Dog Named Jack Nearly Worked to Death by Farmer Before He Was Saved by Viktor Larkhill Rescue

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of you that Don't Know Jack is a dog that we  have just rescued a dog that has to spend many   many months going around with a broken leg while  his owner got a goat Shepherd or sheep Shepherd   I know but he basically made him work without  treating him it was very difficult to rescue him   because we had to convince the guy to give him  to us it's an animal world out there watch the   world animal awareness Society Channel and feel  right at home come sit subscribe and stay a while [Music] hi the dog get about to meet the rescue you're  about to see is completely heartbreaking   the other day I saw a picture on Facebook  there was a dog with a broken leg couldn't   step on it on the streets completely drenched  with water looking completely dejected looking   down like he was just he had just given up  I have never seen a saddest picture ever   immediately Linda and I started trying to  track down the dog where was he we went to   the place where he was they say that uh that  he was very shy they couldn't catch him we we   tracked the dog down and we found the owner of  the dog the dog turned out to be a goat header   and that was the dog that was following on  the streets on his journeys had in the goats [Music] now we spoke to him we tried to  convince him to give him to us   and they say no no because in the past they had  bad experiences somebody had offered help with   another dog and they gave it to to that person and  the person spoke really badly of of him on social   media so he was reluctant to get involved again we  pleaded we pleaded we begged please give him to us   the leg is broken he cannot go on and they say no   but before leaving we were very upset before  leaving Linda gave the man a telephone number   and she said look this is my telephone number  if you ever find in your heart to help this   dog give me a call it took this guy a month of  seeing the dog suffering until he called Linda   took him a month but he finally  did it so we went to rescue him of y'all Jack we have called him jack is now with  us I want you to meet this very special   dog he's the kindest dog I have seen in a  very long time he's amazing please me Jack [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Colorado [Music] thank you [Music]   yes [Music] David we're gonna go in foreign [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music] Jack is now at the hospital he is being  treated he's about to be operated he   has a torn Crusade ligament and this  can only be sorted out with surgery   through this video and his story I want  to ask for your help he's a beautiful dog   he has been loyal to his owner for God knows  how long and he worked until the very last day he will be an amazing dog for that beautiful  family please if you can donate help me save   him Jack needs to go into surgery help me  save his leg help me change his life thank you [Music] hi I just left the hospital I came to see Jack  those of you that Don't Know Jack is a dog that   we have just rescued a dog that has to spend many  many months going around with a broken leg while   his owner got Shepherd or ship Shepherd I know but  he basically made him work without treating him it   was very difficult to rescue him because we had  to convince the guy to give him to us initially   he didn't want to do that then eventually after  a lot of begging is relented he gave us a dog   of course he gave the excuse that he wasn't his  dog in the first place blah blah blah anyway   yesterday uploaded a video in which I showed you  his condition what the problem is and I want you   to have a look at this in case you didn't  see it yesterday we need to fully understand   the problem that the Jack faces have  a look at this this is Jack yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]   Ali [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you very much [Music] we're going into surgery with Jack tomorrow  you just have today to raise the funds   to ask for your help this is a very  special dog he's the sweetest dog   I mean really seriously I rescue a  lot of animals but this one is special   please if you can donate help me save this  beautiful dog he accepts your help thank you [Music] [Music] thank you attack let's go take a bath [Music] before  surgery I'm gonna give you a bath [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] important foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] okay hello parties [Music] he looks great a new dog ready to go into surgery   what a transformation unbelievable that poor  dog didn't have a haircut in his entire life   it's unbelievable so much dirt so much I mean wow  anyway Alex and I are just leaving the hospital   he's been operated right now and you'll be able  to see the surgery on the following video actually   the following you know the video on Monday I  tell you poor dog I'm so tired of seeing this   kind of abuses unbelievable as soon as people  ask me how can you do this then the answer is   I just think of one of the animals that we save  and it was very easy it's because of dogs like   this that we do what we do anyway guys thanks a  lot for your support we are rushing home we have   a crazy day ahead of us and I'll be able to show  you this phase one the next the next video don't   forget that everything we do is really possible  if we have your support and and Jack it's been   operated right now thanks to you please if you can  donate help me save this dog and every other dog   that we rescue we really need you to come on board  thanks a lot and I'll see you tomorrow take care foreign [Music] with a broken leg the dog that