Explosive Heals - Hutts Streams Monster Train Ep2

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monster train let's go is enough to reignite a revolution monster train this is monster training guys it's a deck builder let's do this thanks to the bits cheers my apple juice to that so we have some more clans that can play hail horns awoken Stygian guard and Umbra then you can pick a secondary clan to help you out any games you would suggest monster train was that mountain Humber looks like sleep paralysis demon let's try Stygian guards since I don't think you guys have seen that yes have you seen the awoken or did you just see the hell or in last time they'll be playing awoken I think we just played hell horned so maybe we should walk down the line oh yeah you can't pick awoken within a woken allied clan though let's do a woken Stygian I could try that so like depending on your primary and your secondary you get cards great trader will devour your spell's you better bring more of them at the hope to succeed so let's hear the first spell card played each turn gets a consumer that's terrible that's the final final boss if we can make it there upgrade our champion what she does is she doesn't do any damage she's basically just a shield but you can upgrade her so that she does do damage revenge triggers when damaged draw one card or triggers when you're when you heal her deals 15 damage to the front enemy unit I like the rejuvenate one this class is all about healing apply rooted to enemies when they enter the floor below the pyro room that's the top floor whenever you play a spell and spells in that hand that cost less are reduced to zero Sophie I like a really expensive spell we could maybe do that I'm gonna say red split all right first level basically we have to you know you'll get the hang of it if this is your first time just seeing a monster train it's it's pretty good the gather to clergy angry ho just swallowing a train thin the numbers before they reach your pie sour pyres up here ATI 280 health it also does 20 damage anybody that gets near it we can turn on this trial it's called for an additional 75 coins and I say we do it the trial was having enemies load into my my this year start a battle enemy units appear in each floor I'm gonna let them just go at the pyre and they'll get killed off my pyre will take kind of no 2030 damage but it'll be okay we'll survive if I want to play my sentence and then maybe even just frozen lanced all these guys away cuz it's five damage each is a lot there we go though each train car has like a certain amount hold they got ridded okay they're stuck there each train car is like a certain capacity it's up here floor capacity if there's nobody there to attack they don't attack anybody let's see here I want to get this collector I gained fifty money if I can kill it it's gonna leave if I can't kill it I can kill it if I go ahead and put my train Stuart here and then remove the front boy now my train Stuart will attack it and get the money restoring my lady it does 15 damage to the front enemy unit so that's nice to do that tons of damage coming in though she's almost dead already running these guys is perfect because the longer it takes them to get there the less damage they do I really need to put some damage on this floor put some heels on that lady not bad does the pyre heal you can heal the pyre and in different ways alright so when the final boss comes out it's called relentless and essentially everything just keep stacking until one or the other side dies and it already tells you how much damage you're gonna be doing she's gonna die he's gonna die this is gonna die that's gonna die and he won't even get touched which is of course a problem so I'm thinking maybe we put a restorer here kill that thing now he's gonna be dead so at this point in time we could stop and go no further and we'll win I'm not gonna stop though all right now she's gonna even live through this you should only take three damage at the end of this done so we got that plus seventy five and we only took seven damage on our pyre we get to add a where they called a woken spell card here restoration detonation restored 10 health to a friendly unit deal damage to the front enemy unit equal to five times the amount healed razor sharp edge enhancing unit with +8 attack and - to health we could do that on our our hero and she would gain eight attack at that point in time she's got zero right now consume apply five regen I really like the regen with the ability for her to do damage every single time that she heals because on the turn you can heal her she'll do the damage but then after the turns over she gets the regen which still does the damage so we're gonna be heal heavy this is also good just because I can do tons and tons of damage you had that last time heal I think our prime or our secondary clan was this awoken clan last time probably I thought that we were that we had already played her I'm split between these two I'm so terribly splits 10 damage up to 50 damage this one though is gonna do a constant 15 per turn which is gonna be even more than 50 plus the heals crept builder and in this is offering on it essentially we're probably not going to end up playing it unless we discard it if you discard this card it automatically plays it till 60 damage to the front enemy unit and push it to the back offering over here deal 5 damage to the enemy units and apply 10 frostbite frostbite unit takes 1 damage per stack at the end of turn decrease every turn so it's like a poison would be like a frostbite ice and pyre pyre bound deal 90 damage to the front enemy unit pyre bound can only be played in the PI room and the floor below it that could be good but I don't think we're gonna end up using it that much so I'm just gonna not mess with that that's balls I really actually don't like the stygian I don't know if I don't even know if that was Stygian or if that was clan las' but alright you have to choose a side every time on the right side we'll get a Stygian unit and be able to forge our units or upgrade them every unit has to upgrade slots every spell has to upgrade slots here we have 75 coins and we'll be able to afford spells but I think we need more units to be unit here guard of the unnamed incant game 3 armor and can't triggers and you cast a spell on the floor siren to see in can't a +1 attack and +1 health just could both be pretty strong since that game from Tuesday yes it is Mac stewards siren of the sea gets tired and seeing an upgrade er partially to solid my upgrades were before I decided to do that upgrade a unit within can't gain one armored gain one armored one health and one attack that sounds pretty nice I can make her even beefier and have her start with more health and damage sounds hot Zen Thank You Randy I'll save the money from after that let's go super buff the stewards I hate the stewards I'd dump them off there's so many better things penitent prayers the reconcile us have arrived in great force to make sure that you repent for the sins that hell has brought upon the world should go to the scene that moves my FaceCam over here for a second there we go armored enemy units enter with ten armor