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welcome back fans to the the not the four player file g's the random streak today is tainted episode i'm gonna go a little fast here gotta catch the new dateline obviously as my my interests align anyways question of the day is going to be uh i don't think this is another one of those off the cuff what is your favorite uh dessert food for me i don't know man i'm a big ice cream friend also a great character oh ian's blessing gave us up which one is it ah it's the bad one so it's a good item to find here it's still beneficial but for me i'm gonna have to say uh it's definitely between like you know some warm brownies or some cold ice creams a nice contrast for me anyways seed for today is going to be eight p zero q z y p h i'm gonna again i'm gonna go super fast episode no holds bars not gonna lose the streak either trust me on this one i'm well prepared for this kind of this kind of uh what could you call it speed run here um i've been playing a lot of isaac recently because of what's a nice touch the new uh the new spider butt uh addition to the uh the spiders being added into your collection if you kill enemy with it great great addition there um the nuzlocke has been popping off man we've done some crazy stuff on there um we have tons of mega satan kills and we only have like i think six runs dummy like maybe four or five mega satan kills now we have um quite a few unlocks already too like it's been it's been great man it's been great i missed one really um of course i would doubt he was not frozen anymore um i would like to get a little bit more unlocked as we go along but this is not that i was like i was talking about more of a a different topic on this episode because we're not actually playing another lot currently um yeah it's just been going good on the twitch side of things recently got a great viewership for isaac now i'm really enjoying the the big boost that nuzlocke did give me for this i'm i'm happy everyone who's coming by is enjoying their time there and sticking around for a while much appreciated people who are coming to the streams it does it doesn't mean a lot it's as most people contest if you are a first time stream viewer like this week go into the comments let me know like how you've been uh enjoying that you know like how have you guys been liking the stream so far and should the people down below who haven't gone there yet go and check them out you know i'll be doing a 12 hour stream and um not too long from now oh god i haven't gone old floors in a long time i did not record yesterday for eden's or for random streak um it's because of you know people are sick i don't want to you know be recording at at 8 p.m when people are trying to rest or sleep and you know it's just it's just a respect thing really but i've seen quite a lot of new faces in the stream and a lot of your guys's names are recognized from the comments it's been it's been really really great to see you guys there but either way oh nice muffler dude outside that's gonna be a lot of damage we have 11 damage now um excuse me hopefully with a key here pretty soon yeah i gotta go i'm gonna go a little bit faster here two minutes for second floor is is not what i would call speedy but yeah go for the tears upgrade it's the safer choice it's the safer choice um i don't like fear that much in this game i think ah you know just don't get caught right oh baby all right all right all right i see what you're doing here and i i respect it let's wait to pop it until we have some reason to do it you know i don't want to be popping a golden pill when we don't have to um because those can really mess you up if we're in i want to do more in like a dire dire situation because i don't want to pop it and get like here's five health downs in a row sort of deal i do want to be a little safer if anything this nuzlocke has taught me a safety because i am not a safe isaac player man i i go crazy i go stupid go crazy sometimes it's not it's not the best way to play this game i'll be honest with you i could be playing a lot safer and probably winning a lot more runs that way but do i want to play safe it's kind of lame man play playing crazy is uh the way to go sometimes oh only one hitbox in this guy that's kind of weird for a segment boss like this he doesn't really split but most other bosses like chubb and larry jr have this oh my god what a great hit there have this kind of uh you know multi-part hit effect but not this guy i guess he's built different honestly just straight up built out here comes the spin again huh you think you're quirky dude you're gone oh i froze his head but not the rest of it i guess he does multiple segments but they aren't all allowed to be frozen weird two in there some more damage oh my god this i slid into him man no devil do this run we're not gonna lose uh this character could beat hush with no items he just needs a crazy dps we are gonna take some time to open up our secret rooms here let's go for some some minor minor improvements if you're looking for some crazy plays this front this is not the run to look for them on um watch something else if that's the case we're just going for uh dude i'm so tactical not the best i'll give it a bomb though might as well we already got in here right no maggots hilarious got one sense back again not what i'm looking for here we will head on down i am probably not gonna play the mirror um this run is not great enough for a i don't know a lost section i guess we just don't have the dps required