I 3D Printed a Working Transparent Steam Engine

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in 1775 james watts submits a patent for a new and improved steam engine that powered the industrial revolution this specific design was not the first or the best of all time but it was enough to change the world in a way that humanity will never forget i truly believe that the best way to create a better future is by looking back and understanding the past so in my opinion the most important question you can ask about the steam engine is how does it work this video was brought to you by bright sellers this is the ideal gas law and to put it together it took many years and a lot of scientists but the message that it gives us is pretty simple if you heat up a liquid for example alcohol that has a boiling temperature of 78 degrees celsius it will transition from its liquid state into a gas and because gas occupies more space than a liquid it will also expand in this case the gas does so by filling the balloon but what if that is not the case if you eat up a bottle of wine you have a similar experiment as before with a small difference that this time the gas can't expand so it builds up and increases in pressure and because pressure over a surface is a force eventually something has to give jesus christ it works popping corks out of bottles of wine is a cool party trick but if your goal is to design an engine you might want to use that pressure to push a piston and maybe don't use alcohol as a working fluid it's a little bit flammable but you know what's not flammable water and it's pretty abundant and water is actually pretty inflammable unflammable non-flammable it doesn't burn so we get to a point where we can push the piston to one side of the cylinder but that's only half of the work for it to be considered an engine we need to be able to push the piston to one side and then push it back to the other to do that we need to find a way to alternate the flow of steam between both sides of the cylinder and to do that we can easily solve the problem with a valve using a valve that is connected to the same shaft as the piston it's possible to redirect the flow of steam with cleverly thought out channels and absolutely perfect timing now theory is fun and all but i want to make sure this design actually works also i'm what you would call an ancient nerd i would love to build a steam engine but let's make this interesting i'm going to make it transparent and mostly out of plastic can you hear it yes is the montage almost coming through get it because we're talking about the steam engine and trains used to have steam engines never mind just roll the moldash [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so the engine is ready i think um i'm gonna give it a test i set the pressure to two bars which is more or less the minimum on my compressor let's give it a go to see if it works in three two one oh it's not going [Music] look wait that it's going yeah [Music] okay so two bars doesn't seem to be the right pressure for this i mean this is 3d printed there's a lot of friction so i'm going to raise the pressure to four bars and try it again [Music] okay so that was four bars but my compressor can go up to eight bars so i'm gonna put the pressure at the maximum and give it a try to see what happens i'm betting the lid is gonna come off but i'm gonna start slowly to see if it can hold on i knew it one lid hold on i don't want to glue you down because if i glue it down i can't disassemble the engine [Music] yeah it's coming off i don't think the engine is ready to handle eight bars oh it works okay it works even when the lid is off oh that's so weird oh of course because as long as it can do half a cycle it's gonna work yeah that makes sense but i would like to see it working with both leads on come [Music] not on it's not happening sponsor time do you know that moment in restaurants when they bring the wine and you start swirling it around and take a sniff so it seems like you know what you're doing yeah me neither i'm portuguese and that automatically makes me a wine expert it is in my genes to savor the most exquisite fermented grape juice while telling inappropriate jokes that ruins everyone's dinner party if you're like me and you're looking for the best wine cellars search no more and use the services of bright sellers actually bright sellers is much more than just a wine cellar they offer a personalized service where you answer a 7 question quiz from what they get the best wines for you every 4 bottle box is unique and sent directly to you we're talking about high quality private label wines that you wouldn't probably get by any other means bright sellers is offering 60 off their first four bottle box that's four bottles for 38 dollars crazy value by clicking the link in the description down below you're not only becoming a wine connoisseur but also helping me make more videos like this and to that i say cheers also remember this never drink rose in croatia trust me you're gonna thank me later back to the video now the engine seems to work pretty well with compressed air but for me to be able to call it a steam engine it needs to be able to work with steam and to get some steam i used my pressure cooker the pressure cooker worked well with my steam turbine but the truth is that the max steam pressure i can get with this pan is about one and a half bar which is not much but because i don't really have a better solution to generate steam i had to give it a try [Music] okay yeah it's parking oh i can't believe this is working keep going my boy the engine did work with steam but because the pressure was dropping pretty quickly in the pressure cooker well the running time was less than 15 seconds but that doesn't really matter does it i 3d printed a working steam engine out of plastic that's pretty damn cool isn't it you don't need to answer that it is pretty cool the best part of it is that i designed the entire engine to be 3d printed without support material which means that basically anyone can 3d print it unless you don't have a 3d printer in that case you can but even with that problem i think i can give a little help in my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was mike curry and he suggested that i could build a glider well i never really built anything that flies so that seems interesting if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer well um this is everything for today thank you so much for watching and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya okay i was not expecting that i don't want a pulse yet i want a wish bottle ah next
Channel: Integza
Views: 188,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DmOL2oB1d6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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