50 RATE OF FIRE?! | Repentance Mod Spotlights

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hello there everybody welcome on back more binding of isaac repentance mod spotlights we're hopping back in as job today i got more unlocks that i want to get as our dear friend meester's job so let's go look let's go look real quick um there's an extra randomizer now i'm not even gonna look at it kuko you keep on adding crazy stuff uh to your your mod we have to do some challenges my goal so you know is to unlock b-side job right i want to see what b-side job is all about um i was stupid to buy this there's no reason for me to have bought this um i i should have just saved up my cash to buy b-side job um 500 000 right this is expensive it's expensive we got 234 000 to our name um we need to get a couple of these achievements beating boss rush's job without using book of despair we can do it but we will not be able to get this one if we do that um we got this one defeat satan with no evil or holy items it just seems a little miserable to do i also don't know what classifies as an evil or holy item um so that's that's a little annoying i guess um reach the second floor of the run without book of despair as job and reach the womb so i i will say there's an idea here right that's called reach the second floor of the run without book of despair and beat boss rush as job without using book of despair we could maybe get both of them if i can get rid of book of despair on this floor which i think is going to be possible because of the library that's sitting here so i'm i'm going to do a run without book of despair as job does that make me upset yes it does make me upset um because in an ideal world you want to you know have the ability to make your tears go burr as job um i unfortunately will not be able to get my tears to go bur filigree feather is obviously like extremely interesting if we could find a way ow if we could find uh what the hell is this um yo that spawn an extra bomb yeah i'd rather have filigree feather um if we can find the way to [Music] get the the no angel item satan items etc etc as well on this run and literally kill three birds with one stone it would be nuts right it would be nuts problem is i i just don't see it happening um i i will end up accidentally taking one i feel like we're better off trying to rock this filigree feather life um go angel deals as job try to kill the angels get some extra stuff um in in our back pocket and uh go for basically not using book of despair and and doing some stuff like that we are also going to be in a predicament where i have to you know really kind of work my ass off at getting oh i'm actually very happy about that okay um i was gonna say getting our time figured out and making it to boss rush on this run um because it is a little little spicy in our current position i would love mom's key in fact i i want mom's key more than you can imagine um i'm gonna take swallowed penny with me and i i may try to do a little bit of sacrificing of oneself in order to make that happen also a good item right here would be sick um not really what the doctor ordered if we're being blunt but that's okay we're gonna go back to the library we're going to hopefully get bookworm uh and then also like a book we want to carry for the run um i don't know what that book is gonna be but we don't want it to be book of despair so that's fine we now got the keys to go down to uh downpour if we want to not necessarily saying we want to but that's fine um how to jump dude what if we took book of virtues like that's that's a little bit of a jank one um i also apparently can can create a lot of wisps in every room this is a little bit of an interesting interaction um i i i like it but i also understand that it's not exactly useful that said i mean look at this right how how can you tell me that uh how to jump is not useful when we got situations like this crack-a-lacking and popping i love it i freaking love it um now i'm gonna go back for my next trick i'm gonna come in here uh and we're going to bomb this i would love to get mom's key you have allowed me to do this thus i am eternally uh indebted to your soul we have wasted three minutes on the first floor getting to boss rush is not exactly easy when you waste uh a lot of time on the first floor and i say waste we're coming away with a lot of value on this floor so it was not a waste by any stretch of the imagination but we we still really need to get some of these you know extra achievements done now we also just have to do posters right um i think that that's important to keep in mind is we still have like a chunk of just straight post-its that we gotta do but i wanna get the extras done as well so we can start uh unlocking all of the later content in the mod that we just straight up don't know about yet it's still crazy um that there's this much content inside of this mod um but i love it i love it it makes me happy so thus we can continue to do the things we do whether or not they're for love or not i'll let you figure out um i will take continuum i think it's the kind of item where uh it's is it the most you know powerful no is it the most exciting also no um but can you end up with some interesting interactions with it sure sure and in that case i i might as well go for it and see if we can uh make make something happen now i i love seeing a a chest already give us a disturbing amount of value shop is also looking like it's gonna possibly provide