Judas Run (Polling Retribution) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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all right i'm going to jump into this thing we're doing polling today i forgot to mention that so if you guys are ready in chat to start pulling get your pulling fingers ready should we do our rando polling maybe we should do a random pulling bandiga thanks for the prime sub i appreciate it welcome to the butt ranks russian corn hey dad finally here judas nice uh for a stream after a long while gonna have to leave soon hope you're doing good and your nose is all right my nose is all right i know this is all right how you feeling dude pretty good pretty good uh it comes and goes it's a little congested i think i'm just getting used to it i think it's still kind of scabbed over in there traumatized my nerves are kind of messed up i got a little bit of like numbness in my front teeth he said that's normal it could take a month for that to go away kill cat 32 months what's up welcome back are we sounding by the way how is everything how are our frames doing i want do i want to say the f word a that is that's extremely spicy as judas fully onion what's up 26. welcome back all good all good is phenomenal feingold with 100 bits sent a highlighted message for you but you missed it [Music] i hats want to have some fun with my bomb challenge doctor fetus parasite sad bumps gonna scatter bomb squad shots i'm not exactly looking for challenges right now you guys will know when i'm looking for a challenge um i'm going to hit the reddit page up and i'm going to say hi i'm looking for a challenge and that'll be the place to do that unless someone just comes up with something that's just like the most dynamite thing ever but i'm going to tell you right now 99.9 percent of the challenges that you guys should throw me on twitter on here you try to hit me up my dms on discord and just start like i get it's just it's spam at this point um it's nothing against any specific one of you but the combination of everybody is just maybe you want to crawl into a little hole and die [Music] but thanks for your submission halloween dubstep remixes this one's kind of halloweeny like your mom says malo you know what the delay i probably just not like part of that your mom joked three months for butt baby juan show six months and then you will get 10 million challenges and never do any of them huts so the last time this happened thine gold and maybe maybe it's my fault for not being clear about this music hold on wait okay we have upset people and i think that we need to address this because it's not just youth on gold there's a lot of people i train there is a hype train going on if you want to jump on you get the rewards for think at least 200 bits thrown towards it if you are the top you're the conductor that's awesome you get a little badge anyways uh yeah so last time i said hey i'm i'm open for a challenge and i got like like i said like what was it 10 000 you said 10 million challenges and i wanted one challenge and we got that one challenge and i specifically tried to say on the title of that i will do one challenge per post i think what you thought maybe i meant was i'm going to do 10 million challenges i don't have time to do 10 challenges so i i get the idea that you guys are like super into it you're like yeah let's go like i really want us to do this stuff but when it starts coming off as you guys getting upset and angry with me we've kind of lost the point the purpose when you when you're getting mad that i'm not noticing your specific post when you like you said there's 10 million of them i i'm not sure what to do i you know you know what is this cootie that's that's a new one let you read that the rest of them you know nara what's up 31 months welcome back appreciate that cool apps nine plus 10 is 21 okay eat a nerd gifted deception gold spreading the love from the love i'm not upset right now i just want to make it clear what my intentions are when it comes to these challenges and that will hopefully alleviate you guys from being upset with me because uh when we start going after each other it's a little it's it's just hard you know completely misunderstood i wasn't angry upset huts i love you and that's i'm it's not just you and i'm not trying to lump you in with like the people that are like really mad but it does seem like you're maybe bothered by it hard it's hard to read tone here on twitch uh you know i'll gladly admit that 20 months sexy asparagus whoo welcome back nimmy five dollars thank you so much for being generous nimmy what else we got mattress murdoch did i say the sexy tier 2 for 33 that's a good number okay so we all know what you guys want don't have to wait any longer take our cough medicine it's not exactly cough medicine is it more like i'm gonna vomit medicine it'd be a pretty crazy cough if you had to uh fake ipac hugo de ipaco um probably ended up blowing herself up so maybe swallow a penny unlimited bombs it's kind of exciting judas's small amount of health we could two-shot ourselves and we'd be dead a couple mistakes and we're done we gotta kind of be careful here how's your nose doing my nose is fine it's still uh getting used to being able to work i have to remind myself that i don't have to breathe in my mouth and b i don't have to sit there and like flare my nostrils to breathe through oh yeah that extra help oh yeah thanks for the health jerk i niced myself shark dragon likes four months just dropping into resell have a good stream stick around have you got some time i appreciate the reset my friend thousand bits from nerd as puns dick percent dick percentage percent thank you percentage percent dick percentage [Music] do i have like uh moments that are og can i even say that is that a thing now notice me i crave attention says malo well malok could you ban molo did i walk into the fire what hit me there even sure would hit me but i like the bonk noise more bonk the merrier in my opinion maybe i walked into the fire because he was sitting behind the thing i was like look like i grabbed a red heart and then got hurt i just don't think i saw the fire behind the chest let's set that shop up we got money coming out of our bung holes sorry i just can't ban another mod only you can do that [Music] yo do we want cactus here's the thing cactus is great but the problem with cactus is he blocks my shots so we would shoot our own cactus buddy and murder our own cactus i will spare him from the pain he's too cute cactus is cute as well he's just too cute i'm gonna pass on i'll actually take the health afk bender prime sub i appreciate that welcome my friends judged guilty tier one sub oh do we want the uh wait that's not tofu unused makes a copy of the closest passive item if none are available the item is not used item regenerates each floor item copy is lost on a new form item copy is lost it creates a copy of a passive so it could give us another health upgrade for one floor or another ipecac which could be another 40 damage he didn't call it my subs as vigilant yes vigilance seven minutes ago i'm sorry i missed