Pollux *The Dog Nobody Wanted* Gets His FIRST BED

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hey I wanted to give you an update on Pollux y'all so much has changed since I introduced you to him a couple weeks ago he is almost like a different dog so let me tell you what's been going on in our house and I see so first I wanted to answer a question after I posted the video about adopting Pollux a lot of people asked me about his name the shelter actually named him and when we first heard his name I thought it was weird like I didn't know what it meant and we asked the lady the very first day at the shelter if he knew his name and she's like well I mean a maybe I don't really know and so we were gonna change his name but once we got Pollux home we realized he does know his name he will come when you call him if you say his name he'll turn and he'll look at you and we googled the word Pollux and it is so sweet it actually means a bright orange star near the Sun which is one of the brightest stars in the night sky that is so fitting for him he is an orange and white dog he has the brightest and the sweetest personality this dog is always smiling I mean he is the happiest happiest dog and so when we realized he didn't know his name and now we need we knew what his name meant no way we were changing it and so Pollux it is once we got Pollux home a couple things went down Pollux is not house-trained yah he lived in a shelter for his entire life he peed in his cage he is not house trained and I knew that going into this the first week that Pollux was at our house he absolutely would not pee on a leash period he was so like freaked out my bee being close to him he would not be we would take him on walks we would y'all saw we took him to the park he never peed he doesn't lift his leg to pee he doesn't sniff to pee he only pees a couple times a day and that is only when he needs to pee so we took him to Petsmart and we tried on all different kinds of harnesses whoo it was a big deal and I wish I had recorded this but we had to have somebody help us because we wanted to make sure that they fit him he's a skinny dog but he's a long dog and so a lot of harnesses would cut him under the arms so anyway he was such a good boy he stood there while we put these harnesses on and off and over his head and on his back and he was so sweet about it but we got him a new harness and then we got him one of these retractable leashes on this like thick rope this was the ticket once he can actually get a little bit of distance away from me he'll go pee so now every time I take him out he pees all as well but he has yet to poop on a leash is not happening he's just not comfortable yet and so we have a pool with the fence around it and so he will go out back he'll run around he'll do his business which is fine Randy takes care of it we wash off the deck it's fine so I don't have that problem solved right now we do have the pen solved he will he will do it on a leash with me now he doesn't lift his leg to pee he squats his bottom down and he pees well what happens is he pees all over his front feet every single time he pees he pees on his front feet I I don't know how to handle that I don't know if there's even a way to teach Pollock's to lift his leg but this is our struggle we got pee pee leg every time he goes but hey at least he's going on the leash we took Pollock's to the park again he loves the park he had a fantastic time he he does not know how to walk on a leash he's just constantly zigzagging back and forth wrapping all around us pulling somebody down there's a lot to learn on the leash but that will come in time but he loves the park he loves being just free and he can smell everything and investigate and he just has a big time at the park and he peed at the park which was a really big deal we were all like yay Pollock's peed at the park just got back in the car we've had Pollock's this is day 10 and he has never peed on a walk he won't be at the park he won't pee on a walk up the street and today he peed we've been here like an hour walking maxi has peed on everything Pollux on the last stretch peed so we all priced him he's been such a good boy look pet bollocks you peed on the web all right so we're all worn out we're going home all right y'all Pollux his new collar just got here I've got one for Maxie too of course I get him a new one every year but this is Pollock says first collar I'm so excited to see it oh my gosh let me get this out look we got him this beautiful teal color I thought that would look so pretty on him Oh Marvin it is you know I love this company they make the best dog collars I've talked about them in another video they're called the Flying Dog I have the best callers look at that beautiful I cannot wait to put this on him and then the one we got from Maxie we got the max or a black and blue striped collar Maxie look how cute I'm gonna get these on the guys these are gonna look so nice let me get it on the guys maximu let's see come here let's see you come here let me look how handsome look how handsome back seat is with his collar I can't meet you let's see is so nice oh my gosh I love it I see so here it's uh oh it's so handsome I see look at his collar okay bollocks it's your turn you want your collar bollocks got his new collar look how beautiful it's got his name on it and his mom's phone number it's rough buddy you got your new collar so yesterday the new dog collars came in the morning I got home from what I was doing and took the dogs on a walk and when we got home from the walk the delivery company had left a package on our front porch and it was Pollock's 'as new calming bed we got him a doughnut exoti bed just like Maxie here he is opening the box checking out his bed for the first time he is in doggy heaven yah he loves this bed I'll accept your new bed funny what is it bud what is it bollocks just cut a little hole in it and let it is it buddy what's another Oh getting bigger what is it bollocks oh look at that buddy get anybody coming