I Spent 100 Days in Ark Survival Ascended With Just Raptors

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welcome to the very first 100 days on the rampy channel for Ark survival ascended the gorgeous Unreal Engine 5 remaster of Arc survival evolved to mark this occasion we are starting off with a classic a challenge that has been conquered before but with a lack of cryopods and other engrams this challenge would be way tougher than ever before I would have 100 days of Ark survival ascended to take down two of ark's Guardians with just Raptors to spice things up a little bit this time my good friend editor and fellow YouTuber Owen here is going to be playing on the exact same server and joining me in this challenge using only trikes so expect to see a fair few cameos from him towards the end of this video as always if you do enjoy the video please do help me out by Smashing that like button and subscribing to the channel if you haven't already an awful lot of hard work does go into these videos so I do hope you all enjoy oh and also come give me a follow on Twitch so you can watch these challenges [Music] live as we spawn in on day one here in a brand new world we started our 100 day journey by gathering some berries and punching a tree to get those precious early game resources I applied some levels and with this playthrough featuring The Movement speed Nerf that ascended launched with I found myself debating what starts to level I eventually went with a heavy focus on Health weight and fortitude as I prepared myself for the early game grind I made myself a nice little Stone pick so that I could Farm the trees quicker and then unlocked some more crucial engrams that I would need such as a hatchet and campfire after hitting some more rocks for Flint I unlocked a full set of cloth armor and made up what I could just to give myself a little bit of extra protection my early game plan was to just sort of run around the map a bit and do some exploring while making those early game engrams such as bow and arrows keep in mind that at this stage the game had just launched so I was simply enjoying exploring the island despite it looking so completely different after shooting a Dodo in the head I gratefully gave his dead body some smacks and my stone Hatchet to farm up his hide I then split all the meat that he gave me so that it would spoil into some spoiled meat which I would use to make some narcotics after after reaching the edge of the snow biome I unlocked both the fch foundation and Mort pestle after waiting a short while longer for the meat to spoil I then made up some narcotics which I immediately converted into drank arrows I had come to the snow biome as I had always remembered this spot being full of hostile tames Raptors included however as I reached a spot that I had always known to myself as Alpha Corner due to its common Alpha creature spawns I barely recognized where I was I also couldn't find any Raptors but it wouldn't be long before something else nasty found me this area is normally teeming with Raptors where are they all why is it just herbivores this is where we are on the map by the way as you can see I've not even explored every inch of it I said what's attacking me who oh what the am I being hunted what where did they come from oh ah he [Music] jumps ah oh after being molded by hyenadons I eventually managed to get back to my bag and grab my stuff I had already decided that the snow biome wasn't for me as it was night time anyway I had to make up some hide armor to help me survive the cold with no Raptors in sight I flood the snow biome and went Inland where of course the Raptors came along like London buses luckily the bowler God was on fine form and I managed to get all three Boward while I knocked out the level 75 which was the highest level of the three unfortunately due to doing all of this for a primitive bow it wasn't long before the Raptors began to break out from their Bowlers and before I could finish koing the 75 an unusual bow of Miss for myself meant that it wasn't long before I was getting pummeled into the grave all while hel in a walker read me a lovely Explorer note respawning in the Raptor had seemingly left the scene of the crime and I was able to recover my stuff at least an even greater bonus was the level 75 Raptor had actually Fallen unconscious after all and most likely while I was being eaten I put some raw meat inside it and before long we had our very first Raptor I named it humongous W to mark the special occasion of finally getting our very first Raptor of the challenge obviously it was a pretty lowlevel one and would never ever be considered a breeder but it would allow me to Traverse the map a little bit easier in search of more Raptors after traveling through the night and finding no decent Raptors whatsoever I ended up making my way to South 2 Cave where the artifact of the hunter is stored now quite simply despite the fact that I knew I wasn't prepared for caves yet I just wanted to check one out and see what they had done to this cave on Asa and it did certainly look a lot better than it did on Survival evolved I decided to come down on into the cave where I stumbled across a green cave drop something that would be really important for me later down the line as these drops are your very best chance of getting a good Raptor BP as I've made it this far and hadn't encounted any hostiles yet I foolishly decided to jump down and have a pop at getting the artifact clearly this is where all the spawns have been hiding as I took out a few hostiles outside the artifact room but upon entering the room where the artifact of the hunter is I found myself making a very Hasty retreat ret treat due to the serious number of arpha plas in there a same person at this point probably would have just made a run for it but I soon realized that I was surrounded on all sides so after kiting the Arro out of the pit I attempted to go back in and get the artifact before leaving through the back door oh run this do be trouble all right guys don't mind me just making my way through here please die please die please die quick please die quick please die [Music] quick a as day four dawned we were back to square one my body was in the depths of the cave and not recoverable whatsoever but honestly we hadn't lost too much progress as I had spent a lot of my time exploring this