it after little onion tier one sub forgot you i got you wait steam sale for let's get into fix them both i you know we could do weird things probably with modeling clay and plug you think that would work together sounds a little broken regenerates each floor so like i don't i don't know if they really i don't know it said no it's not working was that the start of the floor that it does it only the battery just see what it does nothing a thing in the ground passive in the ground looking like a fool with your passive on the ground had turned sideways gold in your mouth might just do passive uh if a cat would be a passive um the health upgrade would be a positive the uh sharp plug would be a passive gotta be unpicked yeah gotta be unpicked i hurt myself to do it again okay so it does not work with sharp plug looks like they thought ahead on that one you know the small damage upgrade we get from the book is going to be like a drop in the bucket when it comes to our epic damage so i think we'll just go with this and try to do something stupid something new unseen pork thanks to the tier one sub what's up new subs in there i appreciate you guys health upgrades work despite being taken away sometimes you know like when you reroll health upgrades with um like d100 or something like that you keep the health right that's probably what you mean yeah we did lose our second steve though steve's like my brother killed my family indigo montoya yo buddy these guys and let's kick off the poles what do you guys want um tears up knock back with pisces is the 12-sided dice he use nail polish landing a shot reduces the time until the next tier is shot could be maybe kind of spicy with the pick i'm not exactly sure we don't really spam epic shots but and then uh a small pill look at me now model clay the quarter you're not wrong what if we just use this every single item room to get like a random passive okay it's not very good but you know did it say the closest one so maybe i should have just gone up to eve's nail polish tonight yeah probably i think it said something about the closest we're learning we're trying it out who knows we can get like a single floor double steam sale is that what you meant with that when you're yelling steam sale before it's closest okay [Music] i don't know photographic memory you guys definitely want number three [Music] he's nail polish all right school so if my tear blows up then i get to shoot the next one like immediately just said reduces the time until the next one which is fine i guess since we have low fire rate brigatoni monster 15 months welcome back my friend and wild giddy in eight months yo what's up dude welcome back idiot like anti-birth gideon lots of choice words for you epic is pretty spicy if you can handle it i think i can handle it he says before he dies our health is still pretty low here screw the anti-birth gideon [Music] you like him that much huh light bulb on looks like it just it's just gonna work on this on this zero charge item it's just always charged apparently is that a a shop or a library up here library [Music] okay oh yes i'd like to frick a rock okay this is not the library red afro okay interesting ups that's fine by me and then let's try to go for maybe some soul hearts [Music] that's a really odd spot for it spice that epic brings is as hot as a ghost pepper those peppers are pretty hot [Music] but i kind of do this just right in order to hit that top guy i'm liking the money i'm liking the money both light bulbs work with no charge items [Music] empiric pill effects are doubled pills are larger look at the new stuff so big [Music] double bad trip nice good work everybody good freaking work doing chubs is just not what i need right now and i'll take a double active that sounds pretty handy with this combination uh double use i'd like to see if that would affect it if we can get some more money i'll go back and get that car battery [Music] well we had health for a little while and we're back to where we started well we never have to take a bad trip again though i'm trying to be positive can you find another quarter is that possible kind of like finding another steam sale even though we've already gotten it out of the way is it possible for you to get another one eldemar elder l dilmar a tough word to say el del mar five months [Music] welcome back my friend head to butt i'm appreciating the amount of pots that we've seen very helpful not from pots i like your beard oh thank you i think it's a little long right now but i know you guys just vibe on the long beard i guess unkempt it's not kemp's ice cream what i'm trying to say [Music] you better win this one that's very easy to not win this one though the pickaxe is a double-edged sword here especially with spiders fighters are gonna be like the end-all be-all okay nice thoughts thanks could have easily gotten the amount of money to get double charged but new top secret room there's our health back pepsi room right there it's got to be right there that's going to be very nice very helpful uh we did not go into our library i'm not sure why i just decided not to go in there let's remind me chat let's let's get that when we leave the floor let's do the right thing but let's not forget it he dum-dums the rbg what's up nine months but baby i'm a newborn baby somebody washed this baby off it stinks eli did i say eli for seven months it's been a while let's not be live i'll try to ignore you friend folio what do we got grant's a random retribution familiar each room grants family granted familiar is removed upon moving to the next screaming facebook pink book would probably be the best thing for me it's not really pink i guess there's some reddish shoes in there but it's [Music] wait a second it's a passive book and it doesn't count towards bookworm that's i i like that it's passive because it doesn't take away my ability to take my pink book but uh would have been really nice this is the one that gives me plus 10 luck but wait a second i have two luck so it's like it's activating the familiar without actually giving me the effect of the uh activated familiar all right who's on bug work right now just found one excellent it's not a bug that's a feature look like i guess it's like probably some nasal drainage going on i get a cough every now and then i think liquid is draining into my lungs seven ah seven months hey hots that would what would be your top five recommendations for vr gonna get me an oculus quest too uh definitely super hot definitely beat saber top two can't challenge that uh beyond that i haven't really uh gone down the whole rabbit hole for vr in a very long time [Music] like an interesting familiar so there's probably some newer better stuff out there that i don't even know about i never even thought of super hots as hot dog buns just amazing vr it's so cool scooby doo 25 what's up scooby-doo scooby-dooby doo where are you did i get the book from transformation because i just shot two shots okay i didn't i just didn't even realize it but i block out [Applause] undiverse oh well here's the deal guys we get them all for sure we go badunk the donk and