Compressed Air Triangular Engine - Wankel Rotary (3D Printed)

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this video was brought to you by skillshare in 1951 a german engineer by the name of felix wankel developed a new kind of internal combustion engine that instead of using a piston it uses a triangular rotor this is the wankel engine but of course why wouldn't he baptize the engine after himself integza engine i like it the twinkle engine apart from being really cool is also more powerful than a piston engine with the same displacement also it skips the whole thing of the explosion pushes the piston that pushes the wheel that pushes the car because the motion coming out from the wankel engine is already rotational the winkel engine has earned this place on the history books and amongst other internal combustion engines but today i want to use it for another application a while ago i saw a video from tom stanton in which he 3d printed a working piston engine that runs on compressed air 3d printing piston agents tends to be complicated all the valves and moving components so i thought to myself well winkle engines tend to be more powerful and less complicated anyway why not give it a try and try i did but because i had no idea where to start i searched on youtube to see if anyone thought of this before and someone did andrew from the 3d printed live youtube channel he 3d printed a wankel engine using his fdm 3d printer his engine worked pretty well but he thought it was possible to do better the main problem i was running into a lot was just sealing this rotor with fdm it just wasn't smooth enough uh but with sla or with resin i think you could probably get away with that well i have sle 3d printers let's start designing okay younger self let me stop you right there designing a ankle engine is not that easy you see for the engine to work properly you need to be able to draw this special casing that allows the rotor to rotate smoothly without ever breaking contact with the wall that is achieved by drawing a petrochoid curve that results from rolling a small circle on top of a bigger circle and i know they seem simple and intuitive at first but it's not to draw one of these fancy curves you kind of need to use these parametric equations and also you need a 3d modelling software that likes parametric equations like solidworks solidworks is a parametric 3d modeling software that i've been using since college it's cool because you can use the version on the 3d experience platform which also has other softwares like xshape for organic 3d modeling this platform has tools for all sorts of 3d modeling physical simulation manufacturing and business applications all in one space in the cloud later this year solidworks is going to make the design softer you see on this video in addition to much more available to hobbyists and makers for the price of 9.99 a month if you would like to be notified when this is available check out the link in the description below it's like netflix for makers anyway i plugged the equations into solidworks and i got this fat peanut shape after giving it some thickness i used some pre-made gears from solidworks toolbox and cheddar a wankel engine well let's read it and see if it works [Music] why you do this to me oh i have the red one as you might have noticed i left some slots on the tip of the rotor to place the ceiling elements these engines are notorious for licking so i needed a good solution andrew from the 3d printed live channel used rubber that in fact seals well but also adds a lot of friction i decided to go with graphite more specifically graphite rods used in pencils you see graphite is a great solid lubricant which means that if things go according to plan they will not only seal the engine but also lubricate it [Music] okay so the engine is assembled uh and i think it's spinning pretty freely actually but i'm curious to see if it's gonna do something with compressed air so i'm gonna test it okay moment of truth oh it's actually a movie the engine like the the main shaft is oscillating a little bit and i think it's because uh lack of tolerances in the supports for the bearings and especially the lid yeah i need to redesign this let's get back to solidworks sponsor time the apocalypse is coming it's unavoidable be it by zombies aliens or bombs the world is gonna end and when that happens all that matters is what you're able to do can you start a fire will shelter plant zucchini i like to imagine apocalyptic scenarios because it boils down people to how useful they are but even without the apocalypse ask yourself this what can you do we all have skills that we want to learn but we never do because no money no time and no good way to do it but that all changed thanks to skillshare skillshare is an online community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills and get lost in creativity for less than 10 dollars a month i use skillshare in a regular basis to get parrot animating because i want to be able to provide you guys with the best visual supports possible if you have something that you want to learn the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get 30 of an annual premium membership so you can explore your creativity even if you have already had a free trial of skillshare you can still take