beautiful new Reincarnation of the island after respawning I decided to do things a little bit differently this time and set up a base on the south metal Mountain where I could quickly get access to metal this went pretty successfully as I got myself up some refining forges a smiffy and morar pestl relatively quickly I made myself a crossbow to make taming Raptors that little bit easier before running down the hill and encountering a trodon who apparently can jump even when bowed I did manage to kill the trudon thankfully before I passed out from the Toro and after waking up I harvested some hide from the beaches before returning to base to make myself a metal pick and hatch it it was now time to return to Raptor hunting while there is no problem with finding Raptors on the island finding high level ones on this map was proving a huge task I was yet to see one over level 100 so honestly I was just happy to tame up this level 85 one for now I named it after a member of my twitch chat and this is your first friendly reminder to come on over follow me on Twitch so you can see these challenges live with a level 85 tamed and me finally back on a dinosaur I continue to hunt around for Raptors like I said I could find lots of Raptors and the green Obelisk area was teaming with them but I just lost count of how many level 20 and under Raptors I'd found by now just when I thought things couldn't get any worse my arch nemesis made its long awaited return to the channel because you shouldn't really be The Prodigal Son Returns the micro raptor is back that would not have been a that would not have been oh oh I think K they up to might be might be dead no you're joking me kyo's gone Kyo is gone though after witnessing my raptor getting slaughtered just as I reached it I had to go out and find myself another Raptor this time it didn't actually take me too long to find this level 110 Raptor which is the highest that I'd found so far I managed to knock it out all while skillfully of voiding all the mega neoras who wanted to kill me and then killed a snake to get some prime when tamed I made myself up a saddle as I had forgotten to take the last one back and then rode out of the swamp and Forest back down to the beach I had had quite enough of micro Raptors for one day I decided to make myself a raft and raft over towards Caro Island as Caro Island normally has quite a lot of raptor spawns and I want to check out what they had done to the cave also sadly all the Raptors on the island were absolutely terrible levels so I made my way inside Caro cave which is had a pretty nice redesign it has to be said I've been quite openly critical of Arc survival ascended in many ways but I do think that we can all agree that they have done a pretty great job redesigning all of these caves as they look so much better than their Originals inside Caro cave I had to fight off a combination of bats and the mega rabies that it gave me but it was all worth it to see what was in this magical looking red drop right next to the entrance ooh oh hello there that's that is that's not bad 8 remade ascendant long neck with over 300% damage was a lovely lovely find and back on the island I tested its power out on a wild argentavis and was very impressed of its results it was pretty clear however that I did not have the capabilities to run caroc cave and nor were there any decent Raptors on the island so I popped back on my raft and headed home for the day I was about to bring an end to both day eight and a decent stream when thoughts of Vengeance came into my head I stupidly decided that with this slightly more powerful Raptor I would have a shot once again at South 2 Cave [Music] we're about to take a humongous W look at this we're on our bike we're running past the alha plers oh there's a lot of them I forgot how many Alpha plers are in here we're running oh there's more I might have underestimated the cave it certainly does feel like caves have been made quite a bit tougher on ASA as previously I would have always cleared these on a Raptor or even on foot this time though there was no luck and another Raptor was lost I was however at least about to make one of the plays of the century if anyone gets Larry I'm popping them in the Ed with the long neck you want some see you later how are you not dead how are you not dead oh no oh no it's not looking good look at those dodging skills oh my God he's a man on a mission he's he's still alive he's still alive how is he still alive uhoh he might not be alive much longer somehow I did make it out of Hunter cave alive saving the ascendant long neck but it certainly was not my finest Hour as that was the second Raptor that I had ran down mid in that cave in a number of days back at base I had no choice but to recoup my stuff and go again I split some meat filled the forges and made up some narcotics before heading back out into the jungle where I stumbled across this level 100 Raptor another Raptor that was nowhere near good enough to be a breeder but would at least allow me to have a Dyno to ride about on for now interestingly this Raptor had a baby with it as well so after taming up the parent I went ahead and claimed the baby the problem with baby dinos is that because they get no bonus levels when they grow up meaning that this was Far weaker than the tamed parent eventually my chat and I decided that we would set this Raptor free so to naming it Jason Derulo we let him ride off solo into the sunset the rest of that day I spent traveling around the whole map looking for high level Raptors and finding absolutely nothing the low levels of dinos went really starting to get to me which was not helped by the fact that Owen had already found several 150 and 145 trikes so as we passed the day 10 Mark and I exhausted all ideas I ended up finding myself returning to Caro Isam once more as there would surely be some guaranteed Raptor spawns on there at least 20 oh what are these levels this is a I'm losing my mind sadly though while there wear some Raptors on Caro Island they weren't any good either I did loot another red drop in Caro cave which had some decent potential blueprints for the later game but certainly nothing that would really help me now with Carno being another Monumental flop I set sail on my raft again and headed home for a break the next day I logged in farmed up some metal to keep the doctor