then a ipecac knife i'm kind of thinking are we not going to pull this are we pulling that's you guys wanted all of them that's quick oh wow weird how convenient i kind of forgot to pull oh well i like the the mom's knife of the cake it does not explode it does not give you 40 damage if you had a 40 damage knife the entire world would just implode into a giant fusion bomb pigeon bomb maybe split them in half with the knife [Music] the classic coconut to the head sound can you take damage [Music] oh yikes dude we like them what happened missed it french guy's foil he is stronger and smarter than tier four meat boy all nighter for glasses a diag knife it's just called scale diagonal is actually incredibly easy to pull off the controller but not with keyboard and mouse let me be happy also rip getting the double uh charge i only remember so many things and i remembered the eternal heart of which i kind of wish it didn't have at the moment but because of empty vessel like i said but we're gonna new deal with the double we'll give it away real soon nice that we have 36 bombs now though oh look look at that familiar that's really good that's gotta be like a demon familiar that is way too strong i'm gonna let you take care of it that's impressive i'm not even mad i should probably go since we're one third guppy we should attempt guppy mom's knife is pretty trash but i have the book and that is cootie i think above my head so cute so cutie 100 bits judged guilty love you huts thanks mate i really appreciate the sub really dumb dead serious look at this dog again just mom's knife while i'm invincible um that's tasty this book is gonna do us well right up until the time i give it up right now you're up not sure what goes here 45 months welcome back still haven't found out what goes there huh all is an option it's behind my head a little bit look how 3d the setup is though if only i could like superimpose like a fake shadow also look at this blur it's like not a hard cut off is that nice or is that a little weird i think that's nice i put a little mask on there i like it right i mean look at how professional i am right now guys this little like glow bar and then the the notifications that pop up from the glow bar somebody do a notification i want to look at it oh i like it it makes my eyes orgasm a little bit looks like you're going into the shadow realm it's like when you have a hard cut off it's just kind of jarring also when i move really fast you can see the blue screen behind my fingers teach me how to do well first to do you got to be you guys want all gonna waste any more time ten bits look at that look at how like nice that looks way too nice it looks way too nice uh we just got a bot knife which is pretty hyped with the razor blade bloody crumbs that would be uh convenient for uh kidney stones all right i i don't like my best friend photon not speed way up and that really affects the knife it does not look like it affects the cut speed is not a thing and another library it's like purple bible we might want to go with this book book of mormon you have him if i put it back down we can read with us right you know let me read what it does yeah let me uh do the uh item description gonna let me uh no you're not gonna let me see what it does cool let's i'm just i'm happy i'm really happy that i have this item for this mod that allows me to see what things do i don't know what that is i took that oh i just charged it on accident i thought i had to press it again dude i used my sharp plug health regen should we get rid of the models clay [Music] go double book i'm kind of thinking so triple bible cool health regen and invulnerability is going to be kind of important to her garbage health right now rigatoni under bits 674 from ooh looks nice from half half daft [Music] thank you guys [Music] and uh our quality maybe three months oh i say that you charge both of the actives at the same time you do get a charge for both of them per room wow you got it right sick if i just use my book on this was it worth it [Music] three months for a wannabe swordsman hello father have a good stream hello mother hello father here i am at camp granada and that's cootie that's doing something that guy up there why am i so slow oh god point five six speed that's just like that what happened what made me slow down even more is it cootie on permanently five sticks what made me slow down [Music] let's go health you know what let's go more health how seaver seven months welcome back lampzilla six months let's hype oh yeah [Music] any stone does that really that big of a speed down [Music] you sure hearts double pill with the half off card the box that's the best like this let's go for one more soul heart maybe perfect moon's mixed sparkle 22 months what's up hey dad i'm a little behind what's the retribution mod do new items couple new enemies most of the items there's two new hushes in this mod two new hushes eh dude i'm just gonna miss it [ __ ] you spider for landing not on my knife but on my face how's that happening we're pretty [ __ ] slim i thought we already found it it already opened up i just didn't see it i will do that you don't need the bombs so what happens if we take the money right and then oh we had the book too we could totally [ __ ] up that's a that's a good use there's also another battery we should do that too i'm gonna say i could convert some of these pennies or bombs into hearts and then continue to use the machine and try to get a health up speed up probably the best way to that we know of currently to get our speed back up climbing the bonk when you take damage me too how's it going with hades i feel like i'm getting a good streak getting a good streak is easier than in isaac and hades not where i'm at right now i don't feel that way why am i still taking the uh box of cards our purple bible back but your health or empty vessel okay here we go bucket of blood there you got it wait what bucket of blood wait a minute what did that say i think we just got two health up from that okay there's a new item in that machine got it got you give me full health as well loving a freak 33 now i just noticed now that you that freak is spelled r the f-r-e-e-k time i've noticed that that's a strong knife red glob that's a decent item i don't mind at least bit and down we go why are you silas now what gave me the flag doctor look um bucket of blood i don't know uh 18 damage knife it's just a dd that's that epic knife i'm talking about if the cat is what like plus 4 damage onto the knife crazy bad trip again yeah i'm gonna pass on that thanks though thanks for the offer you're an 18 damage knife kind of yeah that's the wrong spot to put that blacked out okay what the heck curse the blind this is not what i want it might be what you guys want though all all all so if you guys have never pulled before all you have to do is type in either one two three four or all into chat but i don't think it'll pick it up if you like stick one in the middle of a word or something like that i think it has to be by itself or separated by a space pick five spooder all you gotta do is type all right one