us with a bunch of value on this floor uh this golden penny has provided us with a absolutely absurd amount of value and i'm i'm feeling good the the foundation for this run is there we just now have to continue to buff it up so we can actually get you know the the other stuff that we need which is basically just like i need to i need to move fast like we're just trying to now move um at a speed that allows us to to get stuff done i have to backtrack though i know that i'm i'm taking my damn sweet old time and it's it's hurting us a little bit in terms of getting to where we need to be but i i can't skip the shop on the second floor when i have 31 cash on hand so let let's go find the shop it's gonna be down here and then uh we can make things happen there's also a lot of red hearts on the floor we could go for a self-sacrifice room play then we would really be hemorrhaging you know our our uh time on this one but could it be worth it i don't know i don't know um take this hangman i don't remember what it does take this i i'm gonna tell you right now dude i think this is a disturbingly large amount of value um a bunch of money how to jump is now out of the cards which means that actually we we have no reason to do the self-sacrifice room now let's just go we're definitely going to try to rock angel deals so do not um do not uh go into the devil deal that you're gonna get here that that would be counterproductive towards our our plans just just chill with what you got ah beautiful good bomb and you're dead okay meat is good we actually got an angel deal how the hell don't ask questions star of bethlehem we like uh why did you try to fight two angels at the same time you dumbass that's a really stupid play now luckily the one decided to basically annihilate the other okay yeah the void i don't even comprehend what the hell to do with that um i think the answer is not take it at all if i'm being blunt i think it's not taken at all but i'm still imagine like you know godhead comes out of this sacred heart comes out of this all of a sudden the runs looking you know really really interesting i do also dude the void could be the move it could be the move in order to get um extra tears ups and stats that we we would know not get from uh anything else dude the void might be the move i i can't believe i'm saying it it might be the move in fact i'm going to actually argue i think it is the move i i think i am going to take the void um and and we'll see where life takes us now this is a little this is a little much right now don't you think it's a little much just die dude this is what happens when you do a big angel fight on the second floor okay take this yoink probably should have waited until the item because if it was bad then we didn't want it yeah horrible play um you're dead a spirit destiny which i absolutely would have avoided um so that's unfortunate get me the hell out of here there's star of bethlehem doing its thing um we go down eight minutes okay yeah i gotta move fast man i gotta move fast we we are uh we are not exactly uh we are not exactly vibin on this one when it comes to getting the stuff done that we would like to get done i also have no idea what tainted hangman card does um i probably should drop it and see but i'm just gonna go for right now um tinted rock you'd love to see that um am i going to do the full mirror dimension on this floor i'm gonna tell you right now dude but probably not probably not because i'm in a position where uh we we gotta move fast i've wasted a lot of time the thing is i need the boss item though if if i could somehow get um like mama mega to open up boss rush or even the card although there's not is there not a card for boss rush i don't know man these are things you think i would know um take this and then you know what this actually might be your secret room it's not okay but increased double deal chance is fine uh we will take yeah i'm actually fine with an extra trinket slot uh short fuse is not the trinket that i need but that's okay get the void going we we would really love actually as the character with high rate of fire i would love to see a rate of fire increase from the boss here that that would be uh a good addition to this run let's fight okay just stand on him let the the sword do as much as possible this is an unfortunate scenario where um star of bethlehem lamb blood blend sure yeah that's close enough um it's just sitting on top of that dude do we have time no like like we don't i'm gonna do it anyway um and i'm probably going to void the key piece right that seems intelligent um do as i say not as i do i really don't think we should be doing this i i think we are uh we're testing our luck right now and we should just be going because we we got some potential to get some other stuff done that the boss rush one we really don't need to get done but i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna keep rolling i'm gonna keep rolling doing what i'm doing and we'll see if we can make you know something something happen here okay we we have been hit but let's not let's not kill ourselves now that seems intelligent you guys got some some long fighting that's fine come in here yoink you got a coin out of it as well um that was a rate of fire increase from the void very very nice to see we like that a lot and and we're moving honestly we're moving pretty fast spirit destiny has surprisingly enough been um actually like kind of good it's been kind of good don't don't tell