away and headed off to Craigs Island to search for Raptors this time I managed to hit the jackpot finding not only a level 145 Raptor but also a 125 in the same pack things W really looking up and I was finally making some progress after taming them up I inspected their stats now while I could be wrong on this one I'm sure that Raptors must have had some potential Nerf to damage points on ASA as 342 in damage is 49 points at this time however I hadn't got my AR smart breeder set up yet so I just looked at this Raptor as another very average tame perhaps a critical error anyway with my Raptor Army all tamed up I'd finally achieved my first pack and I finally felt powerful I wasn't happy with this stat though and we weren't even mate boosted sadly the hunt still had to continue I returned to Alpha corner to scout out some Raptors and while I did finally find myself a raptor here instead of it being a max level one it was instead the lowest level possible don't you just love the Island's levels as we left the snow and entered Inland I was quickly realizing something Raptors had seriously been nerfed while card were clearly longtime fans of the channel and had seen the last 100 days that we've done with Raptors and this time they decided to up the challenge the main reason that they had been nerfed is due to this headshot multiplier that Ted creatures now have due to Raptor's height they seem to be taking the extra damage from almost every hit and I found myself constantly force feeding them this was no more obvious when we ran into a wild feno oh no get in Raptors get him Raptors that say 205 damage no Johnny uhoh we' we've just been molded we what we've just been absolutely destroyed so after the latest rampy disaster class we were back on our adventures with my lone Raptor I continued up north again found some more Raptors said Raptors were obviously a terrible level which meant I ended back up on Carno Island looking for more Raptors once more to no one's surprise at all the Raptors on Carno were absolutely terrible also just as I was about to close my stream for the day I did manage to find myself a 130 Raptor to T no green it wasn't anything special but it was better than nothing at least and would provide me with a little bit of protection at least well it would have provided me with a bit of protection if I hadn't unexpectedly ran into this Monumental pack of raptors just around the corner this sole pack of raptors had obviously been claiming all the high level spawns on the whole island as it had both a 135 and 140 in the same pack unfortunately due to being ambushed by them and obviously desperately trying to keep the 135 and 140 alive we may have had to sacrifice the poor Raptor to the arc Gods at least of my Raptor out of the way it did become a little bit easier to manage shortly after and I knocked out the 135 first which actually had better stats despite being lower level and I then went to KO the 140 this all went smoothly only for a spino to have wandered over to where the 135 raptor is at this point it really felt that I couldn't catch a break as I sadly watched the spino devour and my poor taming Raptor from across the river we did get the 140 tamed up but it was terribly average and it was no stats worthy to start a breed line incredibly though a matter of minutes later I stumbled across our very first 150 Raptor clearly every single high level Raptor on this map was found hanging around in the self this one appeared to be on his own which made the whole taming process a piece of cake after knocking him out and waiting for him to tame up I saw that he had finished with a semi-decent melee start of 46 points which was still a full two points lower than the 145 that I had previously tamed on crabs Island rip to them now on Arc survival evolved 46 points would of course be a great point to start your breeding line but due to as8 removing the wasted points put into movement speed 46 was just a strong starting point I returned to my Mountain setup with my Raptors where I farmed up some metal and repaired my gear before heading back out again of course I couldn't go past the artifact to the hunter cave without dipping my toe in there but fear not this time I wasn't quite stupid enough to go for the artifact instead I just went after these green drops which spawn in the cave as as I mentioned earlier these are the best chance of getting ourselves a beastly Raptor blueprint which especially with this bonus headshot damage would certainly be needed I did have to take out quite a few hostiles to get to these drops with the alpha plora in particular providing quite the resistance and almost killing me after just about surviving and doing a small amount of force feeding I looted the second drop which sadly didn't have anything too much use to me although I was encouraged to see how good the dolphin saddle blueprint was there are fre drops at this cave in one time but had I gone any further then we would have certainly lost a third Raptor to this cave and I wasn't about to let that happen leaving the cave I headed up north and spent the rest of the day searching for Raptors I did manage to find a 145 who I bowed and tranked out unfortunately what I didn't realize was that it had an angry Bronto after it so upon knocking it out the Bronto began to whack it with its tail thankfully I did manage to grab the bronto's aggro and about 4 years later finally killed it I would of course now have to let the Raptor wake up to recover its taming Effectiveness so I fed up some stimberries and then fed them to the Raptor I then just had to wait by its side for it to wake up its base Health stat was decent enough so I was fairly excited for this one sure enough just it woke the bowler God himself was there waiting for it and a couple of truns later and it was out I grabbed some prime meat for it and it was already starving so tamed up instantly the health St was decent and I was happy enough to start a breed line now so I headed home besides I was absolutely fed up with hunting Raptors however nothing could quite prepare me for what I was about to run into on the way home oh wow RoR Mafia over here oh my god um did you guys see see that level 95 yeah 145 oh it's the 145 no I don't think I've done enough to knock it out I don't think I've done enough to knock it out oh I've r have drank darts how have that the hunter