10 Video Game Fates Worse Than Death

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[Music] it's not something we tend to think about too often but pretty much every single video game in history involves some sort of killing even in family-friendly fare like the Mario games you're still stomping on goombahs or shooting them with fireballs and most gamers these days have probably racked up body counts well into the hundreds of thousands across all of the titles they've played but some videogame characters still aren't lucky enough to be blessed with a quick release of death brought forth by your trigger finger and instead they're left to suffer far worse circumstances that nobody in their right mind would wish upon even the most sinister of villains with everything from never ending time loops to your own body being engineered into a terrifying flesh prison on the cards sometimes the sweet release of a face ripping fatality is far more appealing than living through these insane punishments I am the immortal ash from what culture gaming and these are 10 videogame fates worse than death 10 death loop portal 2 the first portal game concludes with the sadistic GLaDOS finally been defeated the player uses some strategically placed portals to send a bunch of missiles flying towards the evil computer system and a final scene shows some of goddesses machine parts strewn across the car park area of the aperture facility but unfortunately for GLaDOS that death only led to more suffering after being reawakened the villain returns in Portal 2 and spends a lot of time feeling resentful and bitter towards the player for what they did at the end of the last game and when you learn what happened you'll totally get why during the incinerator room section of portal 2 the Machine describes how its black box quick save feature trapped it in a persistent loop of dying again and again and again it's doubtful that GLaDOS feels pain in the same way that we do but regardless it must have been horrible to be trapped in a short Groundhog Day s cycle consisting of pure misery and death once really is bad enough 9 self-aware freaka days gone players who slog through the entirety of days Gon's unnecessarily long campaign were at least rewarded for their efforts with a pretty cool twist throughout the game protagonist Deacon works with an ero scientist called O'Brien a flaky yet kind survivor who constantly wears a thick bodysuit with an enormous protective headpiece at first it just seems like he's covering himself up to avoid being exposed to the freakin virus but the main reason from hiding his face is the fact that he has already been infected whenever you encounter him during the story you get the sense that he's a bit of an outsider but a bit of a loner not really accepted by the rest of his narrow colleagues and now the universe is just kicking in whilst he's down infecting him with an incurable virus that has turned him into a Voldemort looking monster who is clearly in a lot of discomfort the worst thing about this is that normally the freakin virus turns people into mindless wild creatures who have lost all sense of being but O'Brien is still fully self-aware meaning that he can physically feel what is happening to him ouch eight clinging to humanity apex legends once upon a time revenant from apex legends was a normal human man a hit man for the mercenary syndicates he was probably the most skilled killer the Outlands had ever seen able to murder any target anywhere at any time but everything changed when he was transformed into a simulacrum by shady tech organization Hammond robotics in the apec Sun titanfall universe a simulacrum is basically a metal body that houses a digital footprint of a person's memories and knowledge meaning that subjects of this process will still think and feel like regular humans when in reality they're just robotic shells with delusions of humanity demonstrating this it wasn't until a shard of glass got stuck in revenants neck that his simulacrum programming was interrupted and he was able to see what Hammond had turned him into imagine going about your daily life then one day whoosh you find out that everything is a life band you're actually a robot and your existence is essentially a microchip some serious existential nightmare seven trapped for all eternity in mother3 here's a question would you trade your freedom for absolute safety if someone gave the opportunity to live in isolation but with the promise that no harm would ever before you would you take it the reason I ask is that porky Minch inadvertently dooms himself to this very fate at the end of his boss battle in mother3 during the game you'll be confronted by the villainous porky who tries to attack you while sat inside a spider-like mech suit it's a tough fight but once you defeat him he'll retreat to his absolutely safe capture believing that he'll be immune to all damage while still being able to attack the player Oh porky how wrong you were what actually happens is that porky steals himself inside an inescapable prison for all eternity the absolutely safe cap shawl is quite a literal name in that it keeps the user completely safe from everything by locking them away from the outside world porky can never leave the capsule but he can also never die instead he just has to live very safely until the end of time itself six rooted to the spot fallout 3 one of the best and most disturbing side stories in fallout 3 is the tale of Harold a human who was forced to live inside a vault once the Great War started Harold eventually left his safe haven and attempted to make something for himself in the post-apocalyptic wasteland unfortunately though this led to him being exposed to the FEV virus and as a result his body started to transform in a grotesque manner over the years Harold state grew worse and worse and when you encounter him in Fallout 3 he has been turned into a tree rooted to the spot and unable to move distressingly he is still fully sentient and aware of his situation and he can't sleep can't eat or do anything else to help pass the time he's just stuck because of the constant torture that he's in P even asks you to kill him stating that