two three four are all in the chat okay with a single bit notification i don't know why that like turned back on my notifications for it's just it opens up the ability to spam my channel and i don't want to piss you guys off nobody likes swim things i appreciate a bit don't get me wrong here that should fix it why isn't there a nun as real plague waffle i don't think there would be anybody that would vote well you would vote for it we'd have like three votes for it sideways witch hat not a bad description passes oh 20 20. golden remote that's pretty good dude and literally the worst thing i just spit everywhere damn it libra literally it's like hey you want some fire rate which means nothing to a knife god i think i'm gonna burn out my bush i'm gonna go crazy here i'm gonna go pink book and golden remote hey my speed's back up though you don't need speed if you can one shot a flarp and boss stop spamming chat five minutes thanks for the bits i appreciate that and i just update the settings to not allow the single bits to trigger notification and that just didn't i just do that is that a kind of thing that i just did make sure that it is range is a ton better i [ __ ] hate range with a knife you want to just get up there and go like this you want the lowest amount of range lowest amount of fire rate as possible and just jam it inside of them i'm telling you literally the worst thing that could have ever happened to the knife run [ __ ] libra being helpful everyone else is trolling i literally just turned off those notifications and now it's like wait a minute you wanted more of them i'm gonna go check again you piece of [ __ ] why don't you listen to me first time [Music] minimum amount of bits for a recent event i don't even know what that means [Music] uh uh i mean i said 100 for a minimum so if you want to just not listen to me that's pretty cool too maybe that was it maybe close bits message setting show message what is this i don't even know why is there like 75 different places where you could change one setting things are so complicated now 2020 means i've got 12 damage it's still gonna melt it's just you know that's a shame quad knife sometimes too which is exciting how about magic mush that would you can make it up to me with magic much yeah you want to do that for me you do want to do that for me that'd be great power pill is not bad actually item from this guy what is this plus one health that's right necessarily care but sure five cents for health upgrades not bad though roll film choose your fate i don't know what that does i think we read it last time i've forgotten look at tony with a hundred bits it's working now life wifenator you got to get him you got to get up in them excuse me there's some spooky music oh [Music] hopefully if we find the secret rooms we'll be able to get into the uh could we get into the hush fight with the golden remote is that a thing to get into the room that would take me down because that'd be pretty cool there's new hush in this i want to see it we don't see it this time though we could just rush to the next one we can't really rush through with polling though it's just not really a thing [Music] um duh we gotta explore every single room that we can possibly explore and it's actually not gonna work there's a battery in the floor and i can't get into the um the challenge room so it's actually going to teleport me to the challenge room instead 500 i was talking about getting up in them with the knife get closer no balls gotcha thanks to the bits eddie prime sub what's up betty [Music] i suppose we could have the coins in the floor and tried to reroll for some batteries maybe possibly but if we bomb a bunch of this stuff and try to get some pills in the floor so that we can three them into batteries i kind of want to use them but we probably should wow [Applause] wow purity god you just hocked the knife so far calm down sir any button i would like maybe this not terrible all right so we gotta find the regular secret room and then we'll use this it'll take us into the challenge room gertie was stabbed to death [Music] or would you be if you were a secretary wow one and done hopeful prospect five months thanks to the laughs in this snow got a bunch of snow on the ground as well [Music] leave those eddie with 300 bits i finally figured out how to sub and watching for years best stream to watch in between patients thanks for all the great content hell yeah kind of patience you got is that like doctor patient confidentiality or something i don't exactly know the bounds of that i'm trying to talk over the music which is great by the way but all right we'll go with the challenge room here and then hopefully we'll be able to turn some of this bs into some uh batteries tell me the names of all your patients there we go that you should be able to do that pups you have sharp plug i never take sharp plug you are right i have our plug hates would have it we still get batteries though just gotta believe get a bunch of golden chests blow the mirror up as well too late guys can i only use the sharp plug if i'm at zero charge or can i use it any time i don't use it enough um excuse me name age and condition of all your patients online patience through zoom in the caribbeans that sounds rad zero charge only all right so we won't be able to use it unless something magical happened in the shop and they gave us a battery that's a long barry by barry troy don't have kids ever listen to 70s funk give me that 70s funk remix though you know what i mean [Music] i vibe on that almost like bruno mars style i dig it i dig the revival i don't think it's going to happen you guys it's it's okay honestly [Music] okay never mind uh deal with the devil first all right i i guess i'll pull it here's me excuse me i don't have coven i got tested for covid before the surgery and then i haven't really left my house since so i'm i'm pretty sure has something to do with the fact that my inside of my face inside of my nose was zapped with a laser might have something to do with my cough video what's up first of the blind so all i mean i i just want to make sure that you guys know that you chose that instead of me just taking it all i mean and getting around my health right now would be beneficial with empty vessel bloody name um isn't it once i suppose so three nine mark decapitated ghosts all in all it's not the best i've ever seen because i'm the best there's ever been bad bit boppity-bop bow and let's [Music] we all know what you want just get this over with you already know [Music] what happened huds have the what buffet fifinator all of course yeah 50 people already in there most of it 92 percent won all so let's just call it blue pirate map black and white face idle something gross didn't even know what to call that one [Music] joker i'm just gonna take the joker blank card uh blank rune would be pretty good but the joker is gonna alleviate the need to teleport into the deal with the devil i think [Music] are you breaking the game arts i don't think so upset a thousand plus hours in the game obviously don't understand how you remember all this stuff