Aerospike Hybrid Rocket Engine (3D printed)

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i want some thrust i don't want like oh look at me i'm nasa pushing thousands of kilograms into space levels of thrust i just want some thrust enough that can make something go whoosh that's it i have been trying with pulse jet engines turbo jet engines solid rockets and liquid rockets and so far the results haven't been the best and the youtubers laugh at me oh look at integza he can only build engines that blow up on his face this ends today today i get my thrust this video was brought to you by harry's as you might have noticed i'm in a different place and the reason for that is i moved i was tired of being attacked by tomatoes and wasps yes uh it's a shame that i left my attic but at least now i don't have to deal with that kind of stuff tomato death squad yes the tomato death squad an elite team of assassins assembled by tomato lord amongst them we have the italian twin wasps two fascist brothers that believe only italians can have mustaches to the left stands sergey the crazy crazy russian tomato that drinks way too much fertilizer being russian doesn't really help and at last natalia sergey's older sister and the deadliest of them all unfortunately for her she has crossed paths within tags before in texas you have killed my family and ruined my beautiful fears prepare to suffer natalia i see you have teamed up with the wasps well you're not the only one with allies guess who's back in texasbot attack let's dance kalika intixa you're next are you thirsty time to finish the job once and for all without using that ignition it's a robot that slaps you right don't try to hide it please vodka always gives me an attic in my last video i got some thrust burning 3d printed fuel and by 3d printing fuel i mean plastic like regular plastic that is used to make legos you see the cool thing about burning stuff with pure oxygen is that you can make almost anything into rocket fuel plastic tampons candles even tomatoes especially tomatoes in my case i used abs plastic which is short for acrylonitrile beauty dense diary yeah that's why you have a short for it abs burns pretty intensively like the love between shrek and fiona but someone on my discord server told me there's an even more powerful plastic asa or assa which burns like the hate i have for tomatoes so that should be an interesting show because as you know hate always defeats love you can put that on my tombstone so i 3d printed two fuel grains one in red abs to represent love and one in asa or assa that represents pure hate i didn't have any more colors a rocket fuel grain is just a cylinder with a hole in the middle that burns inside out depending on what shape you give your hole you get different thrust profiles in my case i use the star shape that should give me a constant thrust my problem on the last video was that i didn't really have a nozzle so the exhaust gases were going all over the place this time around i decided to 3d print one i can't really 3d print a nozzle in plastic it would be vaporized in a matter of seconds so instead of that i used my fancy ceramic resin what i normally do is use a resin called porcelite that is a mix of 83 ceramic powder and 17 resin because i don't really want any resin there i burn it out using my kiln in the end i get a part that is very heat resistant the problem with that process is that when you remove 17 of the mass of an object it tends to shrink and because ceramics is not the most flexible material on earth you also get cracks up until now i could only print objects with a max thickness of one millimeter but that all changed thanks to this big boy this is a special printer sent to me by the brand that produces the porcelain resin and what makes it special is that allows me to print a thicker resin called bison which only has five percent resin thick the name of the printer is bison 1000 which is way too fancy for this channel so i called it bob sponsor time i think everyone should have a moustache everyone you should have a moustache your mother should have a mustache your father should have a moustache and even your dog should have some facial air under that wet nose mustaches are elegant beautiful and warm unfortunately we are not genetically out wired to be born with a mustache so you need to groom it shape it and trim it as my grandfather used to say always use the right tool for the right job and in this case the right tool is a good quality razor to get that you can use the services provided by this video's sponsor harriet harris is a personal care brand that delivers a close comfortable shave at a fair price as low as two dollars per refill because harry's have their own company in germany they can deliver the best quality razors at the best price get your trial set that includes a 5 blade razor a weighted handle a travel cover and also their own foaming gel for only 3 use the link taxa harry supports great causes as they give one percent of their global sales income to non-profit organizations that provide health care to those in need so by clicking the link texas you're not just helping yourself helping me but also helping those who need it the most and to that i say gracias return now i can print one centimeter thick part supposedly let's put that to the test i 3d modeled the narrow spike nozzle and separated it into two parts so the print wouldn't take 40 hours after that i turned it into g-code and fed it to bob [Music] now that i have a ceramic nozzle i should get more directed flow and thus more thrust but on my last video i had another problem sometimes the fuel grain doesn't really burn evenly i get hot spot and the walls rupture what i need is like a casing that can support the fuel grain i could 3d print a ceramic one but that's like killing a fly with the cannon also the print will take a long long time so i decided to