we'll get a unit Draft at the end of it you think we can handle it like how they carried you last time easy I don't know about this so they're already pretty armored and anybody that like has to health now they're gonna have 12 health yeah I already immediately regret this decision at a sinner's burden car to the top of my pile if I don't kill them [Music] what if what if I put my sentence who's supposed to be a blocker in the back and then put my sire into the sea in front I think when I'm gonna I'll probably put the sentient in front to take the damage and then my siren in the back oh she's so big and then I'll heal her which does damage which will also activate her and can't miss most of her in Kansas like shield and health based right two-for-one but well I mean I guess that there's that a little money guy up on the top hopefully that's two words gonna get him haha got him fly regen 5 I'm gonna go ahead and pop that on you this bad guys not gonna die that's gonna be a problem with me how much damage you doing zero damage only 22 from you and the health 15 damage maybe if I know I don't think I can make it happen this frozen Lance is balls because you can only hit the front the front unit not the back [Music] Lance but that's the thing though I can get him down to what 22 and then the health healing from this 22 damage from there depends on what the healing hits first or if she hits first sweet we did it plus 50 money she hit first which is perfect and then the healing regen okay we're good oh cool come on herb it's hey how you doing I'm doing well doing very well I don't think it really matters what we do from here on flying regen though is nice and the end can't don't forget about that she's getting damaged every time I heal her as well final wave already okay this guy's got spikes he's already dead it doesn't matter that the game's over but let's just pretend that it's not what else does he have relentless nothing okay so now we have to let it play out [Music] done what's our st. Jude total our st. Jude total is 111 thousand two hundred ninety three and sixty cents we crushed it all right restore to health to all front of the units and deal two damage to all enemy units enhance the unit was plus attack in - to health ordeal five for free five damage the front enemy unit and draw one next turn stings can really stack up if I can get a lot of them it's the last st. Jude's stream that's correct was correct let's see here glamour is good especially if we upgrade it we can do 12 damage to all enemy units I'm gonna I'm gonna go with glimmer here okay that's another offering card we saw that one already until 25 damage to the front enemy unit and discard a card at random or flash free still three damage to anyone apply frostbite 8 flash freeze could be good enemy Arab dude character person thing sweep is nice it attacks everybody vine mother resolve that it means triggers after combats at a sting spell to your hand so we can put the vine mother like on the top floor and she'll just feed us sting cards but does combat mean there has to be an enemy in the room or is it just after a turn slay +2 damage every time it kills something shattered shell is looking good we could get another nameless siren actually this is a different siren we have siren of the sea this is nameless siren which means in can't gain rage one which is +2 damage let's try the sweep need some upgrades but for junus again or do we want to duplicate a card if I duplicated a card I'd probably duplicate and get another sire in a seat since it's like fully upgraded or maybe another Wildwood SAP but Stygian units higher health forge units there's no forged spells here I could go either way with this one but I think that having multiple sirens like we're not casting as many spells on the other floor OOP siren she's strong she's very strong where does the donate button lamelle I swapped it out for the st. Jude tilt if I link otherwise we could forge our new shattered shell and I'm kind of feeling like we should just Forge our shattered shell if you hit this concealed caverns you can get to that on either either path see if we get anything from that first before we upgrade I don't like this guy I don't like this guy no time to explain take these and hide them for me I can't afford to be caught with him now so I'll have to come back for them later don't worry you'll be compensated great or generously later on quickly now he gives me three Dante's candles and what that is is uh I play it and if I don't play it which costs one energy my pyre takes three damage every time I don't play it I'm not gonna do it do what he's amazing he's not that good though I got him before offline and it was garbage I hated it quick is super good sweet plus quick sounds like a nice combination but it needs more damage do I want to go for the cheap damage here [Music] maybe alright there's nothing left to upgrades I mean I could upgrade my train Storyful Wow some of the hundred dollars of Delta Phi wonderful stuff on the last day Pikachu's gonna be Evie's top and that's how we're rolling thank you so much Laos up your stewards no you know what because you're talking smack I'm removing one of my stewards every time that you guys talk smack another steward dies Evie would be bottom daughter lists heavily armored creations protect his ex professor in this quest to safeguard serif and the wing and plating steel constructed explosives entered with a damage shield I really hit that one really hate that one unfollowing sweets Laos pretty flippin sweet though ma love that one eise saucy makes more sense to restore them to frozen lance that'll kill him alright and give this lady some regen [Music] all right we got to get to that damage does ten damage to the front unit if I can't kill it and I'm gonna put this boy on the second floor I think damage shield one we don't have a good combination of anything going on here you're just gonna end up getting hits so if I could heal her she could do some damage if I would have had the freaking glimmer now flash freeze it but it blocks that first one and then if I can't reach it in the second one my frozen lanch this guy he's gonna be dead that's about it flash freeze this save ourself for damage King Neptune five dollars until defy I'm finally waking up early enough to catch your streams loll much love from here in Australia cheers to that thank you so much King that didn't appreciate all of you bod timed me out it says louse no way cuz the too many exclamation points planned dude up top have little mouse face on bottom of it this one I know it's not really a mouse face but yeah it's right here it's like a little mask looking thing that slay thing is right in the way place right in the wing and my front shield lady's almost dead the bomb got rid of - yeah right all right Wildwood SAP that's good timing and honestly regen regen healing healing and then killing it's just it's such a good combination it's a twofer you don't die less and they die more that's not good for you but if I go ahead and he'll kill these guys it'd make my life much easier in the bottom yes be as quick okay here's what we do restore restore kills that shield off this guy who's gonna be