being around other dogs day two Maxie decided he was gonna check out Pollux Pollux was fine with it but when Pollux wanted to check out Maxie that did not go so well so what's funny is whatever Maxie does Pollux does too if Maxie goes outside Pollux is gonna follow him if Maxie sniffs something Pollux has to sniff it too so Pollux is actually learning from Maxie he is learning how to be a dog from watching Maxie be a dog and it yah is so sweet to just just to see him like calm down and start to trust us and learn his environment and learn from Maxie just in six days has been so incredible our vet says that he has some border collie in him that Border Collies are super smart intelligent dogs they want to be loved they want to do the right thing and we can certainly tell that that is him he wants to do the right thing he just doesn't know how to do the right thing he's never been taught or had the opportunity to learn so Pollock's is living in a new world now he's a house dog we are gonna order him a calming bed are one of the donut anxiety beds that we have for Maxie and I talked about this bed y'all in another video I will put it up here somewhere this bed has been a life changer for our Maxie and we're gonna get one for Polly's he look looks pretty comfortable to me Oh old garage star Randy's coming home wanna see what he does here it's New Years Day y'all it is our 18th wedding anniversary and he just went guts Taco John's we'll see what Pollock's does when he comes home I guess he is learned in the garage door or maybe Maxie barks when he hears the garage door so Pollux reacts to Maxie oh I am NOT yes to that sound I'm used to little dog high-pitched barks has a deep big dog bark any knee like never at anybody [Applause] but easy way to think about boys [Applause] my god you almost went down mics are not about running yeah I like she want to go home home box we've been to the dog park huh - fine everybody so - I heard this bollocks did you have fun he will put his paws on our countertop and he will get something super sneaky and take off with it so it never occurred to me that it never even crossed my mind that he can reach the countertop but oh he can reach the countertop can you say hey but y'all he has got the softest little velvet ears they are so soft and he's got all the he can't see come in here he's got all this little soft fur on his neck and he kind of acts like a deer you know I'm deer are just super skittish you see him out in there always alert and looking and they just dart off it you know for no reason at all that's kind of what he does he wants us all to pet him he loves it he just doesn't want us to note that he loves it is is what we're figuring out so we're getting to know each other around here this is day six of Pollux being in our house and I'm gonna keep you all posted this is I think gonna be a new thing on my youtube channel The Adventures of Pollux Pollux learning how to be a dog would you mind that did you he liked to write Pollux are you two up to we need you up to Oh Maxie you're gonna try to put your booty on him Oh even push into [Music] you
Views: 2,189,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pollux dog, the dog nobody wanted, pollux, welcome to my curls, dogs react to being adopted, why you should adopt a dog from a shelter, dog reacts to adoption, shelter dog, adopt a dog, adopted dogs, animal shelters, dog rescue, happy dog, dog transformation, dog videos, dogs react to adoption, dogs adopted, dog adoption story, dog adoption video, learning to be a dog
Id: ygMcTjUvl7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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