I Adopted a Shelter Dog - Her first month in my home (adopt don't shop)

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Georgie how are you liking that what's a big yarn well hey guys it's been a little bit hasn't it well I thought I'd give you a quick little update and introduce you to the newest member of the Baldwin family this is Georgie you can say hi Georgie she's shaking it's her first time on camera Georgie is such a sweetheart and as you guys know unless you're new to my channel I lost my girl Lily to lung cancer back in September I can't believe it's been like almost seven months it was a really really difficult time a lot of people said I should go ahead and get another dog to take care of the pain that was happening and lessen it a little bit I just couldn't see myself doing that right away the pain was really real so I thought okay maybe it's time um I can pour all that love and energy that I put into Lily and didn't have any more into a new dog so I adopted Georgie um it was so interesting so um actually I'm gonna put her down because she's shaking well as you can see that's one of her favorite places to hang out during the day because I open the blinds and she gets so much sun so the quick story of how I adopted Georgie well I was a couple months ago and I was looking on Petfinder I'd been searching kind of looking out there for a little while really torturing myself with looking for a dog I felt like I was kind of gravitating towards dogs who looked like Lily but I definitely wanted a Chihuahua type dog I came across Georgie her name actually then was Belle and what's interesting about that is Lily's middle name was Bo the description of Belle said that she would be a great RV dog I had never seen that description ever and any of the dogs listed so I thought that was like a really good indicator that she would be great because I still want to travel and that means she's good in the car it also said that she hugs with her head and Lily kind of did that too so I know these are similarities to Lily and I'm not trying to replace Lily but those are just sweet things that I loved about her I went through this really long process actually of adopting her which I'm so thankful for they really like vet people who they are going to allow to adopt these sweet little animals but I had to give references and I had to fill out an application and they called my references I ended up having to talk to the lady who checked my background and everything and then I ended up talking to the foster mom for over an hour about Belle at the time and she gave me all the good bad and ugly of her which really wasn't bad if you will but I think all dogs come with some types of Behavioral issues maybe that you need to work through so we went through all of that and then we met she came over here with Belle it was just it was amazing I was like yep that she's it she has to be it and you actually go through a trial period to find out if you're going to be a good match with a dog so they'll leave the dog with you and you do sign a contract and you pay the adoption fee but you wait for a little while to see like is this going to actually be a good match so I love that they have that program and kind of that policy in place so that you can make sure that it's a good match so they had told me that her backstory is that she was dropped off by an elderly woman who had two dogs actually and said that she was dying and her family did not want to take care of these dogs and so she dropped the dogs off at a shelter and the shelter ended up calling chihuahua rescue of Texas and they took her in as a Foster and the foster mom took care of her and made sure that she had all of her vet checks and all of her shot she had not been spayed at that time and had apparently had a couple litters of puppies and they estimate her to be about three years old right now so they had all that done and had her checked out and she came back with a clean bill of health well as I was editing my video I forgot to mention that she is a Chiweenie that's what they think she's a mutt um so because she's got a little bit of a longer body and shorter legs they think that that's the Datsun in her and then of course she's a Chihuahua so hence Chiweenie which interestingly is what supposedly Lily was too predominantly but they look very very different she was doing really really great but I feel like there was probably maybe some trauma in her past because one of the things that the foster mom told me and I witnessed when I had her the first day was that when they went to go pick her up she would Screech like she was in pain and being tortured it was really horrible to hear she had already told me about that as kind of one of the things to look out for but that when she gets used to you um she'll be fine so uh the first night that she was left here she did that she would not let me touch her she just would back herself into a corner almost try to like bite you because she didn't want to be picked up she was scared for anybody to touch her which broke my heart because I was like what did she go through that this happened but my foster mom assured me that once she realizes that I'm her soul food source that she will love me which is actually what happened it only took one day the next day she was like so excited Georgie's got a frozen peanut butter Kong this is her first time eating it so she's trying to figure it out she wants to take it on the couch but I was not to let her bring that on the couch is that the only girl yes just a sweet little girl and you know I could leash her up because I couldn't leash her before I could leash her up and take her on walks and so the first day was of course a little traumatic for her and probably a little bit for me because of the screeching but it worked out really well and you know I could tell she was shut down really shut down she had been through a lot you know since December is when the elderly woman dropped her off and this was now February late February and she had been through a lot in that short amount of time and I have no idea what happened to her before that so I'm so glad that I could adopt her and give her a really good home and we're gonna do some traveling and of course I take her everywhere around here as well in the Dallas Fort Worth area and take her on walks all the time and I just love her are you ready to go for a ride Georgie she knows when we put the harness on it's time to go for a walk or a ride or outside oh