dead dead awesome frozen Lance this guy with the quick you'll hit it before it explodes booyah and hit the back guy because you're sweet Jane Harman gifted a sub the Laos wonderful nice work agree with that with that move glimmer here top-notch flash freeze that back piece of [ __ ] well could we kill it otherwise you're only taking five damage because of your seven region so you'll be fine if I frostbite this guy we can do some damage 8 damage 7 damage 6 damage 5 like from here on forward that's gonna do nicely it's a nice move it is take the bum it's fine glad I have your approval that's not written my approval I just give me a high five all right this is the last wave he's dead he's naked dead and she's only gonna lose 14 throughout this entire thing more like she's something gonna lose one health this place sucks okay I hit him and somehow the damage she's taking his gun up I'm not sure what would have done that I can slow this down if it's too well in the way of trying to get to the slowdown button I ended up super speeding it up because I had to go up all the way top and then rap back whatever oh well alright consume draw X enhance all cards drawn this way with -2 energy so basically we just draw a bunch of cards and they're most likely gonna be free whilst using most of them all of my energy its X cost enhance is that permanently mod a card for the duration of the battle from there on out those cards will be minus 2 that's really good harness the Train enhanced all spells in hand with +5 magic power that would be good too because this would do 8 damage this would deal 11 restore would restore our glimmer rather would do 7 and 7 this would restore 7 health this would know that's the stack I wouldn't have wouldn't apply of the wood woods Wildwood sat transfers all frostbite on this floor to a unit then doubles the amount of frost bites that could be really cool but we're not really heavy on the frostbite because you did another hit maybe leaving him with one life letting him get one more hits but you wouldn't be able to leave him at 1 health like I I did more damage to him right so that you wouldn't be able to like it let's say I did 6 damage so now he's at 1 health if I had a had not done that he would have been at 7 to health left right it's like you made it on an odd point but only going down can ever make more damage on me I'm liking the railspike here it sounds pretty nice although if I got like a double stack card I could bump this up to ten plus ten magic power let's just use this one okay okay I mean maybe maybe you have a point gap and I don't know it doesn't make any sense to me these guys are really good let's see here rejuvenate gain spikes or rejuvenate gains health and attack I'm gonna maybe take a awoken hollow and put them on top floor I think putting something in front of the shattered shell would be a smart move so it could even be middle floor still thorn seems powerful and two spikes every time it's healed yeah and that would that would basically the spikes hurt anything that attacks it right thorn when you just stick a bunch of thorns in you did your attacker have life steel if you damaged him no I checked there was none there's no life steel it's to the the woke boy we got a split power healing up now between floors so that's gonna get a little tricky but I'm gonna go with fee plus one energy right now we our capacities okay that boy he woke all right what do we got awoken units Forge spells remove two cards or artifacts higher health money definitely gonna go over here animu and a husk hermit that's the one that we already have if anything I think I'd rather just duplicate I'd rather just duplicate the Husker meant that we currently have um animu I wouldn't mind putting an animal in the top floor or something [Music] scales really well with the multi strike yeah you don't have husk we have shattered shell similar [Music] which Riteish getting too many cards though I just like duplicating the good ones you know I'm gonna say take off a frozen Lance cause it's boring as hell and another train steward upgrade is spelled to remove consume and cost one more do we have any consume cards so we'd be able to get it back again and again and again I could do that and then make it cost one less SAP would be good to use on that too but yeah you're probably right I'm Chad and I'm so smart now make it cost one less again ten magic power would be a phenomenal thing to put on glimmer I think and that's all of our money upgrade our champ I'm gonna stick with rejuvenation here spikes ten spikes is not gonna be that big of a deal killing front liners just by healing is gonna be the good thing here I think it's double damage now enemies start enter with armor fifteen we get extra hundred and fifty coins for it [ __ ] it bring it baby extra pain I can handle it let's back that guy doe and a weight of contrition card to the top of your draw pile I think that's pretty pretty bad oh yeah cost one your pyre takes three damage if I don't play it let's do this we don't have our siren of the sea right now we could put our shattered shell down here worth it I really want multi strike on this thing it's too late now maybe I mean it works really really well to have the sentient with the in can't lady but we could put the incant lady behind our awoken hallo as well and that would be just fine cuz we he needs to have heels to upgrade as well maybe the spike I could use the spike right now I think that we probably should play something behind her in case we don't get it animus would be good it's just uh nup graded it's shadowed shell but do just about the same amount of damage plus quick + sweep + slay so I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna awoke railspike [Music] glimmers good though now they're dead yeah well this is not completely dead I'm not dead yet siren we'll be able to finish them off extra-large right 20 damage yeah looks like a good ass cane no idea what's going on but looks good I'm trying to explain everything that I'm doing I know I'm doing it very quickly but it's butter I'll woken oh they can't fit together because she's extra-large [Music] why must you punish me like this I could put a train stored all up there sneak them in the back Aaron now that I'll die a walking Hall on the top maybe there's much damage in this guy it's possible so she's just not gonna get any upgrades it would have been better to put her with the the thing in the bottom now we know she would have been really really good with the awoken boy but it's too late Wildwood SEP I'm definitely gonna strike that I knew I'm gonna get some more heels off on this boy up here that's gonna die that won't die that won't die either this is more pressing of a matter in my opinion [Music] [Music] rosanell here glimmer just use it on the bottom you're dead you're dead and you are also dead - of South here - five health here zero health lost here let's get a restore and you get some steward in that I can't even put the steward first there's no there's no big deal here if the steward takes like a meat shield works for me and then even heal you because you you go up damage and health and armor fight cast on you kill this sucker cool [Music] so