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hey guys as I said many times before during school months there's nothing much to blog not afraid to admit I'm running out of ideas vintage Max and plain rock toys are getting bored for me but today when I was filming an episode of bored smashing grocery store bones I think I found an idea for a completely new and fresh vlog so when I was searching for areas to film that video I stumbled upon a dried-up River or it's just something for flood water to go through I don't know if it's called a river but as I was filming I noticed that the dried-up River had a bunch of trash collected everywhere so I was wondering if I kept on walking across that river would I just keep on finding trash or will I find some treasure there who knows so let's find out I'm a big fan of those videos where they find stuff in rivers but I don't like to get wet so this is perfect [Music] all right it's just a short walk away from my house ah so much construction going on around my neighborhood as of late like do we have not have enough houses already all right we're at the start of the river or the rain water reservoir or whatever it's called there's a highway up there careful the barbed wire I would go further back there but I do not want Pennywise to FaceTime me at 3:00 a.m. also there's someone looking at me so we already have this chimney thing some clothing and some more people looking at me down there let's let's move on bunch of glass more trash caught on stuff more clothing what's this rip bag is that Mickey Mouse or something I don't know clothing holding a bunch of dirt bristle pad ooh our first treasure what is this coming out Soni uh-oh a sony walkman TV FM am sports pretty cool but I'm not gonna be keeping anything I find so we're just gonna put that there decent looking pair of jeans it's actually better than what I have on right now more clothing Hawaiian fabric trash mixed in with some more clothing what a fabulous rock khakis like have these people heard of goodwill yeah this river is starting to look like a goodwill only cleaner sucks okay yeah all of the jeans here are better than mine oh no a broken plate that must mean a Logan Paul is nearby just gonna check the trees I really shouldn't be touching everything I see plain Rocky one two three why don't you pick up some of the trash there's so much trash here then I'm pretty sure that every time I walk five feet and pick up all the trash there I would have to get a new bag supreme whoa liveWires shirt next to some anal beads this looks kind of cool in here you just have a huge collection of trash and clothing I see a hubcap up there what brand of car is it oh this is a steep climb inconclusive careful careful nice big open area just nothing but glass here a blanket Oh kind of looks like the one I have at home more blankets more live wires Nerf dart baseball this pine tree chose a really bad area to grow okay so for this river this is the farthest that I can go I don't feel like getting shot so but I know where there's a second River slash rain reservoir whatever you call it what he likes and I stick my hand in that or 20 likes and I stick my whole body inside of that yeah this area I used to film a lot in but construction just turned into a giant rock dump okay this area I also filmed a bunch of my videos here I've seen a lot of people run through here so hopefully I'm not trespassing here's the river I'm first gonna start by going that way pipe more clothing and more glass it's everywhere hopefully doesn't poke through my shoe what is this is this a phone holder why yes it is where's the other part what is it with people disposing of jeans here water bottle glove it kind of looks full uh-uh hopefully that's dirt in there I'm not checking build that wall build that wall there's this concrete thing and on this side you can see that the rainwater is still collected there there's a no trespassing sign there and right there so I'm gonna keep on walking right here and as long as I don't go over there I should be fine just judging by the sign placement water is pretty clean here not much trash at all Old Men you actually let me take a closer look at it huh it's from the Department of Defense a beef taco for war fighters what is this doing here is this holding stores I don't know US government property commercial resale is unlawful hiim hmm some delicious berries yeah past these no trespassing signs this was where I filmed hunting for a new camera about a year ago and I didn't see any of these signs a few months ago that they put these signs up because they saw my video all right River is starting to dry up in this area so I can walk down here again moti sweater ill can I make this jump oh okay that dirt is really soft America this piece of trash is relevant since it's the spooky month I don't know how new that is just more tree roots hoarding stuff that's a long sweater also is that a sleeping bag someone must have camped here technology what is this windshield wiper I don't know this river is a good will or savers what's left of some genes nature long boy oh another piece of treasure this wrecked bike [Music] Flowers is this a grave and I just realized I walk back out where it was no trespassing before all right I'm just gonna circle back whoever posted those no trespassing signs has horrendous placement ok I'm back where I started before and this time I'm gonna go this way but what's in this sack nothing so we have this furry thing with this attached to it and metal badge what does that say I see a dog and a cat it was probably part of a scratching post but I know what this thing is this sweater is thick what is this a curtain a tarp hmm was that insulation or something more clothing I never actually been this far this way before Hey kind of looks like a scarecrow more broken plates big metal thing lighter ooh spooky will be more spooky if there wasn't a road right there ate grandma's dead I see something folding camping chair hey what is this just a tire more technology wheel some sort with more clothing oh my god a phone ok I reached the end of this side to get to that side I'll have to cross the street but there's no crosswalk so I'm gonna try to crawl through here Oh pray for me ille disgusting this was a mistake almost there ah a hearse is that a sign oh this looks electronic accucheck I don't know what it's checking but I don't think I want to touch it comfy another playing card right there and I had Chevrolet I've just been walking through the goodwill donation bin this whole time found the bikes missing tyre there's another one of these but this time I think it's safer to just run across the road [Music] how far can this go what does that sign say my path okay not in any danger well shoo hmm found the other shoe other footprints more folding capping chairs Oh animal or human Oh Pepsi Cup pens golf ball yay exciting what is up with all these playing cards older lighter sick and closest thing I found to a phone phone case no uh okay I'm gonna call it quits I'm pretty sure I walked a mile or two away from my house and somehow I ended up on an urban trail system oh I hate hiking even though that's what I've been doing for the past several hours yeah and not much interesting finds out here so thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe like the video if you're surprised I did get murdered out here or anywhere else and I don't know if I'll do more of these videos cuz I only know one dried-up river trail maybe I'll do it next year maybe there's some more stuff that will float on it and I'll find them but for now gonna walk home bye oh my god it's my reward for walking all the way out here an unopened can of it's leaking moon juice alcohol yeah I'm a good Christian so no it's all or my hand follow the river back home [Music] oof
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 1,139,612
Rating: 4.9067063 out of 5
Keywords: RIVER, river treasure hunting, river treasure finds, river treasure, treasure, finds, searching, finding, search, water, underwater, discover, adventure, plainrock124, tech, technology
Id: qc_u78OJw5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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