in right here and that suckers heavy let's get in your bed get into bed hey [Music] don't bite me what is it box you love it Oh Pollux loves it Matt I know maybe that's how he just figures it out what is it polish you like in deep snow [Laughter] [Music] do you like it is it comfy I guess it is yeah yeah Mac sir he got bellick is enough he got you got bad luck to master [Music] that's my dude Oh bollocks left his bed golly look at that done hanging out you know in the last video you all saw Pollux laying behind me falling asleep with his head up and I said that he was having a really hard time sleeping y'all see his collar that we got him this kind of teal green I thought that this this color would be just beautiful on him and we got it yesterday and he is so handsome in his new collar so he now has a family and he has a collar it has his name on it hey Mike see Mary you get a new collar too Oh her come here can you show him your collar Mac sir got a new call or yeah yep so everybody got new collars everybody is trying to get in my lap what's going on here what's going on here Pollux that what's going on Oh anyway what I was saying buddy oh oh yeah can you come down oh my goodness okay City yeah sit down so what I was saying about his sleeping turned out he was so exhausted and wasn't sleeping at night that's why he was falling asleep with his head up he was so concerned about keeping an eye on everybody and knowing where we were and he was just unsure of his surroundings that he was not sleeping well at night or he wasn't sleeping at all and so last night was the first night that he slept on his bed we have it in our bedroom he got all nestled in and he slept like a baby he loves his bed he is staying in his bed all night long he wakes up super Skippy and ready to play so my bedroom has now been overtaken by dog beds dog blankets and dog hair but I am happy as a clam I love it oh yes let me tell you what mr. Pollock's did so he's decided that one of his favorite places to hang out is under my dining room table he can see a full view of the front door the bedrooms the kitchen it's like the best place for him to keep an eye on what everybody's doing the other day I just heard a noise and he has all these toys in the dining room so I thought he was chewing a toy and I would go in there and I look at him and he's not doing anything he's just laying there so I'd go away then I'd hear the noise again and I would go back and there's Pollock's just laying there not doing anything well I discovered what he's been chewing on he is chewing the corner of my dining room chair he has chewed the fire out of the corner of my dining room chair and then today he decided to start chewing on one of my rugs so Pollock's and I are just gonna have a little chat oh my gosh y'all the plan that is going on in our house is out of control Maxie and pollux are best buddies they are like this and it is so funny but they are wearing me out they are playing so hard but I had to go break it up the other day I thought Maxie was gonna a stroke like he was panting he was covered in spit from Pollux and he was just Maxie is almost nine years old like hidden played like that in a very long time and it is so funny to watch because both of them will instigate the playing Pollux will kick down low and you'll put his booty in the air and he'll start wagging his tail and he'll do this low like growling at Maxie like calling him to come play and then it is on like everybody watch out they will run around the living room today they were running from kitchen to the dining room they are having a ball so we have about two big play sessions a day and they eventually wear wear each other out and then just crash and take big naps I wish you all could see Pollux right now he's laying in front of me we went at Petsmart got him one of the femur bones that is stuffed with peanut butter and he's laying in front of me watching me talk about him licking the peanut butter out of his bone oh yeah one thing I learned something about Pollux is history that I did not know we took Pollux to our vet and he had a red eye so we just wanted to take him to our vet make sure everything was okay with his eye and it is they said it was just a little cold and his eye no big deal it's cleared up but when we walked into the vet of course he's never been there before and I was signing him in one of the girls working behind the counter came running around and said Pollux and started loving on Pollux I'm thinking how do you know him like we just walked in the door and she told me that she used to work at the Humane Society and had recently started working for our vet and she was there when Pollux was brought in with the litter of puppies when he was only a couple of weeks old and she said that he was one dog out of a litter of 25 puppies oh my gosh one male dog got three sister dogs pregnant all at the same time and they all had a litter of puppies 25 that is crazy so that's my update on Pollux y'all he is doing so so well I truly appreciate all of the comments that you all left on my last video about Pollux and asking about him everyone was so excited to meet him and wanted to know more I have been sending pictures to the Humane Society so to kind of keep them up to speed on what's going on with Pollux and they are so happy they said when they saw my video about him that they cried tears of joy at the animal shelter No
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Keywords: pollux dog, pollux rescue dog, the dog nobody wanted, pollux, welcome to my curls, animal shelters, dog rescue, dogs react to being adopted, adopted dogs, dog smiling, happy dog, dog transformation, dog videos, dog reacts to adoption, dog adoption story, dog adoption video, why you should adopt a dog from a shelter, adopt a dog, miniature schnauzer, shelter dog, learning to be a dog, dog, calming bed, anxiety bed, dog bed, Funny dog videos
Id: dS1J8py8Lpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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