those of you are just joining or have no idea what's going on every single time that my sentient hero this is my hero with the the person I put down first like pretty much every time zero attack lots of health every time she gets rejuvenated or healed deals 30 damage even when she's at full health I stick my oh geez my animal would be way better than a trained steward if I did the frontline I'd have to kill my own I can't even I can't even kill my own guy I want to kill my own guy can't even do that I'm worthless but he want you that's funny Stewart is the best tuts Stewart is just no all right this is the final wave this guy is relentless Armour 15 nothing special it's gonna currently gonna lose 194 health got in the back as a way to contrition card to the top of your dropout which isn't that big of a deal at the moment I think I'm in a wild woods SAP the sentient again and now after I did that it's dead turns over this is just free do that for fun go and it just plays out until somebody dies now it's called relentless this two words really good at upgrades anything can be okay with upgrades Judy get out of here at that nonsense steward love you little with a [ __ ] emote stop my dad just called me twice I feel like I should take a break and answer the phone in case it's emergency somebody calls you once it's fine calls you twice maybe consume draw one enhance the drawn card cost is zero we could just go hard on the making spells costs nothing restore one health gain one energy draw one next and graph is a free use potentially 30 damage for our hero lady and I think I should just take engraft draw three would be really good if we had a a thorn builds what they're called I don't even have one of them the zero cost cards we don't who wants to be in the steward game we're gonna graft here [Music] all right this is the stygian card that we have by 6 frostbite to all enemy units I like that one a lot SAP 3-2 attack per SAP in can't it's a glacial seals of a Brill apply to frostbite to enemies so I know anytime I cast a spell on that floor do we start enough room for them but the frostbite is good cross bites deadly I'm gonna go with crystalline seeds max can penguin seven months to chew thank you for that alright I'm gonna I'm gonna get my call up my dad a call back I'm gonna get my call a dad back and give me like two minutes I'd say right back everything's fine dad's just impatient alright so we can buy trinkets or artifacts rather here we have like no artifacts at all twenty health per hour pyre we haven't lost in it because we are geniuses and they removed two cards vortex we got a free artifact here Forge spells and seventy five bonus coins we have some spells to upgrade boyo do we let's see here what's our thing apply days to enemy units when they enter the pie room your pyre gets minus five attack so days when it enters the pyre room I don't exactly know what that would do when they enter the pie room because I feel like it's relentless whenever they jump into the pie room they just kind of go back and forth until something dies I thought so dazed oh it gets the first shot at 25 it gets the first shot so basically it's saying give my pyre quick I got it which would probably kill most things that come up there or merchants are reduced 25% I don't think we have a problem with money so let's take vapor funnel just in case we don't have a problem with either of them no one's ever touched our pyre scoff at this point in time though if something has lower than 25 health I can let it go I can forget about it and say [ __ ] it and go to my pyre see what happens but we're also rooting there before they even get to the pie room so that's probably just not gonna happen I mean hold over if we were to put holdover on something what would be put holder over on hold over on glimmer we could just glimmer every single turn good glimmer you know and graphed and then just continually get a free and graphed every single time oh yeah glimmer it I wouldn't mind and grafting and then making this free cost it would be extra energy it basically be an upgrade that would give us five energy per turn let's do that and then on the next time that we have a choice of getting energy or capacity we take capacity that's pretty good I've got a spell with plus 20 magic power and consume I don't totally mind doing that on like a frozen Lance right just have one card that just really socks it to them permafrost if I don't play it it doesn't go anywhere I'm not sure if I you know maybe I could put permafrost in the rail spike so that like I can use it whenever I feel like it's the best time but I feel like we could probably do better with it I could put frozen on crystalline seeds too and just kind of wait for what I really need to do it it's really weird like Bioshock but I space and quite difficult there's I'm up I mean consume on a frost lance is nice yeah it gets rid of it prey the game got it [Music] I just I don't really mess with permafrost that much mister being in your streams that's mister being in my stream made me like just being here let's make a free glimmer now I'll give you better free flash freeze double power glimmer go save the rest of my money was that it yeah the discard was on the other side cool so we have this battle and then we get to here and then this battle and we get to here this battle I count that right one battle to battle three battle for battle and then we're done only four more battles in an assault sneaky clipped have infiltrated to train you spells and higher floors to take them out this one this enemy has stealth so they come on with eight stealth which pretty much destroys everything in the bottom floor without a second without a chance to them to even be able to fight back so anything put in the bottom floor is probably gonna die we are buffing multiple floors here game collector thank you so much the two one sub non boss enemy let's get multi strike probably not gonna do that eight stealth seems impossible it's crazy do you want back seating for this or just experiencing yourself since Pontius is upon shows like a super genius ultra genius person smarts personal life you should not I'm not gonna do it yeah random artifact though it could probably handle it I'm just saying all right what do we got game collector 10 subs gifted thank you so much appreciate that a lot woo says butter butter who was correct I need my my sentience champion on the bottom but she's definitely I die by the end of this a Vulcan Hollow are gonna watch shark lady in the middle welcome by the way to Alex Z no Archer rules psychic rats a stable horse Bat Man Yolo Markram dr. deaths list back to attack also in the Hunter Dillon the noises though too much extra health here Hots then another universe turned it on and got demolished devin prime sub what's up this holdover and graft is working out that thing's super dead siren of the sea top floor milady no I wanted to put on the bottom floor shoots I forgot I was waiting in my head I was like we put her on the top floor last time steward's you're in alright fine stewards oh how odd fortunates I mean she's still gonna slay but maybe this is better you guys because she would have died with the eighth