I Obtained Minecraft's Most Illegal Secrets

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the Villager chicken jockey is the craziest Secret in Minecraft or is it turns out there's so many Secrets way crazier like an iron golem that kills villagers or a stack of enchanted books but which one is the absolute craziest secret let's find out starting with shift clicking these bottles into a brewing stand and then grabbing the stacks I can pass the 64 stack limit pretty cool right wrong it absolutely sucks you can't even place it down you stupid which is why we'll be collecting these from rare to very rare to very very rare to wait that's real I thought this was fake that's crazy I had no idea and we'll store the items in this hallway I can't put the giant stack into a chest so I guess we can just fill ring stand cuz much like myself that's still pretty illegal this next block mojing tried to make impossible to obtain but I found a way using Google we'll need three things one some cobby webs B some ocean biome and four some ocean ruin the block we're looking for is the rarest in the game and if it's not we are going to pretend like it is well doesn't appear to be here to the next and oh that's it that's the rarest okay okay okay so if I break this with my silk touch shovel it's okay I knew that would happen there's another suspicious gravel right next to it so hypothetically oh hypothetically if I bro hypothetically if I put a cobweb here and break this one the suspicious gravel will fall and I could literally grow Two Beards in this time yes no way it worked I got regular gravel okay the problem was that I'm an idiot this time it's actually suspicious gravel what okay the problem is that I was using a cobweb like an idiot when I should have been using two cobwebs wait that actually worked now I just do the same thing with sand and what what what for this next secret you need to strike a turtle with lightning so short story short we need to try to ow ow ow [Music] oh look at the little baby I can't wait to murder it with [Music] lightning oh yeah baby wo right it doesn't have loyalty why did I do that now we just need to enchant it with channeling so that I can get some wait I already had a trident wait I already had two Trident now I have three oh snap okay now we have to find a turtle cuz it's already raining oh yes there's one right there sweet okay strike him down uh seagrass yeah that might be because it's not lightninging it's raining while we wait for lightning we can get the rarest mob in the game which all you need is a rabbit and a toast name tag boom now some of you guys are thinking oh that's not the rarest mob in the game and some of you guys are even saying it but I I know it isn't also I just discovered this really cool trick I think if I push glass into the rabbit and then I get rid of these yes look at that he's stuck in the cage that's sweet it's still not lightninging lightning so we'll move on to the item with no name just slap an item into an anvil delete the name paste in this invisible character I found on the sketchiest website I could TDA I know it seems illegal but there's a reason it's only in the rare section this next item is the rarest fishing drop in the game oh it's just a maxed out enchanted book that would be so boring this item is so rare it gets rarer with luck of the sea so we're going to be fishing for quite a while oh let's go I got it 10 insects yep that the drop it's yeah uh underwhelming but we had to get past the boring Secrets before getting to the absolutely mindblowing brain exploding aneurism caus whoa that spins if we fly to our end portal man this thing is and to the end and then an end City there's the Ender Dragon's literal face attached to its head which is attached to a shipo what's so secret about that I'm an idiot okay just for doubting me I'll be collecting the other mob heads as well just as punishment but also you're right the magic happens when you power it on and oh baby I can think of some uses for this guy there's another head that has special abilities but for that we'll also need a lightning storm so while we wait let's quickly get the heads that don't require lightning wao it's a regular skeleton with a stone sword that's rare right I got to protect this man oh no you just took some damage don't hit me well nice and ancient city and mucho good Spanish dingo no big deal anyway it's still not a thunderstorm so let's start on the very rare Secrets the first is a secret mob which combines four regular nether mobs so I'm going to fly up and they should start spawning now I just have to kill off all of the non baby hoglins now we can trap this guy you will be Alfredo and now we need a baby piglin which oh wait there's actually one over here quickly murder your dad now come this way buddy he's not taking my commands I think I need a new tactic I'm going to bring the hoglin to him instead um name him he should start riding the baby hoglin I don't know why he's not according to the internet it says he will oh he is riding him that's sick okay now I just need to capture a few more of those guys now we fly away let a bunch of mobs spawn there kill every anything but the baby piglins oh man oh now we need to get that baby piglin into the hole in the center oh I he literally just ran right in there yep okay sweet so that's two on top of each other now we just need one more perfect and I know you might be thinking oh that's not a secret of Minecraft that's just a rare mob anyway so we'll set up a portal here and then it connect to this one we'll make a pathway out of walls okay now we break this oh what oh okay so they hop on and Hop Off interesting okay well as long as they all come this way wait they grow up look at that all right come on guys we're going through the portal all right we got him through the portal what oh they turn into the zombified versions and then they can't ride him anymore I ended up spending a few hours trying to get this to work and eventually I didn't so I just gave one netherite armor and called it a day wow what a crazy secret okay but the one coming up actually are real and insane lanterns in Minecraft have to hang from a block that's floating right and at the same time anvils don't float right and while those statements are true they're also completely false there's a little unknown little secret which I guess