When Jibreel a.s Got Scared | Sheikh Omer Suleiman

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[Music] what about the prophet saws he writes us a very famous serial of the prophet sallam called ashifa the cure and he says in that book in the introduction describing that we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the world he describes a narration an incident that took place between the prophet saws and jabra rasool allah he says you know allah we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the worlds he said did any of my mercy reach you i mean you're part of the world you're part of you're the realm of the melaka you're the realm of the angel did any of that reach you he said i swear by allah you are the most beloved of the prophets to me i've never been sent to someone that i loved more than i loved you he said and it was through you that i gained security what does he mean by that he said i used to wonder about my fate until allah revealed to you and that he's established in his position with the owner of the throne before that was revealed to you jabri used to wonder what would happen to him at the end of this all when allah revealed that to the prophet saws jibril felt the rahm of the prophet that had never happened before until that was revealed to the prophet salla islam so there is that that's the effect they have on each other jibril continues to reassure the prophet saws so a multitude of the personal conversations now in madinah are constant reassurance why because look the prophet saws now was reassured that he's safe and the believers are safe who is the prophet's life i'm worried about now us those that come after so he cries ummati my nation my nation and allah sends him we will please you with your nation we will not disappoint you you want your nation will be okay your ummah will be okay he comes to reassure the prophet saws in medina now because now he's worried about the ummah those that will come after they're safe but what happens afterwards to those that come after another time um who says and this is in bukhari says i was actually walking with the prophet slice and i'm in madina and we reached al-hara an area in madina and he told me to sit down suddenly he started to walk and he was clearly talking to jibril islam i could tell he was talking to jibreel and he said they walked for a while and i just sat there and the prophet saws as he's walking back he's saying well even if he stole and committed adultery even if he stole and committed adultery and omar is not hearing the answer so um what was that the prophet saw some says that was jibreel he came to me to give me the glad tidings that each and every single person of this ummah would enter jannah would eventually enter paradise so the prophet sawsome said wenzana even if he stole and committed adultery yes even if he stole and committed adultery eventually he would enter into paradise eventually he would enter into gemna so he eases the prophet saws in that way what about when the prophet saws becomes physically sick do you know that some of the du as of that we learn to read upon a person are from jibril how the prophet saw islam when he became sick he said jibril came to me and said to me yeah muhammad oh muhammad are you feeling ill are you sick and i said nam i said yes so he said jabra started to rub his hands on my face and on my chest and said bismillahi ar zika in the name of allah i seek a cure for you from everything that is harming you from from the evil of any of any evil person or any envious i allah may allah cure you bismuth in the name of allah i seek a cure for you so we actually learned that that dua from jabril reading it over the prophet saws however the most profound of these conversations are the ones where jibril is giving advice to the prophet salam you imagine getting access to that conversation the chief of the angels gives advice to say what are the adam to the chief of mankind give them advice and subhanallah when you think about how profound that is i mean we're blessed to have access to those conversations because it's advice for all of us and djibril gives advice to the prophet salallahu yes he does in fact the prophet saws was seen going to his neighbor's house the jewish neighbor by the way over and over and over again taking them things serving them and the sahaba asked me we noticed that all of a sudden you keep going to your neighbor's house he said had a jabril yul sunni biljar jibril was coming to me and advising me take care of your neighbor take care of your neighbor was going to say now you assign inheritance to him so jibril kept coming to me and saying go to your neighbor go to your neighbor go to your neighbor take care of your neighbor you know subhanallah serve your neighbor and this is beautiful because that's the cornerstone of every religion right love thy neighbor right this is a part of our faith as well that's what he says to him over and over and over again the prophet's life in him also was once seen saying i mean i mean i mean why are you saying i mean he said well jibril was making dua and jibril made dua against three people the one whose parents reach old age and he doesn't honor them you know subhanallah against that person may be humiliated the second person the one who ramadan comes and goes and he's not forgiven by his creator it's such a merciful month it's a month of mercy how can ramadan come upon you and leave you and you're not forgiven by your lord the third one the one who hears the name of rasulullah and doesn't say islam found that offensive but what's it like when jibreel decides to tell the prophet saws something when he gives him life advice now this narration that i'm about to share with you is towards the end of the life of the prophet salallahu we know that because of the age of the sahaba that narrated it they were young children that narrated this narration it happens when the prophet saw some now is established he's successful everything is done right people are coming into the religion and throng everything is done jibril comes to the prophet saw sallam and he says ya muhammad o muhammad now by the way does allah ever say to the prophet isaiah muhammad in the quran no ya rasulullah o prophet of god o messenger of god so why is it that gibril has the audacity to say ya muhammad in fact the scholars say when jibreel says yeah muhammad he's telling the prophet salla islam this is outside of the capacity of revelation what i'm about to say to you is from me to you muhammad so that's the only time he doesn't say ya rasool allah is when i want to tell you something just between me and you now okay so he says yeah muhammad five advices here irish live as you will but know that one day you're going to die one day you're going to die he says love whom you will but know that one day you will be separated from that person so the first ones don't get attached to this this world your purpose lies beyond this world don't get attached to people of this world because eventually they will leave you and you will leave them do as you will and know that you will be compensated and rewarded accordingly the compensation is in the hereafter meaning what everything comes in the hereafter all the reward comes in the hereafter keep doing what you do and know that the reward is in the hereafter so the first one is live as you will but know that one day you're going to die love who you will but know that one day you will be separated from that person do as you will and know that one day you will be rewarded accordingly know that the nobility of the believer is just standing up in prayer at night it's not in being a ruler it's not having thousands of followers it's not being a king it's not having this or having that the nobility of a person comes from his standing up in prayer at night invoking his lord walam where is zahu and as for his dignity it is being independent of people financially emotionally mentally physically your is your dignity as a person is trying not to be dependent on people try to absolve yourself of needing people in any way whatsoever that's profound life advice right there subhanallah that's something that we can all take to ourselves now the next incident i'll share with you is actually jibril giving advice in a very subtle way but it's profound advice as well this narration that i'm about to share with you is so profound al-hafiz in his famous book humility and prayer the last chapter is just about this hadith even though it has nothing to do with prayer because of what it means the prophet salla islam he says in authentic hadith that i was sitting with jibril islam and he started to come close to us now you want to know what makes this narration so strange rasool allah when jibreel saw this angel he became smaller he held himself he held himself like bracing for something the angel came to the prophet's license and said ya rasool allah or messenger of allah [Music] i'm here to give you a choice either you live you're a prophet who lives like a king or a prophet that lives like a humble slave who can give me an example of nabi and marika a prophet that lives like a king islam islam and nabi america means that you'll live comfortable look you can have a great life live very comfortably be a king have the riches of this world do whatever you want and you'll still have the hereafter it's not going to decrease from you in any way whatsoever so you can either be that or you can continue to live like a humble slave i mean the prophet saws used to go knights in hunger stones tied to a stomach he suffered from poverty at the very worst even after success right so you have a choice now so the prophet saws i looked at jibreel he said did this so the prophet saws said i said to him i'll choose to be a prophet that lives like a humble slave. so the angel left so i looked at jibreel this was very strange this angel he's never been down before this day so the prophet saws why is it that you got smaller and we're afraid he said so i swear by allah i didn't think that he came except to announce the day of judgment who was that angel israel when jibreel saw israel come down he thought it was all over so jibreel even became afraid at the sight of israel [Music]
Channel: Quran and Islam
Views: 112,772
Rating: 4.9399667 out of 5
Keywords: quran, islam, Allah, Muhammad s.a.w, guidance, omer suleiman, yasir qadhi, noman ali khan
Id: JWBXIDizxxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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