My Husband Had a HEART ATTACK | The Message He Wants Me To Pass Along

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to be perfectly honest i am not quite sure how to start this video so i'm just gonna tell you that my husband my husband had a heart attack you've seen my husband in my videos he's not one who gets on here and talks with me he's usually that voice in the background that you hear um and i'll just say that this is not a video or a topic that i ever thought i would talk about and these are certainly not words that i ever thought would come out of my mouth on monday june the 7th at 8 30 in the morning he had a heart attack he kissed me goodbye i was sitting at my desk right here he left for work just like he does every single monday morning and 30 minutes later he had a heart attack so hard to say this is just so hard to talk about but i am making this video at his request this is not a video that i want to make this is not something that i am ready to talk about this is all so new we've been to the cardiologist today so we have information that i'm still trying to settle with and like i said i'm making the video at my husband's request and he wants me to make it for one reason and one reason only which i'm going to get to in just a moment but i want to tell you what happened and and if you're new to my channel if you have never seen me before or never seen my husband his name is randy he is 52 years old he is healthy he is fit he has no medical issues other than he does have high blood pressure it runs in his family his father has high blood pressure randy has taken medication for high blood pressure for probably 15 years now he takes a very low dose of it but still every day he takes blood pressure medication but that's it he doesn't smoke we do drink the occasional beer or occasional cocktail we are active we're young we're healthy he's 52. i mean what happened was on the morning of june the 7th monday morning randy kiss me goodbye he left for work about 25 minutes later he sent me a text i don't feel well i'm having chest pains i'm sweating i've got pain in my left arm i think something's wrong but what you need to know about my husband is he never sweats never like we can be working out in the yard when we used to go to our workout class very rarely does he sweat he just instantly started sweating he started getting chest pain he started getting an upset stomach and he noticed that he was getting pain in his left elbow not necessarily arm pain just pain in his elbow at that point when he was on the phone with me and he was explaining to me what he was feeling and again i i want to reiterate that these feelings came out of nowhere he was perfectly fine when he left the house except let me back up to the day before sunday afternoon middle of the day randy started saying my neck hurts like you know doing this i think maybe i like slip on my neck wrong he said it's not like a crick in my neck it's just like tension my neck is kind of hurting and he talked about it all day long on sunday and sunday night we went out to dinner when we got home he put a heating pad on his neck and i rubbed his neck and the muscles and he just said is this just not getting any better it was bedtime we went to bed woke up the next morning i said how's your neck he's like huh this is kind of the same it's just you know there it's just hurting me but never thought a thing about it and then heart attack we don't know and we still don't know that the pain in the neck is related to the heart attack the doctor says he doesn't know that men have so many different random symptoms before the onset of a heart attack it could have been something it could have not been something but i just want to put that out there just so you know that he was having neck pain so randy decides he is going directly to the emergency room he went into the emergency room he told him his symptoms they immediately took him back to the room got him hooked up on an ekg gave him four baby aspirin and nitroglycerin underneath his tongue he called me after they had done the ekg and said they told me to just sit here and wait for a little bit i'm not really in pain but i'd feel about the same and he just was going to wait it out for the period of time that the doctor said just hold just sit here and then they were going to see if the aspirin and the nitroglycerin made any difference and they were going to do another ekg and compare them so while this is happening i'm getting dressed i get in my car and i'm headed to the hospital and all the while i'm thinking okay he just he's got an upset stomach or something's going on or randy has heartburn so maybe this is just heartburn i don't know but i'm headed to the emergency room i'm about halfway there in my phone rings i looked down picked it up and it was a facetime call from randy i'm like and i'm thinking why is he facetiming me he knows i'm on the way to the emergency room and because i was sitting in a stoplight i answered it and i'm staring face to face with his nurse in the emergency room that says get here now that was tough i knew at that moment something was very wrong and there was no talking to randy i just i needed to get there what she went on to tell me i put the phone down she's talking as i'm driving she said that his second ekg confirmed he is having a heart attack they are taking him into the cath lab i need to get there they cannot wait on me i come wheeling into the emergency room come flying into the back and i am able to see him for about 20 seconds they were well they waited as long as they could on me they were wheeling him out of the emergency room into the cath lab as i was coming in we met for 20 seconds i could see the fear in his eyes and the tears and i kissed him on the forehead and he was gone because everything happened so so quickly i didn't have any information i i