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today we are once again back in turtle town and i gotta say before i get into this the support in this series has been absolutely mind-blowing so if you want to see more it's up to you guys hit that like button in case you don't know turtle town is a server where me jelly and josh troll each other and also we try to survive and just play normal minecraft while we do that right that's what the series all about and today is absolutely no different i actually get payback on one of the boys today subscribe if you're new around here because we are almost at seven million subscribers and let's just jump right into the video introducing the brand spanking new crainer crib and um yeah just trying to ignore that for now i'll i'll go check it out later anyway my house comes first because i think it's absolutely sweet let me show you guys what i've been doing oh yeah and if you're new around here uh this is why i had to build a new house oh my god i get rid of all this lava how did you even get this much lava what happened yeah my friends are evil crainer's new crib only crainer's allowed well thank you very much crainer i what is that what is that are you kidding me i just moved into my new house what is this you better get out of my house no villagers allowed in here that's what i think about you anyway let's go see what this is all about before i give you a tour of my brand new house dear turtle town resident as of day 14 all resident must pay a weekly tax of three diamonds three diamonds a week i don't even have one diamond the diamonds must be placed in the tax office chest before the end of the week failing to do so will give turtle town the right to burn down your property and you will be forced to move out sincerely head of turtles seems a little bit extreme doesn't it that seems a little bit extreme let's get rid of this what the heck what do they mean attacks and also oh there's a new house right there maybe that's it tax office turtle town that's a lot of teas right there place three diamonds in the chest failing to do this yeah yeah yeah we already know all right so apparently there's a tax system in place now ah great hey jelly to say thank you for letting me join your server i want it wait is that a zombie in there the heck are you two doing anyway to say thank you for letting me join your server i wanted to help bring some nature to your home so i turned it into a nature house i hope you like it from slo-go oh yikes josh is out of control he turned jelly's entire house into nature man that is i'm happy i'm not jelly right now wait this actually is good for me because i was gonna do something to jaws today and it makes a lot more sense to do it now because as you guys know josh was actually the one that poured lava all over my house remember i will forever remember this josh so i thought that today i would get back on him and it seems like my troll would be appropriate because he's getting out of control we need to we need to stop him we've been waiting long enough for this let me give you a little bit of a tour i apologize to hole in the carpet but you know tax office and all that as you enter my beautiful home you will see carpet of course i got three furnaces right here burning iron which we will be using for today's troll we also have the path leading to two beds because i am a big individual i'm actually not really i'm pretty small in real life but i'll just lay down right here and i'll take a nap the crafting tables are purely just because they look awesome and if we go down the path you will see three magnificent chests filled with the finest loot okay it's not great if we then take a sharp left you will notice i have an outdoor area very beautiful see there's a little there's a little little staircase here that leads you right across the water i even put some nature in my house i actually did that way before jaws did it but look now you might be like why do you even have this one it's beautiful two it's rude of you to ask because i enjoy it and three well because it's also a troll if you remember last time on turtle town i built a secret little room well check this out if i just go down here into the trap door hidden in my fountain you will see it's my old mine and as you know in my old mine i can just simply slap myself in the face and i be gliding ah we are here my secret base the base that jelly and josh don't know about and this is going to be my diamond chest eventually actually let's empty it out of all this trash that's kind of cool right i bet nobody's ever gonna find out about the fountain i think it's pretty sick anyway let's head back okay now where were we we got a thread from turtle town saying that if i don't pay three diamonds in texas they're gonna burn my house down and i wanna do a troll on josh i do actually think that for my troll on josh i'm probably gonna need more iron so let's head down into a mine and let's at least try to get three diamonds if i fail oh i guess we're just gonna have to hope that turtle town is not serious about the whole burning thing you know what this actually looks pretty promising it looks like it could go down really far so let's go take a look at this mine iron is top priority well actually diamonds are because i don't want to get my house burned down oh iron nice dang this goes down really far this might actually be great oh no yeah get away oh no there's an invasion happening we must stop them get away fall creatures go back to where where you came from that's right nobody messes with the crane star okay they called upon the whole family this is not good a few moments later look at my hearts oh at least we got sweet iron here oh my god so much iron it was all worth it it was all worth it whoo we are definitely reaching diamond levels right now let's hope for the best guys okay we're good oh more iron great yeah i mean we could start seeing diamond here unfortunately it does not appear that i'm that lucky right now ah that sucks please world i really don't want to get my house burned down by turtle town that would suck i'm really putting my life on the line for that taxing system right now i hope that um hope that turtle town appreciates me a little bit come on i don't have forever man i gotta do the troll on jaws too i can't i can't be looking for diamonds forever oh my this keeps going on oh jeez okay because there's gotta be diamonds here if there are no diamonds here then i am the most unlucky minecrafter in the world look at how big this area is this gotta be diamond right bucket water yay look at me being a smart minecrafter you guys proud of me come on i've been down here forever just give me something just give me something that i can give to turtle town wait diamond no way no oh oh geez what um oh no i might have started something bad here okay let's not die to the lava damn it i gotta get this diamond turtle time will finally not burn my house down okay please be three diamonds are four one okay two three three give me three diamonds i've been spending way too long down here give me three diamonds please you gotta be kidding me we're gonna give this to turtle town and let's hope they don't freak out ooh all right all right tax office cool uh how am i gonna i guess i'll leave a sign here i could only afford two diamonds please no burn crainer oh jeez okay let's put these diamonds in here i feel bad about giving my diamonds but if it's a server rule it's a server rule all right on to my troll we need to start smelting all this iron because that is how i'm gonna troll josh it'll take a while to smelt it all down but you know what we got time okay so we got a bunch cooking but i can actually get started on it now so what i want to do is i want to encase josh's entire house in iron boss basically putting him in like jail because jelly only put water on my house which honestly wouldn't have been that bad it was just slightly annoying then jaw said he wanted to help me clean it up by putting lava on it and we all know that josh knows that that's bad he deserves to be put in jail real quick so let's make as many iron bars as we go that's a lot already i might have honestly gotten too much iron well that's sick let's stop let's stop putting him in jail okay let's start it from like um here i guess then we just simply go this way yay jail time for you josh you deserve it now we go around the back here and then we just simply connect it with the other one nice i think this is gonna look hilarious when i'm done with it okay so we're already at the roof and i definitely got more iron than i need because we haven't even gone through the original stacks so uh that's really good i can jump up on josh's roof already man this is gonna be great all right we can now officially begin encasing his house like this and then josh is officially in jail and we are now done holy crap that took way longer than i thought but let's look at the result oh my god look at this ah that looks absolutely amazing i can't wait to hear about josh's reaction on this dear josh i think you are out of control first the lava on my house then jelly's nature house i have put you in jail for now so you can calm down a bit trainer there we go ah that is absolutely amazing and you know what i even have enough iron to get full iron gear this has been a successful episode i would say that that was definitely good what do you guys think about that troll let me know down in the comments what you thought about it and also check out these two videos if you haven't had enough of my face yet which hopefully you haven't because that'll be rude
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,438,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: Yt0UrUcwtnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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