what each individual item does and how it impacts the other things right now too i'm trying i'm challenging the uh literal item name descriptions and having to remember their actual name in this case just not even saying their actual name taking pressure off myself [Music] something gross lol yeah they just didn't even try to name that one really they said like bloody vein or like aorta or something like that you know like get creative with it lazy ass names [Music] no oh come on took my key anyways i hate the key blocks they literally just rob you when you're sleeping [Music] they know when you're sleeping they know when you're awake they know how to slip into your back pocket and then shove a knife in your face magic mosh by the way uh plus four damage pretty good there pretty good suck on that libra we uh we ended up getting it i was hoping we would mashima the song just said it knew [Music] and full [Music] what do we got money bag finger droopy dripping heart and glitched sprite droopy dripping hard is the uh rage oh excuse me glitched sprites could be in conjunction with the golden remote kinda weird they could work together a little bit [Music] more spooky music [Music] what is repentance is it a mod dlc game other part of isaac it's a mod that adds some new items and a couple more things [Applause] it's almost a tie between finger and rage you guys make up your mind pick one or the other final push okay i got two max i can max speed right now repentance's dlc retribution is a mod [Applause] let's go with number three and call it 11 damage finger would have been nice [Music] though [Music] [Applause] we could totally leave this untouched in order for us to get more battle ease maybe we should i'll explore all the rooms for our golden remote it's nice that we have the blue pirate map for the secret room finding very handy [Applause] [Music] fallen lord and subscribe what's up fallen lord thank you so much for the support thanos ridley 31 months 31 months pog champ thanos yay china i'm liking this familiar i wish we had them permanently [Music] step two think that's one can we golden remote into boss rush [Music] is i think sam gallinger what's up three months three months baby a third of the way to work by baby super small wee wee unidentified you say [Music] paper familiar though this doesn't matter it's a 1.24 damage upgrade which is actually a lot they're actually a lot to stack onto the knife i wish that libra was smart and it stopped trying to put damage on to your or stop trying to put uh stats onto your speed when it was maxed it should just flow directly into your damage at that point [Music] all right we have all the rooms if we use it now it'll take us in to find deal with the devil [Music] what's this one you know this one unidentified great gulp pills are wonderful i like them do better than the floor which means we should be able to just go to the devil and then grab a battery and go into the i am error room it's psych because we were already in the deal the devil i think and that's when we were talking about like we want to go do that anymore maybe i don't know possibly i don't know what happened but we're going to do this on baby corpse kids you just you just did deal well okay my short-term memory is [ __ ] he caught me double deal was red chests that's why i don't remember if it's garbage it's like it never happened [Music] knife we have dual knife reroll is added so if you guys want me to reroll type or re-roll r-e-r-o-l-l blood drop pretty good locked chest gemini and then two gouged eyeballs what were we talking about i get batteries in the moon i don't know pop does nothing cdm says yeah pop i don't think it works with the knife if it did work with a knife what would that look like could you imagine a bunch of knives just flowing around that would be the most overpowered thing ever i feel like what if you had it such that you threw the knife out it just didn't come back with pop right so you had to like go grab the knife and it like slowly worked its way back to you like that that could be a thing that you could actually work with with the knife so like let's say that you're fighting the hush it sounds like a bad thing but let's say you're fighting the hush you just throw the knife and it just sits there slowly comes back to you and then like wherever you're walking is like where you're dragging this like knife slowly around the room it probably don't work no it won't work i'm just saying an idea for the future kilburn if you're listening [Music] i want to see some pop knife kind of like ludo yeah i mean that's that's what i'm picturing kind of like ludo um you can even program it you know maybe you just reuse some code it'd be super easy just do it troll them with three no one's going for pre-roll duncey boy we got cholera [Music] grants a chance to fire a tear that transforms enemies in the poop sun's cap hope hat and grey ghost i don't think grey ghost works cholera probably doesn't work either is going to be like 20 20 20 20. 40 40 is what it's gonna be i i'm totally fine with it too i don't have anything against dunce cap you guys hate dunce cap i like dawn's caps cinderell 7 total what's up [Music] welcome back [Music] the first one is trash no it's [ __ ] [Music] philosophy is boring this is synro okay you guys definitely want number two [Music] sponge dumps me boy [Music] look at that look at that spread oh yeah spread it oh man that guy was slapping tentacle slapping [Music] this is a little weird i don't exactly appreciate the spread that it put on my normal 2020 but it is what it is to be pretty good for from clearing [Music] up youtube and finally got to a stream oh welcome i think that uh if we wanted to teleport into the room that takes me down to the hush if that's even possible we would have to save the joker card because let's just say that we ended up getting into the if we're on the womb and we use our active item which takes us into the joker room and then pops us back out i guess we would go into the heart room which is not locked so that means we could go get a battery so right now is really the time that we should probably use the joker card so that when we go into the joker and we pop back onto the locked mom room we could then go we go ahead and then use our active item to teleport us out of that room into the i am air room where we would be stuck does it take you back into the the boss room when you golden teleport into the joker room or does it take you back into the room that you just were in because i think either way we i i think we're stuck even though though i just worked it out right now it doesn't really work what game you playing later huts i'm on my eighth win oh you douche eighth win in hades and i'm thinking about going for my ninth win and then uh the tenth one i'll record we don't need everywhere in our map everywhere is home from the wiki teleport super can't take you to the boss rush or the blue womb entrance well then it all is bust and it doesn't really even matter let me say that we're going to save the last shop for batteries and then we just left we hit the imei room we got there