strikes again Su is almost dead but we don't talk about that he's done he is done it's naughty it's a na 40 HP what we saying what we saying guys where I've lost me head export Dino what what what we saying well the last one was two it's got to be like 50 points right 52 points in HP oh it's insane stay away from me fzo come anywhere near me and we you'll regret it you will regret it with a massive 52 points into HP secured and 46 into melee it was now time to finally settle down and pick a base spot I opted for this Cliff top base spot which had a lovely view of Stone Henge around it it was hard to pick a base spot that was ideal for everything ideally I did want metal nearby but my go-to spots such as a Hidden Lake and Herb Island had already been used in my previous playthroughs of raptors so I decided to settle for this spot the view was nice at least and the metal wasn't too far away after picking my spot I then started to place my St wooden foundations and some wooden gates around the outskirts of my base to close it off those longtime fans of the channel will know that I am not the greatest PVE Builder so you don't expect to see any building master classes in this 100 days that night the weather finally turned cold enough so that I could hatch my Raptor eggs which at night time could be hatched even without an egg incubator when the first these baby Raptors hatched I kept the females and named them 0000 f as these would be my female mutation breeders that I would use for the entirety of this challenge while they grew up I took a quick visit to the old mining base where I grabbed some smelted metal ingots and brought them back to base using this Ingot I made myself a Smithy at the new base and placed it down the Breeders were now good to go so I set them on mating as I quickly wanted to pump out some more Raptors and look for some mutations as quick as possible without the egg incubator and awesome spy glass mod from past playthroughs this would be a lot more painful this time I also wanted to check out how the new water system on ASA worked as if you didn't know all pipes and wires have been removed all I had to do was place down an intake and then place a water reservoir up at base and just like that I had irrigation this was was a big relief and quite a nice quality of life feature I have to say as in ASE I sucked bad at placing pipes along with the z00 females I also raised up a fair few what I would name sacrifice Raptors as you might have guessed by the name these were Raptors that I didn't care if died but that I could whistle into hordes of enemies and caves without worrying too much about what the outcome was going to be sorry Raptors after saddling them up and applying a few levels to them I named them after my twitch chat and headed down into the caves the first cave I went to was obviously the southern cave just below my base which had of course already claimed two of my Raptor lives we entered the cave with the new Squad following closely behind and I looted the first rooms drop it did have a good amount of items but sadly the hunt for a raptor blueprint continues we cleared out the hostiles in the second room grabbed the second drob which had a scorpion saddle but nothing else of note the last drop did give me an ascendant trike saddle which I would of course give to Owen when I next bumped into him after returning home from the cave I set off on my raft to the snow biome to look for some pears now I'm not quite sure why but wild cards seem to have removed the edge of the West Coast snow biome being hot spot for pearls I struggled to find any at all and the most fun I had was recreating this scene from Jaws when this Megalodon appeared out of the murky water to Ambush me in the whole time I spent on the west coast I found one set of silica pearls it appears the deep ocean is where it's at to farm pearls only from now on which isn't exactly ideal when all you have at your disposal is Raptors anyway I had gathered just about enough pearls to make myself some Electronics to make an air conditioner but back at base it was now night time so eggs were once again hatching without an AC a hatch toclaim the Raptors keeping some of the females for 00 one more it wasn't too much longer until we got our first mutation of the challenge which was a melee mutation which of course was a slightly Bittersweet feeling knowing that I had technically already had this stat before only to lose it to a wild ferino I kept on breeding through the night raising a few more Raptors for sacrifice and checked on South cave again as the drops had respawned and the Raptors had healed up a bit the drops didn't offer me much getting a second scorpion SLE blueprint of the day but still no luck on the Raptors this time I decided I wanted to go all the way though and try and grab our first artifacts of this challenge to my surprise the whole audence deal wasn't actually too much drama I kited the Saros out of the water lay and set the Raptor squad on them who quickly took them out we then crossed the Saro free water taking out a few piranhas you fancy to scrap on the way on land we dealt with a hoorde of hostile creatures and the Raptor pack made short work of these last up was the artifact chamber which aside from a couple of arenos appeared to be actually unusually empty for once it wasn't long before I was jumping off my Raptor and finally Gathering our first artifact of this challenge which is of course the artifact of the hunter on my way out of the cave I looted one last drop which should respawned but the agonizing weight continued for the Raptor blueprint as this drop offered me up a Saro saddle blueprint instead back at base the mutation grind was kicking into full gear now however I wasn't having any luck at all as always with the mutations guys they are based on pure luck and sadly on this challenge I wasn't having much of it this made finding that all elusive saddle blueprint all the more important as I was struggling to see how these Raptors would survive the boss fights with the current stats and perimeter saddles in fact I got so bored from the whole mutation grind and not getting any luck that I decided to go pure craving the hunter mode on this Alpha Raptor and started taking it out with my ascendant long neck this was actually pretty profitable in the end as I got myself a better crossbow which I would