to no hit everything on these floors here i mean for granted we are finding rooms that have no enemies in them like a lot of very easy oh jesus dude and like no enemy room so i guess we technically could depending on where our mirror is and not have much of an issue okay that's a if our mirror is one room over we might as well there's gonna be no reason not to wow we got no kills there with that huh i guess they have a lot more hp than i thought i guess it is stage hp adding on to that too uh because we are on stage i guess it only is stage two with a weird weird if you don't know uh enemies hp scales with the floors as well like you might be wondering well why can't i one shot you know a spider on basement one but i can't one shot a spider on caves on cave's one it's because it has stage hp every uh stage you go up it adds uh hp or defense to the enemies you're fighting a little little fun isaac fact there i need some good freezes here i got one tier literally once here okay okay yeah we don't have any dps right now this character's a blessing and a curse man not having good damage from the start is is it hurts it truly does hurt it could get a really strong angel deal here and bring that a back around the corner but it's not looking like it's gonna be super likely here we're only just entering phase two of of wormwood after like i would probably say a minute of fighting him not looking great okay i i was not frozen there as long as i wanted to be they get an angel deal though that's pretty good that's pretty good okay okay uh we have a lot of hp now um might be our pill our pill form before may here bombs are key actually that's good to see x-flex has nothing for us health up is great and why you a wizard is great okay if you don't know how golden pills work they take from the pills that aren't currently in your rotation or aren't in this run and because we actually have some decent pills i go fruitcake go funny with it dude because we actually have some decent pills um it's gonna be worse for us to pop golden pills than otherwise so i think i just simply will not use the golden pill yet at the ah we have a lot of hp it's not going to cost us much to use it as the thing and you know what i will go merry dimension here i think we have it on lock i'm only really scared of that one room and the boss fight so let's do it let's do it you gotta go you gotta get if you wanna go faster and take the time to do things right in the beginning man this is how it just how it works we got a random uh sulfur effect there do not break your mirror open um not be good for you get me out of this room please oh a key dropped hell yeah dude okay remember you could always be using dark arch to get more damage down but i mean revelations itself is going to be doing some crazy stuff for us here crazy crazy stuff it is essentially just like an extra brimstone laser for you to have we will use our spider but after we hit every enemy i think twice next time we should get a lot of pops off of that or we can kill everything get the leeches and then pop spider but for maximum maximum like do one of these and then do this yeah yeah yeah yeah that was big that was huge okay you're smart you're playing real smart right now honestly if i had to describe myself with one word it would be smart right now okay he is down one there he is there's my boy we do all the revelations man it's kind of cracked okay yeah we're killing them a lot faster than we were before now is it is it tail time yet not tail time huh though now it's almost got me on it was actually it could have killed me i could have been a dead man because of that tail right there that was beautiful if i had to think of one word again oh we are at one no hits okay we're fine hp up definitely helps regular moon card um don't get like an idiot holy mantle effect here okay [Music] that's pretty good luck downs not good balls the steel's really good to see larger being in here scares me we're gonna do a little bit of risk with this so far it's not doing too bad for us it's actually a great golden pill oh my god why is this so good oh okay get out of the room out of the room oh my god they could have killed me jeez dude tears up okay just spam it oh we teleported into our ultra secret room hello okay i'm drowsies in this too i was gonna spam it dude okay it's over now wizard pill moon all right all right all right all right that was good that was real good honestly might have been our most tactical uh golden pill ever because usually you get like a lot of like negative effects we got like three tears ups um just a bunch of good things happening there that was great we can moon card next floor now i'm not going to go mines i do again want to go faster um i might end up going well maybe i don't have the bombs for mines either right now i probably will go mausoleum just to skip womb one nice cool refreshing water big uh announcement by the way i saw it on stream today but a lot of you you know there are quite a few of you i've watched this trick because it's convenient for you but um we got approved for a a apartment me and desi so it was gonna be a lot more uh i don't want to say quality but a lot more um yeah i know quality content coming your way i'm gonna have a lot more freedom just record whenever so it'll be it'll be a lot of fun um i have a lot more time just to workshop stuff and and make it you know other quality that i'm proud of because you know i i never put out videos that i'm not proud of i always take time to revision them or do stuff like that um but