it that i said that but it has been kind of good um just just keep it up you are dead okay rate of fire increase and we're in really good shape i think rate of fire increase we're in really good shape not what you wanted to see um did get a damage up and actually a pretty sizable one that that's not too bad man that's not too bad we we take it we take it let's leave and like now we we gotta go we gotta go um leave get out of here and uh you're at you're at 12 minutes going down to caves too gotta have a stupid fast forward gotta have a stupid fast forward um that's life we go down so i go down buddy go in here what do you got anything of value one dime okay and the bosses is that way is this a floor where we are okay um basically saying if the item room doesn't show up oh well i don't feel necessarily comfortable doing that uh why are you going this way okay i mean we'll we'll absolutely take it because you have now brought me to the item room um but this this was not really what i expected star bethlehem to do and now we kind of know where the boss is as well so this is it's a triple whammy in a lot of ways we're very happy uh varicose veins i don't care about it's another rate of fire increase okay um [Music] we're super happy about that that that turns an item that we really didn't care about into something uh actually kind of that we care about in the form of a good tears up we're not gonna get 29.5 rate of fire i know that some of you are probably thinking about it right now um and you're going you know there's a chance there's a chance that he gets you know an insane rate of fire gets the the 29.5 as well it would be a a dang miracle if i somehow got um up to 29.5 rate of fire without thingy i don't know what qriket's leg does uh so that'll be interesting to figure out i i know it's a trinket like actually in repentance is it kill an enemy get a frick load of flies man it's gotta be do this seems great though this seems extraordinarily great okay we lost our devil deal chance honestly i i know you're probably like tyler you should care a lot more about your devil deal chance i i don't we'll take this i will leave come in here i'll take sacred heart that seems like an excellent course of action okay um all right it's getting a little it's getting a little spicy i'll take that oh baby the damage up okay so this is going well oh my god is two tears up pills it's a tears down pill oh you you got me at the last second okay just go down dude we can make it to boss rush i i think there is a legitimate legitimate chance we may get the boss rush here two floors in six minutes you've got sacred heart and 5.7 rate of fire i i think is extremely possible um blood oath is horrifying let's do it this is one of those like absolutely don't do what i'm doing um just just a ridiculously bad idea but that's what makes it fun um i don't care about the golden penny i'm i'm look we're getting spicy today we're getting real spicy restock sure this sure 9 volt is probably like a really good idea what the void is like you know stupid valuable uh so we take that as well mom's box is also really good um is really good do we have time to to play a golden penny in a big room this this is my worst nightmare dude this sucks this sucks so much okay oh my lord is always out of view okay is out okay leave we'll even get out of here mom's box would be awesome to smelt if we can make it happen what do you do chance at a locust yeah that sounds fine um it would be awesome if we could smelt it but i fully understand that it's not gonna happen also we get up to 12 rate of fire uh with star of bethlehem which is kind of cracked that's kinda cracked um i suppose there's a chance we could use that to get to 29.5 if if we can really really crank the uh the tier rate up then maybe we could make that happen but it would be it would be a strong maybe dude like we we would have to get the tier rate up like really fast right now chocolate milk is honestly like the damage would be kind of crazy but i i don't really want to do it with high rate of fire i don't care um you did not oh you turned me into the keeper gotcha okay um sure one more no no no stuff out of that fair enough um don't die right now there you go you got some strong dying potential right now don't don't die secret room that actually might not have gotten the door no you know what it was not the door never mind hate this hate this hate this okay we're good this is your secret room no can i find the red heart please okay am i gonna immediately go get rid of the red heart no let's do this big room here i'm not really worried oh this is your secret room stop i'm not really worried about um okay fair enough not really worried about full clearing the floor and i'm not really worried about time yet i'm i'm getting close to being worried about our time um but i'm not worried about it yet i i think that we have a strong enough run that getting to mom is not that hard right now i i just want to oh dude we're one penny away from mom's box this should give me a penny okay i want to buy mom's box and then that's where this floor ends if we could get like the cancer trinket right um crack crown something like that that's the the huge value dude what am i doing we are running out of time we we got a bolt take this thank you that's the mom transformation yoink take that leave and uh we we need we need to hurry we need the hurry okay we need the hurry get out of here go down should have taken the heart very fair