then use to kill babies as well as a better metal Hatchet and metal pick I then had to take another trip to the snow biome to get more silica pearls but didn't have quite enough Electronics to make myself the air conditioner just yet luckily I did only need to find one section of pearls and then dashed back to base and crafted our air conditioner placing it down and powering the generator as soon as I could quite frankly this was something that should have been done far earlier than day 40 but as I had been able to hatch Raptor eggs at night time I had been putting it off clearly the new airon though brought some good luck with it as in my first batch of eggs I managed to get myself a lovely little melee mutation to be totally honest I was hoping for some health mutes at this point but I wouldn't say no to a melee mutation either the only slightly annoying thing about this mutation was that it was on a female so I'd first have to raise the Raptor and then transfer the stat to a male where I could continue to mutation breed while the Raptor raised at base I went to check out the cave below base once more for green drops a pretty familiar site at this point but I was still yet to find the Raptor blueprint which was really that the only thing these drops could give me that was of interest to me and for the next 10 to 15 days this was just the way I had to play the game I would hatch Raptors kill 90% of raptors as they didn't have a mutation and then go down to the cave to check the drops mutation grinding isn't the most enjoyable thing in Arc in the best of times but when you are having no lock at all it becomes a real SLO my mood was given a slight boost that evening though when I returned to the cave and got myself no while not a raptor blueprint a raptor saddle I would take that for now as at least one of my Raptors would be properly protected with a nice little saddle with the new saddle in hand I named up a couple of raised Raptors after my twitch chat and set off to do some caving I would meet Owen there for our very first cave together which would be the artifact of the massive both of us would have to gather every artifact before we could take on the bosses at the end so we would work together to make this happen ah here he is the big man the big man right we're going to we're going to invite him to the uh the rampy the Raptor trike Alliance there we go he's in there's his Tri I'm guessing oh look at these he's got some Raptor Saddles what a man what a man Owen had shown such commitment to the cause that he actually set up an airon station in the massive cave to hatch a tri inside so that he could join the party and his damage would certainly be needed as we encountered our first group of hostiles uhoh Raptor Army go Raptor go Owen go on is that 390 damage I'm seeing was that aead there must be a head yeah that must be you headshotting s what is this 39 damage to my face yeah look at my damage meanwhile half my Raptors are probably in the lava by now oh there's a blue drop down there now this might turn into disaster this close to the ledge oh no not beastly Raptor beastly Raptor no no oh oh no he's gone he's gone no oh beastly Raptor rip despite losing be wrapped to the legend himself we continued on down the cave we then reached the section of this cave where you have to jump over a cliff to the next one which wasn't the most trike friendly thing so I naturally encouraged Owen to risk it for a chocolate biscuit and perform a charge attack in an attempt to make the triack get over wait I'm not brisking that there's lava underneath I'm just going to go full over to the path down on the bottom I'm I feel like the chat would love to see a charge though beastly Raptor oh he's going for I don't think I'm making it go on go oh no yeah to be fair it could have end down it could have ended a lot worse ohen went the long way around and we met up a couple of minutes later where we looted a yellow drop despite it being a new cave and New Quality drop I was absolutely still haunted by hide blueprints the artifact was next up and we cited all the Onyx that were guarding it over to Owen trike who destroyed them with the incre headshot damage we then headed over and Owen grabbed his artifact of the massive while I waited for it to spawn back in so I could grab one myself I was forced to go around this side of the cave to take out the creatures that were guarding this yellow drop as the trike couldn't fit in this side of the Cave the Raptor's damage without mate boost and pack buff was absolutely piss as I had left the other Raptors up in the earlier section of the cave so I didn't have to jump them all over after a short while I did manage to take all the creatures out and looted the drop it wasn't necessarily anything special but the ascendant Gil was at least something that was usable for me the artifact had I respawned so a couple of terrifying jumps over The Lava later and I was looting my very own artifact of the massive next up while on a high we decided to take a visit to Caro Island and return to car cave Owen didn't actually have a trike bread in this cave yet so he thought he would just come along for the ride to see how the Raptors got on the first challenge I had to face was getting all the other Raptors to the side of the water section which was proving quite tricky for some reason in ascended it feels like dinos don't follow as well underwater which I guess might make a bit of sense as I can't imagine the Raptors enjoyed the swim terribly much anyway after a little bit of time we did manage to get them all through the water and into Caro cave now Caro cave has been made a fair bit deeper on ASA but as always with the rampy channel there is only one proper way to do this cave which is to dive head first down to the bottom of the cave and jump off your Raptor just before you take fall damage it was pretty crazy down here and it seems that they have definitely increased cave spawns in all the caves to be honest and Caro Island was no different I'm honestly fine with the increaseed difficulty and with almost every single bat giving you Mega rabies as well it really does add an element of difficulty to think about thankfully Owen had given me some antidotes in the last cave so I was able to nullify the effects of the rabies as always with this cave getting the artifact is only one half of the problem