this will be more videos that i actually sink more time into i could definitely definitely say that i'm like you know super proud of it and this is because my my finest work what [Music] okay that's crazy great honestly uh what happened there is the fruitcake can now take like wisp tier effects and one of the wisp effects is teleporter and they'll teleport enemies randomly around the room we teleported that guy literally on top of us in our position here that was not cool dude if i had to you know i i'm gonna talk to edmund later about that one because we're on obviously a first name basis there um we're obviously best friends as you guys all know um you know where i guess we're not using spider butt too much but i don't really want to take kamikaze i don't really see a use in kamikaze to be honest with you um it's not really that good i mean i guess it could be it only is head it only is like you know half a heart and you get to do bomb damage to enemies and it does synergize with a lot of things you know what take it take it because you might find pyromaniac or host hat in the future and that would that would be crazy or click or entertain or forgotten anything like that can happen man black ruin oh we can black ruin this now and then we can take our strength card got a nice range and speed up honestly great and now we have a uh get in there that was great damage for us oh you almost got me there buddy you know good good shot honestly good shot but yeah we got approved for an apartment um i'm gonna still be putting out two videos a day and streaming three days a week uh even while we're moving in because i need to have that level of content going out for my my channel um but i'm sure we'll do an apartment tour if you're dying to see that eventually um desi wants to start a vlogging channel so i guess we might do that and i might do some some real life content eventually if you guys are also craving for that i guess um yeah it'll did it again it did it again dude the son of a did it dude knockout drop crazy that's this gonna be a quicker episode we're gonna try to go for uh go for the gold here in fact i wouldn't mind going to the dark room right now i'll say it game give me a sacrum and enough hp to make it down there comfortably i'll do darkroom right now literally right now also watch this play wow that was that was a great play ben uh that you missed every enemy there that was honestly one of your best truly you're honestly a visionary of this game i think you have a lot of prowess going forward of missing every shot you take really really good um yeah i mean things have been going great man streams been going great i'm feeling i'm feeling better you know youtube has been doing doing great you guys loved the the stream highlights of the first nuzlocke run um they are more fun to like watch live and not get spelled on the big items that i find because i do post like i got broomstone on this run it's all of kane dude you're actually trolling me right now okay where could our ultra room be i'm guessing it's going to be okay hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out oh that's a bedroom to go into um also watch this though that's gonna be a lot of danny for your boy if i had to guess the only place where it's not going to be completely obstructed by something is going to be right here wow it's not right here well i guess you shouldn't say never we will explore these red rooms real quick yeah it's not right here i was i know where it is now but it's it's not where i thought it was it's going to be down like where those two unexplored rooms are like in that corner but i guess i get to just guess wrong man you know hey you know things happen things happen you can't always be a winner right so they tell you i'm usually a winner but i can't always be there goes our soul of kane though gone but not forgotten it's gonna be like right to our right it would be down here yeah it would have been right here i guess oh well you know you live and you'll learn it was a 50 50 shot we took our bet and it just did not pan out i was thinking it was going to be wow great uh on that corner like right above where the the bottom red room is but wow that was also a great hit though i'm just taking some dumb damage now you're getting in your own head we actually sadly i don't want to spoil the nuts lock so we don't want to spill down our progress right now i'd mute the video for the next like you know 20 seconds but um we did lose a challenge today um first time for challenge losing um it was distressing but i i think i i played my best and the game handed me a bad stack of cards but but i still think i played well but the issue was i played the cat got your tongue challenge where you only have guppy's hairball to do damage and every boss i fought except for floor 1 ended up being a champion boss my mom variant was blue mom which is the that's crazy i'm sorry this is crazy uh um my it was blue mom which is the worst variant of mom to get and uh i champion it was so the biggest issue became whenever i play challenges i want to go through every single room to get maximum hp i ended up getting oh we have homie revelations now two jesus dude we are destroying um i ended up getting womb uh sorry deps uh xl which gave me champion cage into mom and i already had explored most of my floor and the shop and i had no hearts in the ground i went into the mom fight with i got i don't know however many hearts i think i had like four red hearts and a chariot card she was one bomb from death so i placed a