How One Year DRASTICALLY Changed Our Adopted Dog

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so hey there welcome to my channel y'all know pollux and and maxie and today's video is going to be so fun we adopted pollocks a little over one year ago and you all love pollux you love maxie but you all are constantly asking me questions you want updates you want information so that's what i'm doing in today's video so here we go everything you ever wanted to know about pollux i do as many videos about pollock's as i possibly can but there are so many things you don't know so in today's video i'm gonna tell you a zillion may it might be a zillion i'm not going to count them a zillion quick and random facts about pollux you are going to learn so much and along the way you're probably going to learn some things about maxi 2 because these two were in cahoots they are sidekicks so normally when pollux is into something maxie's into something a couple things you need to know to understand how pollux came to live with us and what his life was like before we adopted him one year ago pollux lived his entire life in the animal shelter to be exact he was there for 491 days pollux was one dog in a litter of 17. sort of from what we're told by the shelter there was one male dog that got three female dogs pregnant sister dogs all at the same time the the dogs had their litter of puppies someone brought all 17 dogs to the shelter at the same time and pollux was the last dog of the 17 to be adopted by us the day after christmas in 2019 so he's been here a little over a year at this point so some quick things yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna rattle them off this is going to be a fast fun video a ton of information a zillion quick facts that i'm going to give you about our boy pollock's pollux loves for me to kiss him on his ears just over and over and over and just kissy kissy kissy he loves ear kisses when i'm working at my desk in my office pollux gets underneath my desk and lays at my feet pollux hates bananas if i give him a raw banana he is not gonna have it he will lick it he will look at it but he will not eat it the only time pollux will eat bananas is is if it's mixed in something else now he does love banana muffins he loves peanut butter and banana pup cups that i make for him and maxie but the boy is not gonna touch a raw banana too squishy apparently anytime i sit at our kitchen table to eat pollock stands beside me and pokes me with his nose it is his constant reminder him saying mom pollux is down here pollux would love a little bite of what you're eating pokes me in the side of my leg with his nose at night when we go to bed pollux gets up on our bed he hangs out for a little bit and he goes under the bed i don't know why he does it but he loves to get underneath our bed until we all fall asleep and then i'll hear him scoot out and he gets in his dog bed and that's where he stays for the rest of the night come here pollux buddy pollux loves squirrels he is obsessed with the squirrels in our yard every morning when i let pollux outside he runs out he's got to tell all the squirrels that he's up the squirrels love to taunt pollock so get in the trees they'll jump over his head and he will spend hours in the yard barking at the squirrels watching the squirrels he loves them it is total entertainment oh with this is a bad habit that pollux has learned from maxie maxie our schnauzer is a barker it's just what schnauzers do so when somebody comes to our front door maxie barks well pollux has learned this horrible behavior from and maxie is to the point now that if you even touch the front door even if we're in the house and we're going to go out the front door pollux goes nuts really really were you just saying bye to her oh pollux is a counter surfer i am finding him more often up on our counter got his paws up there trying to see what's going on now he has never taken food off the counter but he definitely checks it out and sniffs and he wants to know what's up there pollux has spots on his belly i told you all this before in another video but last spring when pollux did his first like big shedding of the year and i like freaked out because we had dog hair all over our house we discovered that pollux has spots on his belly when we adopted him from the shelter he looked so different he was just he had so much hair i think because the shelter was maybe cold and so it was winter time he just grew this really really really thick coat of hair and then when he started shedding we realized he has spots on his belly pollux does not like his feet touched never don't do it he tells me don't touch his feet and this is one of the reasons we have to take him to the vet to get his toenails trimmed is because nobody can touch his feet and speaking of pollux not liking his feet touched he did this to me he had grass in his dew claw i reached to get it and his toenail got me and did that look at that sir i know you didn't mean to it was just an accident it's okay he didn't mean to when we adopted pollux he didn't know how to go up or down the stairs he'd lived his entire life on a concrete floor that was flat in an animal shelter he did not know how to go up and down the stairs took him a couple days but now he's got it he's a pro he goes up and down those stairs 20 times a day he loves to go upstairs check on the girls rooms even though they're normally not here but if you're ever looking for pollux and you can't find him he's upstairs in brecken's room he loves his sisters and he loves to get on brecken's bed and hang out with her and both maxi and pollux love to look out of brooklyn's window because she's up high she's on the second floor and they can see the entire backyard and all the squirrels from her bedroom window so if you're ever looking for them go upstairs pollux loves to have his booty scrubbed we call it a booty scrub i don't know why but from the moment that we got pollux if you touch his booty and you start giving him a scrub he will put that thing in the air and he will wag his tail and he loves a booty scrub and if he thinks there's an opportunity to get a booty scrub he will start warming his way around and get his booty on you so you'll scrub it for him if i'm in the bathroom pollux waits outside