self-sacrifice room also was sitting um in a state of unplayed disarray okay the the rate of fire damage hp that's the word i was looking for the hp is not looking good everything else looking really good the the rate of the the hp not looking good we're a little hurt right now we're a little hurt right now um that is largely due to blood oath in fact it's it's pretty much solely due to blood oath in fact like all bits of it are our blood oath's fault so let let's not die to blood oath i'm gonna keep timer on the screen right now um let's maybe get magic mush this is a horrible just wow okay um say no words to me say no words to me we got we got 44 damage when we're inside the star of bethlehem that's that's pretty cracked i would say that's that's pretty cracked um 19 minute 19 minute why am i why am i going in and trying to clear rooms right now just just go dude you you literally have no idea where the boss fight is well never mind you you definitely know where it is it's this way but like you still gotta go what a weird room what a weird room okay we're with it just go should have probably taken uh a card with me i will go and do go in here first uh take this you got like two seconds that's a tears up i'm i'm out here stressing right now um i will take the negative no i will take i'll take this i will take the polaroid we'll go to the chest okay we made it in that's cool living life d4 i don't love it that eye is obviously like really interesting um or we could gulp all of them or or void all of them although i believe it only gives you value of one because of the decision i think deadeye is a a good enough thing to do we will beat boss rush here um without using our our book of whatever obviously like the run is cracked out of its mind so there's there's really no reason to be concerned about it just just beat boss rush get your your achievements and we're gonna we're getting a massive payday in terms of our our in-game currency that we need to spend um with who's it's what sets and whatever right it's gonna be good i don't know if it'll be enough to get b-side job today but it is going to be uh it's going to be close this run is obviously stupid good magic mush sacred heart same run i mean come on that that's that's a big old pile of alexa luck if i've ever seen it um and sometimes you just have to accept the fact that uh you're you're cracked i'm completely cracked we're we're busted is great now i just want to see if we can somehow swing getting to 29.5 rate of fire i think it's impossible i'm just gonna tell you i think it's impossible um it would require a hell of a tears up sometime soon and then star of bethlehem doing something weird on top of it libra is also an interesting idea because of our ability to ramp up one like our stats are crazy um so libra could maybe balance us into a position where we actually have a way higher rate of fire and then deadeye as we get the deadeye bonus could could bring us there okay cool we got that achievement um i don't need pause i'm gonna tell you uh i i could pick it up i guess but i i don't care about it um let's just leave let's just leave this went really well i'm i'm probably going to try to do hush too um have we done hush we i don't know oh i also got don't spare okay so we got all of those done now i got 470 000 currency but b-side job is is 500 000 so we can't do it yet we still got to get something man we got to get something um it is 29.5 fire delay that's what we got to do that's what we gotta do um so just quick quick reminder on our post-its we have not done hush dude we should do hush like like definitely do hush also 37 damage right now um because of 75 damage when you got that eye going okay yeah we're we're doing okay we're doing okay i i think we're we are relatively happy about the position that we are in we like it don't die right don't die the sun card is massive sun cards massive we we love to see that come in here sun card full health now blood oath is going what blood oath is going to are we on an xl floor no so next floor i maybe should have saved the sun maybe i don't know me probably not actually i can't make up my damn mind for what the hell i think today i'm trying to figure out what would have been best with hush to try to have full hp on the hush floor right like there there's definitely an idea there also we should be popping uh the void way more because it's going to give us trinkets which gives us the chance at the cancer trinket which then gives us you know the chance at uh insane rate of fire blow you up increase my devil deal chance never mind you don't i'm drowsy we don't care about we take gulp with us i got i got six and a half minutes to do both floors of the womb and i basically kill everything as soon as i walk into the room so i'm i'm not really concerned about time to make it to hush it'll be good to get the achievement done there there is absolutely no denying that um getting the achievement done will be nice brain worm is unfortunately just not something i need on this run i love brain worm it's a really great great item uh kids drawing i mean we could gulp kids drawing here right so let let's take that pop this pop this you might as well do this gulp both of those yeah we're content with that now we do have to make sure of one thing crack crown is so good okay we do have to make sure of one thing and it's we have a bomb going into the boss fight right because if we end up getting a uh angel statue we can still filigree feather keep in