was found on the  streets trying to find food but a dog that had an   owner and that owner was a shepherd you see Jack's  job was to go around the mountains and the fields   walking for kilometers and kilometers miles  and miles having those ship with a broken leg   it was a very cruel situation we spoke to the  guy and we asked him to give us a dog initially   he refused but after a few days he thought  about it and he agreed to relinquish him   into our possession we took Jack to the hospital  and immediately we realized the gravity of his   condition we gave him a good bath because that dog  had a bath in his entire life so he was completely   transformed from a bowl of matted fur became  a really cute dog actually Jack was operated   last week and we showed you the surgery and after  that they told us to keep him still for a couple   of months so since then Jack has been at the  shelter The Pink House completely immobile   stuff for him because he wants to go out he  wants to play but this is the time when he has   to rest and he has to be completely still  and everything was going really well but   but today we noticed that his leg was  swelling and we had to take him to   the to the hospital for a second  have a look at this this is Jack [Music]   foreign [Music] foreign foreign nice evening [Music] everybody [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music]   foreign [Music] [Laughter]  [Music] [Laughter] [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music] my name is [Music] thank you [Music] Elizabeth and of this is important level [Music] Jack is doing great there's nothing wrong  with the injury there's nothing wrong with   the surgery everything is going well except for  the fact that he has been licking himself the   injury and it was a little bit swelling there  was a small small tiny area that was infected   and created a bit of swelling so we've cleaned  the area we have put him a bigger cone and now   he cannot do it anymore he's more protected and  the rest continues during the the visit they also   spotted that he had a foreign object they had  something strange inside his ear we had noticed   that the first time when he went but we forgot  about it and yesterday they took it out it was   a piece of barley I think a piece of grass that  was stuck on the nothing major but I'm sure he's   much more comfortable now anyway Jackie is doing  well he's resting he's recovering and it's going   to take him a while until he can run but in the  end it's gonna be it's gonna be very good he's a   super sweet dog he's a great great dog and he's  been adopted he has a beautiful family waiting   for him over here in Spain that's gonna make it  easier yeah yeah he's very lucky amazing though [Music] foreign [Music] last week I told you the story of Jack  a shepherd dog that has been forced to   work for goodness how long with a broken  leg now I showed you his rescue I showed   you when he arrived to the hospital I showed  you the first test and everything and then on   Friday I showed you the transformation from  a matted bowl of fur into a beautiful dog   but Jack needed to go into surgery and that's  what we did last Friday have a look at this yes [Music]   mammals [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]   same foreign [Music] [Music] thank you honey purpose [Music] [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] because okay never mind [Music] okay [Music]   foreign [Music] [Music]   thank you [Music] Jack is now at the pink house and he has to rest   is really important he needs to be in complete  rest that's why he's there and I really hope   it works well I mean this dog really deserves a  new life guys thank you very much for being here   as for your help and support and please if any  of you would like to help Jack I mean he has a   long way ahead still he has to be there and then  he's gonna have to go for checkup and then maybe   some issues in the middle we don't know so if any  of you would like to help him please donate can   we continue saving lives and help me take care  of Jack thanks a lot and I'll see you tomorrow [Music]   foreign foreign by thanking each and every one of you that  donated to my appeal last week this crisis   is caused by a global economic crisis by  inflation that it has resulted on a massive   loss of donors now this is not only unique to  us as far as I know every organization every   animal organization I know is going through  something very similar but the only way I   have to face this situation is to make these  videos and appeal to you that are watching   our videos every day that have been following  us for many years and that well you know what   we do so I think by this stage you feel part  of this community and I think among all of us   we will go through and you know we will survive  this one as well this has been a great weekend   as you know we were expecting a baby well no  we no me Maribel are beautiful Maribel was   gonna have her first baby and the baby was born  yesterday her name is Martina she's 3.6 kilos   I don't know if it's blonde or brunette because  I haven't seen a picture yet but I'm told that   both the mother and her and of course the father  poor guy is really scared but it's the first baby   but they're all doing great yesterday I made a  live session and explained what was going on and   it was an amazing outpour of joy and sympathy and  good wishes and that was amazing anyway in today's   video I want to show you something that I believe  is unique to us well maybe not unique but that it   really shows the care and the love we dedicate  and we place on our animals the ones that are   with us for a very long time some of them forever  others like Jack will be going home after their   