use metal the idea is to use a steel tube as a main frame and cap one of the ends using sheet steel metal and welding that seems pretty simple on paper but i don't really know it well well can't hurt to try can it can it warning this part of the video contains strong flashes of light and very bad wealth if you have a medical condition or experience as a welter don't watch this also don't make comments saying that even your 12 year old kid can weld better than me that hurts my feelings okay i'm going to start by cutting this big bar of steel that has 35 millimeters in diameter and i'm gonna cut it at 150 millimeters in uh length yes [Music] right now possess the tube but i still need to cap one of the ends which will be this one and i'm going to use mild steel and i know what you're thinking who takes it you need to use stainless yes i couldn't find stainless so i'm using mild steel i think it's mild steel i don't know it's still and it's here one millimeter mild steel let's get it off okay i have zippies of this year now i need to bend it and weld it [Music] so this is the result so far as you can see it's still bad but i think it's not that bad i mean i'm getting somewhere with this did you think i still need to weld this so i have no legs yep let's do that look at this huh now i have my my perfect shady welding corner that's not too bad is it i have my support my very very old chair and my crafting machine for my crappy welder let's do this [Music] the gloves i forgot the gloves i don't want to see any more comments say joel you need to wear gloves [Music] it's grinding time [Music] wake up get out the sheets forget my [Music] peace not bad at all is it i mean it is it's pretty shitty but uh i'm making progresses and the grinder really helps yeah let's keep going i still need to to to plug the insert here and for that i need to make a hole let's make the hole [Music] so to stick this adapter into the rocket i use brazing which is basically a process in which you use a torch a very hot one to basically melt metal and stick it to the rocket um to do that i use this very small brazing kit and because my head works in a very simple way before i started this rocket series i thought to myself oh this is kind of a rocket right but doesn't have a combustion chamber so i use these bottles of oxygen as an oxidizer supply for my rockets which doesn't work very well because they don't have a lot of pressure and thus the rockets are not very powerful to fix that i got a bigger one this new bottle of oxygen is not only bigger but also contains more pressure about 200 bars which is enough to scare me into wearing protection glasses normally when i get scared i also get excited so i 3d printed two more nozzles and assemble the engine that's what i'm talking about side fit so i have the fuel in there i need to couple the nozzle [Music] look at that looks like a rocket to me with a rocket ready to be exploded i mean tested i meant tested i still need a testing stand so i 3d printed a supporting abs and i used the linear guide that i removed from my old printer yes you heard me right i 3d printed the support in the same plastic that i'm using as fuel i know i'm a genius after giving a cool test to the engine i fixed the entire setup on a vise outside yes i'm testing engines outside now aren't you proud of me don't forget to subscribe so i'm gonna be there near the oxygen the rocket is here and katarina will be there hi clara okay i need to connect the oxygen [Music] okay so because of the geometry of the air spike engine i can't really put a sparkler in there so what i'm gonna do is try to use a syringe to inject some alcohol in there then light it up and then open the oxygen let's see if that works [Music] okay is it burning i can't tell wait the lighter is not working oh it is okay click it [Music] oh is the nozzle still okay oh there's metal here katrina come see this i don't know why do you see that it's metal where is the metal coming from i mean the nozzle is still intact i think it's broken though okay let's go wow oh my god is the nozzle still there no it's not well we might all wait a second let's just go all the way keep going the nozzle just got protected look at [Music] that the nozzle is burning hell yeah firefighter katrina so we're about to test the delaval nozzle uh it's 12 millimeters let's see if it survives this time yeah i'm gonna use the sparkler this time because i can actually use uh the full length of it [Music] wow that's a lot of damage i'm guessing i didn't glue the the body to the cylinder properly [Music] yeah but the nozzles are being completely destroyed i need if i need to find a new way to make the nozzles still pretty powerful jesus christ it's metal for sure i can take just a little bit so you can see look it's there i have no idea where the metal is coming from maybe it's coming from the braised insert or maybe the engine is running so hot that is turning the aluminum powder into aluminium i'm not really sure what i do know for sure is that i need a metal nozzle because ceramics isn't getting it maybe i can cast it or machine it or even 3d printed in metal yeah that's not happening a metal 3d printer costs more than everything i'll ever own in my life i can't live with that but what i can't accept is the fact that some of you guys don't even have a plastic 3d printer to make your own rocket fuel and acceptable that's the reason why on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was jeff lopez and he suggested that i could build a fusion reactor you guys really want to see me blow up my house don't you if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer well this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya [Music] you
Channel: Integza
Views: 516,575
Rating: 4.9503951 out of 5
Id: 1sSkLdiiJoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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