We Crafted MEGA LONG TOOLS In Minecraft!

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in this minecraft video everything is long that's right we can craft long tools but first of all we need to create a long crafting bench to craft the long tools it only makes sense but the key thing is the better the tools that we make the more effective they are i don't want to spoil the abilities that each the long tools have so you'll just have to watch the video stop being lazy also make sure to click the long like button on this video and head over to slower.com for the merch and anyway let's get into it beat the game but crafting is long are you okay okay you're gonna be able to do this here guys this is a normal crafting bench okay we need a long crafting bench so okay no no no no we need okay let's just get the wood here there's normal trees right here this okay make two crafting tables crazy guys ready wait no you need another one you need another one crafty table there's already one here i don't know yeah yeah but i have two i have two yeah okay make another one put it on top no just listen guys all right i have two make another one i have three okay in the crafting bench oh make like a long crafting table okay crafting table long line and you got it guys it's it's a coffin a coffee yeah buddy okay so now i got it with this we can craft long tools i want a long x all right get some resources get some resources wait a minute so is the recipe for a long x different uh yeah well it's long do you need a lot of i'm pretty sure it's obvious guys are you trying to make extra long sticks yeah i thought that's a bit oh look this is how you do it guys look ready no no don't the top one see that is how you do it you made who took that shovel who just stole from me look at this i got a long necks all right well guys we've got shovels oh look look look look look jelly look a tree okay show myself a long axe oh my god [Applause] we need to get some proper resources i am getting a pickaxe right yeah i mean we can make a long pickaxe right oh thanks jelly all right okay so what happens when i break this now and then you do it it looks normal to me what are you guys doing why is it normal i don't know what the ax the pickaxe does i have a long wooden pickaxe okay yeah how do we okay wait wait wait wait i want to try something else i want to try something else yo the long one pickaxe is lame whoa what happened you have to do it sideways oh wait i made a long stone pickaxe guys oh that's probably a bit better yeah hi goodness gracious this is okay upgrades okay so now we make stone tools yeah to make stone tools of everything guys look what i got what oh my whoa what is that put you in hello it's the sword it puts you right dog trainer that is awesome i want a sword i love that so much you need a lot of wood though this is actually my favorite please oh no we broke the crafting table as well stop josh it was really funny when i did it it's not funny anymore george help it's not funny anymore josh how do i make those crafting tables it's not you know it feels funny right now i got another one i got another one oh it's out the other side okay okay i'll stop now okay so what else can we make we can make a hoe i guess i could try a hole i'm gonna make a a a better what do you think a hoe does long haul then a battery it puts food down command blocks that feels unintentional yeah that feels like we broke the game maybe don't do that jelly hey don't do that don't do that it breaks the game guys i got a long stone x now i have so much stuff i want to find iron people beating that song yeah cause i think we can go oh my god check this out look at this this is the long stone x look oh it does the entire forest wait what happens if i hit a sheep with us oh not really yeah okay nice guys guys stop i want to find iron i think that should be on will you do iron upgrades all right let's go i think by the way if we get an iron sword it does something different no josh not funny [Laughter] that is illegal okay guys i'm gonna look for a little cave wait we can make one where's the uh oh oh he is actually kind of right about that i don't have a where are you jelly okay he's doing quite good have you got any iron okay cave time cave time guys wait oh i found i felt copper i think i don't know how is this get out i'm going down captain please okay bye guys elevator down who wanted elevator down all right i'll stay up here and try and get some iron then iron i found iron all right so now we make a normal furnace boys i'll build a staircase what happens when you make a long furnace guys i don't think it's a thing jelly okay let's leave that alone what do you even know about long things jelly you're not long so that was supposed to be here that was a bad don't worry guys i built a staircase did you put a furnace down up here josh no crane has got one down here but this is my stuff wait i'm building a staircase all the way down and you're saying i can't be friends friends don't steal i'm not stealing i'm participating okay you can have the rest off okay what what's in there like three own burning there we go all right so guys are we making uh are we making a long pickaxe we're gonna need like a lot of resources we're gonna need a long pickaxe but guess what whoa it is with uh you hold up just a second please do that delete the furnace who deleted the furnace check this out josh what long island sword can hit you from here you can do a range it's so long i can hit you stop where is the furnace you left is it is it a pit uh no it broke oh not mine no crane no crane he put it okay i don't want to die jelly okay i'm gonna make myself a long pickaxe just so we have one all right okay long pickaxe don't say all right like that okay so i think guys