it would be doing him a favor if you choose to oblige you can offer him painlessly or you can burn him alive because of his inherent fear of fire and listen to him scream in agony which is a pretty monstrous choice all things considered but one the game still lets you make five living in fear The Witcher 3 gone taro Tim as you may have guessed from his spooky sounding name is not a nice chap when you meet sheiks Locke in The Witcher 3 shakes Locke reveals that simply just researching odm caused him to go blind while also describing how he was drawn into one of his devilish packs to boot shakes Locke says that oh damn drew a small runic circle on the floor claiming that he would be safe within it and whilst that was technically true what shakes Locke didn't know is that he would end up being trapped inside the circle unable to leave and living in constant fear of Oh doom and his power he could easily step outside if he wanted but he has to constantly fight that temptation because if he gives in he knows he will die fortunately for him shakes Locke is eventually killed after stepping outside the circle but it's those years he spent trapped inside it that earned him a spot on this list in many ways death was a relief for him because his life consisted of suffering and anguish born from his inability to leave the tiny space around him for bugs inside the body resistance the resistance series is set in alternate history earth where an alien race known as the Chimera has infected millions and millions of people on a global scale mutating them into an assorted range of chimera and hybrids and for a process that transforms humans into slimy alien monsters the infection period itself is appropriately horrible it starts with a swarm of insects called crawlers entering the body through its Airways allowing them to distribute the virus through the hosts bloodstream once the job is done the victim is sent into a comatose state but the scariest thing about this is that the human still remains conscious whilst the crawlers are infecting them a collectible Intel document in resistance fall of man the original game describes how victims compulsively try to tear the creatures out of themselves causes self-inflicted bruises and lacerations people can feel the crawlers moving around inside them which leads them scratching and clawing at their own flesh in a desperate attempt to pull the bugs out of their own body 3 109 years of torture God of War 2018 even though mimir cracks a lot of jokes and could even be described as god of wars comedic relief his wisecracking exterior is masking great tragedy once a king's errand boy and jester mineus travels eventually led him to the mighty all-father Odin who was so impressed by memory as intelligence that he hired him as his primary advisor but over time Odin grew paranoid over his friendship with the Giants and eventually accused mimir of aiding the enemy the king of Asgard decided to punish his subject Odin imprisoned Mamere on Midgard highest peak and bound him to an indestructible train was also tearing out his left eye and if that wasn't bad enough Odin still had more to dish out for the next 109 years up until the events of the game where Kratos encounters and frees Mamere Odin tortured Mamiya on a daily basis think about it for someone as powerful as Odin you can be damn sure that he was an exceptional agony throughout his entire stint on top of that peak - turned into our headcrab zombie half-life Oh if half-lives headcrabs are similar to facehuggers in that they enjoy jumping onto the faces of humanoids but while the latter monster impregnates its target with an alien egg the former has a completely different and much more gasoline modus operandi headcrab start by affixing themselves to the heads of a suitable host at which point they break into the person's skull and take over their motor functions the host body then essentially rots losing a lot of skin and muscle tissue while having the organs inside the chest cavity exposed sounds absolutely awful right well it gets worse at least facehuggers have the common decency to put their victims to sleep but headcrabs on the other hand offer no such privilege the host retains some level of consciousness even after the head crabbers taken control meaning that they can feel everything that is happening to them those sounds that headcrab zombies make those are cries for help it makes you wonder why some can wear one so nonchalantly as a hat in death stranding to be honest one the Guardians dead space the dead space series has no shortage of horrific creatures to throw at the player from exploders to lurkers to the enormous deadly Leviathan well you obviously would not want to turn into any one of those monsters the guardians are easily the worst in terms of fates worse than death because the humans that they created from are still able to cling to life even when their bodies have been mutilated beyond recognition guardians are corrupted humans that are anchored to the wall unable to move that would be bad enough but wait there's more there's always got that more their legs have been cut off so even if they weren't stuck in one place they wouldn't be able to walk and their abdomens have been split down the middle leaving their insides dangling out in the open normally those injuries would prove fatal but somehow the human host retains consciousness with the power of the infection forcing them to stay a life you can put them out of their misery of course but until you do their howls of torment can be heard a clear sign that dying would be the preferable option to being torn apart like adults to toys and that's our list what are the videogame fates are far worse than a clean and simple slashing down the middle share your thoughts in the comment section below I've been ash and this has been what culture gaming don't forget to Like share subscribe and come back again soon for more content that will have you begging for the sweet release of death
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 3,670,464
Rating: 4.8010049 out of 5
Id: JrumnHX2myw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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