that's what unknown is where you place a string in that and then I double click that with the left and right and the explanation was Flawless okay anyway look wow breaking the laws of okay let's go to the next secret this secret is another mob and it's one of the most cursed mobs thus far first you need a cauldron with water and then wait for it to turn night okay we're looking for an Ender of men oh there's one right here sick okay I got him in the boat I got to name him uh-oh there's creepers okay uh that creeper in the boat's kind of a problem for anyone but me so now we just hop in the boat and boat him over to L Museum oh wait he takes damage from the water oh no wait it's in a boat oh it's cuz it's raining I'm an idiot bro needs an umbrella okay come on don't die please don't die oh no yes suck at nature I rule man I got to wait for it to stop raining oh wait I can kill a turtle now where is a turtle there's got to be some turs around oh there's one okay sick and I missed I'm an idiot strike you with lightning and what the heck wait well let's just get a zombie head while we're here anyway blow him up yeah look at that we got a zombie head and get a creeper head too yes let's go okay sweet now there's only one more head we need but we still need to strike a turtle with lightning cuz I don't know what happened with that last one oh there's one right there okay what is it cuz he's underwater come on buddy let's get out of the water he's not coming out o here we go okay okay okay here we go here we go come on what is it not 100% drop rate I'm so confused is it only in Bedrock Edition what is this okay I think the problem is my trident's killing and not the lightning so if I shoot it through oh yes let's go it actually worked yep the item is a bowl uh yep the best way to get a bowl is the game you cannot deny that okay back to the Enderman let's bring him back I think I'll need to carve out a tunnel for him so he doesn't teleport away okay now just go up there please oh wow he just straight up walks up there this is great now I'm just going to build a cage around him okay buddy feel free to get all up in that cauldron okay perfect nice we're going to do the same thing as we did with the rabbit by pushing glass into him okay that should have oh and he never actually went in the cauldron and now he's just walking away oh no oh I made a grave mistake this is bad and he died from the Thorns of course he did okay well not to worry I got another one no problemo there it is okay sweet and there it is an Enderman inside water and completely fine it doesn't make sense this next item is so rare there's only a handful of people who have ever even seen it negative durability items so if I drop a helmet for this zombie then I punch the zombie at the same time that the helmet takes damage from the Sun and then kill the zombie did it okay it lowered on durability so now I just have to do that until the helmet reaches zero durability and it'll start going negative oh wait his helmet just broke that's not supposed to happen does this not work anymore turns out I want to die but also this glitch was removed a few updates ago however they can still drop items with zero durability so nope uh-uh NOP man uh-uh n not this one no Noe nope no no no no no no oh wait no way we actually got it oh finally dude that's crazy only three more to the very very rare Secrets this next mob is one of the most mind-bending mobs yet it's a villager that fights back and kills zombies we'll need a librarian with a specific trade but before we can purchase said trade we'll need emeralds cuz you know what they say takes money to buy things I'm pretty sure I have a guy who sells Emerald for books oh he also sells Thorns that's the specific trade that I needed from the other guy now I enchant all the armor with thorns and protection what now we just theft a villager like so and I can't just throw armor at him and hope that he picks it up cuz well he doesn't so what we can do is set up a little dispenser system like this activate it and boom there's no armor in there and now he is technically wearing it although you can't see it so we do that with all of the pieces look at that I punch him and I take damage so let's test it out let me free this zombie oh there we go he's going oh look at that he's dying that's crazy you are the first ever villager to kill a zombie don't fact check that and this guy isn't even close to the craziest Secret in this Museum this mob is so deep in the depths of the tundra that you end up outside of the tundra and then back into another Tundra that not a soul has ever seen it and lived to tell the tale okay I just made that up but it is pretty rare it's technically a fox variant and I just saw one somewhere oh there he is okay does he have something in his mouth because there's a 1% chance of a f having it nope doesn't have anything oh there's one right there oh there's two of them killing a chicken and nope no emerald in his mouth or that guys oh there's more over here okay nope they don't have anything in their mouths ooh there's one right there what is that oh it's there's nothing never mind lame there's quite a few wow nope that one's got leather wait a minute is this from a what are this called the ruin things the buried ancient city huh that's crazy those are rare no way this is the that's it the one with the emerald in his mouth it's only 1% chance holy cow we found that fast that was like 20 minutes tops well have fun being locked up for the rest of Eternity this next item is dropped only by a cre screaming goat which have a 2% chance of spawning hey he dropped one okay let's blow the Smokey nope it's regular I think instead of looking for a cre screaming goat I'm going to breed them until one comes out oh let's go I got another one nope nope no uh-uh no n NOP no NOP no no oh my goodness they all just [Music] ooh yep that awful sound is the rarest goat horn that sounds so terrible okay this is where it gets crazy the very very rare Secrets we're used to iron gols that protect villagers but what if you could get an iron golem that murders villagers well get your socks ready cuz I'm about to blow them off it's a complicated equation but pretty sure we can pull it off okay so we first elephant trap the Villager make a mini skyscraper build an iron golem in this cage above the Villager nuts I need a pumpkin