anyways i don't think we should really concern ourselves with it then [Music] the room you were in yeah is it like a teleport from a red chest [Music] spin that beyblade huts spin it not a beyblade though pokey's horns turns me into a beyblade what's up [Music] anyone know where some work is at [Music] at a workplace duh close your eyes that's how you do those rooms close your eyes hope for the best [Music] bunk [Music] funk funk make this worth my while buddy hard to get him to pay out with the with the double when you have two max speed yeah whatever that's the question mark pill i'm not interested in that and just pop the book to get out i guess i don't know i don't know we find all the secret rooms going to the boss room i guess because if i use my teleport now it takes me to the boss room and then we fight the boss room we're stuck if i use it after the boss room it'll take me to the joker room um if i use the joker if i use the joker now we could go into the deal with the devil come back out grab the second joker card walk into the boss room fight mom and if it could take me to boss switch which you guys said the wiki says i cannot i'm still inclined to test it we can then go into the boss room fight mom pop the active item there which will either take me to the iamaram or the boss rush probably the iamara rum i don't think it's gonna work either i think it's we won't know definitively can't see the stream says um this is something productions open your eyes try that okay so joker now then [Music] it's a bunch of trash [Music] literal trash i don't want any of this [Music] i guess we could do a nun in there you want a nun in there i just add a nut in when it's convenient for me [Music] i guess i wouldn't mind going polaroid instability but [Music] nipple lecture of justice what's up how are things going my friends they're going [Music] conjoined for more knives to cdm um headless baby cows were conjoined and i think that's it that's all we have currently we won't get it you guys are going for it anyways it'd be two-thirds stephen counts got stephen count i thought stephen was maybe one of the ones that didn't maybe he does i kind of forgot he was back there [Music] steven does but we would get it done and you guys are voting for it so all right yeah three knives either side frames when our our thing procs four knives three three three four three can we get up to like six each side technically but not a thing performance only add one more on [Music] uh okay so now i leave i go grab the other joker and then we go into the boss fight and well at least to get to the i am error roman this far i suppose so and maybe there's a battery in the ima [Music] room i honestly should be taking okay we'll take the blank card then blank card joker sounds pretty hot double charge would be really good [Music] alas we did not get it let's see here let's go in fight use our active item and then watch it did that the blank card doesn't really change our initial plan that let me use this [Music] double charge really would be the answer here to test that out [Music] [Music] what the heck caduceus soul hearts also heal for additional half red hearts [Music] polaroids pretty handy here [Music] you have sharp plug why don't you guys calm down if i do this and then sharp plug i can't sharp plug while i'm invincible okay can't cheese it game is too smart but i could play this machine after i sharp plug and i took an extra day ah the invincibility's all over the place like you just killed my friend hemorrhaging health right now [Music] firefighter nice higher fan uh that's not what i wanted that's that's not the play all right uh yeah we can test it so this would definitively answer whether or not we can go to the boss rush cool you i don't understand why i wouldn't allow it if i came here before 20 minutes and tried to do the same thing you think it would open up then you think it stops me from [Music] even having that room spawn we are post twenty you so i was smaller penis i'm kidding that was a joke it was a joke i'm sure your whatever you have is just huge mama mega would work yeah but mom omega maybe is coded differently i don't it seems odd to me that i wouldn't be able to get into that room this item [Music] zydatrix stein months thanks to the good content dad keep it up oh you keep it up bud baby what's the name of the song stone bank healing me that bass [Music] [Music] caduceus hello did you lie to me [Music] liar i don't appreciate the lies bit while you're less far behind you were right i was less right i should just use this with my blank card right when it's ready effigy let's do a one two three all none again let's keep it there 15 chance for all enemies in a room to be replaced with burning effigies i'll ask your moms g [Music] cherry cherry's pretty good and black riding hood are we helping or fighting the lyle won't work with the knife you know what cdm wanted we just pretend that it works why don't you stop raining in our parade it's all mental burger burger oh you're your burger do much welcome back literally so happy i'm dancing over here and cdm's like that's not right don't like you [Music] also cdm turned 70 yesterday pretty surprising surprisingly awesome nothing wrong with 70. tdm is tim confirmed that's that what tim would sound like if tim was 70. red heart with 20. [Music] you want to get the subs thank you so much red heart that is amazing that is phenomenal i am going to put a hat on now [Music] one of my favorites the charizard hat the hat izard wonderful 20 gifted subs is huge you guys we're at 9 50 right now we're so close to breaking that 1k again very very exciting those are the burning effigies can i touch them i can touch him i shoot him yes okay all righty oh my god thanks regular immortal says 20 of you guys got gifted subs so take a look was it you looking at luca regular immortal hot dogs eagles nest gaming steven walking sir tusk bad boyfriend luke wait a second binary bob hope that's more 10 more gifted subs putting some sunglasses on my friend thank you so much 10 more subs looking like lukeberg dog spoon mickey moise sonia devi shroke pr pilot jurassic slime gaming just to name a few wonderful wonderful wonderful thank you guys for being crazy generous and uh supporting my content i appreciate you we got a full clear if you want to use this golden remote so let's just blitz this bomb the effigies bomb okay do i get something from that gulp there if you find some brinquettes gone [Music] cooldown complete hype train is ready to leave the station type train you missed it [Music] i told you what it totally would have triggered a hype train [Music] the bits there five thousand bits from red hearts i didn't even see it what are you doing what's nose hype no these are gonna go on you oh yeah good call red hearts good call thank you for that that totally slipped in there i'm sorry 5000 bits is amazing hell yeah [Music] once again i'm even more upset now that the hype train is totally pulled into the station late this is insane down to my h it's now a cooler h [Music] all right we were already in there we already did the thing now we can go