but the other half being actually getting out of the cave something I was about to struggle with Wow ow bit rude that Megalania very rude in fact some would say hang on are they not on neutral Raptors what are you doing some reason oh no no no a [Music] oh Patrick start I'm afraid you are you are being sacrificed all right let's go blob snail what are you doing you absolute buffoon eventually after something the chat have now named rampy nonsense we got all but one of the Raptors out of the cave as Patrick Star was left to die at the bottom of the cave this is perhaps the perfect moment to remind you all to leave a comment in memory of Patrick with the remaining Raptors I swam back out of the cave and back to Land once more I then spent a good chunk of the next day rafting home before finally getting a bit of luck with the mutations and getting our very first HP me of the challenge which was something at least as you can see by the fact I named the Raptor in all caps heal finally I was feeling mighty reliev to get our first HP mutation I then made myself up some scuba tanks as Owen and I decided it was time to take on one of our toughest challenges yet easy underwater cave first though I just about had time to do a quick drop check in the South cave C but after checking all three drops I returned once more disappointed and empty-handed with still no Raptor blueprint in sight without being able to put it off anymore My Water Taxi driven by Owen arrived and we set off together to do easy underwater cave with a ton of scuba crafted and a lot of chairs also so we can regain our stamina underwater we've dived down Into the Depths now previously this cave on AR survival evolved hadn't been too bad as if you leveled oxygen it would improve your speed underwater and you could basically Zoom past every hostile in this cave with ease even those pesky eel in ASA this feature has now been removed and with increased cave spawns it poised to be an incredibly difficult task for us a task which wasn't helped by the rather unfortunate spawns we experienced not far inside the cave oh do you see that what is it a yellow drop cheeky yellow drop I don't think what's in it I got a I got a show oh win oh ohen Owen run oh oh my go you tri at me to not take it oh it's so Joe over it's dead I'm dead when we began to do this cave we were under the impression that with flippers on we could just about out swim the eels this clearly was not the case so now that we knew this we had to find a way to get past them okay so is one of us trying to going to try and kite um I'm I'm just going to try and hug like that off side see if I can get past there's no way those eel don't Agra thanks so much for the follow by the way I can't even see them oh they're that AG on me AG they're swinging backwards they're running away from me they're just at the okay they're not outg gr just stay high you can get past really yeah yeah okay nice the sharks are they I see another drop screw the drops M the no the drops got have a shotgun just get to land there's no nothing now I'm getting the drop oh Jesus oh there a shark on me oh I shouldn't have got that drop it was terrible I told you did we did we go up the this the lit coming up are there any creatures here um I don't think so okay after successfully getting past the eels we were now two sections away from the artifact however this was generally where the spawn started to get a bit out of control with a high level mosaa usually present in the Next Room along with a ton of sharks and of course the dreaded eels there's always eels at this section yeah if we can get past this section I feel we'll be in can you see any um shark sharks sharks we can deal with sharks eels are the problem and maybe a big fat mosa as well if we see one of them yep see the sharks lots of sharks a lot yeah um I'm not seeing any I'm well that's a mosa oh mosa I see mosa are we going straight for land um oh there's so many heels oh where did they come from what once again though never mind the mosa it was the eels that proved to be the problem Owen and I tried again multiple times to get further into this cave at one point Owen brought down an oxygen trike to try and deal with the Mobs with cryos this might have actually been quite an effective method as the trike did quite a good job but due to it having to swim from all the way down from the top of the cave to the bottom it ran out of oxygen and stamina far too quickly and ended up drowning before being too much use nevertheless we did Keep keep on trying and I did actually have a bit of luck on this run here hugging the top of the room the eels didn't aggro on me and despite having an alpha Megalodon aggroed on me I was able to just about make it to land from here I followed the path round and reached this room where the artifact is located ears a there heels and the Sharks I have a what the okay I have um 50 HP I I a I've watched both of those Meg films they're both absolutely terrible at the same time wait just watch My Stream watch My Stream however things didn't quite go to plan as I was killed through the mesh by an Neil $60 game by the way and the next half an hour was just pure Carnage this room is guys since the ramping Master Class of pulling all the all the Megalodons away but if that Moser is knocked down knocked out what knocked out he's not knocked down hey no wait you've made friends with Osa I no you haven't uhoh uhoh at least take it somewhere so I can get out oh I've literally only have one grapple am I going to have to meet up with you and like steal one of your grapples I've only got two yeah that might be what I need oh no then how do we get out oh screw it screw it I'm going in I'm going in oh no oh no oh no no don't go in the bo I swear to God if you miss oh it's an he going why did you go in the water straight away and not run round after almost tasting the artifact o and I completely ran out of both gear and time for that day so I returned to base to cry into my wooden foundations I became even more miserable when I returned to mutation hunting and spent an hour shooting baby Raptors in the head with my crossbow as they were all useless however if there was one thing that could lift my mood it was a visit to sou 2 Cave where finally finally on Day 72 we found ourselves a raptor blueprint as great as this blueprint was it did present me with another