A Good Buddy Cop Movie

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as you may recall uh two videos ago i was messing around with me and noggin trying to redirect some combo deck damage into their own face with some horrendous results but for entertainment's sake i'd thought i'd give it one last try this time with nozdomo picture this you give your opponent 15 seconds they start panicking whilst you have mayor noggin on board it adds five seconds to their animation time they can't do anything if they panic they haven't got enough time to react because the redirection and all stuff like that right i had two good games and didn't play much of it but that was enough to satisfy me to the point where i never have to do that again also for those wondering you're right la when i say at the start of the video it's my accent but i'm saying are you all right lad are you all right mate you're right you're right la you're right say with me you're right la la is sure for lad nah no vlog don't don't bother with lag off because i'm only after one minion yeah i can do the uh i'll sort the dead man's handles after this game oh the quest booked no you can't hit friendlies it only hits followed targets and a friendly hitner oh two minions collide on your side of the table isn't valid resurrect seems good here i suppose yeah has he done any of the quest oh the animation for that didn't play either that again crashed that's crashed although wow [Laughter] sorry me you get your time back hurry up me group panicking what should i do oh no oh god my free hero power where is it wow my nose has a great effect on your opponents doesn't it it's amazing i love it how much damage is that seven oh that's a lot of damage where's my seven damage going mates oh no oh no no no oh no no no no no oh 14 damage i do hope that does connect to face it would be a shame if that 14 damage missed somehow wouldn't it [Laughter] see that's that's what the mayor needs to be good he needs something to panic and juice that was good though got to induce panic in your opponents hmm it did it last game yeah it's probably just like a little visual bug then i guess maybe we'll see it this game if not i'll restart the clients and see if i can get it to work palmer's good give me the essence no essence i think we just go um i have this i think i'll just got renewed here just to out heal he's on coin as well essence wow ah double twin fire that means he's had to use very little to activate that that's not looking good oh wow i found one sweet wave of apathy now let's go palm read there's my quest reward right there has you got a bunch of tradables what is that what is that i don't mind them taking the damage here except look how many resurrects i've got jesus christ i've got four in hand already can only hit that this will be fun four and three takes care of uh the quest reward i i it's gonna be a struggle like it's very likely you can you can kill me even with mayor on table now there's four targets for those uh pesky minion spells to hit me hmm okay okay it's still good for them like he's dealing screw damage oh hey hands off the mayor where's nos doing my way ah not the face not the face well we roll twice through his face generous generosity uh mayor with robes yeah i mean i don't know how that would work actually ah how stop it stop it that's better still oh quickly oh he's dead no he's not he's still alive oh now is he dead now no he's still alive bastard it's a freeze trap that's gonna be unplayable welcome to gadgets did he use coin yet come on hit your own blob and fit come on you got three minions now there you go it's more like half another go no there's the coin have another go yes okay oh baby i've got another minion in the mix that's what i like to see okay come on now it can go that can go his face no no not mine oh hell that can go his face there you go that can go with minion wow hell whoa don't do it don't do it mayor thank god for that all right now die ah die i'm gonna have to kill him off with this then at least he got the five damage and actually that's not too bad [Music] uh i'll probably use the shard i'll draw first as well yeah the rest seems good i already attacked hey made off me yeah not bad not bad it's getting better i'm torturing this hunter at the minute okay i can go face yes there you go that's the tickets oh now 12 hours a well-deserved rest mate that's the best outcome oh and look who's here is it our mate though is it major maya day oh there he is panic time panic stations panic stations oh no i've got the hero power what created by hunter's pack oh it didn't do anything panic stations say oh oh no i've chomped my own minion oh no i shot the wrong targets [Laughter] oh i've given my opponent lethal well it was good that was a good one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Danehearth
Views: 23,676
Rating: 4.967762 out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, DaneHearth, Dane Hearthstone, Wild Hearthstone, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, card games, Gaming, Legends of Runeterra, HS, Dane HS, united in stormwind, United In Stormwind, Stormwind, Big Rogue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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