self I don't know I'm floundering I need help 26 damage you're done we don't even need to use it though that's the thing I could just not use it and save it sub-zero 100 bits think of that appreciate it wash know what that thing said shot until you're in my brother a purpose found you know stewards I did say that I wanted your help but you know it's just kidding right I was just joking man you have any other characters that we could throw in there other than stewards for the love of God I don't want stewards meatshield steward you can't even fit anywhere no one wants you twelve damage coming in huge probably the railspike probably sap first [Music] a free glimmer flash freeze is already free so that's kind of a kick in the dick but freaking glimpse city baby I don't even have anybody to flash freeze they're all dead all my friends are dead what if I flash frozen just killed my steward for fun yield the big guy yeah you're right I should be spreading out this this stuff I mean this does the most damage but this guy needs to be boofed up also by start casting spells in the top floor that other lady I should not forget that she's got a thing that she increases health damage and armor upon me casting a spell it's working don't kill the steward I don't know he back talked to me he gave me too much [ __ ] oh it's the last floor okay it's AIT's elf everyone's dead all my friends are dead don't really need to glimmer but we could glamour like glimmer might just be better to heal this guy because he only starts at 23 health I'm not sure Wilde would stop would not be a bad idea either I don't think helping her survive between each wave I'm just gonna go hard on her I think and see if yeah that went that bump from ninety damage to 192 damage now up to 264 over 298 damage nothing changed there now it's dead now we got it it's done didn't make it past first floor was my regen region is so good so tax reach ends with the 30 damage tax regens of the 30 tax regen boom we should have put multi strike on the top floor is it even get touched well Black Betty bramble ash invigorating solution this is none well any more free cards is actually making it more difficult for us to use our railspike effectively this is just still free though even if I don't have it for free let's take it more frostbite or this'n can't add armor when our data from the unit's putting that with the the shark lady because I think I'm gonna go for capacitynext I think would be a good idea but I still want to try to Stickley if I do the capacity up and I'm gonna end up doing is sticking the siren of the sea behind my awoken hollow possibly sap read it - to attack per stack decreases every turn I think it's just the worst thing ever but I could be wrong I don't know [Music] I'm just gonna skip it for now duplicates or Forge my spells if I were to duplicate something it would probably be possibly my railspike possibly my holdover and graft holdover actually does take your card draw though it's placed on top of your draw pile so it's not like you get a free card it takes place of one of the cards you're gonna draw so that would take two of my cards that I draw out of the out of my deck right oh no it wouldn't because I draw one extra next turn so by using them to just be the first term that turned that would do that so still not bad I mean I could get like a second shattered shell which would be pretty ball or I could get a second hollow it's just free or I could try to upgrade my spells which we're saying you know my railspike has got nothing that makes it better crystalline it's got nothing but those ones are hard to upgrade anyways because you need to have something that makes it doesn't have consumed and I think that's like one of the only spells that's gonna affect that or cost less it's probably a waste to go that way let's let's do the Duke Elvin first you might get a dupe here in the hell vents historian makes his way towards the Train in this unusual carriage elbow and how fortunate I am that our travels have finally crossed paths I'm recording the events of Armageddon for posterity possibly futile I know but I shall make a fortune if you do somehow succeed so would you characterize yourself as honest aggressive or stealthy gain money and purge your pyre gets one attack for every 10 money I have or deal to damage to an enemy slay 50 petty theft is what I went with last time it's pretty damn good or I could just spend one turn purge this graph a gift of gratitude out for ever and gain the 30 times [Music] removing junk out of your deck is a good idea I yeah I agree aggressive Wow why would you say aggressive that seems like it's the worst one no one's even touched our pyre one attack for every 10 I'm gonna spend most of my money I spend most of my money every time anyways this one would be nice because it wouldn't eat up our deck we get it out of the way [Music] on this is probably good late let's try it might not get a term where we get a lot from it but so we duplicate honest get real what train steward maybe in one of these Lance's casting is for full energy [Music] I think we find what we're really good at and we continue using that thing and right now that would be our holdover and graft the extra 60 damage per turn and [Music] actually it'd be an extra to energy duplicate the steward Cosmo saying the wrong thing every single time I hope that's not getting old for you it's getting a little old over here [Music] duplicate honest the big brain [Music] fail the wings of light cleped observers guard fell to weigh you down with guilt before the warrior can make her killing blow she's gonna blow me remove these weights to thwart their assaults to thwart their ass add scourge cards my body is ready the statues sound very moist this sucks ultimate penance purged and if I reserved its my pyre takes five but look at this combination right now Santino I have to bat with a siren of the sea sick bro I'm gonna kill that thing citizen put more of those weight of contrition 's in my deck I can't handle that I'm already dealing with her [ __ ] shattered shell for sure here you'll be able to kill those guys off pretty easily I'm gonna guard you with my hollow that's the combo this is the dream team that we have going on per floor here this is its get rid of you cuz you suck I'm thinking about maybe just even putting the Animus at the top right now to take care of that thing our animus right now it's just terrible this is just awful needs upgrades we need to kill these things faster though we probably honestly should have put the sweep quick on the bottom to kill them off immediately we're not doing enough right now and now we're [ __ ] overloaded to high hell high hell the highest hell blows no one's taking damage here they like this thing this shattered shells been awesome sweep quick his mama good stuff alright that's gonna die this time the heights of hell you know you guys shut up and graft me so hard I'm gonna put a a Wildwood SAP on you so that you can keep buffing up I can just let that go now um railspike for sure frostbite here even gets the boss spiked my rails daddy it took my ex cost card you freaking jerk you've dorkus more frostbite that's gonna add out man the