didn't know what was going on other than the phone call with the nurse in a very quick conversation with randy when this first started as soon as they wheeled him off i had emergency room doctors i had nurses i had the hospital chaplain surrounding me and taking me into a private room to explain to me what was happening i it's like i was living in an alternate world i did not this just had not sunk in 30 minutes before i was home happy as a clam just like i normally am and now i'm in the hospital and randy is having a heart attack the emergency room doctor met with me and said that when they did his first ekg when he first walked into the emergency room it looked the ekg looked suspicious but they wanted to give him some medication wait a little bit and do another one to compare them and as soon as they did that second ekg they knew this was a full-on full-blown heart attack we're told that when someone is having a heart attack and they come into the emergency room there is a code that goes out hospital-wide it's called code stemi apparently they called cold stemi for randy which means that everybody who was on this cardiac team literally comes running to the cath lab randy was wheeled into the cath lab the cardiologist was there and it proceeded on so what they did was they found out that he had a blockage in the main without getting too technical the main part of his heart the main artery of his heart had a blockage in it the cardiologist later told me it was a thrombus it was could have been made up of blood or plaque or lots of things thrombus is a general word but there was a thrombus in the main artery of the heart it blocked the heart and it caused a massive heart attack so while randy was in the cath lab i was in a holding room with the chaplain he was pretty much with me the entire time and i was in there about an hour of course i had called no one no one knew what was happening to my husband because i was in such a rush to get to the hospital he barely was able to speak to me i this was just so surreal what was happening i didn't call anybody um our daughters didn't know and i think that's why the chaplain stays so close at hand when someone is having a heart attack and they've been taken into the the cath lab because you don't know if that person is going to come out you don't know what's going to happen they could get in there they could fix it or they may have to open his chest we were lucky they were able to go in randy's groin with like a miniature vacuum and get into the artery in the heart and vacuum out the blockage and he was fine so again without getting all medically and all crazy i just want to tell you that he did have to spend two nights in the hospital in the cardiac care unit which is basically like intensive care but it is specific to patients that have heart issues heart things going on lots of tests i mean i'm telling you lots of tests what we did learn while we were there the next morning after the heart attack they came in and they did an echo test which is like an ultrasound of your heart and they did that bedside i was in there when it happened but of course i didn't know what i was looking at but it is to make sure that your blood is flowing properly in and out and throughout your heart come to find out the results of randy's echo test showed that he had a teeny teeny hole in his heart it is called a pfo that stands for something i don't even know but a little hole in your heart we are told that lots of people are born with a hole in their heart and when your children the hole closes up and you never know it's there and many adults actually have a hole in their heart never causes an issue an issue for them and it just remains there in randy's case we've gotten several different opinions as to how the hole in the heart played a role in the heart attack we understand that these are doctors opinions they're educated medical assumptions and guesses but everyone has a different opinion and so we are choosing to take all of the doctors that are now on his team believe me we have a team and kind of form our own opinion of what of why randy had a heart attack let me tell you that his cardiologist says the hole in the heart allowed a little bit of blood to seep through that hole and kind of go back in the wrong direction and over time and i don't know what overtime means it could have been years it could have been a week we don't know but over time that little hole trying to close itself up formed a little blood clot on it and on monday morning that blood clot broke loose got into the main artery and that is what caused randy's heart attack we have another doctor that we've known for many years and completely trust his opinion he is not a cardiologist but he explained it to us that no one can ever 100 know what caused randy's heart attack he did have a massive heart attack it is coined it is termed massive because it was in the main artery of the heart it was not in some of the smaller outlying areas and it was a massive heart attack they did not have to put in stents they they did not have to do a bypass they were able like i said to go in and vacuum out that blockage thank goodness randy's heart is fully intact very healthy he has no plaque built up no damage to the heart he has fully recovered from the heart attack however don't leave me yet there is more to the story while he was in the hospital they did lots of tests they tested his legs to make sure he didn't have any blood clots in his legs they did all kinds of blood tests to see if he had lupus or all of these things that could have potentially caused the clot that got in his heart and everything about him came back perfectly normal and totally clean so that's why the cardiologist is leaning toward the hole in the heart form to clot the clot broke loose and cause the heart attack but back to our our doctor that we've known