now we need sort of gold sword um diamond sword you know maybe a bow i agree with bl time no no i said bow like bow no bow time yeah there is a bow time and now all right so what we need for a bow is string and sticks oh my goodness the iron one is strong come here ready wow wait this is gonna be easy to find golden diamond with should we just go down to find diamond right now well we need gold as well we won't go it as well we should probably um i'm gonna keep this i guess all right let's go find some gold i guess i am officially at deep slate gold and diamonds what are you doing that'd be fun trainer elevator has been activated at deep sleep level okay i guess i'm coming down as well i'm just making an iron pickaxe if you want to join you need to come in down don't worry oh we found a mine shaft i actually brought tears with me guys so i can't have to do that josh uh i can get i can get string for um oh there's most behind us outside camera baby get get um wait how do i get straight quick never mind wait there's actually spiders over here we could just get it from them all right guys we're just looking for diamond now right we need diamond we need string we need okay all of those good things okay stone sword not good for killing mob why where is all the diamond yeah there's no diamonds guys well i'm getting a string for the bow anyway how do you get the string i keep getting cobweb yeah because you're using the shears that picks it up get back fall free drop the diamonds guys i found diamonds okay a lot of it and there's a long skeleton well you need help we're gonna need a lot of diamonds by the way i'll tell you what how about we get some string we get some diamonds diamond's here too oh my god diamond's here and then crainer talks over me sorry we get some string get some diamonds then let's head back to the surface okay guys are we gonna craft all the things now guys well that is what we're doing that's kind of the plan so wait it was a diamond sword i made a long ball how do we how did you do that do we go like that and then like that how do you make the bow jelly the string is on the right josh string is on the right all right now where are you guys it doesn't look like one but i'll take it where where we were okay where is that how do i get an arrow i don't have it out jake i have an arrow oh you just gave one to me thank you look at my giant giant arrow ah yeah okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's try the let's try the golden one for uh-huh where's my who's scared nobody keep this thing huh wait you made a golden one i didn't make a golden one yeah i wanted i wanted to see gold too wait where are we i want to kill the ender dragon okay yeah that's right guys we gotta beat the game yeah we gotta beat the end dragon now all right wait wait wait wait can i please test the golden one yeah yeah absolutely all right only you could be an arrow only if you give me an [Applause] well that is so powerful josh okay okay so the golden sword drops iron and the long diamond sword explosion okay all right guys let's get the rest of our gear together and then let's go fight the end of the dragon uh before we jump in what look how long our tools are by the way oh yeah yeah they leave the puddle you deleted the puddle thank you jelly yeah no wait guys it might still work it's still half there oh jump through it now jump through it are you kidding jump you almost ruined it you almost ruined it buddy okay who did that did he fool off who did that uh who did shoot your longbows at the healer shoot your shots guys shoot your shots hit him shoot that oh of good damage amount of damage okay we need him to land as well but it's also sport does much more though guys it's also going to be healing itself so oh i'm hitting him with the sword from here wait really kidding yeah you can actually do that seriously jump then you can hit him when he's a little bit lower i'm gonna die because of my own sword explosion yes i can't reach him come on guys we can do this come here dragon boy should we shoot the healers out i probably don't even know if i want to crawl up there i think we probably need to yeah let's just do it let's get rid of all of these things first guys he's not healing anymore okay i think the sword is seriously the best way to do it ow yeah okay wait oh my god come on buddy what's up flies up quite a lot because of the explosion okay yeah just shoot him while he's doing this then he's on half health this is good yeah it can't heal anymore either right okay now he's dead he's dead let him land uh well we could just kill him yeah kill him no no one more one more shot yay oh no wait wait i think wait if i do this oh my did i just oh i thought i could delete it oh you can't i don't oh i did it crater's elevator yeah so now we go yeah now we can't get back stuck here forever trainer wait could you guys kill me for a sec yes no here we go here we go creators elevator next up the void they're gonna take quite a long time oh wait hello i think we might be crashing the game oh no no it's fine oh wow look at the size of this yo isti is the void down under here i just think it's a lot thicker than you might have realized trainers elevator is now out of service i have a better right good night thank you very much for watching does that count as being in the game no there was way too much cheating for that anyway make sure to head over to slugo.com for the merge or click one of the videos on screen if you'd like to watch more have a great one bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,542,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, mod, long tools, jelly, crainer
Id: BdYXTK09Fs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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