mind we gulped filigree feather earlier uh so there there is absolutely value in doing that now i did do this slightly wrong still because i should have gotten myself a gulp situation um i don't want spirits sword so this actually ends up oh we actually got a charge from it that's lit okay um give me this gulp this we get another trinket we don't care about um dad's lost coin we don't care about um take the luck upgrade sure and then we go down good floor now we have crack crown um cancer trinket dude it would be insane it would be absolutely insane that's blood oath and then i immediately healed it okay yeah feels good to be honest uh that's gonna be a problem on the hush floor man our our hp is going to be a little fricked obviously like we're we're in really good shape but it is gonna be a little fricked so just be a little careful what what is our card here card is the fool i don't think i care unfortunately um binky really great that's a 1.4 rate of fire increase right we're at 16 rate of fire look at this man keep in mind star of bethlehem is probably gonna sit inside the hush fight we we might actually just like obliterate hush now now that i kind of think about it okay mom's lock each room grants a random mom item effect no i don't really care about it although i i suppose there's not really is there any bad mom item there probably is and i'm just forgetting it but i i think i'm fine with this die die nothing really stands a chance against us it's just whether or not i can swing getting more stupid stuff to occur which would be great it would it would definitely be great let's fight immediately um you're just it's just not even close man it's just not even close guardian angel we don't care about um kill you do we care about glyph of balance we don't we we void you we get blessed penny um is better than mom's lock for sure because then those have a chance to drop soul hearts and every soul heart gives us um it gives us health or gives us stats right gives us stats let's make sure we have a full charge on the void before we go down just because it could be nice to have uh the ability to avoid some items down there i don't think we're quite strong enough yet by the way i want to get a little bit stronger we also are our soul hearts we we have enough dude i'm just not concerned i'm just not concerned you didn't even make it to the freaking boss before i made it there so that's good um don't go up i almost went straight up i almost went straight up okay hush fight no concerns here except for the fact that obviously our hp is a little bit you know in the the gutter but we're about to basically refill it right here immediately a lot of soul hearts every soul heart of stats we're actually full up on our our soul hearts i should probably hit myself and then take those candy heart random permanent stat boost when healing with red heart pickups yeah i mean that's that's stupid good for this run um we also get tooth and nail hot bombs goodbye don't care uh golden gigantic bean is is a big old no for me um i know it just found its way into my inventory it's still a big old no for me i i don't care about gigundous farts in any way shape and form 4.5 volt is actually like pretty good here and then also by the way like you know placebo plus a tears up hill is is pretty good as well i mean that's that's super solid um that's super solid now that i'm like really taking a step back to think about this one is really good that's a snap boost that's a stat boost then you do it again that did not give us that boost okay 18 rate of fire dude it's so like possibly doable but also so not at the same time the 29.5 is so big man is so big also apparently you don't come in here which kind of sucks i i really wanted you to come in here but that's okay we're gonna be able to pop a tears uphill hopefully several times in this fight um 4.5 volt makes this interesting and we obviously carry exactly what we have right now moving forward the void was was nice but we we don't care so take this yoink tears up goes up again love to see it if we can get another one uh a plus right super a plus i don't know what we would have to be at for star of bethlehem i mean we could figure out the math but i don't know what it would have to be for us to get to 29.5 i'm just kind of here so i don't get fined right now but just keep it up 9.41 rate of fire is still stupid cracked pop this again oh and we're actually a cap okay so tears up hill is now useless which means that i mean realistically we should take back uh the void which is fine right that's completely fine goodbye hush that was i mean one of the easiest things i've ever done in my life job's rags has appeared in the basement we like that too uh take back the void buy coupon buy more options we don't care about stopwatch um we also don't care about anything else here can i void all of this we don't have a charge okay um yeah we we just chill what is this at 19.8 dude it's it's so not doable it's so not doable okay um we took the polaroid go up go up good good very good hit me 82 damage went inside of this and that was without the bonus from uh thingy deadeye which is is very very dumb it's very dumb by the way just just keep it up ace of spades yeah don't care about this room just ace of spades it i i look you're you're gonna yell at me and go tyler pick up all the keys you're heating um i don't care i don't care i don't care about the keys i i care about making it to the chest getting some stuff going dude