bomb down at the door i baited out a hand to come out hit the bomb right after i placed the bomb she stomped where i was the shadow appeared after i placed the bomb so it wasn't like me placing a bomb in a bad place she pushed the bomb directly into me it blew up and it killed me i was just like wow that was insane i was all my fault but i still felt bad about it we lost our rebirth challenge luckily luckily luckily we already unlocked that's touch and um yara so those are those were two good unlocks to already have so we honestly only think i'm really sorry about missing oh we gotta follow but i don't have my alerts on that's hilarious um the only thing i really am set up missing out on is the is is alges and pair throw for the runes i think algis is the most important room to have unlocked and i should have taken my time more and probably gone back and out of that challenge first we had just unlocked it and chat wanted to see it and i'm above all i'm doing it for my chat anyways so i'm happy with the challenge i'm sad we lost but we gave it our best shot um we did lose out in a potential 85 points there dark arch is crazy oh my lord um which losing out on that many points man does suck like that's 85 points you cannot make back up um my my plan to make the points back up is going to be winning every other challenge i think people are going to really struggle on the repentant and after birth challenges um after that yeah except with ultra hearts it's like a thing um it's not that bad the ultra hard challenge people are gonna struggle on red redemption a lot and i also think um uh hot potato and maybe maybe what's the one with the uh you only get the urn of souls also pretty nice to see oh we could go dark room like literally right now we could just go to the dark room well we'll consider it it may not be our best play we don't have a ton of we have a lot of hp but i don't think it's enough we'll give her some tries though why not um so we just played rash and it was a good lesson to learn how to play rash we also lost our forgotten unlock we didn't unlock him yet but we lost uh we had a run that could have unlocked him and we just we dropped the shovel on accident i guess it was on purpose but i don't know disappeared like that i had never known the shovel to be a disappear like that but you know okay you're going in here next pop will be your seven spirit hearts hopefully yup okay plenty of goodies there for us to up to absorb i guess one of these one of these it'll charge off dark guards them and you're gone as two key pieces for us and this pill is not known tears down sucks let's not be rash let's go in through our floor if we can get any more hearts for the head of the dark room here but we should win we have sacred heart man we this should be like a quick 15 minute 20 minute run here no biggie yeah that's pretty nice uh can we get a good shot we can reroll and buy something crazy out of it if we get member card into using soul of chaos for something that would be nice he has to have a full card for next floor wow uh i say it and it literally happens what are the odds of finding a full card on the ground after i say that okay what the hell is this kind of shop dude what are you trying to pull i mean give some money back to your donation machine it deserves it deserves it took a lot of money okay here's what you should give a high angel chance go to your boss fight fight mom go to the angel room pick up the negative for extra i guess polaroids would be better for your next floor because polaroid's going to give you invincibility from you get hit because you're already a spirit heart only character no spirit heart there sadly can't win them all though can't win them all we should be good though to go to darker when and honestly take the dub here we don't have any way to get a free deal but we have a way to get permanent invincibility every time we get hit uh we could fight mega satan i guess i've been fighting him a lot recently for uh some unlocks here so i i'm confident in our mega satan prowess we could do that we could definitely you know you know what if we have over 6 hp i will fight mega satan that's my new that's my new uh lesson for you all okay that was a lot of damage i mean we have quite a bit of damage output here we can do quite a bit of damage that is wow that was crazy and we got a boss rush here too huh okay hp poison touch potential holy light and creep or concussive tears the raw hp i think means more to me here than anything else hey get out of there go into your arcade ah it's a hard one man this is a truly a hard one we're gonna use a lot of our bombs in that bomb beggar if i can get two payouts in that room i'll pop my soul of eden and that'll be that let's let's do one of these give it a give it a try and chance here i'm oh my god what is that yield um i'm not gonna pay out the demon judge there's one there's one right there because he's probably not i don't it's not worth the hp right now man it truly is not could maybe bomb into our our boss rush room or our boss our boss trap room maybe about one item out of you doug just one item please i guess that makes kamikaze better but we're not going to use kamikaze for too much we never got one of our dream synergies you know not really worth it skatol ah please dude what next one's controlled for real trust me trust me trust me bombs okay not what we need really not what we need there's catol please gotta be middle it was not oh what's that moon card pop moon where's oh it brings you in here huh yes all right i