freight train steward we have any other people no train steward go lead shield which is actually pretty good because this thing has three health meet spank it that moist statue channel song is the best card especially when used in a train steward it's my impression of that would be a good time to give to gratitude but I don't want to have to deal with this [ __ ] it's guys aren't even dead wanting like this 390 monies drafts drafts penance flash freeze done five damage is manageable for safety gold you're probably right you're probably right I don't want that I didn't want that card to continue to come back though later on homie I needed to do other things it was more safeguarding my future we got a lot of money out of it no Matthew with it been a while since I caught a stream just working for buttah welcome back glad to have you obviously be putting more heels in this guy maybe I don't know people within - better than the first I played the second one right I don't think I even played the first one ever doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo as soon as we get to the point where it's the final wave we really want to stack up the regen and this lady so he's already got five he's doing well I'm gonna just go like this sitting hammered home at the region here plus the damage that we're doing currently on it on the boss great put your thoughts on canned corn hands corn is literally the worst [ __ ] ever I hate it a lot that's perfect that's good timing because I just buffed her up I hate canned corn so much my roommate would just eat this [ __ ] at a canned corn the same one that it did the whole like eating the potatoes over a week and it could crack the canned corn and it would stink of the entire apartment it smelled like absolute [ __ ] all the time it's already dead like the fights over we already know that I really rub it in though what about creamed I don't think I've ever had creamed corn we totally could have handled five damage in our pyre unleash the wild would restore from the unit's to full health consume discard your hand draw five this would have been really good with the whole like if we had those discard play them for free things enhance a unit with +10 health and apply for spikes that that seems like it's far too expensive like far too expensive cycle of lives is Reynaud it sounds terrible spikes for is not even good 10 health and 4 for 3 I would do that for 1 costs you have a lot of energy though it doesn't consume though you're right I do have a lot of energy [ __ ] it's reusable I have tons of energy I just got rid of my ex cost railspike though I can make it free with railspike so I did say that I was going to use the capacity I'm not really sure if we're gonna be able to fill that capacity though is the problem I think maybe at this point in time we should just take Herzl's compound we're not gonna get very many more or we have two more fights to go none of these have a unit to gain the units are all way back here the banner banner banner Thunder clatter boom boom boom then I'm gonna give you units later on it's a shame if we would have gotten that frostbite guy and then we would have been able to sneak him behind the shark lady that would have been a hot Ford your units concealed caverns and pyre health duplicate money unstable vortex we have so much money I could go ham on the trinkets next floor I guess you'd call it next wall next segment we were to dupe what would be doop honestly another engraft [Music] doop engraft if i was able to upgrade my cycle of life ders or something and like I would think about duplicating that but I'm not we don't even need to discard either if I would upgrade my units and ammu animus when is terrible my Hall has no upgrades either whenever using them here's the thing if I if I upgrade those guys and the upper floors they'll do better if anything ever happens if i duplicate my bottom floor is gonna get so buffed up frozen caverns could be anything your spell's are the strong part of your deck and it's very late game and graft is the new wheel kick bottom floor only [Music] upgrade is there a duplicate here there is Welsh well units spells who knows what we'll do next time let's Ford your units plus health sounds good for the awoken hallo [Music] seven circles of hell that's yeah we're in hell trying to relight hell because heavens like like hell is frozen over I know so snowpiercer style we're a train carrying the last pyar shard which could relight the the fires of hell endless no-one's dying and it must means health you know it's pretty lame to give it health though isn't it if something has sweep though which might be coming up I don't remember if something has sweep it will kill the Animus so you're trying to save hell yes I have so much money though I feel like I should just spend it on something spikes on unhallowed health on animus Spike's isn't even good though for spikes is for damage every time it gets hit is that gonna change it anything it's only gonna kill the back liners that I've low health that's the one way to do that but then we already have shattered shell it does that already [Music] keep the money for artifacts that's what I'm thinking I'm gonna reroll here incant armor plus one large stone we didn't upgrade the capacity so we won't be able to fit like that's good I mean maybe I should still do it on the Animus because we put the Animus on the top floor we never put the Animus behind the awoken hollow and that's just damage that's good damage she's usually alone or guarded by the trained steward last line of defense I'm going to do that [Music] and they need a more health on it but I think you should have a you can only rear all at once by the way fire health which is unnecessary I wish they got like money for that any excess and a random events shards of the pie are remnants of the once great beacon of hell are strewn about when it was extinguished the shattered pyre must have been ejected through these hell vents across all nine rings taking advantage of the opportunity some entrepreneurial soul decided to set up a still near the hell vent converting what energy remained into potent liquids while the owner must have heard you coming and scrambled off some of their products remain do you take a swig bone shine or bone rattler bone shine is X cos scarred restore blank x2 my my pyre it's a consume which means it will come back every battle or a bone rattler enhance your pyre with 3x damage I don't think we need any of this it's gonna just take up card draw no one's no one's touched our pyre and I hope no one does what a waste damage would be good an emergency maybe but we use a lot of our energy per turn we have that backup energy with our and grafts though I'm there I don't know it's too late 60 damage when rejuvenating or when damaged I draw extra cards over 60 damage that ain't broke every time I had this champion I go for that every time enemy it's entered with 20 Armour for 400 coins I don't even need that many coins I could buy literally every trinket in the shop that'll probably it's tempting it's tempting but these guys come in with five health and it's gonna get make it 25 health that they're huge huge damage dealers in the back