problem it was incredibly expensive to make especially hide wise had I had a good Dyno to harvest hide on perhaps it wouldn't have been that bad but I didn't so I decided to make one of these ridiculous ascendant stone hatchets blueprints that I'd also got in the South 2 Cave to test out how much hide I could get and get head on the hide farming as I would need to bring 10 Raptors into the boss fights that we had planned for the end of this 100 days results were pretty promising and it was probably the best option I had to farm hide about three bronos would equal to one saddle so it could have been worse on day 73 Owen and I had to return to easy cave once more things has got off to a fantastic start when an alpha shark spawned outside the cave and insisted on following us along for the journey like I mentioned earlier though you can thankfully actually out swim these things so it wasn't too much of a problem one thing that we had learned from our previous runs was the importance of bringing grapples for this middle section there were far too many eels sharks and an angry Mosasaur which wanted to kill me so it was the only way to do this room at this point we grappled across the room and then got ourselves into the artifact room where we plunged into Into the Depths we quickly realized though that this artifact was heavily heavily guarded so I grappled my way out of the water and attempted to place down some sleeping bags only to get meshed by eels once more after making our way painstakingly back into the cave we made sure to place some bags before going into the water once more this time we opted to do multiple sacrifice runs this was where we jumped into the water with just our flippers knowing that we were going to die but in an attempt to bring those eels away from the artifacts this actually worked pretty well and after a few suicide runs we finally had a somewhat clear pathway to the artifact the stage was set and I took a deep breath before jumping into the water putting my flippers on just as I hit it reaching the artifact there was a Megalodon who appeared to be stuck but certainly wanted me dead narrowly avoiding the stuck Megalodon I got my way back to land as quickly as possible well I met up with Owen who had been kindly aggroing the attention of the very last eel in this pool we still would have to get out of the midsection of this cave though and we were left with what we called one grapple and a dream I used my grapple to get over a couple of megal on and then made my way through the cess pit of sharks including the alpha dodging and weaving between them all I was followed closely by another Alpha Megalodon same more we Ked into the cave earlier but leaving Owen to die and return for his stuff I made a break for the entrance and even had time to stop for a nice stamina break as I swam out the entrance of the cave one thought crossed my mind how on Earth are we going to do hard cave but that sounds like a problem for the 200 days returning to base once more we had now retrieved four out of the six artifacts we needed but the hardest one was was now out of the way we wanted to take down the broodmother and MEAP pipus in this first 100 Days with the view to ascending in a sequel video and we were now on our way to doing this but first off I would have to breed the boss Raptors three mutations total two in melee and one in HP quite frankly it was an absolute joke and I would need far better in the final stages of this map however with the ascendant saddle blueprint I was hopeful that it should be just about enough to take on the first two bosses we also did grab ourselves another Health mute while breeding those boss Raptors so that will come in handy for the 200 days one important thing that I had to remember to do when breeding these Raptors was to properly imprint them unfortunately some of these Raptors were rather picky eaters and we had absolutely no room for picky eaters amongst our death squad so I murdered them with 10 boss Raptors successfully grown up and beginning to heal I set off to the artifact of the clever cave found near the volcano this cave was absolute chaos especially as I decided to try and go for the hole run in grab the artifact and then try run out strategy all while Contracting Mega rabies and half the k trying to drown me in the water section next to the artifact this Dismount to try and grab it was completely mental but somehow it did actually work out after getting out of the water I duked a hordes of wild dinos that were chasing me and found my way out of the cave without too much issues next up was Pat cave a cave that had given me significant problems in the very first Raptors 100 days this time however I came prepared to help this cave a bit more of a breeze after entering the initial section I found one of Owen's trikes which I immediately had take out all the wild creatures that were following me thank you for your service master strike and then Place some sleeping bags down the main room of this cave was oddly fairly empty for once but I was pretty sure the water tunnels leading to the artifact will be full of Saros luckily there is another way that you can actually grab this artifact which is by grappling up to the ledge which leads directly to it however for some reason none of my grapples seem to snap to the ceiling and I soon found myself having to spam jump on my character all while naked as an arpl i' broken my armor to try and get up remarkably it did actually work so I guess you can make it up here to the artifacts of the pack without actually using grapples with all the artifacts now retrieved I spent a fair few days Gathering the stuff I needed to make the Raptor Saddles I then placed a ton of storage boxes on my raft filled them with hyr fiber and took a mind WIP tonic putting all my points into crafting skill this of course allowed me to craft the Raptor Saddles and get a little bit of a bonus crafting bonus and this one came out with a nice 33% bringing the armor up to 217 unfortunately when we finished crafting we didn't actually get too many other good rolls on these Saddles but these would still do a fantastic job of protecting the Raptors with the Raptors raised the Saddles made there was only one big job left to do which was to level them quite a few had already generated a lot of passive XP but I leveled the rest of them by the way we