continuum was also like a really fun item on this run um watching these shots just like cycle around the room repeatedly uh i'm i'm a very large fan of that probably should not step directly on spikes that's that's one of those things where you know your your experiences may vary but i personally think that it's probably detrimental to do that uh the tick no we we don't really care about the tick get me into the soul heart our our red hp is obviously you know if we had a way to you know crank it at all times oh my god if we had a way to crank it at all times it would be fantastic book of despair has appeared do i want to go down um i suppose i mean we we should look for yeah the super secret room two wouldn't oh my god dude hierophant high priestess ace of hearts another hierophant ace of hearts is probably like a good idea here let's do lovers and then ace of hearts and then you probably go down and then ace of hearts you use um if you can find the spider room right you just use it there so dad's key would be lit uh dude kidney stone could get us there it could get us there it could absolutely get us there you you ready for this kidney stone go go 50. he's he's cracked [Laughter] oh my lord oh my god dude they just keep on giving us more we had 50 rate of fire for a second do you see this it looks like little penises actually um okay ready kidney stone action that that is 50 rate of fire everybody um wow that i mean i'm gonna tell you that is something that i i genuinely never thought i'd see uh in the binding of isaac is is 50 rate of fire but here we are compound fracture is disgusting i mean it is disgusting i i don't even know what to think about some of this this is this is amazing so we will actually unlock b-side job uh now we we can buy him i mean we could buy him right now if we wanted to uh in fact i would love to apparently i cannot while in these rooms we'll buy him at the start i mean we'll buy him at the end of the episode right and then you you best know we're gonna play as him this is it is almost like nausea inducing to look at i mean it's it's it's deadly is very deadly um let's just get you out of the way okay that was easy um scorched earth has appeared in the basement that's good i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna full clear only because the sheer number of times that i have seen dad's key um show up inside of the chest these past couple of months uh is an alarming alarming amount and oh my lord and it would be fantastic to to have it happen here and get another achievement done so don't mind me i'm just here living my life ace of hearts is still chilling out here too keep in mind that every ace of every heart we pick up um red heart that heals us we get stuff for definitely something to keep in mind uh friendship necklace we don't care about just keep it going the the rate of fire with with thing is just so stupid it's so stupid razor blades on top of this is is actually also really stupid by the way extremely extremely dumb to have a thing shooting times four uh laser beams out we also have tech x which i'm gonna tell you i could probably like spam click full tech x homing tech x right um i should take the best touch at this point just because like you know you can't see the screen now which is good that's very good let's do this let's do this no no no no no how about uh potential you know what just oh god the game does not like it oh lordy the game did not like that okay uh yeah okay so it's a little little wonky it's a little wonky uh but we're we're with it for sure i would like to just find yeah our secret room okay it took one shot to kill him i'm gonna go with uh massive success right there still got your super secret room as a potential uh i i don't even know what we could get from it to be honest uh it's a mega chest that gave us and that get rid of both of them we got curved horn at the end um for 62.66 damage just just end the run and the run um that was a mess that was a mess i enjoyed it immensely um let's go hop in as job you do not get another episode uh good day sir we will instead go to extras job extras and then guess what we unlock b-side job job now starts with book of wisdom it halves job's tear delay but while active any hit will grant a broken heart confessional star star spawns at the start of the floor but using it locks the book for the duration of the floor okay okay uh i like it so but i'm not i'm not b-side job right now oh there we go okay oh i can pop it whenever i want okay okay um dude it's insane though i mean like it is kind of crazy i love it i love it okay um we will do a run as b-side job next time uh and see where life goes with us um thanks so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciated job is whack job is whack we all know it we all love it i'll see you guys in the next one have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 24,129
Rating: 4.9498072 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, the binding of isaac repentance, the binding of isaac, binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac repentance, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance gameplay, lets play binding of isaac, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, isaac, new binding of isaac, new isaac content, final boss repentance, antibirth isaac, job, job mod, job character mod, job character
Id: otmSWGkH8Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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