my gosh look at her go come on Georgie come you ready you ready what do you want what do you want huh here what do you want and go for a ride he's going what see that's what she does she bounces off of me let's harness you up can't wait she's ready I've got her harnessed in just like I did with Lily before this is a new bed though Georgie deserves her own new bed oh a little bit [Music] we are working on her off leash now she's on a leash very long but just letting her walk around and see how she does seeing her call her recall I mean she calls do she comes come on come on good I'm so proud of you yeah we worked a lot on that today little Georgie like her tag girl you ready to go for a ride you ready go get in your chair oh big run go get in a chair come on go we had a really good walk so so beautiful outside here in Texas so I wanted to take advantage of the cooler weather we're having right now which is 72 degrees outside it's actually supposed to start warming up into the 80s but I had to go to this park and just really get a nice good walk in it's green there's a river lots of people out today enjoying this nice weather so it feels good I'm so proud of you yes that wind was a lot huh her eyes are all watering she has such a great addition to my life and hopefully mine are hers as well I think she loves me she's always given me the cutest little um I call them head hugs it's so sweet to watch her do this it's I don't know she's just a sweet girl but I could tell you know that yes she was shut down a little bit um as a lot of rescue dogs are when you get them because they're waiting to see if they can trust this family and you and their area and make sure you're not going to hurt them and that they're gonna stay the same thing happened with Lily too and you just have to have patience with them and their personalities start coming out and I swear every single year I would see something different in Lily it's like it slowly started to come out and her that she could be really free and and trust and I'm seeing that with Georgie too she's coming out of her shell and she would not play with toys in the beginning even her foster mom told me that she would not play with toys she has a bone and she has a rope she won't like completely play play with them but like when she gets to zoomy she'll go like run after it grab it and throw it on the couch and flip it up in the air so that's a little bit of playing but she won't let me play with her with it what she doing 13. you just launch yourself in me hi sweetheart we go on lots of walks and she loves walking it's her favorite thing if I say I say do you want to go outside Jersey that's a delayed response usually her ears go straight up but she's like yes or if I say she knows that one or do you want to go for a walk she knows that of course she knows the retreat what's going on girl wait are you excited come on what what hi baby good girl good girl thank you come on do you want your treat she gets a treat when she goes potty outside do you want a treat uh-huh you're gonna dance for me you're gonna dance for me she's a good girl good girl or eat she is oh my God the girl is so food motivated actually we feed her Farmer's dog because it is so good for her not sponsored by them but um I have to feed it in this slow food bowl because she eats really fast and I don't want her to have any issues with bloat and also give her a little bit of pumpkin for digestion and the slow food roll keeps her from eating way too fast because she gobbles it down thank you you're making progress I'm thankful that she will eat her food all in one setting but uh you have to be really careful with the treats and the food because and and picking things up off the ground so I have to really watch her when I walk her one of her other favorite things to do is she goes out in the backyard and she just sends herself she loves to lay on the patio and the rocks and at first I thought the Rocks might be too hot but they're a little warm they warm up and she loves that smaller dogs tend to be colder anyways so she loves to Sun herself and it's kind of funny she Blends in with the Rocks the color she's she's this kind of Ginger tan color I went to the pet store to get a bunch of treats and dental cheese for her I tried to give her those uh Dental shoes like the kind of raw Heidi type ones but they're for chewing and she is such an aggressive tour that I'm afraid she's gonna get it stuck she just bites off the pieces and they're really hard we don't want that no who's your treats stewardee was it yummy look right there inside can you what one put your head in a bag that's not good I've been a good Mama I know there was a discussion about me going to Europe and not getting a dog but well at the end of the day it didn't happen right away and I just felt like having a dog in my life it was so much more important for my mental health for sure I did end up getting an Esa through my therapist so I was really happy to have that with my my house area that I'm living in this housing complex I gave that to them and I didn't have to pay any like pet rent or pet deposit um I can take her onto an airplane with me if I want I'm really thankful for that my therapist thought especially with everything that happened that it would be a really great idea for me to have that I just wanted to give you guys a quick update and let you know that I have a new addition to the family Georgie Bell is her name just show you who she is and how sweet she is and playful and I'm just so happy and I will have another video coming out very soon about what has actually been happening in my life besides getting Georgie but just know that I've been taking a little time for myself to kind of regroup and relax and take care of myself I will be back very soon so thank you guys and I love you very much thank you all for the comments and the sweet kind words of appreciation for my channel and that you guys miss me so we will be back very soon video [Music]
Channel: Amber Baldwin
Views: 159,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adopt shelter dog, adopt dont shop, adopt rescue dog, chiweenie dogs, adopt chiweenie, rescue dogs getting adopted, esa, emotional support animal, vlog, chihuahua rescue, chihuahua rescue and transport, cute animal, cute animal videos, animal rescue, dog rescue shelter, Dog rescues owner, amber baldwin, story chasing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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