the bathroom door for me to come out pollux has a favorite game and it's not playing ball he will not play ball with me i will roll in the ball he looks at it pollux will play ball by himself he won't play ball with anybody else but his favorite game is to jump on my bed if i go to my bedroom pollux runs ahead of me every single time and he jumps on my bed and in the morning when i'm trying to make my bed it takes me about two hours to get this done because pollux is on the bed he won't get off the bed he barks he wags his tail he calls maxie in there it's a huge huge game every single morning pollux loves to play let's make the bed and i lose every single time normally the only way i can make the bed is to put pollux outside pollux is so impatient oh my goodness if he wants something for me or anybody else he will scratch me scratch me scratch me constant doing his paw at me and if that doesn't get my attention then he starts barking drives me nuts but he will bark at me until he gets what he wants and back to pollux's ears he has the softest sweetest little velvet ears i have ever touched in my life pollux loves to have his arms massaged he will just lay there and shut his eyes if i just rub and pull on his front arms he loves a good arm massage pollux uses his tail for his expression he loves to put that big white tail in the air and wave it and just it is the way he smiles pollock smiles with his tail you can tell his emotions you can tell exactly what he's thinking just look at his tail and speaking of tails this is how pollux calls maxie to play he puts his booty up in the air he wags that big old tail and he does this little growl in his throat and he'll start barking at maxie and that's his call that's the way he says come play with me mooey oh pollux loves the zoomies in the yard y'all seen him zoom me so many times he does it about twice a day i let him out back and he runs as fast as he can around our yard he does figure eights in and out of the wheat in our backyard and he just has a ball we call it the zoomies i said pollux was impatient and he is unless it's meal time pollux patiently waits his turn and he lets maxie eat before him every single meal time pollux just waits and it is so sweet he waits until maxie has lickly clicked his bowl and walked away and then he knows it's his turn and he comes up to get fed i think he probably learned that living in the animal shelter because he just had to wait his turn until they got to him with food but he is very patient when it comes to food toys pollux loves toys that's another thing this is one of his favorite toys the octopus he just loves toys oh speaking of toys pollux guts his toys right pollux can we show them can we show them this one this is pollux's toy that he got at christmas and this one is not totally gutted right now but he will pull holes in the toys pull out all the stuff and there's always stuffing all over my house right pollux he doesn't eat the stuffing y'all don't freak out he does not eat the stuffing he pulls it out he spits it out and then i go around and pick it up he does not eat the stuffing but he loves to pull the stuffing out of all his toys he guts them when pollux is really tired or just sleepy he will curl up in a little bitty ball and stick his nose in his tail and that's how he sleeps it's so sweet when i see him like this it just makes me feel like he knows he's safe and he's warm and he's in a good home and he's surrounded by people that love him and he just sleeps really good like this with his nose and his tail pollux has learned to make himself right at home on our couch had me pollux he will get on any couch in our house and just lounge away he will just make himself at home and at first this like drove me nuts because there was hair on my couch now i've learned to just deal with it and there's hair on the couch but he's just made himself at home pollux wants to go outside at least 50 times a day he goes to the back door and he stands and waits what are you doing sir y'all want to go out you don't want to go out let's go out come on oh okay he goes in and out all day long he's either got to use the bathroom he just wants to check the weather he needs to talk to the squirrels he's gonna play just something whatever pollux wants he goes in and out all day long and no he has never learned to use our doggy door pollux is a snacker he is a foodie i'm telling you what pollux has a nose for snacks he has an ear for snacks too that dog can hear anybody in the kitchen open the snack cabinet to even if we even touch a bag of snacks he comes running you want a cheeto you do is that your favorite okay one more okay just one more oh now and that's fine with me we give him stuff i give him dog treats all day long both him and maxie but he definitely is a snacker and i think his favorite snack is cheetos so talk to my husband about that well now you probably know more about pollux than you ever wanted to know i am still learning new stuff about pollock's it's like i figure something out every single day or something i thought i knew changes he changes his mind he changes his habits he loves new things that's pollux but thanks for joining us in the video about all things pollux oh something else i didn't tell you pollux does not like it when i turn the camera on him so it doesn't matter where i sit or where i put my camera to try to talk about pollux and capture him on the screen he turns around and he turns his back to me and he does it on purpose oh well what are you gonna do but anyway now you know all things pollux for now anyway so here that's his year update and we'll do it again in another year when he's been here with us for two years see you later you
Views: 141,166
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Keywords: welcome to my curls, pollux, pollux dog, dog videos, funny dog videos, quirky dog, why does my dog tear up his toys, dog destroys toy, funny animal videos, funny dogs, pollux rescue dog, weird dogs, dog behavior, strange things dogs do, dog habits, dog habits explained, dog habits and behavior, dog adoption, adopting a dog, Renee Hayden, shelter dog adopts to new home, dog, dogs, dog rescue
Id: shUMiw0HkuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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