honestly if I put my sentient down right now she's gonna be half dead I'm not dead yet we should have put hold over on glimmer man when we're so good all right well we have the bottom floor Dream Team down which is nice I'm gonna not use this glimmer them away Minecraft's my dude bro and put some region on their meats second floor dream team is on the way third floor dream team which is literally just the Animus the extra-large bottom floor needs some work steel wings look at this thing look at that thing okay this is blue this [ __ ] Chad Bird 130 health Chad we got going on probably just flash-freeze at the back I didn't kill him but to finds a bird is a Chad bird I mean can't you just look at it it's seeping Chad energy and I'm off says dude ski Oh see ya dude ski next time bye [Music] gotta get him out I really don't want to pass up my Wildwood SAP either but the railspike man still probably worth it what are we gonna grab we're gonna grab pretty much everything in here cycle of life is in there and I think we should do it yeah let's do it guarantee that we get it by giving ourselves five health [Music] or five energy sorry so a video of this on your channel not yet it still costs one oh because that's um it's - - - - energy you son of a dog I didn't read that I might've got about this differently then [Music] it's okay we're fine I think we're gonna be fine you know what guys think we're fine definitely a glimmer Abel run there [Music] I'm gonna beat this boy he's already gonna die and he's not gonna do any damage so what else we got beefed up our shark lady in the back by casting some spells and train steward dot-dot-dot he's like what do you want me to do puts him in front watch you posted a video I'll you were streaming what a rip a liar that video must have been pre-recorded huh spikes for could be okay in my hollow but probably better in the sentient she's one taken most the damage here Wow would stop that boy so he can forget about him not worry about buffing him for a while focus heels on her to do the damage [Music] San Victor raided with a party of 114 thank you so much to Invicta appreciate that guys if you haven't given us Invictus twitch channel I'll follow you should do that now-ish it's like a pretty cool guy I guess I don't know I guess he's pretty okay I put up with them sometimes welcome everybody we're just about to crush the game I think we have two more fights to go including this one and we have a phenomenal build sis a yeah revenge raids what were you guys up to sitting Victor were you just playing sápmi I think we're gonna want a brief moment of respite probably stack the region and her it's been working out really really well by doing that minecraft dungeons Isaac and monster train you know those were my three things that I was thinking about playing today I downloaded and installed minecraft dungeons I bought it and did the rest just didn't pick it up yet didn't actually jump in hope you're having a great day Sam Rios thanks for the two months in a row appreciate you you'll like dungeons I think I will do a lot of good people people saying good things about it we just did out in this guy over here now although we do get this lady in the back buffed up every time I do cast a spell down here you're gonna find nothing really opens up have to get the first difficulty dungeons is so good sis Judi it's simply fun dungeon looks neat alright final wave living armor relentless it's already dead let's see how much more we can embarrass it I'm gonna speed up the game a little bit here it's only my second time streaming us I put the speed at like way low yeah I'm sorry but I'm sorry so this guy he's got revenge every time that he's damaged he gets one more attack that can really stack up on you especially if you were hitting him with like the animu but we're not so it's a goner super overkill new game stuff is good but like we couldn't play together unless I got to that difficulty to get smoked on we got bramble rat lashes is good I'm thinking about maybe taking the wild wood custodian and sneaking him up top in in lieu of the the Train steward then we get another draw this is just a draw one for two costs and it's just too much no we can play together I just don't want to play with you because you're a noob appropriate appropriate response if we would have gotten the capacity up I would have gone from one of these bros but we didn't did we purge the steward pores this is stupid get rid of it forge spells or forge units some spells that I would relight to buff up cycle of life awoken railspike this untouched and graphed spell crystalline seeds but probably not flash freeze this got more um okay if I were to upgrade my units my will can hollow and my animus could use some extra juice some little bit of mustard on top my Wildwood custodian is literally just there to die I can put them on no actually we don't get the +1 draw if he dies it smell like an imp or something I never mind about that I could buff him but I think it'd be silly we also have a dupe over here and we could do being graphed like we were talking about before and that would be pretty solid play but I really wish I could do the spells thing because that would be hot this would be hot upgraded duping graphs yeah I probably should go hard and what we're good at right I'm just gonna go ahead and do that let's just go here first just in case something amazing pops up spikes endless in 25 health not really feeling that save the money for the artifacts probably good luck BOTS got a food good luck on the food finding when a friendly unit is healed deal damage to the front enemy unit equal to the amount healed okay dazed when they enter the Train is pretty hot too it was a chance to just skip their next attack is is unbelievably powerful or I could reroll and try to find something that would be we'd have enough money for pretty much buy anything roll it concussive coals is really good you guys [Music] Utz would thou try to be sole series a mean like Dark Souls that I played fifty-fifty but even if you get half the people that don't attack ever when they come in definitely Cole's says disco anger aggro sorry disc on a grill when I Jack two months in a rel welcome back concussive phi them there could be something way better that I don't even know about though so it's it's a hard call here shut would you shut the hell up sassanid over here rear all rear all what did you get the two times draw trinket by it reroll it and then live with the regret when you play your third spell the turn all cards gain plus one magic power for the rest of this battle at the start of turn adds sting spell to your hand or plus three magic power just in general I I play more than one spell per or more than three per turn always so probably forgotten name that's just plus one magic power every turn honestly though the coles could have been better Kohl's could've easily been better than that just gonna say it I'm just gonna say it like how I feel it train steward you're gone you're out we don't want you here anymore and I'm thinking about getting rid of a frozen Lance you just don't use it give herself a chance to get more restores because one restore is health and 60 damaged 