Rehabilitation is completed anyway have a look at  this this is Jack's therapy session this is Monty   these are hope dogs that have been with us for  over a decade you will enjoy this when asked us he was rescued 11 years ago Grande Monte is great but he's incontinent and  he was returned to us after just a couple of   weeks he went to Norway and we had to go back pick  him up I hope yeah hope 11 years with us as well [Music] [Music] thank you I don't want to get away [Music] Jack is a dog that uh Chevrolet and he was walking up and down the mountains with  uh we are talking ligament may have been I mean   must have been broken for a very long time so we  fix it and yeah so but he's there without moving   for a full month more than  a house I think he has to be great yes [Music] foreign [Music]   thank you foreign and then we're going to take care of the other  joints so they don't overcompensate okay [Music] all right [Music] [Music]   best friends [Music] or something [Music] I hope came to us 11 years ago he was  in church I found him otherwise probably adult   accident and then um I think it's doing great  but I'm sure equal to a little bit you can do   a little bit but then we're going to do some  electrotherapy in the Hem lips okay to try to   stimulate all the nervous system and then we're  going to try to to take care of all the problem   limitation muscles but yeah we're going  to put some electrical Steamers there the sun will shine yeah [Music]   being without you you're the center of my life [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] I promise [Music] [Applause] [Music]   did you see this Monty I hope have been with  us for over 10 years I think 11 years and   they're doing amazing neither of them could  be adopted their incontinent of fickle and   urinary but look after all this time they're  doing so well and this doesn't happen just by   chance these animals receive a level of care  that is I believe unique and the physiotherapy   that we're giving them right now acupuncture  magnet therapy all of this shows the level of   care and the love that we give to our animals  and this is why I need to ask for your help   you've been following the stories of  these animals for so many years you've   been supporting us through thick and thin today  I need to ask for your help we're going through a   very difficult time and without you we will not be  able to make it please if you can donate help me   continue saving lives today we need you more than  ever please join us donate thank you thank you foreign [Music] so five hour drive we're gonna cross the country  five hours I'm back so the whole day on the car [Music]   thank you foreign [Music] [Music]   Alex is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs hello this is [Music] [Music]   thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music]   I'm so Keen enjoyment stress Roma [Music] pleasure in nothing [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]   fences teach you what it is sweet [Music] in  life Jack is so happy thank you my beautiful   home in this uh in this Fisherman's Village  well it used to be a Fisherman's Village   now it's more a touristic Center  really nice look at him so happy thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm very happy he's staying  with a beautiful family they   are great and it's gonna be really really happy thank you [Music] foreign for the world awareness Society what is that  yeah you mean world animal awareness Society   well I'm a volunteer with World animal awareness  Society Emerson I volunteer my voice for use in   animal rescue videos and I don't know if you know  this but everyone at the world animal awareness   Society is a volunteer but what do they do their  award-winning volunteer filmmakers who have   interacted with 2200 Animal Welfare non-profits  including Maddie's fund and Austin Pets Alive   providing information Rich content to more than  45 countries in the last 10 years Dad what's that   mean okay yeah how about this they make short  movies about animals that are in Peril that are   hurting you know in bad shape or dying or homeless  in the streets they film Rescuers doing heroic   work so they can focus on saving lives the world  animal awareness Society posts the rescue videos   on social media and then they're broadcast on TV  sharing the heroic stories with people all over   the world so they can understand what's really  going on cool I like animals how do you start   volunteering well I met their director through  social media and saw the work that they were doing   and knew that I could help their cause so I asked  if I could volunteer I am very fortunate to have   really great jobs providing the voice to so many  shows that I believe it's important to give back   since I've been volunteering with the world animal  awareness Society they have created the seventh   most influential YouTube channel for dog rescue  lovers in the world wats films so cool hey Dad you already are m you already are you're  watching the world animal awareness Society Lou Emerson that'll do
Channel: World Animal Awareness Society
Views: 281,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rescue, Dogs, Hope For Paws, howl of a dog, dog, rescue dog, homeless dog rescue, pet, Stray Dog Rescue, puppy rescue, World Animal Awareness Society, WA2S Films, Tom McPhee, Rescuing Rogue, dog rescue, The Rescuers DNA, Dog Rescue Video, animal video, Working Dog Worked Nearly to Death Jack was Rescued by Viktor Larkhill & Let's adopt International, viktor larkhill, lets adopt international, extreme rescue, rescue of Jack, the dog who was over worked by a farmer
Id: 6mdlP_vqXQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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