normally do over here on the rampy channel by slaughtering innocent baby Raptors that juicy XP tasted so good I leveled the Raptors up to about 10K HP and then any remaining points into melee with most sitting at about 550% melee it wasn't great at all but I hoped it would be just about enough before I knew it it was day 95 and it was go time before I could take on the bosses I cooked up some meat for the fights grabbed my artifacts on the storage box and repaired some of my hide armor that would help to keep me warm as the monkey boss fight Arena can get pretty cold all ready to do the fight now while my water taxi was on its way I named the Raptors after members of my twitch chat which is your guys final reminder to come on over and follow me on Twitch so that you can see me do these challenges live after doing that only his raft of trikes arrived although it did appear that one of his trikes was clearly getting Ved as it was floating up in the sky die he did come crashing back down to earth eventually and off we set to Red Obelisk where I quickly unloaded all the Raptors from the raft and brought them to the ob Owen took a lot longer than that though as his Tri were a little on the slower side but eventually we were all set to start our first boss we opted for the gamma broom of first as we considered this to probably be the easier of the two fights so let's see how we did is it is it it's up yeah it's up okay oh where's where's low chab get it I'm a bit stuck look my boys are in mine are about to be on boys go on yes go Raptors go hit it they're not hitting go Raptors wait they're not hitting it what do you mean they're not hit they are they it's all right the Raptors are in oh look at the damage the Raptors are actually doing good damage 200 damage on the Raptors oh no maybe more like 85 my rapt I don't know I don't uh I don't know if my Raptors are not hitting it I'm not sure my trikes are no I can see those are 200 damage they are right hang on I need to bring the Raptors around the backo in yeah yeah I'm not sure if you're seeing the numbers my my trikes are taking but I'm seeing some take one damage one damage I'm seeing six and one go Raptors go all raptors appear to be now doing damage I think yeah yeah I mean it's good levels just realiz an issue with my trik some of them might get encumbered really quickly this boss fight's taking us a bit longer than I thought to be fair how's how's I think my I think the health should be okay we're just tanking the spiders at the back that's the issue okay yeah I mean this this this is a this is an easy dub don't speak too soon no it's an easy dub it's an easy dub my rapt have lost a bit of Health I think but nothing too crazy the try come on I've only lost 1,000 Health I've lost 2,000 on the Raptor mon Owen is not carrying rampy do not believe such words the Bro M went down without too much of a problem at all only losing about 3 to 4K Health maximum on the Raptors I looted the supply drop which spawns and that gives you a measly 20 element from the gamma brood at the oisk we had to spend about a half a day or so feeding the Raptors back up to strength and waiting for Owen strikes to heal up passively but we were soon ready to take on the MEAP pipus um ready you ready to go yep all right monkey time I need's get on low tra these Raptors and trikes are all going to be stuck in as soon as we get in there so I'm going to go and kite him yeah yeah you bring him over sure no problem if we get in there and we say see ourselves freezing straight away trouble I'm cold but not freezing I'm not I'm normal you're not even right thank you yeah you get my TR where is low trb the Raptor yeah sure right I'm just going to go and show the monkey my ascendant long neck and see what he thinks of that where are you Mr Monkey ready ready bang he's not happy he's not a happy man or happy monkey he's going to be even h less happier when he sees my truns what are you hitting him with a shotgun how much damage did it do oh oh oh rapt rapt rapt no no no no no rapt Raptors no all right let's go Raptors we're going around the back get in Raptors I try uhoh this might be a bit more problem W look at my damage I'm seeing a thousand why are you only taking like one damage go on Raptors oh wow we're kind of melting him yeah it does do knock back to my trikes though did I just see 1,000 damage yeah that's one my trike what you're doing 1,000 damage to him no I think oh oh I just got smashed no I think that's a head shot onto one of the monkeys the small ones oh yeah yeah yeah okay the Raptors are looking no no no they're looking a tad bloody but a lot less bloody than him they're looking good actually you know I doing he does about 105 damage I think when he hits the hits the Raptors he does eight damage to your trikes this is just crazy you might have just found the meta yeah bro imagine Max mutated strikes I'm in there for the final hit no you're try to blocking me off go easy stuff if you did enjoy this video please don't forget to show some support by leaving a like on the video and subscribing to the channel if you haven't already if you'd like to see a direct follow onto this video where we attempt to ascend the island beating the dragon Tech cave and everything else don't forget to leave a comment so that I know I've got plenty of content coming up in the next few weeks for the channel so I look forward to seeing you guys all then as always everyone have a fantastic rest of your day look after yourself and stay safe bye-bye for [Music] now are you taking killing you soul baby you got to let go drugs are you taking killing soul ising I just don't get it I don't get it it's so black and blue how I'm Into You maget
Channel: Rampy
Views: 163,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Evolved, Rampy Ark, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark survival ascended raptor, Ark 100 days just raptors, Ark only raptor, Ark just Raptor, Ark Ascended 100 Days, Ark Survival Ascended 100 Days, Ark Survival Ascended 100 Days Just Raptors, Raptor, Ark Raptor, ark Raptor only, 100 Days of Ark Survival Ascended, 100 Days in Ark modded, 100 days of ark with raptors, Raptors evolved, Ark Raptors Evolved, Ark with just raptors, 100 days of ark, 100 days in ark
Id: xsWXiD8N2Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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