advantage of this offer to get a full year of unlimited learning and creative exploration by clicking the link in the description down below you're not only increasing your chances of survival in a zombie apocalypse but also helping me make more videos like this and to that i say obrigado back to the video so i got back to solidworks and i adjusted some dimensions to get rid of the oscillations i also made some design changes and printed some parts in a different orientation after they were done i assembled the engine [Music] okay so the version two is finished i think it's much better like i feel no resistance uh i'm gonna try it with air to see if i still have vibrations and if it's working properly so i let the compressor charge again um and i regulated the pressure for only 5 psi with which i don't know how much it is in bars it actually sounds like an internal combustion engine only 5 psi it still runs how cool is that so i used my slow motion camera and measured 768 rotations per minute at 5 psi and 5 120 rotations per minute at 90 psi so it's a tradition here on the channel that every single time that i build a compressed air engine i test it with my lungs so let's give it a try i'm not getting a lot of movement why is that i'm pretty sure i can produce 5 psi of pressure um this is weird so if i try to to blow into it it gets stuck and it doesn't move i don't know why it doesn't work oh my god i'm about to fail anyway if i try with the compressor always works even if i go really slow look i'm not even applying 5 psi right now i'm applying like 3 psi i don't know i'm not going full power here so after this i quickly found out the problem was the very small diameter of the adapter that i was using which tells me the inlet diameter should be bigger and also okay so i was not planning on recording this but uh i just found out something interesting look at this if i test the engine with five psi of pressure this happens okay we've seen that nothing new about that but look at this if i change the angle of attack the angle of the inlet of the air it gets more power look at that so once more i opt on my 3d modeling mistress and i made some changes i made the inlet bigger and gave it an angle okay the engine is ready uh let's give it another go see if this time i can make it move with my lungs with my lungs i was able to spin the engine at 3 200 rpm which i would say is not bad at all anyway you know what's the problem with this engine uh you can't see inside you don't see what's happening so i'm gonna try to make um acrylic lid with well no more sunny days [Music] yep he went through the table through the mat and through the table shut up [Music] so this engine works like this the air comes through here and pushes the rotor the rotor moves and starts compressing the air on this chamber here which is not desirable so i open the passage from this chamber to the next one which means that instead of compressing the air this movement pushes the air into the next chamber and subsequently pushes the rotor again after that the air gets exhausted because it did so much work [Laughter] comedy okay the engine runs smoothly and fast but does it have string well i didn't know so i tried to use it to lift something and in this case the something was a banana i lifted a banana [Music] oh okay the engine runs smoothly is fast and has banana levels of strength which leads me to a very obvious conclusion i should probably 3d print the propeller and print i did i 3d printed a red propeller and glued it to the engine also instead of using compressed air i use the co2 cartridge so this is a co2 cartridge which is basically like a mini fire extinguisher it's just a cylinder made of metal that has very high pressure gas in it in this case the gas is co2 and the pressure is about 49 to 50 bar if i'm not mistaken and if you're american that's a lot so using a full release valve i attached the co2 cartridge to the engine and gave it a go three two one okay oh that's so cool you see that the vapor coming off look at that wait it's gone just like that oh i want to try it again oh it's so cold in three two one that's so cool oh look it's solid it's solid look it's dry-ass okay so the co2 is coming out of the cartridge in the solid form which is not ideal i'm guessing the next step is finding a way to take full advantage of the insane pressure inside this little guy another good idea would be to find an application for this engine that doesn't involve lifting bananas if you guys have suggestions i'm all ears designing and testing this engine was a lot of fun and for that reason i'm making the 3d files for the engine available on the description of the video to 3d print this engine you need a 3d printer and i'm well aware that a lot of you guys don't have a 3d printer to replicate these projects for that reason on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was fabricio blasio and he suggested that i should get one of my rockets into space i like that if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer well this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya no more sunny days
Channel: Integza
Views: 1,626,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b399G61Z3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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