guess we can go to our boss trap um that's definitely worth it we have a full card somewhere don't we there's a full card somewhere on this floor we haven't gotten from our tinted skull yet i believe it's our two rooms over no it's one room this way maybe no because that was our shop i got the full carton here it has to be right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pick that up go back pick up blue cabbage and hp up for you vomit back open pick up this bomb go back in we're doing some place here no i missed why did i not grab the item you idiot we'll probably find that fight that anyways it's gonna be worth it you know what totally eating this keep her sack hilarious after this far end of the run huh i guess we can go back and buy that bomb for a minuscule stat upgrade and then they can go to our dark room i guess i mean no point in waiting it wasn't damaged up that was two damage up huh oh we have sacred hearts a multiplier dog that gave us plus two damage apparently okay oh we'll fight this we we can take this we can take this it's just it's hp and it's a tears upgrade two things which we definitely would like to have oh don't walk into him thank god he died that early and your dad like insta there's no chance for you i'm sorry dog you didn't have much of a future on this earth and i took it away from you but it was for a good cause i swear all right it's dark room time boys the the next sacrifice on this treat we haven't sacked and i would say maybe five or six runs here this is a a kind of a welcome back to the ages of old here huh oh heart drop i heard it no only still one is uh is good it's an extra hard to give away here and when we have sega hurt revelations why wouldn't we fight mega satan two runs in a row we've gotten sacred heart revelations by the way so i just want to point that out there uh that is invincibility occasionally and it gives you two hearts back we can't see your hp is a very scary thing here but i think i think we got it i think we got it dude our tear froze as well mid air there huh help me oh we're fine dude we're so fine we do so much damage okay watch out for that though we actually just do so much we are shredding okay he should be uh going back now yeah yeah yeah baby that's the ticket that's the freaking ticket dude well so we fly because of uh seraphim or i think revelations fly as well it's just we're also invincible now hello we we cannot get hit by creeper anything of that nature this is crazy this run is actually going off the rails already we went from from having uh like almost no dps for like three floors to mega satan and killing power with two items literally two items and we got one good dark arts off my man over here he's already down get out of here get out of here dude holy ocula rift here that was a perfect time for that too you can't make this up man you cannot make this kind of run up get relations charge up and just go for it we got hit that sucks i don't know my hp again it's if we got if we lost let's say we just lost one heart we should be at like six and a half hp right now maybe if i had if i had to take a wild estimate second phase is going to be our hardest battle here um i'm nervous like it's for second phase i really am because a lot of those tiers you can't really hit them from off screen and know you're actually doing damage to unless you're really close and playing close second phase is never really the way to go okay one good dark guards put some damage on the board for us here okay you should be going down here any second now wow we got hit there really okay hp is probably looking pretty bad right now i'm not gonna i'm not gonna to lie to you guys okay second phase is starting now okay here we go empty vessel give me a good proc right now i love you i would love you some fires out there first okay you can't see tears of revelation in front of you she's got to be really careful when they're going to let that rip over pencil right now hold on hold on we are now out of it but we still had it for a minute there oh we can just dark hearts a lot of this stuff um we now have like over 30 damage oh my god do it again do it again yeah baby yeah baby okay we're getting a lot of hits here just get in there you're doing a lot of damage now oh [Laughter] that's crazy we have 57 damage right now just don't die and you're good crackhead dodges crack head dodges and that's gonna that's gonna sell it for us there no delirium please not gonna do it i gotta dateline starting and oh we got the portal though nah dude we're fine we're chilling we're gonna go down and my don i mean into the chest fast episode here it was the real one it was good guys you know if you enjoyed socials are all down below twitch twitter and discord um follow my twitch we're live every single monday wednesday and friday and next saturday so not today but the next saturday we're going to do a 12-hour isaac stream just the nuzlocke 12 hours you're definitely trying to stop by on a weekend like that just just saying just saying no pressure but it's all down below anyways if you enjoyed like comment and sub for the algorithm but i'll see you guys tomorrow peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 6,321
Rating: 4.9734221 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, eden streak, eden, win, winstreak, random, random character, isaac, tainted, revelations, sacred heart, judas, dark judas, lamb, sacrifice, dark room
Id: Lrvyo2qtKVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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