ahead and use this to go into the i am arrowroom oh yeah [ __ ] well i'm not going to do that i mean here's the thing i could use bombs and shove them all into one corner and then i could just in one go get them all what are the odds that we're going to get the health back from doing this i'd say there's a decent chance of getting health back [Music] you have all these arms look at me let me look at me look at my big brain plays right just doesn't get more big brain than this this is pink big big brain break brain i can't even say it literally prove myself wrong [Music] [Applause] did you get off the vagina please [Music] [Applause] [Music] polaroid invincibility yeah but i have to take damage first and i don't want to do that at this level of health but yes a polaroid will activate it's are you saying i could run around the room and not to worry about it because the polaroid yeah that's true but you know i still think this is smarter to do don't [ __ ] with it we did get our health back which is pretty good i should let the corpse baby get all of the keys [Music] didn't replace the black heart as a juicy trinket invested bill is fine and what else you've got hey i mean i don't want the health with that but we're gonna go into more deals with double so some health for deal with the double water stuff five more subs from binary bob thank you so much binary bob humble wizard be catcoon ryu tatsu and autoking and norps welcome to the club welcome back to a lot of you red heart 1500 bits got a promotion in two raises thought i would share some of the love to papa two raises how do you get a promotion in two races isn't it just a raise no matter how how big it is unless you have like multiple jobs i'm confused but good job however you pulled it off well done [Music] keep me in the state of mind let's definitely save that battery super human [Music] yo [ __ ] thoughts [Music] get mask hairy vomit and crazy spiral crazy spirals not it's not really a thing i don't know how i would efficiently use the crazy spiral i'd have a six room recharge for my teleport 2.0 give me the ability to soak up some items i suppose here and there but what's up phil don't i see you in there [Music] [Music] percent for number two let's cut it off right there [Music] tell me that it's in your life because with you i'm super human that's actually worked out really well that we got faith plus that red heart [Music] yo are we guppy i don't think we are mrs soul heart you're absolutely right red heart gives it a sub to star wars wonderful excuse me any idea if you'll be playing hades on stream sometime soon yes a snake i'll be playing it today [Music] well we're getting our health back up that's good [Music] i can see forever [Music] oh i'm so sorry about this oops minced meat get done got chopped great show by the way has ever watched chopped you don't even have to you know you could dislike cooking and still like watching chops shit's fire taft is actually pretty good that's what i'm saying smoking like a true cynic bloomy never even heard of them 60 years sub feel ancient boomy i remember that day a long time ago how's it going i'm playing this new game called the body of isaac maybe you've heard of it got to keep new and fresh you know [Music] sup guys a little library [Music] one of my favorite top secret rooms here that's pretty good [Music] a nice amount of knives i see you know how we do you know how we do sub badges yes they are new you got for me how about you pick that one up too bud anything no okay we'll reroll fool no you're a fool [Music] all right get out of here i was wondering what happened to lumi he died this is a fake this scam lumi school me they asked me for your credit card information give it to him that'll really throw the scammers off kill the doppelganger dagus we were so close [Music] paid for my trip in here though funk free money [Music] if we want to get a scammer arrested you got to let him be doing illegal things first kill the robot the humans are dead the humans are dead we used poisonous gases and poisoned their asses actually their lungs [Music] this twin annual [Music] got diagonal knives baby can't stop this [Music] mfray eight total what's up welcome back also 60 looming 60 60 it's just crazy number it's nice so that you come in here every now and again just to remind me how long i've been partnered for you know and for no other reason no i'm kidding it's good to see you there's other reasons shut up got you alamo we were already in here we're good to go i'm gonna pop this wait a second if we go if we go into the i am error or the plug in whatever other a room thing um it's going to only allow us to go down but here's we do don't do it it's this big furry monster if we did do it and then we could joke her with the blank card but then when we left that room it would still take me back into the i am error room so i think we'd be stuck we could go dark room cdm we could we could do that and just call it it's really not that big of a deal but we want to go chest what do we want cat best [Music] oh yeah yeah this is the double fool next to the reminder so use this go into this room oh look at that wow that is a spicy spicy spicy spicy room there let's go big man what we got we got a pokemon card joystick money bag with two ends and mascara or a reroll machine you could type re-roll mascara would be really saucy top-notch would be mascara or you could go something funkier with the re-roll [Music] everyone's saying four as per expectations a lot of people want four ace snake three months hey i know this is unrelated to isaac but i'm glad to see you are enjoying 80s also the dauntless hammer are pretty much the best thing you get for beefing up your weapons per run i did yeah i gathered that much they're they're very nice very spicy next three months hey snake welcome back [Music] all right they said four right yeah i just like did it and i was like yeah that's it didn't really even look but tony damage knife we're back up on top with the damage and then we're gonna full card out oh wait the light beam is there it's not the trapdoor downwards so it didn't really matter but we did want to go back out to get our joker card we could have gone in there with the joker card i don't know if it's random light beam or trapdoor to show i don't even know man how's it coming treating you huts you healthy i am healthy um i just had surgery on my nose i'm not sure if you're aware of that so i actually got tested for coronavirus before the surgery came up negative but i do have uh like a cough probably has something to do with surgery [Music] or and then re-roll i don't want to these runs already are too overpowered you know what i mean i bombed the effigy [Music] and it worked it just didn't do anything all your tweets glad you got your nose fixed yes now my nose can't impregnate another nose ear throws actually i think we should just take birth roll we already have the ability to get in the deal to devil [Music] row is going to let me do like a little bit more spicy things [Music] wait a sec that's what it means to get your nose fixed right neutered my nose my nose was