60 damaged tickets just jump it up they're so happy [Music] poof we're done right there's no reason not to buff some of these guys no one really cares I'm probably sure to cut the swatch that swaps swish tips tips tips off that switch it up it's too late this is the last fight let's go [Music] sky looks like a marijuana leaf the first spellcard played each turn gets consumed I forgot about that we should have kept the more of our so I forgot about that that's less than good all of our growin graphs are gonna be consumed that's really really bad actually dream team up and running do we then get it rid of our restores I guess each [ __ ] hurts I can't just not use it but I don't wanna good damage there 54 damaged or at the bat right that with the gates use crap spells first yeah but I've removed everything Pancho I don't have any crap spells [Music] could just not use any spells [Music] my wrist stories are just gr just gone [Music] like he does not restore and just wait it out until the boss is actually available to beat to be hit and then just go ham city but playing graphs I don't know what to do getting rid of what am I in grass could be an okay thing to do [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] possibly the worst final boss we could have gotten possibly the worst one this already has consumed on it so I'm fine it's also going at the boss so that's a good deal there wait glimmer first cut out cut the fat out and we focus on the important stuff [Applause] cycle of life yeah regen I'm gonna pop the region in this boy [Music] frostbite of all we can it's already like almost half dead so I think we're gonna do okay like we're gonna be just fine railspike what are you gonna pull scuse me go away what if we railspike the vengeful shard I guess it'd be okay we get rid of them immediately but that'd be silly our car our hand is it full anyways it'd make them really easy to use and honestly I think I'll be fine with that so use this consume the one cost and graph that'd be fine with that does he may have holdover something been trying and then if I use these it's gonna then pull them and I don't want to do that [Music] my hand is full that's the problem if I try to pull four cards I might only pull one and be like I can't I can't pull anymore just gonna wait in the rail spike then there's no sense in poppin it now you're [ __ ] for the boss if you're not ready well good-bye picot you figure - I choose you dead [Music] I love it when chat when you guys pull a complete John Madden on me if anyone remembers John Madden well if you catches the ball in the endzone it's gonna be a touchdown and that's gonna be a really hard and catched it's gonna be really hard to throw to catch if it hits the ground you're gonna have trouble about bossfight if you're not ready yeah that's how it usually works [Music] I know nothing about football it's just the most blatantly obvious things just like keep the conversation rolling six energy you guys I should just pop it I should just pop up my hands freed up I just don't want to get in graphs he's such a waste go to engraft stand there in a vengeful shard but hey free gloom I'll Glen me dad I'll take a glim it's not really gonna benefit anybody he's giving these back is nice though drop the Venge spike + poppet get out of here get outta here frostbites good for that fella and let's go ahead and apply some more reagent the more aged and the batter this guy's doing nothing like 27 damage per turn and a little bit of regen would make a difference you don't play that card it won't get played the team with the most points is gonna win the game exactly I wish this counted as a card that would exhaust that's an easy choice [Music] I didn't get this one - - but will live [Music] continue you we're gonna kill it before it's even available to be killed like before it's fighting rather is what I'm what I'm trying to say here I'll SAP me mama be gone look at our card draw per turn ass insanity free eventual soo shard lucky this this boys screwed dude which way that I just waste that I just waste that card I just wasted my glimmer why did I just eat my glim could have used this one it would have been fine I don't need that many more spikes I got too excited about the wind stop looking no I'm gonna starve good this guy's a hell Oh rough day dirty mouth clean it up by getting [ __ ] what do we got going on [Music] get rid of that one is fine spiked carts enemies you know the enemies are gonna be taking damage if they jump into those damaged causing spikes I didn't know if you know that or not you're welcome it's why I'm here [Music] look at our shark lady bell 88 health 58 damage 38 block just load it back there you still got a little bit of regen on him he's still doing fine flash-freeze my boy 32 damage per turn just I wouldn't kill him I wouldn't kill him but it's probably gonna be available he's probably gonna be fighting next turn if we would have gotten it motivated achievements damn you [Music] [Applause] so close [Applause] yeah now it's fighting me so that's so close oh no we're just gonna normally win now boo I don't want to just win I want to embarrass the team the other team the other guys it's not gonna get a shot off though that's that's for sure [Applause] Ethel am normally winning [ __ ] novice that was good we had a good combo it didn't even matter that they were getting rid of our spells we were spoke we were so spell reliant it even matter this is like on slate aspire when you're going up against the dude that levels up gets more damage every time use of power but you're like defect with nothing but powers he's got a power through it me just unlock this healing spells casting this for a minus one costs edge that could be really good cuddle hex end of turn apply frozen to a random card in your hand okay frozen means that it just doesn't go away you keep it in your hand could be cool I guess and an artifact 80% chance to apply spell weakness to an enemy in it the interest you're trained if they have one stack of spell weakness than they you double the amount of the damage spell so like the explosion the the health explosion one does like maximum of 50 damage on unupgraded with spell weakness I think that we'd do a hundred damage if you have a stack of ten spell we just sent an enemy which I have had before ten times the damage 500 damage I need help the chat lost so many brain cells right so we're looking at so these mark victories between each of the different things we've almost unlocked this last one here we need to kill like 73 more units unlock them so like this is a awoken hell horned victory awoken stygian awoken Umbra Umbra sounds lit is a cool my least favorite my least favorite for sure alright should we do another run
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 11,325
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Monster Train, strategy, card game, deckbuilding, roguelike, turn-based combat, card battler, roguelite, multiplayer, trains, tower defense, clans, bosses, combos
Id: 0Gr8PnoKLgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 55sec (6115 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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