get rid of this dirt in order to get an iron golem that murders villagers you must first obtain an iron golem that murders villagers which requires committing Mass Pillager side or just finding a Pillager with a thing right away I didn't get bad Omen because he died from Fall damage are you kidding me okay there we go and now the sketchy part we start a [Music] [Applause] [Music] raid uhoh no nope nope not even worried [Music] oh sick that was the last guy so now the Villager should start celebrating yep there's the firework and it damages the Iron Golem perfect okay so we drop the Golem down now and what why is he not mad at the Villager wait okay so I attempted this four more times with no luck and started to lose hope but I decided to try one last time all right here we go and that is the last guy guy It better work this time they're not even shooting fireworks what are they doing is there a block in the way okay there we go ooh yes look at that bro just murdered a villager okay I got to take him away before he murders the entire Village that's insane this next mob is so incredibly rare it's actually a structure also I've never even found it before it only generates in desert biomes in the deepest of caves below low deep slate level ooh this is a nice cave ow who put a pull there oh shoot big lava look at all of that guys I spent so long looking for this fossil I started just randomly digging holes into tough blocks thinking that you know if I poke enough holes into these eventually I'm just going to find something I never did it didn't work but you know what does work looking up a seed map on Google that tells me exactly where the structure spawns oh just exploring this normal cave that I definitely didn't oh wo wait there's a fossil right there what are the odds of that wow guys I did it um anyway so it's a fossil that has diamonds inside of it it's a special kind of fossil and this is what the entire thing looks like however I can't fit it all back in the museum so I'll just take a little piece and just place it in here like that in the last rare Minecraft video we captured a villager on a chicken however there's a chicken jockey which Mojang accidentally made obtaining impossible or did they this jockey should be fair common but because of a bug it's impossible to get by any typical normal human person however I'm not your average typical normal human person I'm an idiot when a baby zombie spawns it has a 5% chance of spawning on a chicken and the same applies for drowns however when a drown jockey spawns it instantly exits the chicken because it's in water so I'm trying to make a device that will spawn drowns onto these pre-existing chickens oh whoops oh wait I can do it again no way let me do one more time dude if this doesn't work in 2 hours I will wait longer well it's been 2 hours and 1 minute and it still has not worked I even added more water I'm going to try something completely different I'm just going to bring a ton of chickens right into the water here and then build a giant platform above it to shade it and maybe a drown will just tapen to spawn on one of the chickens so it isn't exactly working I'm thinking maybe if I make a little platform and stick some chickens on the platform and sit here and wait for one to spawn I guess okay I just saw a zombie chicken spawn and had a genius idea what if oh man what if I capture this guy fly him back to the museum where did he go wait what happened to the chicken pinto what did you do to my chicken okay well another one spawned so let's just bring him back and try it again So the plan is how did he just take damage I don't know anyway so the plan is what we're going to do is what the you you just I wanted to see if I can drown the zombie that's already on the chicken he's kind of like not in the water or is sometimes so this might take some time so I guess while we're waiting let's build a floating water block so we'll place down these Redstone components in this very strange shape and the water that we want floating we'll place right there now we remove the redstone blocks and now we just get rid of all these other blocks and it should be floating water dude that's sick yeah buddy the little guy still hasn't drowned so I'm going to move the water maybe like right here well oh we like that very much we can get the final head now first we'll strike a creeper with Thor's hammer now build a neighboring nether portal kill this annoying ghast not necessary but definitely fun locate and Bridge to the closest piglin go back to the Overworld bring the creeper to the nether enter a different portal as to not get blown to smithin bring Pinto all the way to the piglin okay Pinto let's blow this fool up yep what how did bro survive that was a blast from Point Blank Range from a Charged Creeper let's try that again wait wait I wonder how many chickens I can fry dropped the creeper in the hole that I put a pigling in there we go light him there we go yes oh that's sick so now we just flip a leveron underneath it oh yeah we like that we like that very much I'm not joking when I say I spent the next 5 days trying to get a drowned jockey before realizing it truly is impossible there were multiple times where I should have gotten one but even though the chicken isn't in the water for a split second the drown is so it still Dismounts so we'll move on to the final secret which is multiple enchanted books stacked upon one another in like a stack style although I don't have enough emeralds for an entire stack so we'll just do as many as we can first we need this guy to sell either curse of Vanishing or curse of binding oh nice all right sweet so now we just buy as many of these as we can now we place them into a grindstone and yep a two stack of books so let's repeat this a bunch and the reason this works is cuz grindstones can't remove cursed books so it makes two Flawless logic and the final secret how do we put it oh that didn't work oh there we go okay you got to shift click it in I see I see yay woohoo we did it every single secret in the game okay well uh if you like this video you'll probably like this one on the screen right here so click watch bye peace
Channel: Beppo
Views: 922,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Id: mpfIxZZZu9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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