going through heat it craved the flesh of another nose no what hold the huts door knock with 10 gifted subs thank you for that door knock i appreciate you wonderful stuff [Music] more glasses this charizard is taking the heat right now i'm gonna just keep stacking on charizard get some on my face let's let charizard suffer a little bit he can handle it go for the joker and then per throw [Music] my following use the joker right now you're saying you could do that i guess save a step there there's some [Music] version of this in which maybe i wanted to keep the joker card but [Music] if i somehow man managed to pull off the ability to hold two cards [Music] fine you know what i'll just do whatever you want chat [Music] that'd be like that sometime now why did hutz get no surgery uh like i said my nose can't uh impregnate other noses no i couldn't breathe i haven't been able to breathe in my nose since i was like 10 years old so i finally saved up enough money and uh decided to get the operation septoplasty and turbinate reduction [ __ ] breathing my nose now [Music] same badge though sad life now you don't get a you don't get an h if you got what vip [Music] said life i'm only vip oh my gosh hey we hit it [Music] now you can do cocaine didn't think about that one [Music] it's actually the first as you recall first sub or first vip over dax trucks [Music] i hope that dudes out there just killing life i remember all i expected the knife to do more 22 damage knife you just eat them in half this [Music] steam sale well that's useful we do have a re-roll one so i'll leave it on there for now fruitcake theme sale ghost baby re-roll i mean red knot fruitcake candy wrapper ghost [Music] i played binding of isaac wrath of the lamb and beat isaac with a good build [Music] fruitcake gives me a random effect for a shot fired [Music] it was yuck three is useless [Music] i got that per throw but we have a tie between two and re-roll [Music] also getting even funkier [Music] this is almost like some maroon 5 levels of funk [Music] it's still a tie oh re-roll let's take the lead 43-40 fabric taking over sirens call sirens call cyrencio mix i like it very decent [Music] about to just go on here and then like add it until i add it to a playlist didn't we try to do this last time and i couldn't figure it out [Music] all right you guys want me to reroll and i'm going to do it go like that and then like that and then we'll redo it without the re-roll option so we got bomb bag vr lily and robot eye robot eye and vr work very very well with mom's knife both of them are lily upon used to explodes any enemies with less than one third of their maximum health remaining does not work on bosses enemies will glow faintly red if they are able to be [Music] detonated since what is that item called vr so i pick up ladies in the club no question about robot eye though honestly you are surprised free rolling was worth modded named deck 10 for the wien all right you guys definitely want that one if i could have both of them and i could have both with them but let's stick with the rules here [Music] [Music] take two as well what do you mean i took two as well it's the only one it's hot the the fire rate is bust here but okay [Music] stair use liquid radioactive vial [Music] welting sack just that saying welting sack makes me like literally cringe like ow immunity from explosion damage bomb explosions destroy enemy projectiles plus five bombs don't welt my sack [Music] well did you mount sack well to me daddy look at those lapping balls [Music] [Music] actually good community bombs yeah of course plus three damage damage is reduced by 0.6 each floor until the effect of the oval boots we're not going to go any more floors so joke's on you [Music] actually really good delicacies is hot [Music] oh it's loud because of the sound waves coming from it i get it [Music] i wonder how they came up with the names i wonder if they came up with them themselves it would be really funny to like like let's say that i had my mom right and i had her like try to name the items herself that could be a really funny mod what's his mom's item names you got health up i don't want the health up bed bug butterflies orbital familiar that remains stationary relative to isaac briefly moves after being hit by a projectile [Music] come with me bed bug you're gonna be so tired [Music] hilarious you need to commit now hots jokes on you i'm antique middle [Music] that's pretty good dusty orange hair if i spit spiders out like crazy now they patch that but your charge up items don't just immediately fire spiders out that does not work with a knife it did that'd be amazing it sucked all my knives into one knife one mega knife salesman's eye all items in the shop have a random zero to four cent discount there's somebody seen it though sounds like a useful item if we get it early [Music] say that fast three times that's mom's item name how's mom final names please give me a real challenge challenge [Music] blame everything's lame pink book with blood why do they keep naming white books pink i'm a challenge chad he's too good you want a challenge how about me which part is the challenge oh more more bomb immunity what does sprinkler do with these tears i think it just shoots knives out but pop it out see what happens [Music] eyeball joystick rather okay that's pretty cool that's pretty cool [Music] yeah it's like it's okay i guess maybe [Music] free water droplets not likely to be useful take it ooh [Music] i'm gonna take this what i what would i drop then my blank card i guess you know it's not really they have everything that we pretty much need what if i drop my blank card for that i want to see if i can somehow get my way into the mega satan fight i don't know if golden remote can take me there we don't have two batteries and i'm gonna need one of the batteries for the remote potentially scary dreams are not fun [Music] using this now should take me to the field of the devil that's his correct melting white face number two pull for you melting white face number two trash bag or bob's heart trails behind isaac and explodes upon contact with an enemy music is quite loud [Music] um [Music] it's not loud enough lumi okay cars aren't as drunk everybody charizard has smashed out his mind you can't even wear sunglasses that's how hamdi is yo yo halo five months eight total what's up eight months now happy to support you hutz i'm happy that you're supporting me as well you guys want bob's heart [Music] surplus of hearts technically i could just pop my per throw here it doesn't really matter for that whatever but you know that's you know just i see what happens when i use my golden teleporter probably nothing didn't work can't do it that's okay who's bob by the way we have bob immunity it's over we did it we crushed it fiji
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 16,662
Rating: 4.9255319 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: nu9FbzFD2Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 55sec (5995 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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