for years and trust his opinion because he says that no one can truly ever know what caused that heart attack that if it were him and he was talking to a friend or a brother he would advise randy to always be cautious and just know that he has had a massive heart attack and because of this randy is now on all kinds of medication he takes two blood pressure medications a cholesterol high cholesterol medication randy does not have high cholesterol it's on the high end of normal but high cholesterol runs in his family his mother has it and because there was a clot it's just protocol you are put on high cholesterol medication and he is on two forms of blood thinner so for now and for this foreseeable future he is being treated as if he has coronary heart disease apparently that is standard procedure when somebody has had a heart attack you just automatically take all of this medication until sometime has passed and they will start weaning you off of these things if needed so i wish at this point of the video that i could insert some pictures or some footage of what we went through him in the hospital i simply can't when this was happening to him and to us i did not think to take pictures or to take video that was the very last thing on my mind and i never thought that randy would want me to do a video on this topic because it is so so personal but he asked me to do the video so here i am today doing this but i want to let you know that we met with the cardiologist today they are going to do another surgery they're going to go in through the other groin into his heart and close up that hole all of that was discussed we met with the cardiologist today that surgery is coming up very soon and i will do another video to keep you all updated to let you know how that procedure goes and now that i have my wits about me and i fully understand what's happening and we know what to expect and i'll be able to get some video and to show you all in the hospital and kind of talk about the procedure as it's happening i'll be in a much better state of mind i think but now to the reason that randy wanted me to make this video and like i said in the beginning there is one and only one reason that he wanted me to make this video and i wish he was beside me to tell you this himself brandi doesn't like to talk to the camera so i'm speaking for him if you're watching this and you yourself someone you know a loved one a family member a friend a neighbor shows the symptoms of a heart attack chest pain and pain in the left arm of any sort they need to go directly to the emergency room at that moment they cannot wait you heard the saying that every minute matters and it literally every minute that goes by dictates the outcome of your life and every doctor has told us that the only reason randy survived a massive heart attack was because he went directly to the hospital he was at the hospital within 20 to 30 minutes of him starting to get symptoms and realizing i'm having a heart attack he didn't sex he didn't second guess himself he went directly to the emergency room and that is what saved his life we are told that 75 of the men who come in with this exact same condition die immediately they die or they die in the hospital he is one of the lucky 25 and only because he listened to his instincts and he did what he was supposed to do he did what he thought was right granted he could have gone there and wasted a half a day and they send him home and say it's heartburn and you know what if that had been the outcome i would have been just fine with that but knowing that he saved his life because he listened to his body and went straight to the emergency room don't wait don't sit at home trying to second-guess it don't sit at home thinking well let me just see how i feel in 30 minutes those are the people who lose their lives because they second guessed the heart attack and that is what my husband wants you to know and that is what he asked me to pass along so as hard as this video was for me to make i can tell you that he is one of the lucky ones he is happy to be alive i will tell you he is happy to be alive and that is the one thing i want to pass on to you in today's video if nothing else don't ever second-guess a heart attack i will do a follow-up video to this when ready has this procedure to fix the pfo the hole in his heart is coming up very soon i will try to make it a little bit more of an informative video i just needed to get this video out i needed to say the words i've not shared this information with many people yes our family knows we have some very close friends of ours that know but this is all new and even randy still says it just feels like a dream i mean did this really happen because it was just so unexpected given his age and his health he is in perfect health yet he had a massive heart attack at the age of 52. keep an eye out for my update video i will keep you all posted and i just hope that this video by you watching me speaking for my husband and hearing the signs and the symptoms if this can resonate with anyone to save a life of your friend your husband your son a loved one a neighbor anyone that's why i'm making this video so i will see you again after the surgery and i'll keep you updated you
Views: 186,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welcome to my curls, heart attack, massive heart attack, what causes a heart attack, pfo, What is a heart attack, what a heart attack looks like, heart attack symptons, hole in heart, heart attack symptoms in men, pfo closure, husband has heart attack, symptoms of heart attack, code stemi, patent foramen ovale, husband survives heart attack, after a heart attack, life after a heart attack, surviving a heart attack, recovering from a heart attack
Id: RrVP_uJhtrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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